ISTe-w -A.dvertisern.ents. A Card. Mrs. II. O. HAHVEY would inform thc eilizens of Ann Arbor that sho has tnken rocns ai the residence of Mrs. Kxllogo, on Ana Straet, mul wiTl be 'give instrn tioo to pupils upon the" Piano, Meíodecn, or Ouitar, after Fri Jny, June 27tli, li?62. Ann Arbor, Juue 2Oth, 1862. iw Strayod. F ROM thesnbsc-bcrabnut four wec-ks agí n two jar ol.l rrllIËIl'Kli. ILu ■ little wliite on belly.wi ong horm A reasonaMe reward.will be paid forinfijrmatiun wbereühe maj be f.'imi!. JOHN' GEORCE SCHNIERLE. Ann Arbor, June 12, 1888. S5T2 The Last Cali. A IX thoso'ndebted to the lato firm of Wïoea k Kniglit aro ro'juL'stf.l to pny the same before th first cUy of .Itily nf xtf as all dcmanrH i hen remamiiig tmnald vrill e teft with an offloor fui cjllcction, W. W. WíNF.S, J.W. KXlKHT. Ann Arbor, Juna lí, T.8Ö2. 85w3 oXTotioOPHEBE A. AX.N'.Mil.K begs k-ave to inform (he piiblia' t lint nh'.' lias flurlntho íat four jtauts trarled to th en irmous adlooal uf bel ween 40 and 50 dollari a tbftt lbn!onhEr liuibani'i account. VlrlPE OF HAHP.Y ANN'ABLE. fharon. June 4tb, 18r 2. 636iv3 To be Issued Sept. 15, 1882. IviT I O JEÏ X A. IST STATE GA-ZETTEER. AND Business Directory, KOK THE YIUl'o lS02-'3. O THE WORK fflLL CONTAIV Hüloric and Descriptive Sketches CITlEs, T0WN8 & VILLAGES Tliroiighout tlie Statp; Classified Iists of nll Profession?, Tra des and Pursuits, Arranpjod alphftbetfcoll for cach Towntkus exlilbl" tlng at ft gisnee, the full a'Mrcss and particular buiihem of cv.-ry Mf:::cir,NT, MANrK.rrKEB a.d Pbofi-sfcioxAL Man ín Tirt Statk, At the caniesl 5-dIicÍtation of rnnny of the pr"ncip.ilmfr" cbaote and bufttness mn of Detroit, and tn cumplía nc wltb thegeneimlly cxirt'.spd -ishif tbc publicjat Iavg t"r ftucb a work, the puUttsber uf íbe Iikiit CUV 1j BKrroiiv has determiovd U) uadectake tlt puWieaíion oí a thorotjgb, completO anl reltable (íazehkkbr a,d ÖL'ki- Kcka DlaRCTOitT cktiif: tatjí or Michiüax. l'osscssinf as he as he dofis, uoasual facUitiea for ubtaininjf tb j intormiUion, thework wül b in cvery resjwcl a c'implcte and rdinble onc, 'dl warthy the con [Menee and patrottagfl f the public It 7:[ be expressly alpii-il ;■ the mntfl nf Parafeert aml Mtu oi Ikminfs, anl eiK-ciilIv Entended a-s a source of instruction and foW aun1 t') tlie-thousands of strangers, trarHors nné imnes or bosine aciiu.iitit:ino in (in1 't'-i, wbere the curren ta ttí 'fra'l are yéarlf Veiling in magnitude, and wliore the ricli soil lEÚpirsiio cxliftustion; and tm;tkc tli'.1 urk univerSftUí stHiht iift'-í", ií ís 'Iftorinuic'l to is.uc it ata rat that -ínll make il ü Boob for thg Peopie - u-ioful and cbpiip- and tuis Ir done by th$ liberal snbrlptiooa of l.unï 'iwih'is, ' nd oilicrs iiitcrcstod Id thevjirions ConntiW, ('nies and Towns. TIiíh rork II contain a full descrípUon ,( i!h Sí.te at Jnre and by Counties ; hor agricultural aad raincralogicAJ JW ■ iltural iiid liiautt-:' e lei minera.8 deöned and locaU'i; bft i nbei lanís, foïl and climatej tlw t rious Knilroad liues completed, bcln built, and Ihovo project td ; of churchee ■ ' bcue "'ft Bocietieit ín eaqb, coiuity; nnmbtT of niTchant1, !■ [■hnnicrf and manufacturing establishment, ttornírt uu-i phlcfaas lo eacb lown in the H'a',1-; i nformaii" Por t in inimigant as to tht' üo-t licii on for li particular bustm-ss. A li-t cf unentere lr.nds in tïie Stal'-, rtith thoïr lona! ii ui . chatactor and ii ico: a complete hl ■J the roHt Offices intheStati i ■■■■- and loefKion f ill nr-wspaporB nnd poriodicftls; fuil list of the prcK"11' ttate 1H C"untv oficeri) wflUi Ou CoQstltatlon of th itte; tublc uf ilístances on nll lipes '{ tiuvcl tl;rougli :he si. ito, f ither by railrond, Bteaihboai or ílfgH:MiiI" contain a" complete !Ut. thc ndvaniagea of vlii .■!■ (o merchaata tmñ business men gcmrally, wil) minonso. As a, Medium fov Advertising Tliis tmofc riíTcrs' iiiicqunlr(l ituliircni'nls, ;tx it wilt M wn nml rUtfo Mipclitit tni State, nmi Sríll ;ft diroetl'y to tl-:ii Ha a ftípnnsumw WÍtli isgrtHtiv U Jbe i:itvrit Of :ill a'lvcrtincr'l trt li.' Vnnwn. A.lvcrt'isemcnts will hf tlkkCQ at }iu-c rncn(f from I'ivii Ion vtup'af48,AC0ording to pnce ■ n thtw brinjcing tli' rálunblc prh lee ■ tW 010 i--i.! n .ni, l'i)O wirK wiü N enm[iilí"l iní ltr i:i-i_i,i vrltli giea( cnré, nml 11 be príntífl and liiiinl ir a v(M Mijjciii-r au') sulis! intial nviituor, it Win? lliP Hfc1 iii;tiiin r i aiikp tlic wbrlc nui ol lnwttt nd rrtil ■1!"% u-ol! wtirthv of pri'-o: (win -is a ln-ok of reffMnr1 ("91 ihe sti-.'-n' , the Mpfrhant nml the lrofjpwipnnl rae" - TliP pri.-.' or 'l,f h-... I ptl rt?.'i' t U r celpi of vlixli it will le sent toanypart (f Iho Tinta I! ! ". -u'u 1 : Charles f. oíark, Piwhor
Old News
Michigan Argus