Description Of Richmond
The city of Riclimjud, by tho last census, luid a population of 38,000 souls; Lufc the gi'eat influx of civil and military official rciugees from otiier parta of tlu State has probably raised it, of late, to :i much higher figure. It is situated at the head of tido-water, at the lower fallí of James Uiver, about 150 miles from its mouth. The eity ocuupics a MOM picturesque situatioii, boiug buik 011 RichmoiiJ and S hoc koe huls, which orj separated by Shoekoe creek, and surrouuded by bjautif'iii soouery. Itisreularly laicj out and well built, the streets, whieh are lighted wilh gas, crossing eacli other at right angles. On Shookoo liiU are the State Capítol and other publia buildings. Tho Capítol is au iniposing; edifioe, hpa contaius in its ceutral hall, Houdon's celebrated statue of Washington. Ol the east of the square is Ihe (jovoi'nor'w iiiuusion, uoiv oecupied by the druukard aud traitor Letcher. - Jèlf. Davis resides in a priyatc mansio.i, which was purehused for him by the rebel govern:nent. The city h s inany fino public buildings, six bauks, tliirteeu tieuspapers, and twenty-ninp churches. In one ot the throe Pi'esbytei'ian oliurelie Jeff. Davis worships. The falls of the James Kivcr afford iniineusi water power, and theru are very extensivo faetones, ineludiijg four cotton and about fifty tobáceo faetories, flour milis, rolling m'üh, forges, furuaces niauhine shops, etc , the latter of which and particular'.y the Trcdogar Iron Works, have been of inunense service to the rebels in tui'uiug out oi'dnance and material of war. The annual exports of liiehmoiid before the rebcllivtn, roaehod to $7,000,000, and its imports three-iniarters of a ïnilllou ; but sinee it had the honor of being the rebel capital, its foroigu coinnierye has been extinguished. Ve.sseis or guuboats drawing ten feet eau ascend to withiu a mile of the eity, at a place called Roekets, from which the rebel capital can be couveniently shelled. Vessèls of fifteen feet draught can ascend to Warwiek, three mües below. A eanul has beeu. built arouud the falls, and abovo theiu therc is navigation for over two huudred miles. Tlie Jamos Kiver aud Kanawa (Janal, intended to estend to Covingtou, is completed for 200 miles. Riclmond has very extensive railroad Communications, being the terminus of five roads, running to Fredrieksburg and the Potomae (now H our hands), to Vest Point and the York River (in our bands) , to Dansvüle, Va., to Jaeksou's lliver, by the Central liuili'oad, and froin ihese tho conneetions leaJ all tlirough the Southern States. OpposLta the city are the two1 towus of Spring HUI and Manchester. lliclnnond was fouuded in 17-12, became the Capital of the State of Virginia iu 1779, aud in 18G1, it was made tjjo seat of üovernment for the "Confedérate States of America," whosu Congress asseinbled there on July SèOth. lts history siuce thou s only toj familiar to tho country.
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