Bravery Of The Michigan Troops
Corresiondcnce of the N. Y. Tribune. Savage Stalion, June 4. The delay here since the conflict of Saturday has boen a neeessity imposed by the weatlier, vvhich has ever been the mistress of the art of war, and which hns played a part ia this Peninsular war which justice to Gen. McGlellan requires shall be fully set by the historian of this rebellion, Tliis necessity was secor.dod and confirmed hy the disorganization of the regiments that ran off or 'were knocked oö the field. Their fragments had to be gathered qp, It was coofiraied by the destitution of all the regirr.ents whose camps wero left on Saturdny night in possossion of the eneiny. Twenty-one at least lost everything, save thoir muskets, bayotiets ai;d cartridge boxes, Ther knspsacks, haversaoks, overeoats, blankets, cookmg utensils- everything necessary to prctect the soldier from the weather, to feed him, to onablo him to sleep, and to give him bis few and simples t comforts - wus gone, Officers wero as bndly off as men. The olothes they stood in constituted the whole ui thoir property in Virginia. I dined on Wednesday with a wealthy Colonel, who served me to toasted bacon on the end of a stick. His destitution of cutKry and crockery needed no apoloy. 1 had phSSed throiigh his late camp the day bef'ore, and it was as confusing and repulsive a chaos of ruin and litter :is plunder and mischief could possibly m;ike. Hundrods oí thousands of dollars' uorth ot military and private property went at u blow on áaturday. The consequent destruction oí a larga part of the army made a necesgity for a pauso here, whioh the awful floods ot rain made wholly imperi ous. We could aot move. We had to lie and sonk. Sixty thousand men ! I pow compre hend the Niágara roar of the musketiy' before which some of our regiments could not bc held fast, and which made ronvLTsation between horsemen whuse riaddles touched eaoli other, audible (inly when screamöd. And my venerution of the fighting done by the warrioi-s ol lierry'd brigade, and by the men whorn Kearney led up, and "by all the ölhèra who stood by reek and Oouch and Jieyos, and who ralliod under tlie ÜüUering cloak of the fiery Heinl.olmuii, is glowing, Coippanionship in arins with suoh moa would lo me be the highest and Biiwt sa wiaotory distincUon. I woukl covet the honor, It usage cold cor.fer it, ofadoption iuio eithér of the Michigan regiments vvhom I saw on the leap throiigh theshot-and shell-iiifested wood - oa the leap to the ruin ndvancing upon us from the front to (nko it in flank and êtnj it - au adontion with a visible sign, so that when asked, " To what service do yiHI belong ?" I could proudly ropiv, '' 1 belong to Berry'u biigadi;." C'nin well novor had better troops than those who, unider the cuimnuiul of this good officer, swept with fire and steel tho whole rebel forco fro'iíi Cascy's campiña; groootl and parthworks, piiinpr it i with monuments of theirt.eniblt! ituirksmanship. 'i'hcy fiieU away ev'ury onc of theirfixtv ;aitriil;;os tb a man, and then gatheii-'l evervu bere the unconsumed eurtridges fi'om the boxes oi ihe cl-;i 1 and wounded, :ind econiiinic-illy ustd them. A North Carolimi regiinent, sent ngainst the Second gan, had its front filo wholly knocked down by a volley. Tho next fila turnod to run. A lina oi bayonets, depressed behind thein, hold them fast. - "Charle I" ordered the Michigan Golonel. Over the ruit fence leapod ommen with a veil that ever emites ! ror. Their bayonet points wero not ■ waited for. The Carolinians broke and run But the charaeter of soldiers ' is chietly impressed upon them bv their ' offioers, through the uiacbinery óf discipline, and the personal magnetism of worth, devotion and courage. ïho widost diiïerences 1 havo yot seon in the army carr.ped about the Seven Pines have been the diffeiencos in the churacter of the cifficere. There vvere regiments vvhich cooked hastilv three times a day - and that snininecl tlioir life, save vvhat was spant in ickut duty and iho cruwling nasty into and crawling nasty out of ill-smelling shelter-tents. Their ofiicerd drew their ay - languidly did tholr duties - and rayed in dirty raiment ior the war to nd. Could not tho blind see that when arnest battie buret upon their camps nd dashed with steel and flarae upon our ranks not yet ceinentcd into a eolvd body by a coinnion spirit oí ardor, pride and fruternity, it would aoftlter them evcrywhere, and eet thedisgraced fragments to lying forever to all uien about tuir "being " totally cut (o pioces?"' But Iet (his all go. We mareh to a new death struggle, and let us go into t harmoniously.
Old News
Michigan Argus