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From South Carolina

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New York, June 17. The Times" Port Royal correspondent, under date of the 12th, status : - " Brigadier General Wright landed at Senbrook Poipt May 31st. The 6th Connectiout Krat lundcd, and had a ekirmish ivith thu rebels June lst, nnd dio ve thern across the river and took posseasioQ of 'he bridge. " On the lst and 'ld inst. Genorals Ilunter, Benhurn and Stevens, with a good foro?, went to Stono Inlet, accompaciud by eight gunboats, and liinded oa Jamea Islund without oppo 8ition. "Oa the 5th, tvo Colonels oí tho Round tiend regiment penetrated with in tho enemy's unes, and had thoir retreat cut oit, hut the 8th Mich'gan suoceedod in relieving them, and drove tho eneiny, who retreated with Cupt. Cline, oi tho EtoundhoaxU, and ahout a dozen privatus as piisonera. Adjw tant Walker of a South Carolina regimont was capturad. "Tha lat est nformation is tliat last Monday ths 97th Peonsylvania, 47th New York, two conipaniea of the 6th Coonocticat, were attackcd, hut alter two hours' fiijhtiüür the rehels were routed with a loss of seventeon killed, six prUonará and thirieen wounded. Tho noxt doy the 8lh Michigan and 79th N. Y. chargod on the rebel battery half a rnile in advanco of the formor position, and captarod three guns, :m 1 destroyed tho roiiiüining one. " Rbel ofEoers tukan prisonerti s;iy the approachoé to Charleston are lined with batteries, and every inch o( ground will bu hody eontested. Tho II lton Head correspondent of the Timet, 13th, snys : "The Colonel oommaDCliDg it Beaufort got scared at tho repnrïed landing on Port R yal Island of 3,000 rebels, and Beaufort was quiokly depopulated. A gunboat reooniiiissanco proved it to bo untrue. " Gc;n. Hunter ha roturned from tho viüinity of Charleston, leavmg Gen. Benham in uomtnatul. Tho fa II of Charleston will become a matter of history 8OOI). "The colorad regiment is not disbnnded, and a company is detailod daily loading and unloading vessols."


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