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SPECIAL NOT1CES ■ Tïie Douglas Memori...

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SPECIAL NOT1CES ■ Tïie Douglas Memorial, , ■, of mc-mtarship of the Douglas Monument tawciaion, beautiiuily mgmVed on teel. about Bfitóbj .,vche imjmi. n üdmumob is " 'cady tor d.stnbu. ...ntu heUib.tthe monument fond. To all ferwardtag to U AM-. One Do lar o, llltlutDM of these Diploma, properly e' '„l';„;r,lato,siuthe sm of TWO Dollar or mor. „illb.farnishod gr.ftuously, bMid O Diploma, a beuutiful imperial sizo atOEL ÏONURAVING OF JUDGE DOUGI.AS, al l-T 17 ) Led by Marsh, Rowei: Co. üontniwtor. " the aun. of ona dollar will become lif. membm of the Dougl Monmu.nt Association ; in the .urnof Lvoniylulhu-liouorarylifc nwaiteM j nd m . tbesaio ..f o, bandroJ doll., lionorary lifc memoer uf tlio Board of Trustets. B] „cl recon-cia aü,l oHortnf for ountributions are M in.-,uf„.,mcJm ll.cluyal SUlw. Tamphlcts and ( culur, coBUlntog the Org.natlh, OowttuUo, , U aul the Appc-al of the As lation, wül bo sent to all ,vh„ will [brw.rd thdr addre. CommunicaUona ahp1d be OKHUd to tho -Sv-.retary D. M. Ass'u, Ch.caSlutiHnr, ho will in.rt tb oard in their daily, wcekly ot tri-wcckly UOM tluo, months, witU au occa„ioual notie, to advaocc tho object in vi w,ll havo f. warded to them mmediately Diplomasas Honorary L,fo j MeniberScftWsASSodation,also copy of the aboye Portrail, opn therecrlpt by the society of a coW of Lkosabd W.oucPecretary 856m3 .... JWj" ÍWLAND'sfejrtSAHIO Cordial is an old Rermanpreparation, nnl given more satisfnetion thaii any other remedy for the cure of Diseases of the Lungsk . CfáT Seeawotnan, in another column, pieking Sambuci Gnipea for Speeus Wiue. It is a admirable artiele, used in and byfi.-t-claSs families in Paris, Londen, and New York, in preference to old port wine. It is Tvorth a trials it gives grt satiafaction. A CARDTOTHE StTFFEEiNG. The Rfv Viiii Cosouovk, „lnlelabcing asa Mili tree of charge. A" " R.Y.WM. COSGROVE, 8n3 i 439 Faltón avenue, BrooUKn B. . Important to Ladies. Ó t ,'íñ 't Feillla Difficulties and "c kJ in tíoussnd ui ■" i eu.ring the aflUct3 o Süu„J .ealtb, has entCr. confidence u oïferin )uláiclyb "GRBAT AMERICAN REMBDY, 03EI. HABVEY'S CHRONO-THERMAL FEMALE PILLS. WUUh hiw nevar jol ftHod (when the d.rect.ons have bedo strictly followe,) in remortog difficiiltipsarislnï from Obstruction, or Stoppage of Nature, systena to pti IVct healtli, wlien suf WU or other weakues. ol the Uter.nk Obga. Also mot! delicate f mált aiOutul causiug dUeroi; at the san tin ...i ret.riBgthe!.ystcm tó n wMhy coodil-oa, ', , Ster fromwhat cau tbeolwtriieöOM u-,ay riw tt2eorfour.oonih.ol progaanoy, thougb salo átu, olher time as n)Uoarriai;e wouW Ijo the result Si:hbox c,.„t.uns 60 PiUs. Prico (me Dollar, and whea df-iroil '11 bc sODt by mail [itcpaid by any aJTCr tised ',Mit.oniewipt ui' the njoney. Sold bv HruK?iwiu Anu Arbor ■j nBYVN,T5ocheter,S V., Gefral Agent. H. & ].. SIMONEAP, Detroit; Whotesale AEt fo Michigan. ____ New Medical Discovery. the speeay :iii-: permfenem curew Sonnorhea, Gleet, Urethal Discharges Ciravil, StricUiie, aud AffectioM of the Eidnetjs and Bladder, which ha been u-vi by npwarda of ONE HUND11ED PHYSIC1AHS, utUeir uriv-atê prMtice, witll entire success, "f"-i. JingCcsEB.-, CorinU, CUmiJss.or any.coimicuuclhither BELL'S SPEC1F1C PILLS, a,v spoed, in action.ofWn ■ ttecling a raro in a few days. a„aiuuueuieiseirected il is pcrraaner.t. They are ,„., reietabli extracis tbt are harmlesn on tliü svsWin, nd i ■ ' - the stoiaacl or imprégnate the brwitl -coatcl, a,l tUUavUd. .','-h„„i-iof üi't ''""y '""'s' Mintiein; nor Soe theii aotion inlert.-if y.tli busiJ' ,,n bcoiltains six luaeD lilis. ' ' E C01.IAB, niawnfliest-ni by ninl! ,.1-pW by any iulvertisc.l :rra;,t,iiv.m'!. Soldby Drua lo ' Konegíniiinewlthont m y (gotate on th wtappr. i ORY 'N. Rocbtftfter, N". Y. , (íeneral Agent. H. & I.. SUIONEAü, Datruit, Wholesale Agcnts lor sncWgD. soinf J.MPORTANT"FËMALES THE HEALTH AiU ut'KOFWOMAN' Iscoiitinuallv mnc-iil f sll i- m.a'l enouglj tonegleci maltreat Ihtwe --vu,-il m-yuliiritic to whlcb two. irda of liarse r ir lew subjt-ct. lilt. CÜF.K.-F.MAX'Si'll.i.-. .reparel from the same rmiil ,vl,;cl: the inventor. roRXELlUS L. CHBESEN M I). ofKaw-fork, for twehty years use.l cce'asfnlWtnMi extended pri vate practfa - immedlatel)lii.v.- without p.iiu, aH Aintorliancoa oi U:e periodical scbarge. whtetlrer arwïng Prom u-luxatiun ot suppreson fht-y ct luie tt charni iu removing the pains that jccmpany difflcull or imraoderate rao-struation, and retheonlyBafeand ruli.ablj remedy fr Flunhe, Slok fHiliicli'-, Piüi in the L-la,Bekand Sldts, Palpitatlon f the Heart Necvous Trenjor, Hyaterics, Rpasms, r. ,!,c!i si, ■11:111 i ütiier unplearaatanrl il.mïeroUBelTecls f an nmiMiiral conditiim nf tlio sexual functions In ha iroral o iel of l'uur .