The Monitor
opened his new hotel, tho " Monitor," on the sito oí the old American, on Monday. It is but little more than two monthsisince the ground was first brokon, in which time the building, four stories including the basement.has been put up, finished, and furnished throughout. All the farniture, including bedding, is entirely new, and nll thesö considenitions, added to tho fact that Mr. Gkegoky i.s tha host, will ronder the Monitor a favorito with tho public. The Tkottixg Coliisk. - The trotting ccurse on the fair groiinda is second to no hnlf mile course in the State. Tt lias been graded and widened, and the soil is such that it is always in excellent condition. It will be a leading attraction in all exhibitions of the Agricultural So ciety. The Bard at thb Fair. - The ei tizeos of Chelsoa have for a number of years maintaiued a creditable bras band, which has been in attendance during the three days of the fair, enlivening the ex. creises with popular airs. Ep The exdibition of the advanced class of the Grammar Department of the Union School - consisting of declamations and compositions- takes place at 9 1-2 o'elock this morning. The friends of the elass should be present. - The exhibition of the High School graduating class takes place this evening The class numbers 1G, all of whom design to enter the University the next year. EP" We learn that Mantón F. Marble, of the N. Y. World, has informed the Literary Societies of the University, that in consequonce of the recent drowning of his brother, in Genesee River, he cannot fulfill his engagement to deliver the oration at their anniversary on Tuesday next. t&" First Lieutenant E. T. AViiittlesey has been appointed Captain of the company in the First Michigan In (antry lately commanded by Capt. E P Sakfoud. This company was mostly raised in this county. lr Alvin J. Cole, of this city, late Qoepitnl Stevvard of the Fourteenth Michigan lüfantry, has been appointed Aseistant Surgeon of the same Regiment, vice Sparüng promoted. We are glad to chronicle Al's good fortune, and predict his 3uccess in bis new popition. J" Our thanks are again duo to Hons. B. F. Gan'ger and R. E. Trowbridqe for valuable public documents. Having uo political friends " at court" these favors aro appreciatod. BSf We have received from the Secretar}- of the Douglass Monument Asso. ciation, Cliicaco, a certifícate of Honorary Life Membership, togethcr with an clegantly engravcd and life-like portrait of the late Senator Dodglass. All admirera of the lamented Statesman, whose last words, " Teil mi children to oley the laws and uphold, the Conttitution?, wcre as good as an army to the govern ment, should procure from the Associa. tion a ineuibersliip certifícate and copy of the portrait. J5y so doing they will do themselves a favor and besides aid in the erection of an appropriate monument in memory of DoüOLAgg. See advertisunient in another column. E"Tho Muy number of the JVorh Britith Review is on our table vrilh the following papers : The Church of England- Kespondcnt. Geological Changes in Scothind in Historie Times. Ilecent Homeric Cri ics and Translators. Tho Commomoration of 16G2. E.irly Poatry oí England and Scotland. Present Movernent8 among the Frencli Clergy. Lunacy Lgislation. Sir G. C. Lewis on the Astronemy of the Ancients. - Poema and other works of Mrs. Browning. Our Colore. For terms of tbis and the other reprints see ndvertisement in another ooi umn. . R3L Godey's Lady's Book, for July, is a beautiful number. The steel plate " Sumrner" is a real gem, and the "doublé extensión" and other fashion platea are perfect in their way : and then the content?, ae always, are readoble. $3 a ycar; two copes 5. This number begina tho volume. Address LorisA. Godey, 323 Chcstnut St.i Philadelphia. - GoJeij and the Argus for $3,50. in fi in HJC" "Whent is forvard quite freehv We quote No. 1 red at P3 renfp, aid No. 1 white nt f 1,03.
Old News
Michigan Argus