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Important Movements

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The Ptúladelphia Prest, of Friday, prints a letter fróia its correspondent at Ñew Bridge, Va., June 13, contaiuiDg the following important statements : '■ I writo to-n!ght with Letter spirit iban I have disiie fijr weeks. There is an indieatiou that Riehmond id being sacroaiidsel elosèr nd closet-, and thougb it.s fall noed iiot be auticipated for some time, vet living there s fust becoming a dangerous thing for its citizena. Yesterd.'iy afteruopD the centre of tlnsarniy pushed forward, and General McClellao moved liis headquarters acrusa tha Cbickabominy, and now lies within iivo i,ii!es of' Richinohd, Lis advanccd posts at that point being much closer. ToniyUt, when I write, more thán four-fiftha 01 bis forco is acrósa the river, and iiad not an unexpected event countefipauded tlio order, daylight to-morrow woiild have found tho remuining fifth safely crossing, " featerday aud to-day bridge-buildin was earried on on the mo t extensivo scale. Tliousands of wood-cboppers plied their axes ín the forest.s near tlie river, and hu'idreds of teams conve3red the logs to the edge of the swamp. - Workiucn luid thom, and sharpshooters etood ready to piek off rebels wandeling with vil'ainous uitent upou the opposite shore. Cannon were mounted ou every coinmanding hill, and any oue not know ing the plans of our crafty Commanderin-Uhief would have imagttied that, through thic.k and thin, we were to cross the river at theso points and fight our way, past battury and breastwork, to the top of the rebel hill. And the fight would have beca a most desperatu oue, for a better fortified hill never existed than the ono faeiug these hvo bridges. " J?y the time this letter is printed the movemeut on foot wi'l have been mado. ana 1 reiievca trom the ban undcr which a previous revelation wou'.d otherwiso rest. The details L shall uut give, bat the idea is that the entiro right vring shall tnarch to the lef't under cover of the woods, cross beliind the coutro, and, with i'ts flank testiïlg ou the rivcr, OÖcamp behind breastworks, thus cflectually secufiog the positio:i. This extensivo bridge-building s all a foint, the oroMing places of the right wing boing nbw, as they have been tur two weeks, ia pQrieetly good cuuditiou, and out ot' roach f ro:n rebel guna, '' This. had it uot been for an uncxpected event, would have been acconiplished by to-raorrow mornir.g, but now a day or two more will elapse before the whule army will bo aeross the stream - - Tho ciremnstanco whieh thwai'ted us was one pruvided fjr by orders from head(uarters, and the oroseing coluina was only detained as a reserve.'1


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