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jNTew .Axlvertisements. Fruit and Ornamental THEES, -A.T XjO'W" PBIOES. rpHKSDB'CRIBERSarenow preparj.] t. rreoir, ' dora Torall k:n!.s of Fruit an-1 Or :azn;aUI iW Shrubs, Plant, Klowor and Vines of everv ■ nnl Tarivty. Fot the F.ill of 18 Í2 and Sprin'í oflMU We havo a lar-e stock no.w prowjn;, añil intento nuke larga impnr ationa froui t:mc totimjw Ihonti of the countrv dotuaad. Wciaviu: tho poople to roAe es loqaainted withuitr fa,:iltieror fon;iiai I trohaslag ettewharc. v.'. vamaliüf rarictius lo trutj u ijiüu-, anj t be Vlgorou MkA hcalthj specimens. A1I ciuiiiiíiiiic.itir.jj. ivil! prowplIj ri-.ipMnii.-diu. Oar o8ic i. in Kogeis' Agricattanl '■'Ai st.. Aiti jl:bur, Mich. DlBOIS, CARR & 00. Aun Albor, Ju , 24, I : ; t. A Card. Mi-3. H. O. IIARVEV woulJ iníorm the citizena of Ann Albor tlial alie has ukon roonu a; t. lie rosiduiico of JIrs. Kei.loso, on Ann Street, arui will k prepared t give iiislruction to pupil upon the Piano, Mlo.U'ou, or Quitar, after í'i-iday. June 27th, 1HB8, Ann Ar.bor, Juno 'Otli, 1SU2. 4w strayed. 1JIR 'M thtsubtC4bcrabout four 'oeks no a two ftu 1 otl rclIIKlFKIl. Ha a liitlc vrtilte' on ïrtllr.'aw! long horiii A i-wwonablc rewanlwill be forinf1 m:iiuu wíhtv .iheiuav be fband. JOJiN GEOÍIGE SCHNIERLE. Ann Ar-r.. IJ, 16%. 5.S7w2 The Last Cali. AlXtbnsoindebtedto lbo latí íirm of VViocs &KolrW iro requestod topaj the same beforr thj lirit dy of .fiily m xt. :is all demanda I hen romaining un-iï ! ije k-fi iritli au officor fui c Iíection W. W. WINT?, J. W.K.VIOHT, Ann Arbor, J 1 ), ISÍI. mint OTotiooPHEBE A. A.VNABLE iSs 1,-ave to inform the poblé thal ihe ban darnjthe lat feara tradedtatb es irraoua ip .untuf bul ween 40 u! 50 dollurs in lb time on lur huabaa 's aáoouni WIKB OF HA1VV ANNMBLE. shamn, Jnne -ítli, isiíí. sXvt To be Issued Sept. 15, 1SÖ2. MIOHIG-A2ST STATE GAZETTEER. AND Business Direotorv, luí: 1 IIK VEAR3 l;C3-'3. " TUK W0R5 W1I.L COXT1N Ilistoño and Detcrijptive Sketcha OK .LL TUE OITIES, TOWNS & VILLAOÍ Thvoughout tlietat1; Díassifieá Iiists of n[l Professions, Trados and Pursuits,. Arr&nged alphaWtlcftíTj for eacfa Toivn.fhi:? exbiW ting t a glnuco, ilie full addiYHi and parHcular buincM of fvt-ry Mbrciunt, JlAWOFACruKRa Iliorft10XAL M.N W THÉ 8L11K, At thc camenf follcítat-oo o{ many of Ihe príncipaln1 ehanWand business meñ of Detroit, and in eumplnvii wlth tbo geoeríill j espressed ish4of the publiot laiff forsuch a work, tbe pubHshfr of lb Dkikoii Cirr W BKfTOKYlins lii-ii-rmiiií'I tu uodertake ihc publicaron atborough, complete mi rr lia ble i; azkh kkbr amBC kus üiaw roa opihe 6tatk ok Michigan. PositeastoC aa be 04 he dues, uousoal facIUties fór ubtaioíng títf nocessary atoi-tnaiiu)i, tbe vrork wjU be-iu e.voryrttprt o coraplcM iit'l ri'Hableone, xro Wvtrthj thc onUdMC uní nironagof tlie pubtio lt w'U be cxprowljd4 ked to the wftots o frftrrocrsand Men of Business, :iv In tended as a snuroe of instruction andgoW' anco to thctlinuin ■! oí Bfcningeni, travelers nná imigrnntAwhu are f-ecking new bornee r business acquaiiLunee In lïie Vst, where the currents "f Trd are r.niv swelliQg in magnitude, and where ric'r. Koil bnowfl uo esbatntion; an] tonvike tbe work univerí-ull.- sotiht aftt-'i, it is ik-tcimined to issue It ata ra' that vilt make tt a Biok for tb lVople - useful a01 ebeap - arul lliis Iftdone by thc liberal subscriptiois Citlzena, Laoü owners, Uercbnnts. and otbers interc' inthevarloua Counties, Ciliea and Tuwns. This o& n íll contain :i full descríption of the State ai torpe n by Cnuaties ; her agricultura] and mineralogical ■ Muirrt-.--; li.-r advantagoA as id agricultura! nud maní facturiog State her minora. s dej&ned and lcated; hf vratrrcourseti, Umbcr landti, soil and eliniate; tb Rftüioad Unes completed, betng built, and thorf projecUÚ u;;mln.-f ui'cliiuclu-í-, schools and bencvolPt soii-t i-s i ti eacb cmmty ; nnmbvt pf merchanis. vt. and manufaeiurlng eslabltshmentfl, attoroJ and phyaiciaoH i' eaeli down m tlio State; tníorwipn for tn imniígant as to tho best loca tion lor lm p;irHcolar buhinesR. A li-t of unentered lands in tli Stti with tbelrtoontlon, chai actor and pi ice; a complet H of the J'ost Uilicts in the State ; ñames and locatie all neWíip pers nnñ pertodfeabt; full lint of the prw State and Gounty omcem, nith tbe Constitqtiop "f ll Stat; tabe of dlutancee on aN Upea of tmwl il;rouitt tlife State, i tthe'l by ifcilroad, steamboat or t;i2e-cf3CP To ounlain abto a completo t rade list, tbe advaat! v. fii -1' ti oacrchauts and busloesa men generally, wil " mínense. As a Jlcílium for Advertising This boot. oflera ujiequaled iiwiuecmentfl, an ií '" P etrculftted in tv.ry Wwn and villáge Ihroagboirt !ft and wlll go direct ly to that class of '-) ■.vitli whmaU isgroatly to the interest of al) adrrtw loboknnwn. AdvertiHementa will be taken PTlC" rfuiging OblD Fivb Iïolurs, upwards, according to f=PjJJ aii'l locallon, tbusbríngíug the val un ble privilege vtm i! ■ mach of all. Thc work wlll be compile aDá ƒ■ ruDged wítii great oare, and will bo prlnled andlx'"01'' a .'iv Bupcrlpr and dubstantial maiim-r, it lieip '"' ', lention t make tlie Work one of interestend r va !J well wortby.of prrvntion asa bonk of reference . theSít. ' .udthi ■ -!"ii:il"an Thepriceof (hol k haBbeen fisod mí:','"1 l '. DQtpi of wliicb it will be sent to any part f the t" States. (Vec of pontage. ll ('Miiiiniíuio.itlons -hrtnH he itdórefcfed to _ , _ CÜARLES F. CLARK, Publi'i - I! ,


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