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Important From Mobile

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Tlio Oonneoticut lirittja important inbelligenco from Mnbilo, W11 auuux a huimnary of it. THE 'é LAST DlTL'll'' ON TUE 01:1.1' CO . 'l hu rebol fon-, '.-s ;it, Mobil-:, wliicli fcere mucli weakemd fot lltu purposd nf assistiug iu the defuuce of' Cbnuíli, Imvo boen laigcly reiutoicöd, uiid extraordinury cfi'orts are inttkinjz to vender tlio positiou too Bttoog lo bc captuzod. meusq eai'thwuiivi, in uddition to already bni't, aVo going up, tlio rebela WOl'kiug niht alul J;i) to eoiiililctc tllCUl. Froiu tlio sliituuioi . ral . ers who esea'Hil to Uir s'e-iülbr Oolonido] ia a Binall biji.i, just beforc tin: Cöuueoticut spoke tliu y-iiS8el ou thu Ttli inst., il appears that a portiuu of Beauregai:ds Coriuth ariny, was estimatod. twolve tliousaiid men, had reacbad Mubild, and the deserters asucrtaituid that it was believcd iu Mubilo that Ikaurcgard himself bad also anivcil thero and asumcd cotnmnnd. As a partial confiruiatiou of tliis report it mav be ni'eutioned that tlio officers of tbc Uounecliout uotieed severa! :nall steamers putofi'from the city and proceed to Fort Morgan, wn-h crowds of peoplu ou tlioir decks - the i'u-Mt gteainer bcaring the " Uniou" forward, denoting thai an officer of high rauk was on board. Othcr lufbrmatiou iaaicatcs tlmt t.Jiu rebels have determiucjd to hold Mobile. aud that il' tho resul t of the operationa at all othcr places provea disastrous, to ïuako tbc final struggje hcre. Some of tlicir breaatworka are said to be protected by dituhes thirty fcet in wiutli ; aud the rather ludicrous idea is suggested ihat tlns is tLe lust thsy will dig, aud iu wbiob ' Ibey propose to die. ] FOUT GAINES D1S3IANTU5D. Fnrt 'Gaines, O'io of the defonees of i Mobile harbor, has been dismantled and , svaeuated by tbc rebels. That portion ;if the harber nearost ths fortifieation was previously obstructcJ, and all vessels wlneh approach tho city must pass within short range of Fort Morgan. - Tliis fort bas bcou strengthened ; the gnns of Fort Gaines havo boen removed thitbtr, and every prepara'tion made - so f ar as can ba observed - for a long and severo struggle. It is understood that Fnrt Gaines was not a strong work, aüd tbjat the obstruction of the harbor, instead of retaining tha fort, has tliiá advantago, that our vessels will encounter a heavy fire, and will, at the same time, have less opportuiiity of infliutiug injuiy upon the rebels. The fact heretofbre refarred to, that some of Commodore Furragut's vessels, including Commodore Pnrter's ïuorlar boats, wnich were off Mobile, havo gone up the Mississidpi Kiver, is confirmed by this arrlval. TUU FLOUIDA COAST HK-0CCLP1ED Bï BEBSIi THOOl'S. The towns on the west coast of Florida, which were a few weeks ago cvacuated by the rebels, and the garrisous sent to Beauregard have been ro-occupied. - 1 Apalaehicola, Ccdar Keys, 8c. Marica, and Tampa Bay aro now in the puyscssion of much larger rebel torees than were ever in ocenpation before. All along the coast Captain Weodhall reports " there were swanns f men;" rebel soldiers weru visible everywhere none of the old stations are now unoccu piud. This is said to bo partly owing to the retreat of Beauregard, j.irt oí' whose forees have returneil. The deserters befare alluded to declare they are totally demoralized and rcfusc to filit again. The conscription also has fiirnished great uumbers. THR liLOCKADE. We give the following extract of Com mander Woodhull's report of hts p'resont voyage : jlji uivuwauu ia, aa UhUtfl, WC11 SUStaincd tliroughout our whole coast, and is, doubtloss, as efficiënt - possibly more so - than any blockade ever before estab üshed by any naiion. The cruising véasela aro light, active and efficiënt, as the list ut' captures wiil prove. All are in gooá diacipliue, luok ing wcll, and do doubt will gve a food acouunt of thcinselve.s whenever au opportunity oceurs to test their pio,wes.s. The health of tbc men and olfic-ers of the different véasela viaited continúes to bc excelleut. At length, so fir as can be ascertained, the depurtnient üaa a right to congratúlate itself upon the general Bitia&ctory and Suo coudition of the ííaet now distributed on our immense extent of coast.


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