-luns Dr VVhites, thcj ellect a peetly cine. To WIVK3 and MATROOS. )H.CH1ÍK#KMAXS ]'II.I.Sarc nlTe'i'd 8 the oflly safe ■wat of reaerlgÍDterrapted menstruation, but. IiADlES MUST IiliAK IN MI1J Tkcrc ie on e r.ov dili o n of theemale njHlcm In wh eh 'lu PUI imvviit be taken wïhovt producmg 1 PECIH, All IESULT. rhicn,idiH„nrr,ft;rredto is Fit KGXA NCY- ht rrtnit, MlfCSlt UI Ad F.. Such il the irresistible mdntcy nf the medicini tormuirt thi terual fwaUmt tn 1 normal cmi'lltion. that creii the reproductire power ,( iitimrc cnnaol rm ■ ■ . ' ' KxplMt directiont swlin? lo'ien, nndv'licn ihr.y shaiild ,M bc uscd. with icli BM ,- thu iVicc Om Dollar each Iiax,i:dnttiiiiil "'O PüísA nloahle P upblst. tn ta hn.l ffee of the Agenta. PilUsnüz'mníí promptlt, bj enoleilog pnco to auy As.nt. ■"■ï-,;;;;1;;M,Vr„p7:th, '20 Cedar-St., Nev York. v,-,r Palet); maYXAKH 8TEBKN6 k WILSON , anc OKENVIIXE i; !UI,I.KH. #ji stigM cota, s or ëfate. ïDhtaxLt, vJhioh mighi fce cheake'i ■with, a simple remedy, if negUcted, cften terminales senously. Few" are aware of the importance of stopping a cM-dh. ■ or fLtcni. jScld in its fvrst stage , that which in, the beginning would yield to a mild remedy, f nat attended to, soon attacks the lungs. Jg.aUin.'&-fo.rLch.Lal jochea. ivere firU introduce! eleven years ago. It has been proved that they are the best article before the publio for fciiark&, rfaLd&, g.f-an.chiti-11, fL&thsn.a., tfa.ta.t--h., the Hacking Cough in tfarLSumLtuxn., and n-imerous affeations of the j3h.t-aal, giving immediate relief. Public Speakers tt Singera will Jxnd them effectuol for clearing and strengthenmg the voice. gold by all (2)ruggists and (Dealers in Jtfedicine, at 25 cents per box. PRIZE POETRY. Let ChVftains boast f deeflt in war, And Minareis uní' their f weet guitar, A. nobWr thmc niv hcarti filled - In ir ol HüiUiiCK'h rontchle&spills. Their ruTV.f are found )d every land - A raid IIushííi'f puows - ;m'l Afric's F.&odit ; The woqdroufl works - thfi ppra filU Produccdby HEKaiCK'sinatcliless Filis. Doei disease afliict you ? nevcr doubt Tbis chnriuin oOmpound willtiearch it out, Aul bealib sigatn yourttjtttra 611, If yon fly atoaceto HtHRiCE's Pilis. They'r'í safo for all - bnth oH and younpTheir praitsfts iru on BTery tongue ; Piseftso, disarni-(i - no longer kills, Since we are bletistd wlth IIkrkick bPíUb. rir Put tip wíth Enrlisb. ;SpLDibi, Germán mi Krtnc] Price - oente p 1 ?j 5tf 18621862. Socond Arrival - of nbw - SPKINÖ ANI i SUMMIER COODS ! AT C H. MILLEN & CO'S. We aro now receiving a splendid stock of DRESS GOODS, SKIRTS, SHAWLS, MANTILLAS, &c. Fine French Cassimeres, and Coatings. For the Gentlemen. UARPETS, DOMESTIC GUODS, FINE NEW TEAS Andother Choice Family Grocerics. For IEverybody: AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES, Oall f,n.c4 SeeC. H. MILLEN & CQ. Muy, 1862. 854 tl " Wí KNOW NOT WIIEHE ELSK SO MUCIi ACTIIENTIC INTELLIOKXCE OF TUK KkBELLION CAN BE OliTAIXED." '' No OTHEH WOHK POSSESSE9 THK VALL'K AS A WOUK OF UEFERENCB. " It is Relialle, Compleü, and Desirdblc. THE REBELL9ON RECORD Edited by FRANK MOORE, tliconlv nublioittion which g!vt-s the 1HSTORY Oí' IHÉ GRF.AT ÉH'BUGOLE FOR FKKF GOVERN.MKM' NOW UO1NO O.'. jt a Full, Impartial and Keliable. AKi'.lORD WlIltJII TI: COCRT3, THE DKPARTMENT?, ANirniKl'líhSí THE BISTÖKY OF TUE TIMES, It appenls to the iutclligonce of every citizen. Bv refere nee to it errj persmi eau be fairly and trutlifully puttcJ up in relatloo to tuis GRE AT EEBELLION. IT CUNr.U.VS.- I-, TUE CAUSES tg THE GltKAT STRUGGLE AND TUK GEKATjlfSUEK BKFORK THE COUNTBÏ Bï IPWABD EVEUETT. II. A Diary of Verified Events ; Comircucing with the meeting of tho South Canillita Conveutiun, Dec. l"tli, 1800 - ginn, íd Ihe form ol a li:iiv, ;i GODciM, auccinct, aud trutliful liif-tory uf ev ety event :i 3 it occurb. III. r)ocume?is, Speeches, Extended Narrativcs, Sfc, COXSln.N'ü OF ALL THli Ofkciai. Rei-okts, of B:ttlps, SkiruiUlies, áe., Messages axd Proclasiatioxb ot'tlic President of the Unitod States, Special Orders, &c, itc. GRArnic Accounts of the niovemunts of troopa Important Spkechics and Letters from Ltuding Men, North und South. Picturesqe Narratives ( from eye witnfsses) OK THE GaEAT BaïTLE, SlCESSION OltOI' naxces, Messages, Proclamations, tc IV. Rumors, Ineidents, Patriotic Songs and Ballads. lUuEtrated with correct Portraits engraved ou steel c the Notable Meno the time, and witli Maps and Diagrams of the plañí of battles: THE REBELLÏON RECORD ís nubUshing in l'ARTS, cacti part ülustraterl with TWO KlNEl'OKTKAlTií, 50 cents caob. ALSO, I.V VULUMES. ëix Parts, with Coplous Index, comprifie a Volume. KOW READY, VOLUMES ONE, TWO, AND THREE. Bound íd Cloth, at $3.75 cach; beep, $4.00; Half Morocco, or lialf Calf Aunque, èó.CU eacb. " A. ISTew Editionj Bold EXCU'filVBLT BY CiNVABÍERS aufl AGKrfTí", ÍS DOW publishíníf in Nos , at 25 cents each. Each No. Uluitrted with a I'nrtraiton Steel. # Agects wautcd, to whom lioeral commissionit will bc given. J# Copies of the REKEUJON" RECORD, in Parts or n Volumes, will bo tfent, free of expense, od receípt of Frice. iont in registered letters, thupuMUher will be respoDKiblu for all remtttauces. Club willbe Pupplitd at the followfng ratep: Fivo Copies of cach volume in eemi-nionthly No?, or Monthly 1 rW, to out) address oriep&rately, tt2 Tea Copies, . 1 2. 50 Típoiíttauces muit rnuct bc sent ia regintered letters otbcwise the Fublisber wíll not be responsable, aud iu eufioBt fonds, G. T. PTJTNAM, rublishcr. 