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Spring Festival

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Reponed for the Argux. The Sherep jShcaring Festival aüd Horse Show of the Washtenaw County Agricultural and Horticultural Society, '■ commenced oa Tticaday and closed on i ïlmrsday of this week. Tlio day was devotedexehisivoly to horses. Thu following stallums eutered for tlic trottino; match lor the 50 purse, j raile heats besttwo in thrcc ; Primus, by S. Robbins, of Jaeksoh ; Hcnry Clay, G years oíd, by Byron ; Oreen, of Aun Arbor ; Tom Hyer, 8 years oíd, by Thomas Bcrry, of Basswood Corners, Ililisdalc county ; N. A. Ferris, 3 years oíd, by N. II. Ferris, of Ution City, Branch county; Stockbiidge Chicf, Jr., By Jobn F, Sinith, of Adrián. Primus did not compoto, owing to a reputed disabiiity. Tom Ilyer drew the first poaition, Henry Clay second, Ferris horse third, and Stockbriclgo Cliief fourth. The contcst on tho, as also on the second heat, was between the Adrián and Ann Arbor horses. Toni Hyer was held back with an object and the Ferris llorso, eithor'from his ago or somu other cause, made a poor trot. - The Adrián horso came iuat 2.55, having made a splendid trot, something inore than a length ahead of llenry Clay, who broke for saveral rods during the carly part of the race. Owing to soine disagreement, Tom Ilyer was withdrawn before the second heat, which was contcstod for by the re maimng horses. The Adrián horso made the heat in 2.56, coming in about a neck ahead of Hen ry Clay, the Ferris horso saving his distance. MATC'IIEB CAKP.IAOK I1OR.SKS, The following entrics were made : B. Green, Ann Arbor, span black mares G years old ; II. Markeü, Ann Arbor, span baygeldings 5 years old ; W. V.iWykoff, Superior, span black mare, 5 years old ; N. B. Gola, Ann Arbor, sparï bay geldings, 6 years cld. The prcniium was awarded to 15. Greeu's team. BUOOD MAKHS WITH KOAI, -'T ÏOOT. Entiïibs. - E. G. Cooper, Clielsea brown mare 14 years old ; J. C. Cook, Lodi, bay maro 8 years old ; Siduey Benham, Anu Arbor, chestnut mare 8 years old ; 1). M. Uhl, Ypsilanti, chestnut mare, G years old. Premium to S. Benham. FARM HORSBS. Entries. - L. Kellogg, Pittsfiold, span gray geldings ü years old ; J. Nowland, Scio, span sorrel geldings 10 yoars old ; W. V. Wikoff, Superior, span black mares 5 ycars old ; J. Clark, Lodi, span bay geldings 8 years old ; Smith Huil, Salino, span gray geldings 4 years old ; R. Mills, Saline, span bay geldings 4 years old. Premium to Sraith Huil. The recoipts of the first day wcre $271. SECOND DAY. Pacino Match. - The following entries were made : Nottawa Chief, by P. Cornell, of Goldwater ; " Peter Berdao," by Alfred Miüer, of Saline ; Weaeel, by John Richards, of Dixboro.jfTho match camo off at 2 o'clock P. M., Nottawa Chief winning the first heat in 3.07. On the socond heat he made his own terms with the track, winning tho hoat and the $20 purse in 2.40, leaving his competí tors to niake the home stretch at their leisure. Ho made a splendid trial, winning both heats without a false step. Ho would undoubtedly have shown botter time had ho been crowded. Trot - Foun Year Olds and TJnder. - The horse N. II. Forris, who competed for the $50 premium on Tuesday, was the successful horse, making tho firstheat in 3 08 and the second in 3.10. Stallio.ns for General Use. - B. Green, Ann Arbor, gi-oy 6 years old ; Chas. Ellis, Lyons, bay, 2 years old ; F. H. Kennedy, Webstor, chestnut, 5 years old ; J. Kylo, York, dark bay, 11 year old. First premium to B. Green?; second to Chas. Ellis. Sixole Carriaue Horses. - W. R. Clark, Saline, cream gelding 8 years old ; B. Green, Ann Arbor, chestnut gelding 6 years old ; II. Krauso, Lodi, gray gelding 9 years old ; D L. Uhl, Ypsilanti, bay mare ; Johu Dale, Ann Arbor, black gelding 5 years old; G. W. Ef'uer, Aun Arbor, chestnut maro 7 years old : J. Rome, Ann Arbor, bay gelding 7 jears old ; J. C. Batciielder, Ann Arbor, black gelding 4 years old ; Ed Uyan, Ann Arbor, black maro G years old ; P. Cornell, Coldwater, chestnut mare 8 yoars old. Premium to B. Green. Four Year Olds - P. II. Wlieeler, Ann Arbor, bay mare; John Green, Lodi, bay gelding ; O. M. Warner, Pittsfield, sorrel gelding; C. Foster, IïudsoTi, Lenawee county, black gelding i T. F. Leouard, Ann Arbor, brown gelding. Premium to T. F. Leonard. TmtEn Year Oiiis. - Samuel Parks, Dcxter, brown Gelding, C. Foster, Hudson, Lenaweo county, gray gelding; D. DeForest, Ann Arbor, bay Gelding ; samo party, a brown gelding ; T. H. Karney, Webster, bay mare. Premium to Samuel Pnrks. ' Two Year Olds - W. A. Benedict, Ann Arbor, reccived the premium in tli is class. Yeaiu.imis - A. Norton, Ann Arbor; mare colt ; Sidnoy Benham, Ann Arbor bay gelding, T H. Karocy, Webster bay ftnllion. Premium to A. Norton. The sheep premiums are nnt returncd at the time we are eompelled to close our report. L;2C" Gen Butler, Now Orlctmsndvices say, rtcently Mispeéted tliut a bous funcr:il hfld boon perpestmted , and )r(]ur(l a (lisii. torment of tlic; remnins ! Tor examination On opening tho enfin no body was forind in it, btit insloflid i large imount ui "!J coïti.


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