Stonewall Jackson's Plan
roppftodent of the N. Y. Hcrald, who was taken prisonor at Front Roya] on Friday, May 23d, was present at the oonversations of the rebel officera on th'ttt day. 11e roporls that tliey stated that Banks and bid wholo cotnmand were to be capfured the next day. Jaekson was to be in Maryland on Sundiiy, where ho was tobo joined by fortv thousand mon. Kirby ömith was to bo in Ilagerstown on Buriday night, and marcli thence the following day to Frederiok, where ho would fonn a junction with Jauk.son and the Maryland malcontenta, and Iho next day oom menee a grand movument on Washington and Baltimoro simultaneouely. Jackson's rnovement had three objeels, in all of which he failed. They were - íirst, !o capture suppües; secondly, to destroy Banks' cornrnand and produce trouble in Maryland; and, :liirdly, to maku a demonstration on Washington, for the purposd of drawmg .- Mxsülolliin oiTfrotn Richmond.
Old News
Michigan Argus