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SPECIAL NOT1CBS' The Douglas Memorial. Theli,:l r the ugl Monunnt AMoci.oB, betüttiljros. '. .bout „in, l,y ,„.lv, i,,, in dimI ''"■ dlslnlH1; He. tg th..ulwbetotfe mojwnMBt fund. la all umn ronntrding to the A.-oUU One Dollar or more Vlllb. sent one of the Irtwn", properly wecuted trltutonlatlM sum "f Tvo Dollmor mar. will br furuishe-J ïraUtuouljr, beaides the Diplom, beautifiil imperial sizc 1. ENGKAVIKO OF JÜDGE DOUGLAS, 01 ; 17 la b'--. 1' iblished by Marth, Rowe ft Co. Oontributow in Uu Bian ot ene dolU will become lifo membsrn of ihe DouglW Monument Association'; in the urn ..f twenty dullars, Uoüorary lifc uiemlors ; and U the smn of ono handled tollai , honomiy üfe members of the Board of Trn1 RLoo.1 ronmn anü MUnitorl for contributions are b iogauthoiiioaiBthitoyalSftatea. lnpl.leta and , culars oontajniDg the Orgamzalion, CoBfttUUtt, t U, d tl"' Appl of the AMOlUatiOB, will be sent to all wl.o will fonvarJ helt acMrei... Ommunicat,o„S should be directed Co (b. ftwit, D. M. Ass'n, Ch.caS4U editon who will insert this card in their daily, weokly tri-weekly issue, three mo.iths, wUh a cccarioo.1 notice to advance the obj,ct .n view, wül have or ,vu,-a,.l to th,,n tauudiateU Diplomas as llonora.y L,fe Mcmberfcf Assocmtion, also a cupy of the above rortrail.npcn therecipt by the oelety of a co.y ..f thair paper eontatalng tlii annoiincráent. WALTEB B. SCAHS, President. i.konaru W. VoLK.gecratiHT. e56m3 rgEFTlOTFLAND'sBALSAMlC CoEDIAL ÍS all old Rermanpreporatlon, au i has given more stisfaction than any otlier remeJy for the cure of Diseases of Lhe Lungs. ' Sëëa WomaD, in another column, pieking Sambuci Ornpe. for Speer's Wine. It is au a.1mirble artiele, scd in hospitals and by first-claes families in Paris, London, and New York, in preferente to old port wine. It is worth a trial, as it gire great satisfaction. A CARD TO THE SUFFEBiNG. The BÉT. Villum CoSGBOVE.whilelaboring as a KisoniVyiu Japan, T. eared of Con.umptum, jh.n all (■„1,1.: ai„i(I.H.lelility „11.1 nervousdcprcssion causee by ''Tirn.-tH,;,,, o(,,,rs I ,i,l on,, (hi, r,oipe, ,vh!ch 1 hlvo brought ,th O, to all wl.o need it free of cliarge. AÍdrCSS R,r.WM.COSGB0VR.r So3,.] 130 Faltón avenue, HrooklvnN. Y. Important to Ladies. Dr JOHN' I1ARVKY, liaving for upwatda of tiverty vr ieyoMd Ws BrofejMOMl tin.e uxclusively to the treatmiti Female Uiffioultiee. a"d having n thousands ol casea in restoring the afflioted to swund health, has now enttre conUdcnce In ollenng publicly hia "GRBAT AMERICAN REMEDY," CHEONO-THERMAL FEMALE PILLS. Wlii-h baveneveryet failed (-hen tlie directiona have been sliietly f.illowcd,) in removing diSovUieiarbing from Obstruction, or Stoppage of Nature, or Ín restoring the Mst.-ra 1o parfect health, wben suf ferlBE fcom Síixai Affkctioss, Paoureun Dnai.OT Wiiites ot uther weatnes of the Utebike Obgass. Also in all caae ol Dkbiutï ok Xsavoua Pkostration, Hvsiswcs, PAimATiona, kc., Êc, which avelhe forerunnmi Mi PÜU are pcrfccÜ : on the constitutie, ":,d may be laken by Ut most dcliattt femále wi'lumt eauing diitn;t. the samo ,,1U. ti„.. ...rm ly rt.-eugthening, ínTigüíatinir.ana reffrini lhe -v-tem to henltliy oOBdlton, ,„,1 i,v brtaftUg ")i tbe monthlrperlod wtth ragnlaiity, . ,v.„„ h:,i uiae Uieobrtmoüooi may ariw. ïl, -v shouW however, luii be taken during the flrst three or foar moniha ol pregnaney, thengh safe atany othei tiro, aa isoatriage woukJ b the result. aína C 1'iUs. I'rice Oüo Dollar, aneï wlien desired riU bo sent by mail prepaid by any advertied Agent, P pt "f the monejr. ld bv Uraggistsin Aon Arbor. '.I HUYAN'. Rochester, N. Y., r.eneral Agent. H k 1 . S1MUNEAU, Delloit, Wholesale Agent fo Michigan. 806tf New Medical Discovery. Fnr tin' H]edy nn'l pormanr'nt euro of Gonnorhea, Gleet, Urethal Discharges Uiavil, Sliicluic, and Affecliom of the Kidncys and Bladder, which has '"en u.-ud by upwards if ONE UUNDRED PHTS1C1ANS, in tlieir private practice, ifitft entire success, superse,lin rCcmM, CoPilBA, CapsüUS, or any compoundhilher BELIS SPEC1FIO PILLS, are apeedy in action. often effecting a eure in a few 'lays. and ivhi-n acureiseTi-c'.nd it 3 lluyare prapared fr m re -.'tahle extracta that are harmless on [em andnevemaüneatetliestoinacli or imprégnate the breath : und Ofrar-coateA, all naneüus taste ia avoidcd. Xo ckangc ef diet is nectsiary ichtlst iiihig ihem ; nov does their oetion inlerfeie with business larsa l.s Each box con-toins aii dolen I'ills. r' rRICE ONE DO1 1.A1'., nd will be st-nt by mail poiiaiil bj any onvertised jent, on recetpt of the money. SoM bj Druegist in Ann Arbor. Nn genulne without my gignütnre on the ivrapper. ,1. BRTAN, Rocheiler, X. Y., (T.cral Apent. H k . HMONEAÜ, Djtruit, Wholesale AgentR for Michigan. 