Loss At Port Republic
Washington, June 14. The fullowing a a list of killed and wounded at tho batlle of Port Republio, so far as ascertained : Sevcuth Indiana; 300 strong - Kü'td, nine ; wounded 121!; missing, 74. Fiftb Oliio - Killed, four, including Adjufnnt Charles W. Sinitli aud Sergeant Major Ilobert Grahain ; wounded, sixlv ; missing, two Captains, four Lieutenants, and 170 privates. Seventli Ohio - Killed, ten ; wouuded, sixty ; missinir, ten. Twenty-niiitli Ohio - Killed, scvcnleen ; woundoil, thirty-nino; niissiag, 138. Battery of tho Twenty first Ohio. - Killed, seven ; missing three. Battorv of the First O liio- Killed, Charles Ilutchitis ; voundcd, threo ; missing, firo. Samuel (Jochranc remained at his gun and firod it aloue three times, making great havoc ainong tho enemy, and tlien knocked kown a rebel with a Etone, mado lii.s escape. 'J'lie foregoing is compilcd from official and other sonre es.
Old News
Michigan Argus