6ÖS Croadwij-, New York. C. T. ETAXS, General Agent. 863w3 Oval Picture Fraiues I A LL8IZB!, STVUE a.n'1 PBICES jut rceivoi al -CH0FT & M!T.T."FR'S. 80tf H ilVS (f i? w pi i f fl-lig.ö cc Í 's "2 .3 Y.3 pï i--R 1 r ê R 1 THE BEBELLION ON HIGH PRICES FOU CLOTHING, HAS COMMENCED AT THE 0L0 & KELIABLE CLOTHS N G EMPORIUM ! No. 3 PHCENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. 1 r-o -mil vi ried avsoriraint nf TAMnow cpenmi bï LLL$„ of Uw r.Wiïirt0: tïs.rc. -tu,, cmerca, or Ready-Madc Olothing, -wlll cali uuWM. WAGNER, who hu jut roturned ITom the Ka,t. wlth a brgc aasortiiicnt of SPRING & SU MM ER GOODS which bve been purchawd at the lato LOW PBIOES! „lo, themat a lowcr figuro tbn T beforc. Aiuougmy Assorlmeut IBaJ bc fuuud IJROADOLOTIIS, UASSIMERES, DOESKINS, VEST ING S í alUcrlptions. togethcr wilh a superior .sortincnt )I lUadyOIadc tlotllliig, THCXKS, CARI'KT and JEBGentlemen's Funiishing withnun,o.onothe.-article usually fouul in Mmila establishment-. As an EMPOIIIUM OF PA8HI0N, SuS"lon to ah Who may tMt hta U tU waï ol CP Maiiufaeturhig GarmonU to order WM. WAGN'ER. AnnArbor,ApH19tl.l?62. Wtt GLOBIOtrS News from "Dixiel" The Rebeliion about Crushed ! A. C. LOEB, OF THE CLEVELAND CLOTHING HOUSE Returu their Binccre thaok to thcir UWM FRIENDS AINI PATftONS, Por the liberal mmnor ia wliich th.vy have tantotofe ptroaiü, nd bcg leavu tu announcc tUat tlicy ai e AGAIN ON HAND With aLarge and well solectüd Stock of SPRING &, SUMMER CLOTHING! GENTS' FÜRKISHINQ GOODS, Hals, Caps & Tfiikj, which they wffl bcU at Astonisliing Low Prices ! For furtlier -articuiars Oall a, xx c3L Si O e br yoursclTCB, and you w.U uot goaway üusatisnca. A. & C. LOEB, Uuron Street, a few d,or, „ost of Cuok's IW Aun Arbor. Muy, '862. ""HO _ ' D1SSOLUTION. miIV Co-p.v.tnersliiplicretoforo fxistirg between the l uiitersigncd unrtt-r tbe nani and Btylc of Spoor & Tho-.pson was dissolvert } 'y mutual consent oü th lóth (tav of Mav.inrt. llifl-uiincss "I tho IntnirBlwiU bo Mttld by Joun W. Thcmpsun, and the inmi continncrtbyC Bfoov. CHAS. SPOOK, JOHN W. THUMPON'. Datcd, nn Arbor, May:8th, 1W ]Votiee. ALL 11111 inclebtod to the lt flrm of Sunor and Th'jmlisou are cequetJ to cali at the olí stand anrt make prompt -ettlem.ut ot tl, A Cprd. rrBK ounM SWl nd Hamess waking will I 1 cank-donatthc old place of buslMU ol rpoor fc"lcraignl,whi oücits tbe cootmued patronage of the old cuatomers oí lh flrm, anfl hopcsby iirnmptattcnlionio businek ti gain uuiv p trouB A i'HUCral assortiniat of Harneas aud tiadllery alwajon hand. All pmon indoblpd to me ntU.r b? noteor bofk account an reljucsttd to ecttlü tbc sni' CHAS. SPOOR. Ann Arbor, iltj 23, OM. s"wl rvoticc. WÏ1F.REAS my wife Phobe A . ík in thf babit of ruling about thf conutrvand running uieinfiebt without my cocbt-Dt or kno l'eilgi: ; tbtrefon. :i!l [crs"tif 'ir': auUosed agiiust trHtlng Uit oumy account, si I lj fhar ■'. '■'' ' lie Bulo Calis ! Tito War has gun! A War ci Extermination ' against Bad Teeth, Bad Breatli, I Diseased Gums, Tootnacüe, j aclie, and Neuralgia. OUR AKTILLERY IS DE. WM. B. HURD'S )ENTAL TKEASÜRY 1 j j[gv COMPLETE BIT OF KEMKDÍE3 fOB PRESEKVI.NO THE TEETH, íRIFlEGTHEBREATli&MOLTíl uro 'uring Toothache & Neuralgia. CONTENTS : Dr. Hurd't CtUbrated MOUTH WASH, on ottlt. Dr. Hard', Unegualed TOOTÜ PO WDER, nc box. Dr Hard Magie TOOTHACHE DROPS, M bottle. Dr. HunlS UNRIYALLED NEURALGIA. VLASTEH. Dr. Hurd's MANUAL on the Rest ïfconi o, Preserving the Teeth, including Dircction for he{Proper Treatment oj ChiUlren't Ttclh. FLOSz SlLKfor cleaning hetween the Teeth TOOTH PICKS, etc, etc. Prepnrcd t Dr. Hurd's Dental O&22, tl Fout-Ui St .Brooklyn, (E. D.) P ice One Dollar or Six for $5 The Dental Tieasury mftkes ti pack nge eight incliea by five, nud sent by expre-ss. O Full direcüon for usc i$ on each article. TTwfollowing nrticks we can sond ecparutely, by muil, viz ; ThoTreatise en Preseivins Teeth sent, oost paid, ou rceeipt of Tweltb Cents., uv four btampa. The Neuralgia Piaster, for Nc-uralg'n in the face, Nervoua Hiftdiiclic, nnd Esraabe, ■ent, post puid.ou rceeipt of EieBtïSS Cexts or aix slaaips. The Neauralgia and Rhevtmatic Piaster, Clarea e), for pain in the Chctt, Shouldcis, Back ov any part of the body, si'nt, postpiid on réoeipt of Tuicty SuVe Ckxis. AddrcF3 WM. B. tíCjD & CO., Tribun-i Buildings, Ñew York. Dr Ih.r.Vs MOITU WA-H, TOOtH POWEB MtATUCnflUCHK ÜKOP8 caunut b seut by mail, bu' thoy oan praUblj I ■ obuincd ty.ur Drujt or '! cal StOTO. II UI Munut, se(l fui Üiu ULNIAI TBBA3URY, I'rice OSK Dolus, wliicii oontaini thom. Are Dr. Ilurd's Preparationb Good ■he bcit eviilmce that they aro is, lint thcir ürmest riundj and bi a' patrón are Wiom -vho havu usod itaen) owrMt 1t. Wiluam B. Hfhu is an eminent Dcutist oj Brouktyn,TraarT of the New York State Dentista Assoeiation, an i choao BFeMaUooi have beca aed ín üs prívate iir.