86tf IMPÖRTANTtoFEMALES THE HEALTH AND LIK E OFWOMAN Is continually in peril If she is mad enough to ueRleci or inaltrcat those t-exual Inegalaritlea to which twothtrds of her sex are more or lepa subject, DR. CHEESEMAN'8 PIU.S, BrepaTe.1 from the name formula which the invntov, IOKE!,1US CBS1SSEMN.M. P,,of Kcv-forl-, haa for twenty ycars'used successfully in an extended pr: vate jiractice - immeiliately relieve without pain, all disturbantes of the periodical discharge, whether ansing t'roni n-laxation or suppression. They art like a charm ii) rfitnoving the pains that acoc-mpaay dillicult or immodenta me'-struation, and ii ■'■ i ]if nn'ly safeand reliabls remedy for Flushes, Sick Bei iftefae, Pains ip tlie L-tins. Baok and Sidcs, Palpilation of the Heart Nervoui Tremors, Hysterics, Ppasms, Brokea ?U-"]t and other unplensant and danKOrous offects nf an unnatural condition of the sexual fnnctúrai In the worst cases of Fluor Albus or Whites, they effect a speedy euro. To WIVES and MATHONS pa.caEKSEMAN'SPILliiareotrereijM the only safe meiins of renewlnginterrapted meastrnatlon, but. LADIES MUST BGAJR IN MISD Tbcrc h tr rnvli:iov of ibr femcile systtm ht whictt Pilh carnet be taken wihonl produc.tTig a PECULIAR RESULT. Thremidilionre.fcrrcd lo ii PTtF.GNANCY- the mt, MISCMUilAGE. Snr.h it the irresistible tendrvcy nf thr medirme to rcstnrs the. serval fiuictions to a normal rMUflitiou, that crea tlie reproductiva power of nature tanïtnt resit it. Explictt tUreetfm gitttinf iq&m, midwken they should nol bc. wed, "th ri.-l) Box,- ihe Fric.e Out Dollar each fox, rmnniiiiug 50 mi. A valuab'.e Pa nphlet, to 'oe had free of the Agenta. Pi'.is ttvl b'i tinil trompthi, !y enclosin? pnce to any Arent. KoU uy Druggisii E. 1). HÜTCH1NOS, Proprietor. "20 Cedar-St., Ñero York. For Pal bï MAYN'AP.n STEBBINlS & WII.SON , and GRENVILLE fc Ml.l.l.R. #& SHght Cold, or Sífate f3fh-fic.a.t, which might be checked with a, simple remedy, if 'neglected, often terminales seriausly. Few are aware of the imporiance of stopping a fêauxt-h. or ëfllh-t fêcJA. in its frst stage ; ihat whioh in the beginning wovld yield ío a mild remedy, if not attended to, soon attaóks the lungs. l&tcMLrLS. 2{.iLarLcila.3rtíach& were fïrst iniroduced eleven years ago. It has been proved that they are ihe best article before the public for $cxLQh.s., tfaLcLs., J.fian.nhIL&, fh.stkm.CL, rfatcLtfik, Ihe Hacking Coiigh in ansitmT-tLan-, and n-imerous affeations of the D 'h-f-oxtt, giving immediate relief. Public Speakers et Singerg vAll find them effectvol for clearing and strengthening ihe voice. Sold by all (Dntggista and (Dealers in JJitdicxne, at L5 cents per box. PRIZB POETSY. Let Chioftains boast ( f df-pi'-i in war, And Uiostrelfl 'uwe their uweet guitar, Á noblor tncmc my hcartin RMed - ]n prai.-c oi Ubkrjck's iratcblftBRpilla. Tlirir cures arf founfí ín ovofv land- Amii snows- nni Afrlc'a pand ; The wondrous worHs-tbo pap :■ i ill, Producedby Hiciiehks matchleiü l'ills. pops disapf1 afflict yon ? oever tïoubt TWi rhnrtnin Aotnponnd will nearch it out, Anrï bealtb again yowr ijwtom lili, If you QJ at nnrrtn Hkrrick'sIMIIb. They "re safe for nll-ltnt'i nlrt and yonng - Tbrir prstsea are on erery toiwua ; Tinnse, dUarmed - no tótierr kills, Kinco we aro blews (', :th Iífurjík f "Pilis, ity Pat up witli Enfflish. Spnnisïi, Ormsn wnfl Oüatpl, San adrertWomont on Lltir'l p.ige . 804 1862. 1862. I i Sooiid Arrival OF NEW ANC SUMMERCOODS! AT C H. MILLEN & CO'S. We are now receivi ng a splendid stock of DRESS GOODS, SKIRTS, SHAWLS, MANTILLAS, &c. Fine French Cassimeres, I and Coatings, For the Q-entlemen. CARPETS, ■ DOMESTIC GUODS, FINE NEW TEAS Andoiher Choice Family Groceiies, i For Evarybody. AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. CLtll .mei Sfoo. C H. MILLEN & CO. May, 1SG2. 85 Ut " WjE KN'OW NOT WIIERE EL8K SO MCCIi AUTHENTIC INTKLLIQKNCE OF THB ReBELLION CAN BB OBTAINED." '' No OTIIER WORK POSSESSES TUE VALDE AS A WORK OF KEFERENCE. " It is Rehalle, C'ompleU, and Deziralle. REBELLION RECORD Edited by FRANK MOORE, Ii the only piiblication whioh givoa the IMSTORV OF THEORBATSTRUUOJ.E FOR FKEK (OVJJliXMKXI MOV OO1NÜ OM. it n Tull, Impartial and Reliable. ARECOitD WIirCH THECOURT.-i,THI! DEPARTMENTS, AND TUK PBESd quote, as THE HISTORY OF THE TIMES, It appeals to the intelligente of arerj eïticeo. Rv reterence to it evcr peñoi can be fatrly and trutlifuliy posted up in rcl:it:on to iliis Oïl'EJ.A.T EEBELLION. IT COjiTAl.VS.- I., THE CAUSES OF THE GEEAT STKUGGLE AND THE ucEATJJissuEs befokkLthe cobxtbt BY EDTAEÍ EVERETT. II. A Diarv of Yerified Erents ; Comreencine; wfth the meeting of the South Caroliua Convention, i)ec. 17th, 18C0 - givrnp, in the form of a Diary, a concibe, sucoinct, and truthfu! historyof every eventatj t occurs. III. Documcnts, Speeches, Extended Narraives, cc., CO.VSIbTJ.T; OF AU. THR Offciai. Repoets, of Biittles, Skirmihei,e., Messages and PboclamatioN8 of the President of the United States, Special Orders, &c, die. Geapuic Accounts of Ihe movrments of troops Important Speeches and Letters from Leading Men, North ond South. Picturesqe Narratives (from eye witnsses) of the Great Battles, Secession Oitmnances, Hessages, Proclamations, fec. IV. Rumors, Incidents, Patriotio Songs and Eallads. Illustrated with cormt Portraits engraved on Bteel of the Notable Men of the time, and with Map and Diagrams of the plans of battltt. THE REBELLIÖN RECORD Is publinhing in PA ETS, each part ülustrated with TWO FlNEi'ÜKTRAlTi, 60 cents each. A1.SO, IN VOLUMES. Six Parts, with CopiooA Index, comprime a Volume. WOW KEADY, VOLUMES ONE, TWO, AND THREE. Buun.i in Clotli, at $3.75 oach; tíheep, $A .00; Half Morocco, or Half Calf Antique, $6X0 tach. A. New Edition, Puld Kxn.i'ivKi.Y !iv C.wvAfiáKR and Aüknts, is now pubitfhlng in Noi , at 26 centB oich. Eftoli Ño. illustrfitod with a Port raí ton Pteol. #ki AfifectH want cd, to whom liberal commisii'u will bc given. Copios of theRKUKUJON' BJSOORD, InPartn orín 'i'!uit)''s, will be sent, freo of exponse, on rocelpt of Price. 9o1 m rarfsteved letters, thepublisner will be responsiblc fr all remittances ift, O!ttbi wil! !