Capture Of The Steamer Gordon
Hostnn, June 16. A correspondent of die Journat'm board the guuboat Chppawn,o(i y mlógtoD, writos, Judo 4th, that thu Mount Vernon, Capt. Gleason, l:as just come over ftoin Fort Cuswoll witli the in.'ormation tbat the State oí Georgia has captured the robel ateamer (Joj, don, owened in Charleston, aod Bent i her to New York. The Gor.Jon is a fine steamer and can inake her soveo, teen knots. Eight of her crew jurrspeii overboord from the Stato of Genrgia and tried to escope, put were recatt. tured, and the eiowd which had col. lectc.l to receive them were shelled by tho Victoria, dispersing theni. j They soon returned with a litter, bo3r. j ing off tvvo killed or wounded. Xh Gordon alias Nassau, has already ar rived at New York. It is ascertained from tho Gordon's crew that an iron steamer with 10 or , 14 ArmstrODg guns is fiitting out at Nassau, and is about ready to convey the six or seven small stoamers into Wilmington. A tight may sooi be expected. The North Carolina propeller, vhiu, went out about three nionths ago, nlw to be bac!; tho lOth of this raonth,- She took out ;i nargo werth 81i()00j and is expecled with n .heavy onu j return. 8he is ownod partly in W. mington and New York. 'ihe Transcript publishes a doubtful report, under the dalo ol Port Royal, 4th, that tho blockading fleet of Charleston had captured six J3ritisJ stoarners and sunk threo.
Old News
Michigan Argus