-ictici: f..ryears, and no hadlpn citipn oi (rouklynor Wiíliamslmrgh iHuii chdt txcrileae, rfaile int Dantiít of New York recununend tlum 11 the bt knovnj to iho profion Witlioat tu au ut advcrtiaing, deals have hulO Ihem hy tUogross. Thi Editor uf tlie fí'ooklyn Vaüy Times y :- '■ W irehuppv tu know that uur Mead, l'r. IIihu, i snc ceealnl 'bevend all expoctationa wifh Hii HOlLH VASUna'TOOTH POWÜER. ïhe great secret ol hij success rerti with tb i fací THJT bw aki piík CIMLY WHAT1BET -SUi: BÏPaltfg.VTHi TU MyJU H -.N rKTttï fBOM T1ÍEIE LONG l'SS." Thn wellknown 1'. Ï. Harnum writE :- "I found vour T00TI1 l'OWDl-'H BO ), .1 tlmt i. y faraily havu usad i all up Wl FlXb IT TUE litST I'OWDER üa 1HK TKH THAT W1ÍBVKR DÏKD. 1 Bll f' oW'g 'f ÜU WlU BOnd IU unother upply at the Museum at vour conven.eiu-o with blU." Iiut Uieir cu.-t is so wmill tht evury one may lest the matter for himself. L%. Beware of tlie ovdioary IootU Pdwders. Dr Hlp' Tuom l'wii tontaina no ae d, nor alkalt, nu ehareoat, aSdpoluiu wllhout wcai-iag the eawl.J: uo other. What will Dr. Ilurd's Rem edies Efíectr tr. Hurí' MOÜTU WASn AND ÏOOTH TOWDEE vrlll ivu youug that charni iu MMano- a ssv.t breath UBd r.arlv tetth. Try lhm, ladies. Dr. Hurd1 MUL' 111 WASlI AN"D TUOTIl rOWEEB wilt clean tbe aiouth lruin .11 foul exbalatioi.ii, ar-J if used iu Uiunua. will inake the lircaklaet (a-r Bwtticr um) tbe dj be.-iu moee pleasantlv. Hunun-lof persons eau teslify tothii. Try ibolB, geutlcmen. Dr llonl'i Moral Wasii ad Tootu IMmtku are Uu bast preparatie in the world for wtring u. Bas ttnc: Kiviii' linnncsannd-hisUtli to tl o gums. Hairired ol oases of iso;ist.d HlbkoisoGou, Sork Morm, C.inkfk. vto., taTC b!8D curei'. by Dr llurd', atMniBt wasli. Dr HcB'a Mocth Wasb m Toora Powdm glv n additionul irbafm to courtsl.ip, and make hubld moru asrreoiible ta tíiáv wias ao.l wcyeí to ftieir htftU nda. Tue ihouW 6 uv-J bj everi pvnoo huvins Artificial Teeth nhicb ïre liab'eto irapart a taint to themouth. Dr Ht.'Rl'sT0OTHACUE nnni'S care Tmithanhe arisini; from eiponMl nervH.and are tbe best fcloadi that parenU can hs've in the houset., savothelr eblWrea hom tortamued tlu-iusekcs fron. losïof sleep and Bympathetlc iufferlog. _ , FiBMiii-aiid MütUAMCi ' you cannot wnll alTord to eeled yoiir teeth. Fot a trifling m, you can get rê-uivativcs than wlilcli Kothchlld or slor i-au gil otbiagbeitft. Renumher that DYHKP8IA m,1 CON Süill'TlOJÍ OF rilEI.USGSöften ongtoat in Negleet of ïtnth. &d 'or ÍÜ Treatisa on Teeth, ■ri ,-■: Or. ritc'.r.i otmrratiani on this subject. If loo :ite to urrest dgcay in your own icetli, fca-ve jour clilidrun'fc ieyth. NEURALGIA PLASTEES. Dr. Durcl' Neuralgia Son-Adhïv Piasters are thp mout plnmnnt and oeoesful roi4 ever (ircseribud for thisuainlul Ji.o'i-". The palrunt applie ooe, noon bcome arowy,fatl asleop, ;uv awaksfre Ir.mi pain, and nn Wisteror othrttlplaant or injunou ooiuiequi'iiMB ensuo. Kor Kuraclie umi Nwtoub Headuche, ipplj aconrding to airetton,oa lef wiH "ojljr fol. low KothiBioan be obtiined eqaal to Dr Uunl sLornprws r„r Neu'-alL'in, Irj thoui. Tlify are entirely a nuel ciinnu, andorlg!nlpïBpaiation and wundiriully succesifn. IlMyarof twoiios, om mali.iur tb face. pncn 15 cents, and tha otlicr liwge, for appliCUoo to the body, prtw 37 c'iits. Ifüi b e uaittd on rcceipl of pricc and one stamp. What are Ibe Pcople Boing! Til totricm people areintolligc-nt enough to anpre■iatepreparationsthat contribute bo much totlicha.iUmm of thOM usingtliem, and tlu-y want Uuqn. very naUbnuniu lrs. inn" "llni tlle iwIIm er leeth om the Wranügla PlaH,aud n"t n f.-w i-u-loeinL'ST nU lur the Mouth W;ish to S ent by mail -bul tï thi se w ■"■! coiopollwl io reply tbat ït is Impomlble t $-A ''-'''f l11111 üuUle bi Th ï16"' pi rut Umw ri'meilies. WHO WILLSUPPLY THBM 1 is tlie CHANCE EOR AGENÏS. Sbrcwd aüPnts c:iu mako ïma.11 fortune in c.Trrying thene ftvticl's uruund to families. Tlif TbjuDrï is the neateat artbik lbv ü man or womau eau car rviroiin'l .-end tor nno, or, twttrr, a doD, which f wills.ll, as s.,mplen, for$7 A(WM uppllcd liberally witli Circiilars. Now i the time to go into Business I to do nood. cd roaks a pr'.lit. W r.r retiñir,; ttiouand ter tlw bnwl "f N"'v Knitaml m.'n or wnm,.ii ! buró a uiwtMnf Bic, and a enaaoe ta toko U tifie M it Dood . iddrM "Wm. B. Hurd & Co., Tribune Buildings, New York. Tbat reïrntUm'e may be rofim with confldcncc, W. rt. B. Ó'- rtlcr to the Mayor tf Brooklyn : to G. w Gwrrm rreRidfnt F%rm' and Citfeceite1 Banii Br'ot!-a', '■ ■. JoY.COBiïCWi., Ni-w Yurk , tjF.T.ÜAii. r, Kiq., S York, etc., etí. MUÍ ■ -. -b.kta'.c is-. KsT-.!b.y 0 J. irEAj JIN vin.i .V i '1 '1"; '■■H. f-I.D FüiENDS_Lgl 1 IN THE EIÜIIT P4AtiKi. ïorrick's Sugar Coated " --- THE Ui:ST FAMILY CnÍL.'í. thartic in Ihu worlJ, ' VÏ' Si u3ed twt'nt? )'c6ts '7 rM flvo millious ol' peraon anuually : alwuya gire 1 lattafaotlon , containIng notblng injurloui; ■ I [ ) pntiomxed by prlntf(ÍF surgeoDS in the Umon ; ■TJ clegantly coated witl, I _-'y LargeBoxcs26 cents; ÖPb-- iXi r fivntiuxes for 1 ilollnr. [C..4j -;-rdi I'ulldirectioiiswitheuch p 'i'ALlAHASJK, I.Eö.N COONTT,l Florida, Jnly 17, ) , TüCn Hkp.W'K, AIbsn,N. T.- My üear Docto i :- I sriiet!i.-.toinfoiDijoiiof thmvondwful tfleot ef your iucT Coateil Pilla cu my Uer daugbtur, ïcriure reíra lie ha bucu i.fflicïud witli a blllious dcrangement I f tho-system. niully imparlag Uet bealth, which has ,.;.