Important To Soldiers On
JBiri)igan iUps.i pl'KlCEOF U. S. &ClLITAKY OOMM INDKIt ) Dfritotp, iá. ioíü. y AVlion a pwldieï enüsts in the service of hi.s country, he takes tho following in : "1 do sc-h-inaly swear tluit I w;!lltuav tri allegiiinctí tothe United Staljs of America, lliat 1 vvill defeml thi-m ngainet ill their encunes and opiio.-ers, wh ate ver, that I vvill observo ,uá obey the orders of tlie President uf the L'niied Sttttee, and the orders of the c.liieers appointud over me, j ding to the anieles lor tho government i i iho armies of the United Statesrso t$]b me God." Notwithstandiníí this unieran oath, tberfl are, probably, hundreds of men al tliis motneut skulktng away fron tbetr regiment.8, sliirking from duty, :md, like cowards, raoniog away from ihe rlagtliey volunteered to uphold, and leaVinS better men than themselros to fight the battlésöf the country, against those traitor knflves in nnns against our country. And now, cltizena of those parts of 'h:s State where theso cowardly skulkers are hurborad - all yon who give emjiloyment to thefo deserters - have you ihougbt bow rnuch. yóii are encouruging the.-ie men, in employing them on your farms, in your Morkshops, and your livery stables; these men, who are irmg a lie ! vho are living in constant violation of their oath, while absent from their flag without proper authority. Vou should drive them irom your community; frown upon al! such misconduct. Now, by virtue of the authority ve9ted in tne as " Jliütary Commandor of Siichiijan," anthorizing me to collect stragglers and forward tliem to their ifgimenis, or to discharge them if recommendea by the senior medical officer for discliargi;; by virtue, I s;;y, of such authority, I order (.-wry suklier who is absent lro:n his regiment without proper iiuibority, to report in person, tome, at, tlicse headquarters, during the early part of next week, or as soon as they see or bear oí' this uotice. Seeondly, I cali ujion all order-loviug citizens; all ortfertoving citizens ; all cmgiatratei, and civil oliicera, to aid in correcting this evil. I c;ill upon all, whose brothers, sons anj !r:ur.i!s are now in the ranks of our guliant ariny, tocóme forward, and belp tu rid the connnunity of thc.-;e dujri )nest men, ivhp are, m iny of them, laboriog on farms, or lumbering, or as mechamos, and seuü them to tho ïaüks where they belong. I will reeeïve them at Detroit Barrack.s and forward tliem to tlieir regimenis, where their servico 'm due. ' I h pe this may be read generally thiiHhout tbe State, and prompt atteotioi givtaS to it. ftlany of" these men, who are thns laboring, are becoming ciamorous for their pav, Send tliem whero ihey will earn their pay ! I do not spcak of the really sick, or those who are on leavo by conipotent authority. To the sick I will say, that I am aut'norized to take immediate steps to discharge such as present themselves for exümination or at the hospital, Detroit Barracks, and a-e reeo'mnendod lor discharge by tho senior medica! officer.
Old News
Michigan Argus