■ snpiilicd at tip fol'.on'ini? rniesj FÍT6 Coptflil of each volume in semi nutnthly JIos. fr Mmitlilv I'.rls, to OtU WÜdrvas or sepanitely , $1'J IVn (.pies, $22.50 lïemittances niiLut must bf1 sent n roLrxtereil letter otberwfne tlie Ptiblisher will nyt bo FMMUtbl, Jiml in eunent funds, G. T. PUTNAM, Pnbnshfer. S33 BmadintT, Rw Vork. C. T. EVANB, General Agent. ' 85Sw3 Oval Pietm-e Frames A LI 'V'.fy.-'Tri.V.? an.i PRICE? j.i-t „wivf.l 1 fors ilc chcapat CIIOFF & MILLER'P. Cé- I - ' Irfi 5 Si " Si e 2 k s . I i I g ö J . esa .S CL n oo OD í 'S "tí 3 g 2 i 8 i Ê I? 8 4 THE REBELLION ONHIGHPRICESPO&CLOTniNG, HAS COMMENCED AT THE OLD & RELIABLE C L O T H S N C EMPORIUM ! No. 3 PHCENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. TAMnow SMtfag tlnp and varied ssorlmcnt nf 1 ñrnngamlSummerGoods, ' ' "f the rebollanrt cut.mur, al Ihe very Iowt figures for la wmt uí a superior anide of Clotlis, Cassiraeres. or Beady-Mado Olothing, -will cal! onWIYI. WACNER, who has just returned from Ihe Ewt with a lnrge assortment uf SPRING & SU MM ER GOODS wUich have been purcliaBcd at thelnte LOW PRICES! and can offer them at a íower figure than evrr before. Anioiig tny Assortment may be found BHOADCLOTHS, CASSIMERES, DOEBKINS, VESTINGS of alldcHcnptluns, togetlifr with a superior assortraent ol Ready-Madc Clotlilng, . TP'T", CARPKT BAGS. iíiíJjSilñ U.MURELLA5, and diSSBGcntlcnien's Fwnishing GrOODS, with numei.umotherarticlcs usually found in similar establishments. As un EMPORTUiM OF FASHION, vhe KUbsnriber flattershimself, that his long experionce .satisfaction to ah who may trust him in the wai ol t Mauufacturing Garments to order. WM.WAGNTEñ. Aun Arbor, Aplil 9tb 1S62. 848tf GtLOEIOXTS News from "Dixiel" Q The Rebellion about Crushed ! A. C. LOEB, OF THE CLEVELAND CL0THING HOUSE Returu their sincere thankn to their numerous FRiEMS AND PATROÍSS, For Ihe libnriil manner ja which they havo hereiotofure j.atruuize'l them, uud beg leave to announce that they aie AGAIN ON HAND With a Large and wall select&d Stock of SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING! GENÏS' FURNIS11ING GOODS Hals, Caps & Truaks, which they will scll at Astonishing Low Prices ! For further liirticulara Oall ctxxcX SoO for yoursclve, nn.l you will not goaway tlissatifiiort. A. & C. LOEB, Ilnrin Street, a few doori ivost of Cuok'a HoM. Ana Arlmr, Mn.v, 1863. 3"8o' D1SSOLUTIOÑ7" rpiiF. Co-paitncrsliip bfretofoni exiitlrg betwoB the L uii' ersiRned un.ler the mme anti of puur & ThotSMOn was tlissolveil'iy liy mataal consent on tlie iith iliv uf May.inst. 'l"hbuinM Dl tbs lale tirm will be sottlud by .lolin W. Thompaon, i1 tho ms ntifs continued by C Spoor. CHAS.S,,OOR) .IOIIN W. THOMPSON'. Btted, AnnArl)or,Mayi8lh, lï ■i. Nolite. AI.I. pcron iiidehtod io the late Brm of ?poor nn' Thompnon are requotc! tocalllrt Die c.M Ktand nnd !-."Pt se.tlem,,,. „. Ujlm. A Cnrcl. rplIK lltee nf SniWle an-i Ifcrnart malíina will he 1 c&rrtad on ittha oHple of biitiooM ol poor Thompium by the muli-siu-ni-il, lio s..l:its the conlinin-.l ]i:ttriti.1gft ('Í 1he oll fllvti)llierK of the firni, RBQ boM l'V prompt n'teiili.'ii i. buMumi '" n;l'n 1H vv l'a troni A nnenl avoriment of Hrni and tmWlr} ,lwoo han.l. All persona imleblwl Io me eitli.i l.v noteor book acoount are requeited :o settle th' um "i'.1'"" CIIA-. SPÍ.OR. Ann Arbor, May 9S, I-(W. JNotice. WRF.REAS mv wife Phcbe A.ldntbf hnblt of ritg ■bont theountrrnd nm 5 In W.t iritboni ■I] isent (ir knowliMlji ; (In r.-firp ll pcrjoni r' ouUund gaint tiufl'tïngliPr on m) ac'Munt,nH I sha Ij n:iv no nebiK ot bercootr P ■ MHm3 n-i;ï.l-Ain.f The Bugle Calis ! The War has Be gun! A War oi Extermiuation against Bad Teeth, Bad Breath, i Disee.secl Guma, Toothache, aclie, ana Neuralgia. OUR AETILLERY IS DR. WM. B. HURD'S DENTAL TKEASÜKY!! L pA COMPLETE 8KT OF REMEDIES ÏOR PltESEHVIiNG THE TEETII, L PCRIFYIK6 THE BREATH & MOL-TH i AND f Curing Toothache & Neuralgia, j p 0 . I CO1STTE3STTS 3 Dr. Hurd's CeUbrated MOUTH WASH, one hottle. ■ Dr. Hurd' Unequaled TOOTH PO WDEK, , one box. Dr. Hurd- Magie TOO THACHE DROPS, i one bottle. Dr. Hurd's UNRIVALLED NEURALGIA PLASTER. Dr. Hurd's MANUAL on the Best Means oj Preserving the Teeth, including Dircction for theProper Treatment of Children's Teeth. FLOSa SILKfor cleaninj between the Teeth TOOTH PICKS, cíe, etc. Prepared tit Dr. Hurd's Dental Offi;o, 77 Füurth St , Brooklyn, (E. D.) Pi ice One Dollar or Six f ar $5 O The Dental Tieasury makes a pack age eight inches by five, and sent by expresa. B3" Fulldirection for uséis on each article. The follo-wing urticles we cnn send separately, by uittil] viz ; The Treatise cu Pieseiving Teeth sent, oost pnid, on receipt of ïwelvk Cents, or four etauips. The Neuralgia Piaster, for Ueurnig'a in the fnce, Nervous Headache, and Enraclie, sent, post paid, on receipt of Eighteln Cknts, or Bx stampa. The Neauralgia and Rheumatic Piaster, (large size). pains in the Chest, Shoulders, Back, or any part of the body, sent, postpiid on receipt of Thirtï Sïvk.v Ci-.nts. Addrees WM. B. HURD & CO., Tribuno Buildings, New York. Pi. Hurí' MOCTri VTASH, TOOTH TOWDF.R, and J'OOTIIAt HE i-iinnut bu bmU Ijf nsil, bul thev can ecobftMr U obun.ed at v..ur Dtuk or I'criocii tal Storw.. If ttiej .-nmot, s.-.i-l for 11 DENTAL TR1ÍASUKY, l'rice O.VK Uullab, which contuins ttutm. KTO"W", Are Dr. Ilurd's FreparationB Good ? The best ovidence that thoy are U, that tlieir firm'st frkuds and best patrons are tliose wtao havo uaed hem tongnt. ir. Wii.mam IÍ. ilCHD is an c-miuL-ni DentUt oi Brouklyn, Treasurer ol the Ntw Yuik St.ite Dijntists' Assuciiiliun, and ÜMMa preplmtloBa have boi'n used in his private inicüce Hiryears, and no leadin citi.'