-n teadly lalling dnrtng thatpBrlod. WBoDlnNew ■i„i,i in April kut, a ttiond advised m totwt ;u;ir iJ.a i.iviug the fullas! cönfldmwe in thü j-udgmr.t ol iny rioad I obtaineJ a upplvoi Uemrs, Baroe S Part, iruggists ParkKow, New 'Vork. Ou retaruiiig home. K6,eaad all othcr treatmeot, and admlnistored your l'ills, on.' act i?l)t . ïhe lDiin-oTcmont n lier feelluga, :omplxioD, digestión, etc., BurpTiwd uaail. A rapid tnd'yermanent restoration to bealtb lias Ven the result Wb ufeil temthanárebDXes, andwHwWwhcrontTely j well I ooDaider the .i ust tnbut"! toyoua a Phylclin,andfrmtthatltwillbathcmeanof(nduoldg ma'ur to dopt vur Pilla al famllr luedicmua. I raln,4wrir,vttb many Ihanka, Your ulj'idleut (wrvant, 8. O. MORF.ISON. Heriick's Kia Strengthening PlaBtera euro in ilvc hour, pahisand weaknes'.of tliehrcast. -;.!.- and bac,and Rheaaatio OomplainUIn equallv ,h.,rl period oí time. Spread on bMutifuI white lamb skin, aubjects the wsrer to BO ineonvi an.l eaoh ono willwoir frma uiie week to tlireu laentba l'rice 1&3Í cení. , , Uerrick' Sugar Coated PfDi BmAKId Piaster w or Drulwist anJ Horohants In all pajts of Ibe I nitei Stiltes, Curnirto and 9ooth America, anJ m.y bc oljtain-.-d bvcallingfeithnaby thiirftiH uc. 1.804 DK. L.B. HEUKlt.-K, t Co. ' Albany, N. Y. Sl'EER'S SAMBUCI WINE, PLT.E, AXD FOUR TEARá Ol.n, Of Clioicc Opor'o ruit FOU PHYilCIAN?' U.-E, FOR FEMALKÖ.WEAKLY PERSONS k TWALIDS Even fam;!}', n' thia soa i . slwuld u" ke SAMBUCI W1NK, CVlbrat( d1n Fluror-e foi its mpdieiual and benen quulitif an pintleitiinuiant.fonle.llroicticaEd Su ilcirilic, bighlv ...iln-nicd bj ewitmrt pbvswian, ud i KuropeanauS American HospitaU, nd ly kub uf m ftn t litaiilifi of Euroje and America. AS A TONIC, II. hu nn eqiK.l. uuelng n ai ])tiitc auü buildinii n] uf the yitem. betag Btirely a pure a oí a mu wiluubly fruit. AS A WURI'TIC, ■, It iQnartaa tealpiy action to thc Glanda and Kldneyi anJ Uii'naiy Organs, ïtry beueliciiil iu Propsy, Rheum.itio affcctioDS. SFEER'3 W1XE s not a misture nrmanufacturciarticle, bul ia ;uiv, ora Ll:o. juict; of tue Portugal Sambucus, cultivateu m -e,v jcrsBV , recommèuded 6y Cnoroists aml Physicians j pnnaesslng medical propeatUB superior 10 attï 0U1M fine in Be, and a.-. i-xcell'-ut articte lor :ill weak anü cbiiu.itca im-.cni-. nnd Ihu gad ad inium, wprovins hu app'-liio, :.d bencli:ing ladie.i ar.'l ehiWicu. A LÁBtES WISE, E.-ciuist: ii i;l not iHtoarfctóa as olher vine, ■ it outaiBs in. mixture ofipirlia orliquors, mS ia admirea ór its ricli, peculiar liavov, and nutritiva propertlM, irepartlag u healtliy tone to tb digestiré organsaud a blooming, soft iind'licaltl'y skin and complexión. WE KtrKll TO A fc.v wellknown gentlemen and])bysicians, who have Iritü tbe Wiüc: - Gen. WmiieldScott, U.S. A. Pr. Wilwn, Ilth st .. N. Y. (jüí Morgan, N.Y. btata Dr. Ward. Nawark, J. J. Dr.j. Et ",;it...i, N. Y.Clty. )t. Bougherty, " ': D.'Parker, H V. City. Dé. Pwish, PUllk4jhUi Drs. Diircy and Xi'rhoU, Xcv.ark, N. J :v m;my o the ra too numerous to publti.ll. _ ,.,,..., S'onè Komiinc unlcss iht iigaaturn "' "ai.h.iij BMStR, P4sic,N.Í.'," iaoTvrthe cork of each bottlo. J9MAKE ONS TRIAL or ÏBI3 WIKE. I-or Rale by Mnyiianl, Sttbblus ói WtlKin, Anu Arbor. A. SPEER, Propiietor. VINKYARR. Passaic, New Jorsc, OFFICE, Eü8 Broadway, ir V. JOHN LA FOV, Pv is. S31mG Agent ter Fraoeeaod Germany. O. BLISS Is ww toc-h n:.. a largo and well elected s..riu.-ni Oiccks? "Tatches, JEWELEY, Silvcr and Plaicrt Wave, TiBLE AND POCKET 3! -ser 'Mr v:- -MHz . r RAZOKS ano SHEARS, Musical Instruments, Sirings Boola for Instruments, SIEi-EET MUSIÓ, COMBS. aud a great varlety ol YANKEE 3STOTIO3arS3 .ScO. woald cali particular attpnüou fe liis largo stock of SÏPECTACXi 33 Si, of Gold, .Síícor, Slal, and FUled, wilk PERISCOPE GLASS, a suponer srticlo. Aft Huutington & Platt's CALENDAR CLüCK! ■nttahla f Offices, qowjiing Roonn.HaHs r Dwelliugs. icli.s.aro i-el'uble time keepers and Culutiuar combinedjand reqaiifltbe wioding of tha time nove üu-nK "ntv , I" secure all the iviiun'l cIkui-i-.i atmtdnlitit showing the 4ay of Uwweeli tha montl and Ay ,.f tiw month, Indnding the 29th of ïebruarjr of I.cap vear. Uit goodi ue ihontlj of recent purchaae fioi Ne Tork and the munufactuwHi n4 will be sold U snit the ttmee. Peroa bavisg difflcalt watcbw to fit ui my stucli a Urge aui' complete, P. S. Paftlonlar ittentlon to tlie of all kind of fine Watchei, such au Making and Setting new Jewels, Pinions, Sí-tfjfx, and Ojlindere. Aleo CLOCKS, Sc TBWELET ne.itly ropaired and "warrantcd, at li8 ld itaniSaut stde of Mitin Stvcet. C, BLISS. Aon .bor, Kn 15. 5801 8at( Special Notice ! l.L persons ind.ebto'i tn rut by Noto or account wil' i olilic rae pa-ying tbe Btuaa oo or beforo tho First Ann Arbor, Jim 5, 18626551 NOTICE. ' CJCHOOL Inpctora' aan Directora" Blank bavo ben ' O reoeivorlat thinnffio. and are ready for di 'rbiit;nn TowuUip Clerksarc reqututcd to fendin tbelroniers. R, J . ÜAKU i , i iftrK j Ann Arbor, June 1C.18C?; a!6tf Ayerti Sarsaparilla. Pke Late.-,t Special Dispatch ! 