The Battle Of Port Republic
s.-; -ju' PHspatch to tlm X. V. Times. Front Royal, Saturday, June 14. Prisoners captured ut Port Ilepublic, who wero in tfie MonJny's figlit with Shields, my that it, was tbc hottest affair for iis izi; that bas occurred during thü war. A Louisiana Tiger tuld ine it was the first. time hts regiment ever gaveway buforii ï ankces, but tbat in this iastancfl tlicy, with the olher adianced rebel regiiuents, were driveu íteadilj' back uutil tlie wliole icscrvc was brouglit up, aud Shields' üttle coniniand fairly crusbed by overwbSltning numbers. The woünded in both üghts, Shields' and Freiuunt's aro being sent to the bospitáis nt Washington. One train loaded witli wounded bas just gone out, and another will soon follow. A southern surgeon tells me that tho wou nds our arms infliut re mueli more severe than tbose thcy inüict upon us, and t)ie proportion of amputations is foarful indeed. l'or soine time the snuthern soldiers Dsisted that we used poisonous projeetiles, and were ouly satisfied to the eonlrary by a ehemical analysis of the lead oomposing the bullets. Many i refuse even this evidenee, aud maintain ' that they nre poisoned. I Tho death of Ashby is a bitter blow to the scecssionists, aud the raajority of thein refuse to credit it, terming the fact I a " Yankee invontion.'1 It was Ashby wlio commanded the rear guard during Jackson's late retreat from Winchester ;md the Valley, and tlio advanec in the ïüovement on it. At Front. Roya] a raport is rife that Longstreet is at Brownsrilíe, ouly ten miles distant, and tlio utmost vigilance is ni.iintained to guard ngainst attack. - Uut there is probnbly no ground íor the rumor, a all evidence goes to establish the probubility that Lougstreet joined Jaekson at Port Ilepublic
Old News
Michigan Argus