-n of lirouklyn or Wilüamsburgh c,uestions tlic-ir excellence, wbile eminent Dentlst of Nir Yr rciomineud thtm MUiekutknownto the profswion Without tbo aid uf a'lvcrlising, MIH have aüld thom by tliegrosa. TIu VA'i'or of the Brnokhjn Vitily Times says :-': We Rrehp;tu knpw that our friend, Dr. Hmu, ia suc "beyond all expectations with his MOLTH WASH and TOOTH POWÜF.l!. The (rreat aeciet of hi uceen rest irlth ili "fsrt raT ms eticlií) .re vkkCWKI.Ï WUAT THKT HE KU'RK-EN'TF.n fü BE, AS WE CX TtSTIfV 1BUM TIIE1B LO.VÜ U3E." The well known P. T. üainum wi-iics :- "I found yor.r TOOTH POWDEB so gond that my famlly have usod it all up. Wk fi.vii it tui: Iíest Povbbh kb toê TKtfra h:at wk k KR USED. 1 Klull ft'Ol oblifrod if yuu will send me ■Botfaw supply at tli Museum at your oonveoience, wlth bill." But Iheir coft is 50 small that cvary on? maf test the matter for hiraself (K$, Beware of the ordinary Tooüi I'owder;. Dr. Hi.kd's Tooth Powdkb contaius no ac d, nor alkah, nor charcoal, and pollühiM without wearing the cnamel.- Ue no othor. What will Dr. Hurd's Remedies Effect? Pr. Hurd's MOL'TII WASH AND TOOTH POWDEP. will givü youiig ladies that linest chaim m ioman - a swect breath and pearly tieth. Try them, ladies. Dr. Hurd's MOUTH WAS AND TOOTH l'OWEER will cleansc tbemoath irom all Umi exhalatioi.B, and if used in tbe morning. will make the brrakfast tatc sweetcr and the dav be?in moee plcasantly. llumlrcds of persons can tostify to this. Try them, gentlemen. Dr. Hurd's Moütb Wasii and Tooth IVnni it th brst preparation in the worid for curing iïad hbeatu and giving flrmness and hoalth to tl e gums. Hundrcds of cases of diaeased Hi.kbdin-0 (JfMs, Sorb Moitii, Cankfr, etc., nave been cured by De Hurd's astiingeut wash. Dr. Hubd'.s HoCTH Wash .nd Tooth 1'owdeb give an additional clianu to courtship, Hnd niake husbands more agreeable to their wives and wives to tbeirhub llds. They sliould be used by every person haviug Artificial Teeth wljicli iro liiiblot" impavt a taiot to the mouth. Dr. Hurd's TootNachk dbops euro Toothache arírfínff from exposed nerves,and aro the bost frin3fl thatpaients can have in the house to save their children from torture anti tliemoel ves from loss of sleep and symnuthetic loflbrtor. I' 'rmkrs ami Mechanica 1 Ton c;innot well ufTurd to neglect your teeth. For a trífling sum, you can nowget preservaiiveH than which Rothehild or ator ean get nothing botter. RtNntmJwr that DYPPEPfflA tmd ( ON SÜMPTlOli OF THE LUNG8 often originóte in Xcglect of Toeth. Send for the Treatise on Teeth , anti rend Dr. Fitch's obflorvafinns rui this subjecL. If too late to uriost lU-cuy iu your owu teeth, save our childreu's tecth. NEURALGIA PLASTEES. Dr. Ilurd's NVuralifia Non-Adhesive Plastery are the ' most plewnt ad sncceasfal remedies ever prescribed for thu palnful dUo. The patiënt applifi oae.iOfin becomes drowsy, falla a.slefp, and awnköfl Tree Irom pain, and no blister or othtr un;leasant or injuriou oone quonces ensne. For Farache and Nervoua 1 apply acenrding to flirections,and relief will 'surely Fol low. Nothing ean be obtained equal to Dr fïurd' Compresa for Neuralgia, Iry them. They are ontirely a novel, curious, and original prpiatlo, and wondt rtully Buco.essful. Thej are of two slze, one nrull,for the fnce, pnce 15 cents, and the othor largo, for application to the body, prioe 37 cont-i. Will bcr.xaiUd on receipt of price and one stamp. Wliat aro the People Doing ? Tho Amcrionn ppople ai(Mnt-lliu''iit OQODgfa to apprec;:tk- pmttratioai tbat contri bul e vn innrh to th ïiap piuos of tboae nHtngtlicm, BÍ they wani Ihem. Ever; mrtil brinca iifi lettTi, some onltmng tlie ïn-ale on If.-tli, srtmi' the Neurajgia PlaMcrf . nd nota föw en docta? SI eot for tlie Houih Wsh to ')i sent by mail ;at Ifl th(M weri tompetled lo reply tbat it is imporisible to srinl :i huif pint bottle by muft. The people v;int tiMH niticlieK . WHO WIU SUPPLY TIIEM ? CHANCE EOR AGENTS. Shrew aentP can nj;il;c a mail forUmo in crv, ng theno artlclfü round to families. Tl. e Devtai, TjUUW hy te tlie neatont artielo thai man or vonMn ("iii' ;ii" rv aromi'l. f n i i'1'" '""', w. bettrr, a on, heli iro will(ell,M Mimplftl, for $7 suppiicd liberally with Circular. Now is tiif linie to go int o Business ! to .o gfinA, :""! inikf fy proftt. '.Vp : Kpenrlinfl thnuBan-l-i for thf benefit of agent. Xw Kptainl men or woméu ' li'To is (omi'tlilug moe. nn] n chauoe t o lüJta tlietiile at ÜH llüoi-i. A'l'lrsh Wm. B. Kurd 8c Co., Tiibune Building?, New York. ! Tnnt rmiii.'uKT in.l bf m;"lp wilh (-■intulcnco, W, R. H. Í: On. rtfn to tha Mayor (f grooklj-n; lo i;. v. (ïmifTirn, PrMideni Purmer' nnel fni.-ii-.1 Bank, Brnnklvn ; til J"V, Cok Í; Co., New York ; to I'. M-M, fcq , Ne Ynrk,c . c. Siltl PoM -hol-íalp :ml Rftaüliy ', .T Mr-I.,it QII.M V].n.l. V H'I.I (.[.'.- ■■' .ft. Jr A S'-ir ( ) L ü FRl E N I )S t. JL IN THE EIGIIT PLACE. Üerrick's Sugar Coated Pilis--- ■ . I THE BEST FAM11.V l'u■X thartic in the rorld, used twenty years ïy i f'iO 7.1"iivc nyllions ol' persons i nnnii:.!!;, : alWaj I iflï aatisfaetioa , contain U a.c injurious ; ; , , patroüixed by the prin ',Ji' cipal physicians and y tnirgeons in the Union ; IBPyvÉ legitntly coated with 'y, fmmSi Ézil ugar. [, r.Yr'"'' ' Large Boxes25 cents; jeat' -iw- fivebüxes for 1 dollar. ' :z_srLr' ' Fiilldirectioiifvitheach TALUDAS titM COOKIT, ) Florida, July 17,1M. i ToPr. HnuaoK, Albany.N. Y- Vy Pcar liuctor:- 1 ■vpito tliis tuinfüimyou of (lic wonderful i-ffecl uf "iu uRr Coltod l'ill, on my lder daaghter. Fel , .:,',■; „l,r h,i l"cn ;.!