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Rebel Opinions Of Our Generals

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From tho Boston TmveHer. lhe following document was furiuslied o us by Heury Martin, one ot' the reurned prisoners from Salisbury, N. C. As the prisouers before starting, are ïoroughly searched for contraband pa )ers, Mr. Martin conceived the idea of ïollowiug i picce of wood, iu wfaioh ho oueealed the letter, aud using it au a ane escaped deteotiou. The letter was vritten by Union officers imprisoned at alisbury, and is the subslance of informatiun obtained from prominent Confedratcs aud Uuiou mcu : Salisbury, N. ü. May 20. The rebels certainly inake very impar - ïal estimates of the abilities of some of ur Generáis. Not even the bombastic japers of Baltimore cali McClcllan anyjing but a good General, though of barse they laugh at the idea of comaring him to ÍSrapoleon. But amona ie rebel Generáis and officers he is poken of as a li dangerom man.'" One of lic best cugineera ia the Confedérate rmy said to me not long ago, " McClelan came to the Península, and in oue ïour's reconnoissanee discovered our veak point of the works. He set about urnine that point, and eaine near taking ur whole army. He saw at a glauca vhat Magruder aud Johüstou had failod 0 see in a year." ïhey say thoy have ïad a superior force all the tiino at Yorkiown, aud hoped McClellan would mak o au attacjj before he had pecpared his works. Thev hope to figlit hiniuear tho (Jhickhominy Swamp, and say if they c;tn get )im to come on as MoDowell did at yianassan, they can dcstroy hls wholé army. But they confess he is "tooold a fox," to uso their cxpression to be aught unprepared. ,.They say Unit had MoDowcll's forces advauoed i'rum Fredrioknburg whilu they wsre t'ulling back 'rom Yorktown, they would have fallen aeross James Rivur and abandoued Virginia. They say their ouly hope of iolding liièhmond is that MüClollan vill be trammeled by bis governmont. l'heir opinión of Banks is that he has no confidence in bimself. Thcy say they do not care about ]?renont, that it only dist rae tg forees, and that they have so much the less to ight around Hichmond, and if McClelau drives them out they will have all their rolling stock ready to fall on the 1 Army of the Mountains," it it is uuucky enough to get to Lynchburg, and capture it, then push iuto Eastern Tennessee. ïliey cali McDowoll the " standng joke," and give it as their opinión that the giving liim a separate oomm&nd was as good as 80,000 men to Joimston. Thcy regard llalleck as next to ïtloClelan. Tliey are bringing up all the troopa 'rom the G-ulf to reiuforce Beauregard, und expect a terrible battle. They cali Buell a good general, but have no fcars of Grant. ]3utler, they say, will aid tho rebel cause by cxasperating tho people, and driving t'aem into the rebel army. - [f they lose Kiehmond they intent to 'all back to Barkavil'o, Lynchburg, Dunville, Chattanooga and the mouutains. - When this line is broken they will commence the guerrilla vvarfare aud oarry it to the bittor end.


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