Chloride Of Lime As An Insecticide
- DimW Poh' .v Journal aap: In soattering chloride of limo on a piank in a Stable iii kinds of fik:, lint more illy Biting flièa were qttlcklj pot r'nï of. Spriuküng boda of vegetables with ovvn a weak solulion of this salt fffeotuiilly preserves tjiem fróin eáfi'l'lillars, butterllk'S, niordolla, slugs.J&c - ït has tho sime etfoct w'ion Bpriukred on the foliage of fruit trees. A paste of one part of powdered chloride of linie and ohe-Iïidf part "f some fattv ïuitt.-r, placed in ti narrdw bn(J rbü'i 1 thotru'ök of the trfië, merents icseofa from oreeping u it. lt lias even becu untieed that . id túée ' iii places in which a ccrtain ((iiantity of oJllride of linie {,:, been spi-ead. f his salt, dried and iiuely povjdered, can, no doabt,jbí oinploysd for the Mine purpose as flnur of BalptiUr and be spread by tht uhho weuw.
Old News
Michigan Argus