ü ciod vith a billioux .lornngemint f stem. s31y ImpMlnt her halth, whlch hai heen itesdly faillng d uring thatporlod, WheoInNew York in Apvillast, a friend actvfMd me to tost your pill. Ihivlng the i conftdenoe in tbïjidgmor.t l my Wend I obtafned ■■ applTöl MMr8,Bame rark, Drugglata, Park Eow, X.Vork. On rcturnini; liuino. ■1 all utlier Ivfatmeot, and adminintcred your Pilis, one encb liglit . Tb Improvementtn hwfeeling, complexión, digestión, ete., nrpfied u)l. Aiapid and'ppi-manonteBtorotlOD to healtb has been 1 lie reault, fft med les t hun live boxea, and coniderhrntirely well. I consider the nbme a just tributa lo you as a n, and trust Ihatil willbe themeans of nducing ina'ny to ndopt vuur Filis a their fainily medicines. I reinuin, dourriir, with many llianks, Your oVdii-nt sorvant. B. ti . MonRJ3ON. Henick'a Kld Strenglhening Piasters cure in (vp boura, patns and weakneaa of the brt, lide :ind lcick,und tlheiimatic Coniplain'.sin an eqnally short piniil of time. Spread on bfautlful wblte lamo ikin, Inoifuse nubjectsthe (nuferto i;o int-onvenicce. and each ont will .vc.r l'ioui one wettk tu tliretí uionthfl. ■rice 183{ ccnls. Iïerrick's .Suenr ('os tod Pill nnd Kid P]aater nre KM oy rrugiiists and Merchants in all parta ui the I nited Statrs, f'imada and South AniCrioa. :uid piaj be obtnined bvcallini; forthsm by theirfull iimne. 1,805 l'K. L.ll.IHvP.IW'K, kCo. 1 Albaoy, -V. Y. SPEEtt'S SAMBÜCI WINE, PURE, AN'D FOLB ÏEAPS OI.D, Of Clioice Oporlo jr"ruit FUR PHYPICIATJS' Uin, FOR FEMALES, WEAKLY PERSONS & INVALTDS S - Kvorj f.nni ly, at lilis cr.son, thould use tlic S.WiüL'CI WINE, Celebrntfdio Furcpe fcr its nipdicinnl r. beneficia! Qualitien uf ii pcntle M!mulan , Tonic, Hiurn'c ai '1 S di rific, lii'. n! i Bi lltií' 'n Europeanand American Uospltals , and by scn:e ut the firét families of Ëurope ;ind Aioericti. AS A TOXK', It lias no cquol, causing an njpelite and buÜdin Of ol thesystcra being entireiy a pure wine ui a must vaiuabte fi uit. AS A P1URKTIC, It impartí n healthy aétinn tn the dlands and Kidneys. and Urinary Orgau, viiy beuoticialin Hiopsy, Gout, and P.lieumatic altcclions. Sl'EER'S WINE Is not ■ mixture nr mannfactured article, Dut is pure, from the juice of tlic Portugal t-'ambucus, cultivated in New Jeriwy , reeomnieaded by Cneniists and Physician is ii'.-sfssingmedical i r'. :ti s suie:'!' r to any othef Wine in use, and au excellent article for all weak and debilitatpd permiis, and the aged and iDÍirm, improvin the app-Uto. and uenelidug Udisi and children. A I.ADIES WINT., Beenuse it will'not mtoxicate as other vine, as il eontainx no mixture of spirits or iiquors, and is adiniïed Foritarich, peculiar tlavor, and nutritive proper tien, imparting a lioalthy tone to llie digestivo organi.asd a blooming, Boft and henltl'.v kin and complexion. WE VAA-ÏM ÏO A r.iv wcllnown centiemen and phjaiiM, wbo have tried the Wice:- Gen. TVmíeídSíott. Ü.S. A. nr.VTilio-.i, jllhst., N. Y. Got. Horzan, X. Y. State Or. Ward, Nerfark, NT. J, Dr.J.R. Cliilt'Jü.N". Y.'.'it.'. ür. Doueliorty, '■ " I). Parker, N Y. City. Dr. Parihh, Pliilndelphia Drs. Darcy r.nd Nicho1!, Nowark, N. J And many others too numerous to pnhli.-b . JCt-None genuine nnlesa the e'nature of "ALFKF-D SPKt.R, Pato,N. J.,'J is over the cork of each bottle. Ï-5IAKE ONE TRIAL OF TUIS WINE. For Sale by, Stebblns & VV7Il3On, Aun Arbor. A. SPEER, Proprietor. VINKYAlill. Pnssair, New Jersey, OFFICE, S08 Broadway, N. V. JOHN LA FOV, is, 834rac Agent forFranceand Germany. o. :o Xi i ss ís ís now recciving a largo ana Well selected assorttncnt docks, Watches, fesaMstEininiimiPjTiiraniffiinniLTUaiiMSRiaurjiWHir!!: J E AVE L!R Y, Silver íind Plated Ware, TABLE AND POCKET CTJ -Bj 'T" MT-j "B52 TfcT RAZORS and SHEARS, GOLD I=E3TS3 Musical Instruments, Strings Sf Tifíeles fot Instruments, SHEET MUSIC, CX'MIÍS. and a t;Tcat vir!ety oí YANKEE NOTIONS, ScO. He WOttld cal] particular atíentúm Éo liia large siock of SPBCTACIjES, of Gurf, S;íner, Síerl, and Plateé, tritt P1SRISC0PE GLASS, a Bogenor art icio. o HuntittgtoB & Plat I's CA LEND A R CL O CK ! nttable forOWcés, ConnUnj! Rooms,HaH "r Ttwi Thew dook ufe rel cuiilfi ut'tl , ;i [ ■! indiñg oí' the time moveall the reijaired rlui al mid night, shc of t,he waak the moa't nditay of the tn')Dth,inclttdin2 the 29th ol l'Wiirv ol Lep war. !Ii goo (f recent purchase fron N'ev YiH-k ;ti:i the manufacturera!, ml vfH be si-!i'. i ■uit tbe'Ümes. Periíiuis havinj jiíficult watohea to fti % can be nccoraodatiw ,' as m Loti is Uirge P. S. l'arUi-iihir nt,tention tu tl REPA ïniKTG of BÜ ktqdll offlni! W:.:. ■!„■, such ís Making and Setting new Jewels, Pinimu, 6'íííJV, ítíí-í Ctjlftiders. Ateo CLOCKS, ie crE-WELrKTSr ! ncfvth' n-yinivi il aad wurrantfl. at bis stast rif Main Street. C. BLÏSS. Anii .l,o-.Xr.v. 1S.18M 89M Special Noiice ! k I,L pprsons ïndebtod to tiip by Noto or apmint vXÏ ' il hligo ma lv l'Jtviuj; s'imc '.n nr hí-tr-rv ïhf rt ' . 1862. A. 1'. Uil Ann Arb(iv,.Inn ■ .", ■:,-.■ i 30rOTXCEQCTÍOOL Inspcr'inrs' nn-i treotoM' Blunkê ïiavo lirn Ö i ceel at tl ■"!