'o the oitizeas of Ana rbor and Vlciuity I ! NÏENSE EXCITEMENTi Uundreds watching the yrc-gress of Daily SvenU .' I l The Federal Armj agaiu Victoriuual i "The Union must and shall be Preserved !" " Tlicrc was a man in out tou'n. He loas 80 xoondrous witoj' But with ftll hia WÍ3dom, lie raa not go vï'ihq na thot "other man," wlio whuu x': wantud to bny thu cicapest and heat CLOTHINC! in (7iit inarhd always j 'umjted inio O U ITER MAN' 6 HEAD QUARTEKS! For there he knew ho itlwftya got bis monoy's vrortli. Secing is beiieving and yju that wish lo 8f-e couie i and taulu-vo. Tlioso that can't sec OAS fekl, ftiul as we iilw:ivrj niiik'i oir cutüiners fecl good over tjool bflPgaiBS, tlny iu ospeoially ïuvited to oni kozioaa, tli tl. tny loo may realiza liuw "goud it is foi' tlic-ni to be wilh na," :ud how mach pleasura eau be obtaiued ta tUu etijoymeat ei SPLEWDID BARGAIWB i " me fill ye lliat nrc weary and Iicuvy I.-i de11" - with Kof'Ks and wo wil! do our hebi t reliava vou - gmiisr vou in ro:urn tlio Jima kind o Goods al the lowsl figures. Great battles nre liotirly takitig )j1sccin tli Clothing lin; - wlidc regiment of Oasaimerei w-slinks, ifcc, nre bcin;; ilaught4] bv Gei; SoxdhïIM - to fit the great rush of reoruit that ara pouringln frota ;vory diicction, al anxiou to have their uaniea eurüüud for NE AT AND TASTY SUIT ! ' - tuch as cun oalj' be hnd nt the ' UoidQuarlers "f Guitermandb Cc One of the firm, Mr. M Uuitekmax, hin ' jimt rutuvi.i'il fruiii Kurojxi with a largo m sortmeut of ClotliBj Ca-8imcrei and t dim li of fine Vestings, also a few p'HJOOf of fir BeaviT for overcóüt v!)i li we wül niake v l to or„r in the 1 itest ntyli', We foei eouñdei that we cun êatisfy allSTTJJDEISTTS i i .t We are happy to gruat you ngarn in s' City, lifter iptnding yoor vamtion with tl , '' deur old folks" ut bom. Be assured d ■ UU you a pleasant term, nnd ihall ever glad tt) niejt you at tlie Olii liead-Quarttrs, !o. 5, ET Our foruier eustom.Ts, we f.K-l R3sur.ii. vill cal! on us gaiii To you wlio come na slnmgcrs we ïvould ttuy ti few words. vo wUii you tn cali and look t our fine Cofits, Pinits, and Vests wo can do bctttu' I' y jou tliiin any other h .use in ihs City, nJ if you eall uiul examine onf guódn.ond try tteir fit?, you will purchase uowhtrt elie. DON'Ï FAIL TO CAIiL a."3? CS-. Ii. C? drT"ïï oo fl a ñ D's balsamig cordial, Fot tbo Euei'tiv cure of , Ctuakt. CoUt. Influenza, Crmp, Hnarsenesa, BïunehUit . l'neumonia, Disiatc oj Lhc bomels, uriúny jrom L'oltl , fr.cipitnt Congumplton, and for thr rrllef and ij at all possiui?) ciiie cf l'uticnts ti adcaiucd tf.uyes oj ihs U:V(T iiseai FpHE RAlKtnic Cordfo] is -n-.i'.-Iv a. Yegirtrart producJL tion, coinbiiiïag the he.iiing pioptrüt: ui tfie Balsam v. the inv)LOiating qualitics of ■ (.Ymlirtl, pruduciiut conibmot on so well adnpttd ío tba pur, '■■.■■■ atended, tbt ilitie arebutft cased uf disast; whicfe wül not, at au varly penad, suceimi'j to Hs healiiv; --mi lifegiving propcrtwi. ï'ur aye.s, b&i thu tr-.almont of polnionary oiaoaafs occupil Ui-' Jrea-ter povtion oí' ihe atttfntius üt tbt1 scifuiitic ol tlie medical vui-M, bul none equired more eminence in hU treatment j,oi' tbcsc difteasen, tban the celübratertPrufeiiiaB, Ir. Hoofiuöd, tbe origmitoi ol tbe BubíáfcicCordial, FllsliNwas rtavolpd tu the pro4uottoo Of renivdies that would stand unrivulled. Huw well he has nuocee4fid, the American peoplearc uble to juflge: and we poskivtsly aa-tert, lliat no nreparatioDi that hars ever teen placed b rtbre tliei, have conlerred tbe sam" amount of beuüüt-i on eufttrlag huminity, or have elieityfl so many eommimÜAttcmi ircm all clansw of society, aa tiwwmedies of Dr. HuoOaod, propared by Ui C. M..acksoo & Co., of PhHadelphta. Tha Cordial dAstgaed tur a Qlau of dUeaaes more gvueraJand ínoiáfüt! than uny other to which ihe peopie of tliis cowntrj m ïUbitet thnso Hpiinging ;;.,,ul a uglght dod." Tliat eminent uutliority, Dr. Béllfaays; "Iwill notsajr thar Coluá aro to uur iahabitants what tht Ptéjfm.una l'dloic Veer to tbose of other ooun tries; butlcan dver oonttdebtïy tnat tbey ushcr in diaeafe of gi'enterjcoiapliciiy and mortaliti tUan ihoaobtter.;' Entlrely Vegetable. No AlcohoUo Vrepavation. DFv. IIJOFLAXD'S (Cl.KUKAli-.I) GERMÜN BITTERS [■ropurtd bj HP C. JACK3OS & CO, riiiljj.nlph;."!, l'a. VU! olfcctually ="'■■■ UVEK 'MIÏ.AINT. DYjl'EPSIA .! vL'Kll'RlCliron!c or Nelvous l' hüity., od II iiM ning ttom a disuvdisru ' Such a ■ CJunatipU"ii , Inwurd I'itei Flni -■ or Blou to vhe Iloai, Ac Stomacn, Nausea, Ueari Imrn, ligut furl-'uwi Fuluetó er eigbt in tl ir ölcm , -. Hi'Kiuol.iti'Jii.-.uikiiig '"' Flntterin at the l'i ,,f ii'1'Si..urnrii. Hwimniing af tbe Hrml, Hwrried uu DiliScult liiutbing Hutu-ring at the Hea:t, Ctiukir orSuffocatiiig sctiMiti-.ns wlteu inn lylng posture, ffin i i h ■■! Vision, l'ots of webs beforthe hi.lit, bver ;n IHill PinintheHeaü, UelMene) of I'erspiration, Yc Iowqms üL ! ■'■ ■ theSi-lc, lï;oK. I,imb-, &c. fciuddai: Fluáiril Heat, Burningi tho Klesh, Coimtunt magimuga of evil, aad great 1' DM'Ssiurs of 8mritB,and Wlü positivelj ïrevcnt YI'.Li OW FEYKtt, Wliiora FKVEK,&. l'i-uríf UT in callin ttic afvntiun ot lli luiljiic ,, ö i preparjvl ■■■ t'iMltU.ellCi' Hl il VI -l'C HU" UN11UI..J imu ti' mv UIDCU.H.C lor vuich it 's veeo:v.v.ieuded [tianonew and untritd article, uut cm-tliat has attood.Uteiitsf a lwlve era' trial befare Ut Aioercan noopte, huí its reputation ;m I rmilled 1). flj imitar prenratius extant. Tbe tejümonj Inild ifvi.r iriv.ui i'y t'iu mott prówhicut aml uell-knuwn Fbjsician and Bdiriduxls In all ftitttot the country i immeDse.uida or-fol bcrusal uf.he Aimanuc, ).ublishéd MiniuiU)' !'