A Trout Factory In Connecticut
Meaars. Píioiaia, Kellogg & ivcs, of Hartford, li.-ivc i large trout fautory in ogeration in (Listenbury, Cano., where truiit irc hutuhcd liy artificial ino:nis. The number uow in tiiu pcjnd is bctween ■ lii.noii .-,,„', 56,000, .-,.:.; rapidly Slióreaaing. Whca the stook readies tLo numhe ofhalf ainillinn, thoy estímate i yicld of 50,000 pounda per anmuu. As 'tlicy will briug in marfe frota Ewéuíy-flye to r pound, tliis mount wonld aoosd a verv pleasanl tiet tiieoia The fishco ,u-, r.:.l eegalarly, and hav$ a man in sttnstant atteníítóoe Théir fooá conBiatsofsmall fishea and shad Bpawn in season, Milliona f suokers u' raiaed to ('■■'I (Jie liuiiL'i-v bea'itiefl of the j d.
Old News
Michigan Argus