■ fii-i ributiou . ToMiiliin CterkftartH pndin tbe!r or.lcrf . K. J. BVRRT, Cli-i-k. s.'iftr i " Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Flie Latei-t Special Dispatch ! fo the citizens of Aan Arbor and Vicinity ! ! INTENSE EXC1TEM ENT! Hundreds wat chin g the jiroyre-is af Daily ïkents ! ! The Federal A rmy aain Yictorious'. "The Union must and ahallj be Preserved !" " There was a manin our timn, He was so wondrous witse" 13ut with all hia wisdom, he to not eo wist ] as thut "other man," who wben lie wnnU cd to uy lliü The cheapest and hext CLOTHfEIC! in ihis markit alicays jumped tnto G C l TE R MAN' ' HEAD QUAETERS! For Í liere he knew lie alwajl got his money's worth. S'eing is beliTing und yju tliat wish to see come in belisve, Thoso Hint can't ,Bee can feel, and 0 we always maks our enstomers feel good over good bnrgains, Uicy are espeqially invited to om' anxious seat.that thc-j' too may refttiüe liow "good it is fortliem to be wilh us," nd how much pleasure can ba obtnined in the enjoymt-nt of SPLSWDID BARGAINS ! " me all ye tliat are wenry nnd heavy lade"" - with lioc ks and we will do our best to relieve you - giTingyou in relurn tlio Jinest kind of Goods at the loicestjiywes. Grent battles are honrly takins; place in I ho Clotliing line - whoJe regiment of v'.i?siip.ei'es, V'estings. te., are bcing slauchtTej bv Gen, SoxDUKi.M - t.o fit the ru!i of reoFuHl that ai'e imiring in from every direct ion, all aiixious to have their oautei enrolled for ft NE AT AND TA8TY SUTT ! - jtieh ns ean only be had at the Uead-Quarters of Guitenuan db Co. One of the firrn, Mr. il Guitlumax, having just returned from Europe Vviüi :i liirge dssortment of Cloths, Ca-simeres and n mee lot of fíne Veattngs, alst a few nieces of fine Beaver for overcoats whi li we will inake up to oreer in the ltitest etyle, w feel coniident that we ean eatisfy all. STXJJDB3STTS 1 We are happy t.o greet you aga'n ii"nir City.after inending your vneation with the " dear old folks" at home. Be aasured we wish you a pleasant term, md shall (ver be glad to mest you at the Old lleiid-Quarters, ro. 5. (CJ Our former customers, ïvc feel assureil, will cali on us again To you who eome us strangerd we Kould say a few words, we wish you to cali and look at our fino Coate, Pants, and Vests, we can do better by yon than any other h 'Use in the City, and if yen cali and examine our goods, nnd try thcir fits, you will purchase uowhere else. DOX'Ï FATX TO O-XjXa -A.T1 Gr. H. ? DR. JIOOFLANDS" ! BALSAMIC CORDIAL, For the speetly cure of Coughs, ColJs, Influenza, Crovp, Haarseness Bronchitis, Pneumonía, Diseases of the Boiods, arising from Coid, Incipient Consumplion, and for the relief and .if at all possibie) cure of l'atients in adtanced stages of thf. latler distase. is rntirtly a Vegetable produeX tiou, conibining the healing proporties ol the Halaam, with the invigorating qnalities of a Cordial, producing a cianbiiiat on o weliadaptid to Ihe purgóse In tended, that there are but f uw casf of diseane whicb wül not, at an early periyd, succumb to ttl healiugaud Ufe giving properties. For ages, has the trea'.mení of pu'.monarv diseases occupiüd the (freater portion of the attenlion f the Bcientitic of the medical workl, but none a cq ui red more eminence in his treatment of thes diseases, thau the celebra ted Pi'ucisian. Dr. Hooiland, the orignntoi ot the Balsamic Cordial. HIalife was devuted to the production of remedies that wou ld stand unrivalled. IIow well he has jucceeded, the American people are ablv to judtre: and we posiiívely apstut, that no preparatioDs that have ever been placed belüra thern, have confened the samo imount of bene tifo on suftW-ing humnnity, or have elicitftd so many commuvHtioin lrom alt el&Mei ol societv. as thert-inedies ot' Dr. iloolland, prepared by Dr. C. M.'.Iarkson & Co., of Fhihidylphia. The Cordial is dwlgned for a clasa of diseases more gencraJ and uital thfin any other tu which the people of this country are subject- tliose springing from a "slight coid." That eminent aufnonty, Dr. tellfMjf: "J will not say thfU Colas are to our inhabitants what the Plague and Tall&m Fcmr are to those oí othcr countrtes; but I can aver coníidently that they usher in disease of grenter JcompUcity and mortality than these latter." Entirely Vegetable. No Alcohólic JJrcparation. DR. IIOOFLANDS CELEUKATliD GERMÁN BITTERS Prepared by C M. JACKSON & CO., PliiUdelphia, Pa. Will effect aally cure LIVEK COMPLAItfT, DYSPEPSIA, ,TAUNIHCE,Chronic or Neivous Pebility, Diseases of the Kidneys, ani al! diseases arising irom a disordered 13 ver or Stomach. Suata OM Cii-t ipation, Tnward Piles, Fulness or Biood So the Ha&CfAc'dttv o) t. Stom.-icli, Nausea, Heari hum, I'isgBst fot Food, Fuluesa or weight ín the Stom ach.Sour Ëruota4ioili,Sinfcing or Fiutteriug at tlie Pit of the Stomnch, Pwimminj of the Head, Hurrird aod Difflonlt Br-athing, Fln'-lering at the Heart, Chokïng or Sutfocating sens.ati'(ns whea in a lying posture, l'im ïiess of Vision, Dot of webs b fovethe sight, 1-Vver and Dull Pain in the Head, Deticiency of Perspirttlön, VelIdwih-ss of ttieSUin and EjOS, Pain In the tíi le, Hack, CUest, Limb.s, &c. Suddeu Pluhes of Beat, Bumlng_io ti 10 IFleah, Constant imagintngfl of ovil, and groai I1 eb of. Spirit, and will positivelj prevent YELLOW Vh ER, BlLUOrjSFKTKRjíré. Fh Proprief or in caliiog the attention of the public t(j tbil preparation , cloed so urith a ïem ng cf the utmost oonfidencein its v'rtm tioo to tlie dtMaws ior which it is recon:mendd Ittanoncw and nntried artielo, hut on Mliat has -sid'iil the test of a twelre J-tars' trial befo re the Amer Uain people,aoaiU repotattod ani San ;ire uortva' ,,i by nny B&nilac preparatiims l'ta testi&OBj ín it tavor giren by fue most prominent an-l weV-known lMiysiciiins ;ml miivulunls In all mr..