.v H'1' l'roptiitoi , aad tu be had gratis of a'nv of tlieir Agems, sannnt out satisfy the most pkeuticcl tbat lura reniedjr U vtaliy ilc-icrviug the gruat culebrily it liasoMamtd Uic KMenl front J. fOTtóH ÜTOKii. W. ). , jMftor o rto Eiiajriopcdia of Rdighus lncwle'!gc. AHaonga noUwd to fa.vcror rccomm'-od Patent Medicines in gnrul, tlirnugh dutruft of their ingreáiciiH and ef et I jet know ol no .Miflícienti-fusoii why n itan may nol tetity to the henoBt he believea himsell to have rceetved trom auy simple preparatloB, in tho h.i,ie Uiit h.' Bsaj ihuf contributt to tho benefit of Id'otiiisthe mnre roadily in redara to ■■liooflan'i' Germán Bitt," prepared byl)r. ('. M. Jacksou, ot this f!itv,boeaucl w projudiceil against them tor jears nn'dèr the impression thnt tliey wero rhiefiy au alcoholie mixiuro. 1 m indebtetl to m.vfiiend Kobert Shoe malser, F.sri-.for theremoval of this pre.imlico b.T proper teftta and for Buceuragetmánt to try them, wben sutier ïuot frooi i;reat and loui cintiir.etl lebilily. The aft) o toreo hotUea ot thee BlWei,a4 tht i.cSinniug of the ii-,-,nt year, asfollowcó by i:idi-nt rfliet, and rcto ,-.', ;;,, t.'ia dcr' (ho'lily and mipl.i! Tigorwhioh Ihai not feit for slxraonths bsforo.ann liaiialm1 despaire of re"-.iiiin". I thercfore thank (iodaiulmy mentira díreouñg mito the meoftnem. .I.N'EwrON BROW Baad "hat the omineut Cikiss Manufacturar, JOHN H. WIIir.M.I-, mp "f iho BAISAÜIC nOBDIAL. ' Pu C M. J.CK90N - Rospfetod l'riend: Tïaving f,' InnstftBebwnacnjlnfén with Ibe rlrtuu of thv Ba 1 Bimic Cort'.ial m Cou-ln. Coliis, Intlatnnintinu of th LungB, c. I thTiB frtely near tentunoDj to its effloacj rorwv'-ral'a" I hiiv i-vi i been witUoa it in m ■ familr Ralw(ri+f8 mo pleauftre to (ttste that T ha uscd it M-ithentirc tascr in lhi tnatmoat of Sow , ■ """"tiVM. WHITALI.. ' Fifth Mo. lij li B Strest, above 4lh, l'lii! Thoso modicin.-f ar for wilf Iit 1! retp;otahl8 Dr.i pistR and dealen in tniiTcincs IS Hip Tni'.-d StaU, Bn - ifb frovlnce, and Wrft ludiip, t Ti wot p-jr bottle - B wroiindRft tb crauin, witb thosiccat'ire of C. - -.:..:.-r,.:I P.--.-fi.A . : li5inJatai,tMAr i, h. Chicago Book Tradc. The J'lace to Buy School Bookt, WHOI.ESA1JE Buok ói. Stationeiy House. S. C. GRIGGS & CO. PUBLXSU Sanders Progressive Readers, NV .-1) KUctruiypeJ, with csw and orígln! llluitrtttuAd, uro xi-f. Txjjhx, boaut.íül ft woll aa tbo Wit tooit .laat. I Ahiidfers' Alphabtfl Cirrdu, 6 !d a net 9 19 II. Saudera' l'iimary Scb') Charta, 8 on 4 ctrdt 1 fig III SamW' Pylmarj PfcHiog BoA, 1 IV Sanders' New Speller and lXlner, 15 V . SauJ.s' Auaivöis jf Lugliah Wurd,.. Uj Tí, Sttüöfer's PiUi r;:U Primer, (butiad) 12 L Vil. Ëiim'crV Uerirtnn umi hngliÉh Kr 'HUT . '.■ VIH. Sftndffs' New Fir i lltadur, 1 IX Sfcnderi" Nesv Stcond Kasde;,.. ih X Suidttu'Kew TLlrJ Keá'ier X 1 . s indtm' New l'ourtli UtaJer, Ci 3tlt. Hudttni1 Ftftb Bd . Tft JUI. Sanders' HigbSübt ui Kca'ler b XIV. VuiU Laiiies' P.tüiitr, W XV. anders' ol.ool Speaker.., , l W XVI. Eaadcn' Klycutiuiitry (-hurt, 2 vfc Ttiff rador aro dltlaguibd ff ïhelr itríetijr yr. &rtvc chaTocter und prnctcul.iá;u-1atiuziio 1L jvftng, .'liej baTo btjen rt-coivii-i with llinil 1 1. lii1ll1J fttYbr t-.ii 1 ly u-jcU--;; iqutü fa-roiabl than by Pr.-.cticnl Tft4H . :.-j b&rt ttftcd their mi-rits ia 'Lc schooJ rcom. Robinson's Course of Mathematica. UY BOiUTiO N. mtGKtM, LL. D. Late Prjfuasur of Mathcinatics In tha U.S. Niy 1 Robiotoa's Frogrcsaie Primuty Artthiuli, II. R(ibtU84H' l'rogrt.'áfiÍT(i lutülltclual AHtb. i'.I KobilLloB's HudiUionti of written Arlth, 5 Hobinsuu'ri Frttgr4ive Practical Arith. a V HublMcn'a Key to Practical Ai'itlimi'tic, f TT. l'.ubiii-u:fi Pi ■ greasive Higljer Aritbinotlo, 7 Vil, RjljÍQSbp s Kiy to Higbcr AritLmvtic, 74 i VIII. lio'ijiusoii'i New Eluirieiit.iry Algebi, t IX. K. b.nsou'i Httj to ]U''inoDtary Aieim, 7"! X. l'.i'bm.-on'ii üuiversity Algebra, 1 ?5 XI. Rubinsön'tj Kty ro L';i:vrsily Algbr,. 1 (il X!I JiübiiiiQU'i Ui-umstry and Trigonomtry. 1 Cu X1U V.i)biii.-o:i'ri SuiVL-yiuy end Navjgatiwi 1 tli XIV IVjb.ji.-un's Aiiiilytieal títojoc-liy anü VMttti -- OtiOUS, 1 Si XV BobiuRon' i ilVrciiïial anO. Inïi-gral Calsului 1 .'C XVI lïübintioiift KlvUiclitnrv Atilrouitny, " i. XVII Hubiuiun'i l.''A-tiODciny, 1 IJ I XV'ül KobiuRuu'i)Matlitmali.a] Upxratiuss, S M ! X'X P.ub n-' n'i Kov 't Algebni , Ceuiuttrjr, SurvejJDgj ie , 1 50 FennlBga HJI.L M.VTHEMATICAI. COl"RSE '.m bracily Aïitl.iiietic irnd Text la the Highei liatli iXt&tica. lor c-xl;.it of le.earch, faciiity (!ud apior-M t illa.strati1 n udü pructioal nfttttulnuSi )be author of ütix bt-rics it:s w piiíSí-d by no nia:h' matical vciter lu tK! cuiintry. 