
Ib this city, June 22(1, DAVID HYDE Ejiformertyof Brnnswick, Essex Co., Vt.ag! 62years6moaths and 2days. Wiscoasin and Vermont papera ploaj copy. In this city, on the 2Oth inst., of typboli lVver Mrs. Lccrktia Kellogg, wife of Dor Kellogg, aged Ú8 years and 7 months. In Ann Arbor Towiisiiip, on the 18th inst., I'lH-DKXCK El.IZAHElH Fox, Wife of IsüSC Umin. aged 40 years, ü months, and 19 days. At Dexter, on the 20th inst., Ifrs. Ckasi, wifeof A. D. Crane, Esq., the ProsoeutingAttorney of thi.s coumy.
Old News
Michigan Argus
Isaac Dunn
Prudence Elizabeth Fox Dunn
David Hyde