-jf iUo country ÍB il imi DM, I nd ;i car ful prriuul ol' the A'mrwiac, i'UDHshed annunlly by tb e J'ivprielors, and to be liad LMj%! oftayofthetv Agenta, cannót but satufy th- ot pkapticaltbattli'a remedla ceaüy de.servin tbegreat elebrity it bas ubtaipccl R(-;ul 11ie Evklonr trom J. 7cïco Brnwn 1), D. . KÍíoy nfiAKncvr-ïapdia of ligi 'o ia Kitrv ,oige AUhough not4lspned to fav t „.. í4onKW-n'1 Phtsnt Medicine in generM, througb ,iti-u-i. aX tbkr liirnts and olVt'ct-I jretkno- of nn suffieinitroasou why ■ u-uu iuh.v not t"(ity tQ ge benefit-he beliwtw Unstu tn havi! ri'ceived tv.i;. u,.v ,,:, .,,,),. piprtlQ, in tbe liope th:it l.'i uKiy tliU6 ctribute to the Knofit Df others. IdoQiistb mof Ffadily ín rtqyrd to i;JfcoflncI'a luTmaii BH.tWi' propared by 1 r L', '!. Jackson, of thiï city, becMMW l mui ; i ■ ■ beuo !'■■"■ yoftTTj under Uuftieapreseioa tlitit tlu-y wre chifty n ftlb4ir miiittr. 1 am ii. -."i '■■-■! tu tïi fiiend Rtwrt SUom;i.iiT)Ksfi..for tlu1 rniovaí of prjn4ïoe Hy piptr t3 l"1' '-nr" 'VHfWMfwni N tr M; 4ton sutTerng frn (fre ;l'11' '"'.- ootin-d debirfly, The u of ■ ,hroe hotllcsj at" i'r.r--' BUters,t the befcAliftg of the I yrewot ywr, was ioIIowcj t-v cvi.'.'Mit relief, nnd rtonilkD !"' digVC f bixÜly itii'I mi-nhil v:ffW wlii, h T lia-1 uot SVl'. forrixiD'tiitlifl bctVr.HU'l hñ RbAm1 dttMpxtred rif rcíflniiíí;. I tlivfM"etíittiik íi.1 ■■i iov fi'jwiO fr j ittttVttDgm'uld tlu-umi tii.-m. .I.N'KWTON BROWM Uüart what ïl.o rniinnt OlmMl MannfctnrT, JOHN H WHITAI-I-, Kj nt tbc iï J'A?.Tir rniTDTAX. Dr. C. M. ■' vtkiiV- Hosi'ctnd Frirn': living fr a liin'-' b. -n jitvptintc'l wil h the itn-s of thr Rü' 1 namic CowJiiU in ii'n.h. (,'Mi, Inilimn: il i,m nf ilw ! LuugK, o. 1 '■' ■ '■ ''■■ t lü'Miy t-, üs cOicacy Korntf kvtnever Iwon w-!lhMi it in n , ■ ;iliiv I' ',■ ngivmi pleiM) ■ i- Rbitf tbnt I hve ,; ,-. -,i with'.iniiv ëuacê 'n tTWitmnl of Dove ■ lint. Tbv tr.oü-! trul . ,li)I!V It. WHTTAfJ., Fiftli Mo, :', 1SÍÍ9, r4tft,WHB Tbo-o tm-'Ü-ii. - ."■■ i ■ilplivr.H iwjMiotnblf Drujr inü Ptovincesí, n,U'1 t .i ir.' u-r tMittle - ■ ■ ivl rol tho gpnuia, rtïi the wfaatt ol 0 M ■ l1 .- wra v iior ol e.i'']i'l-1. êU, ÊAlturë -irf ■".-■'. i"r wiptiO Ra Mn-i M mut iitnry.418 .A--b Chicago JBook Tilde. TJie 1'lacG o Bxnj Sel mol Bcoks. WHOLKSAr-E Book & Stationcry Hoiise. S. C. GRIGfüS & CO. öaïïaers Progressive Readerg, Newly Bwtwrtyped.witS nvwiad original illuatiation, tlic MWl UjanUíul ;i wU :w the bet book extnnt. I. Sjnvltr' Alpha bet Capda, 6 ín n bt , $ I ► II. SandeTa'1'rittAry yV) Clwri, 8 vn 4 cards, 1 ñoi III Shív1t' I'rtuwti-jF Spelling Book, lL IV. Sundvn' Nw nd Uefiner, 15 V. yt!t'Ï.B Anal.Tsisof Engtfih Vrdxf íVj VI. 8ik4r'Pitofftl ['rimvr, (bemró) I2j Vil. Baactan' Gtrnsm nd LnglwH 1 rmtr .Q VIH. tSmnÜtt' Ifw KM Hwdtr 15 IX r,ainiejfN Beerad Hr.idn .■ M X. Sundere'ïfew Tl. rd Kruier,... ..,. 4fc XI. r uideiV K#v7otrtta Remtr ,,,.-. ,,.„ e& All. Saiiter' Nw ;fu# Kairf ,....„. 91 XIH. SonderT Hígh-Schco-] Ra4er, ., 99 XIV. San lew Ladiw' Rradr, H9 XV. Ainders' É-choolSpealtr.-, 1 Of XVI, vaaders' FI;c y Ctart, 3 C9 T1k'p TfnñirH are distinruislip(i for Jhcfr strlct'v 7gresMtve character arnl prsctiesládspttkrM ili vouug. TIh'v v.t: bcen rectñvfd ritli uDpivcddntlfd fnvwr nn4 lv 110 class more fnTur:iijly than by PrmetKftl TeacluTé wíiu hnve tested thL-írinurits in the scliool room. Rotjinson's Course of Matbematios. i;V ÜUHATIO N. aOBIXhON, IX. I ].nt. Trofossor of Miitliematíc in the U. S. Kavy. 1 liubiii.StJii't Progressive 1 r i mar' AriiLmttir, $ 13 II. U'.diiHon'.s ProgretftTt íntullctul ArHfa. VA til Uuijinson's Kudiim-ntá of written Aiíth. S& líübin-siin's Profrwairt Practical Aritii. A4 V Kotiii.sou!s Key to Practical Aiitlimetirr f VI. líubiMfton'F pr fTMniTT TTIrhrr ArtthnwW, 7 Vil, R binon s Ky tu Higher Anilmiiític, ?5 VIH. RoWosoa! N' v, l'ü'-mentary Algebra, 74 IX. í- biQSqn' Key to 1-lt'iiienlnry Algebra, 75 X. Hdljinfon's Universitv Algebra. I ?$ XI. Rnbioson's Kpy o L'niverfiity Atgebrn, 5 'O XII Kybiiiííun'-i (puinetry and Trigonume'.rv. 1 SO XIII Robfnno&'nSuTveylngiuid KarigittioQ, 1 W X!V Rob n-oii'ü Auuiyut'l (jci ru trv aud Couic -'eclipn.s, 1 i XV Robinson'sI'üTcrt'.itiíU uud Intorni Calculas 1 .'O XVI Kobin.-un's F.U-ni'iii)iry Aütr',n niy , 15 X'l Roblnson'a Uníverít AstroiMii, ] 75 XVIH UnbiDsoB MiiUiniiiitiLul Opcrntit-Di, ï 25 XIX Rob n.stm's Key tu Algebra, Gvf-mvtrx, SurTeing, í.-c , l su PermÏBg FU1X MATIfKMATIOAL fOÏ'RSE, cm brois 'Viiaiiutjlic añil Tx1 pvnki ir. tbe HiKhi Mtbttnatica. For extent ol' rweayeh, fc'Ht nd Hptnra of I illuft! rati; n aad priidtie.ll usululnesy, tliu autlior of tltii serieri i-sburpassffi b.v 110 matln iratirnl Vrfttf ín thbi country. Tliis BPrlca lius bwn n oupUMüded by tlie b(w.t Mdtlic-iuaticiíui.s in all eet ons o t the country, Gray's Sorics of Botatiics, fris books. Hitchcock's School Anatomv nud IMisíology, 81. Hitchcock's Geology, one book. Well's Graniniars. t wo books WplVs Seientific Scriep, including Cliemistry, Pliilü.sophy, otc Thrce books. Wilson's Series of Histories, fiye books. l'asquelle'ri Frcncli Series, qight books. Woodbury's Gerninn Series, seven books. pryant & Stratton's Series of Book-kcepi;i. tliree bookü. Speacerian System of Penmansliip. niue bookfl. Altd IUaity othor Vuïunblt: Itooku. Wholesale Dealers anJ Ectail Turcbasera Wi!l iini] ai our fiiorc o.or Kour TiiQu.sati'l different artiott) ol yt:aionery, and TIitl-c Hnndrd 'lliouani Volu.Ties of booksj trom which to mak their ttectStfk c tu MTi-in _ sn Morltn t not rÏTjiipd by any ollipr bk h' lbC lp the l'ni't-cl it:ltps , S. C. (Í1.1GGS & CO, Are Special At'nti for Messn Harprtr & Bro's Publicntious. " ]J. Appktou & Co's " " Ticknor & Field's " ' Umild & Lincoln's " ■' J. J5. Lippincott & Co'i " .-.i funibli til theiv Buokl n t Efeottn líricos fjr ch. iN'ote Papers, Lotter Papers, and Cup Papeif, liliiuk ]Jooks, Pass ]?ooks, And k 11 kuis of BTATIUXBRF, at the loun.l j.tíhm . il.Wlï bj (ba Jimnur case. ?n 1 travck'rs visíting Chicago wi;l CnA it int-restiii tu liui-r for au hou? iniLl intcrminxblu (jiic'i af Utt-i a t ii re atS9 kiií 41 lc ïifi'ct S. C. GIÏJGGS & Co. Agenta Wanted. iKS1 Fur ;i!' oosfly ftn i raluabjo Sub cription Vïorigi, n iui'. iiii.ic work tipon Rftligion, Utfi-raturv. Saicnco, or ■ Art, aiie.?s . C.tíiUGUS ta CO. PLEASE ElEMpíBER ! Tliat thero is no boukstore in ilils country koe-ping battcr or ïmro extQtvoa8iiortiaeat th;m is t,vja lound at L9 itnd 11 LAke itrect. KKMKMBER. Tliat Public or Privftte l.ibravios cun bo supplio wlth first clas3 Standard Wurka by S. C.G. & Co. upou borttr terau than to send tast ant paj iroigl-t 1 'fcWesturn Litemry aad l'rofe.-isiona ! uen,Tawo&cM, . Scho'.ars in alï tiei.artmu.t-. of of the world of lottyn, ;u-e invited to male ; 9 n 1 41 e streel tfaelr placo í resort in raineats of leisure. S. C. GRIGGS& CO., WbolMale ajüá Rptai] Boolcsellera aud stationer, :9 k 41 LkStraet, Chlwfo. s. c. gïjiigs S43m3 e. l lumuai. DO YOU WANT WHISKERS DO yO'J WANT A MOUSTACHE ! Ií so, parchases one bott'.e cf E. E. Clinmplm'a EXCELSIOP INVIGORATOR ] The wnrld rniowqcd toilet, - the only article of the kind .■■ ei oiT .vi :be xonle of the Unitcl Sttf-. T!w buró irriclr ik the only one used by tlie Fivnch iu Lomlon md iri- ít is in univerwl ase. THEEXCELSTOIÏ WliISKER INVIGORATOR 1 1 In a lieautiful, Kconomical, Lruothiiig, vet 8t'inu'fil;iij Jompoimd, arting M if bj m.igic apon thc root, cnus ng a beíiutiful gniwth ot l.uxurisnt Be:ir.l. If ap;.lie4 to the 8calp,Ít will cure Ralüsww, and if applied aocording to aírocttñifk, it wilT causo to spring u ia bald spots ft fine gruwtli of tort fkksü hair TIig CcVhritcM] EXCELSIOR INYlGOIÏTOIi Is an indispensable Articlo in ev rv Grntli man's Toilt# and after onc wei-k's aae Ihay irotií 1 iwt, íor nny cunsiriration, be wrthtmt 'í'Iip abore riicU will, n froni I'our lo V-i;!it Wccks, briug oul i thick heí of W'hiskhr or !lroiVi a uk, Tli" sulwribrs are tbe onlir Affota foi (Lie aburo nrtkle ö tbe L'nite.1 StatM. They vrould alao nnnounce to tbe public lliat thcjr are agestLir Napoleones Hair Toilet! Tho only ai ticle over ofTt'n i (n the French i'cnpli tlmk wjuM Cria WtKáKMK n.MK ! the abure Toiltt lioíng ninufactured for the solé baifi o Loi ïrpolroa ! wbíoh artíela ;r dow ledispensable i h Torlel rt- m. Tbs subscribor teüog r nfl-lol t íínt títit Toilet must nccesi rilv t'kc the pljice of allotbm wr offiívd %" : 1 uhléB,thM take prieaffiift i;i op'-os-inp thett coníl] Dc ni thr ;. ticte, l ;i í r; i n p ií !rnn practloftl n-'e. THE NAPOLEON HAIR TOILET Will ClRL TK KiriT Iíir in Roft, Silken. Flowin Curli, ihat w(tl rPinMn in Rbwpe Ur o:k' '!y or oa w ck ir dsired, (r ;ny longr penoA, i!" ihe dirdctioaa are itrtbilf fellnwf . liicb4kntv rj sinplo nn-i casj . Tilia Kait' i'oilot docsi-ot in any mannprintcifcre with the JS'eturaf S)lvcs nf Che Ifair. ]t nel t her soorrl- noi dyr-í it ; f;ivs ib li:iir a Boft, thrifír ppfr once. It uso prsTMkta tlic hair fr-ra faüing ofl and, I 'iri'iiv. _. TliE NAPOLEON IIAIR TOILTÏT Has bei-u bt'fiMetlio pahfc but ht-rt timo., jft j , readj beeD tested Uroyr osa thoamnd irímít antk thev tetifj Ihal lh N&poleon HniricuW i H,e greati - i;' ' : ' 'o3otüA in the AfïrïtXrt v''1''To prevpoi thi TtiUei. Irom boitte niulwfrtta w iiit.itM li.T unirin-i',.í1pp1nusI Ir 0& net uftVf.t ïiil "' "'}- I ' ■■-■■'■ ■ IM i;.' CtrfK ' Slat.j. liwri-ft. ny Lady'qr ler.U-mn v, f,,, . ■ ..; ■.-. j i,lui:l Mír andCireVato ; ...■_ :-. -: , ,;..,.P Or Uhtta !■, proett" tile liiiu,!!. .■ ir 'ínili-t. f;M-r fncjnr on 'lul'-.r enclu.-K fl i !,.;■, uir Ukct. A4 Aressj llo ífj, HolHiWTtttc ]:rti'on! ('.'., C"1 Am i will fcecnvcfttüv sí ni lv return ninll Mo a e y W a n t e d. W Ii o will LfUíl M o it y 1 I.WUtFi)! IÍED Y SEVERA!. rKRSON'S u obialn money For ttu-m ni Ten Por Cent Iitorest, (OrMore.) Foranjoot rüliog tal&i). 1 oan M obüp iuvost o good utiencumbcred ubmuï.mt lïi-A!, K1'V1"K ocurit ünjaaioa of mano} and seetltAt Md wrttj are Al.L RIöTÏT, l1" The boTTowpr pavin al! imum, inrlTi'linR recording. R W. UORÖAX, Atm Arbor, Hr+. 7.10, J4# General Land Aency. PinnSONS wonlinftarm,orresi(íeDrennprnOA Aun Arbor , m u by clling oc me electlVona Ut ofover H)O Farm Kor Saïrl Ofsfloyf slxef trom :t, te. ÍC' ftcreeaoh ,(gome i jfoadaiativintfitf fonaty.) Morrthan SO nwelfnir rinup"nthiClty,rronatv hundred to hiurthoutanrdo)aroach: nd vrer o o f. crii.niXG LOTS1 the í'otb'r; i : GrernOnk, 1 1 Flarcfarm . u i I) acrep.!helíl ni.! on-Ti .ínkí forma , ' tt Webtrj StuUSs, lfíchníi 'Mancy, Nowtnn fierean, and FHlJahoi rrin(t. i n A n i A rbnr: J . Kfnjiítpy '4 fnrm inlittBÍieidthr IJitr.h nnd Tftcfc hroi la lodi:th PntrirbOIyu('nrm in rendora; Wf, a. rvikon."B. (1. lÏRkpr nnd BneVi fipm inSyJvan. Moitnf thi"p nnl many otbors can be dildMo uit purohheera TÜ. W MO ÏOIV. Ar b rbnj. h n ut UUW : Ayers Aguo Cure, .


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