'Ibis ei'ics Ita tvmi i to-jnnDcndeii fcy lL bcLi UUietafttioian iu all -;cctijn of th couiitry . Gray's Seïics of Botanie, six Iwoka. Hitchcock's ScLool Anatomy iud Flij'siI ology, 1. nitcUc'ockls Gcplögy, oue bouk. I Well'a (ii'iiiümars, two bouks j Well's Scientific-Scrieï, including Clicm■ j istry, Philosopby, etc Threc bixiks. ' j Wilson's Series ot' Historio, five liook. Fasquelle's Frcnch Series, eight booka. Woodbury's Germán Series, seven books, a Bryaiit & Stratton'i Series of Bouk-kecp'■ ing, three bouks. '3 Speiiecriau System of Peumaübliij. aiu books. u Aiiil Huny other Vnlunbie Zïookji. WLüleaalu Dealers and lïytuil Purel; asei-3 Will fiad at uur itou uier i'our Thousand tliffríni rtidos oi stuiiotiLTy, ftad Tlitee HuudrtM Tbouand Vulunies oí book.4, frvm which to mttke tbeir íeiectio, ' coinpriiní; un aMOftcaect not rivaUd b-r aay olbw tiuoK huufiy iu tb.' L'uiN-d bt;iten, S. C. GEÏGGS & CO. Ave S;jecial AgenU for p Messrs Ifurpor & Bro'a l'ublicatiao. it " D. Appleton & Co's " Tieknor & Field's li " Gould & Lincolü's H J. B. Lippincott & Cu' 'k And iurni-sh ïi 11 their Qtuk9 ut K.itern priCM for C4sh. Nüte Paptrs, Letter Paper, and Cap Pair pers, Blank Books, Pass Books, 'S Am', all kiuJa of STATI'A'KKY, at thf lowsjt [.cicx . ve SLATIS bv tbo doziuoi case. bi; : ftifSt ranker a nl tr&velers visitlng OMafíi will find it interestiuK to ÜDgi-r lurao hourauiiJ ttj e inlcrminjibU pile; i of litera ture a-t 39 and 41 Lake rr-6t S. C. GI1IGG-S & Co. Agents Wantecl. C'S" For al! e&atly anl valo&bk Snbicriptlüu rt'ocfej, ur nnv iiaUle vork upou Keligiuii, Utrat urr SeitDO, i Art, iLln:tt'&.C.GBlGtiS CO. rLL:.:t: RJipiBSB Thatihort.' iï no book-store q this country kcepin,; Utter ur uioit! ertensive as-i.rimont than i ai.vvi fuuué at E9 :nul li hki etcfxt. MBLR. Thai. ï'ubllo or Private Librarica be mppïiftd wltk - , tand;tii Wopks by 3, U.U. &Co. ujjoii battw teriüá tliúu tu ttond 1 fcst MiC jjaj irvíg'.t V JWeiteni I.i't-rary umi Profflsïouaï nien.Títcbfr, Sciifbr in all dfpartmi wf -j the world üf Ibtter, nrinvited to niaue 19 anJ -U Lki atreet their plc Í rMort in raomntöoi" L'i.-urc. S. C.GRIGGS& CO Wliölftlttlc and K.-tail lïnuksellrs aml Stulifiieri, i.9 &. 4! LalceSlreet , Cbieajfo. s. c, aaiGsa 842.;t3 je. t iAjMtur, DO YOU WANT WHlSKERSf DO y OU WANT A MOUSTACHE t I! so, púrchae oiie boítlo of L.E. Cl;a.mpion'i EXCELSIOP, IN VIGOR ATOR ' he wurM iv ii w ried toilet, - the only article of tb,e klad veroQVred the j)ople of lbi United St.ites. Tie nbu rti:!f the oftlj unc tuèd b tUe Fftmoh ; in Ltiadu n ï Parii il is in universal Okt. THE EXCELSIOR WlilSKEll INVIU ORATOR l I a Beautiful, Kconomical, Ëoothing, vet tiinuiatinf ompound. acting as f by BKgJ4 upon the root-, caui ng a boautiful gmwth oí Luxuriant lïeard. Il' aplit'l o the Scalp, it will cure BalsXSS, anti if applied acordmg to dir''Cti"n.s, it wiil cau.-t f) sprin up in bal-d pols a un growtli of soft fiiesu ua:k The CuiebrwUd EXCELSIOR IN YIG OH A TOR 3 an iudisponsable ArticK in evcry Gentleman1 Toilet, itïd ifU-i one week's use they won ld not, lür aJ coosid■riition, be without t. The above article wí11,íd fre ai rour lu ÍAgh Weeks, briug oul a thicU üCt of Wsusxjti ir Mowíl Acjiv. ubvertbera are the onlv Agcnts for the abor rticlc in the United Stater. They wonlc! also annouuoe Vj the public that tb ar& entüfpt Napoleones Hair Toilet ! Thp'"n'y article over offprrl to the FiPneh ppople thal wouldCCKi STRAIGHTIUIR1 thfl abOTp ToHct belog mnufactüred for the solt; benefit o Louie Napoleon ! wbiob article is nmv ïodlspen&able in his Toilet roorn. The sobscribera íeeling contivlenttbat th!sTeU1 must tr-.-fí-s.-i ril y t ■ Kt tbe ]'!,i. f ftllotherfl iver off. red V" thfl publi.', thi- t:ike jil'-itsure io expressing their confldeüce m the article, gaining it liora practioal use. THE NAPOLEON HAIR TOILET '} Ccfiï, HTIlAiGUl EUSBÏD Soft, Si'ken. Flowiiiff TurU, t li Li t wiü rem ín loshape for one A&y or vna week ir dtixsá, or .ny louger penod, if tbe dlrectjoiu Are itrldl fullowed, which are very simple un i aak] . ïhtfl II. dr Foïlei doen d1 in any mannarmtirftr wiib the Natural Softnas of the Hair. It neither scorebe ooi' dyss it j ïtuf fifitea ' he hair a soft, thrit't v appfai' audtt. U ateo )luTati the hair i,w fuliing oü and THE NAPOLÉON IIAiR TOILET 1 I:ls been befóM tbe publx but a sh. rt time, and has alreadj beeu tested byorer one thusand per-ons ! and ther testlfj i lui c thfi Mnpoleoa Hair Toü.-t ii tbc greaVm$X lïfuutiiii-r everoÉfered to the American pcople. Tn revfeöi thia ToJlyi Iruin bei&g ceonterfMtfd or laitatei bj ooprincipltti persoim, we do not offer .t ff t4 ■ i boj DroggUta iu tbo l'niiei States. Therrf' re ar. Lady or (jt'litlriüüO " hc fh'sires Soft, T.iixuriant Hair urn! Carla, and l.'H, Snir IVhiskera or Mimstache, fttn procure the Invigorator er T"i!it, tithcr "'ïio.lor one Miar escunea in a letter, witu inoir aauret. Auress, C. F. BPKNY&CO.. LVx lí]lnsril!o, Hartford Co. , Gana Aüd It wíil be arefulÍT sf nt Vv return mail. Mo ney Wanted. Who will Le ml M o ney 1 IAM REQCESTEI) BT SEVERA! IKRSOXS lo obtaln money for theiu at Ten Per Cent Interest, (Or More.) ■"or ;iny one willing to Icnd, ] can at nneo invest na guod uaencumberert abundan t REAL I'STATE st-cnri v anysumi of ínont-y uiul see Uiut tlietitKi and security ;ill'ALL KIGilT. J8 The borro wer paying all oxpnii-, inolucliaff rcordmg. K. V. UORGAN, Ann Arbor, Gct. 7.18.%9. . 1ÍÍ General Land A gcncy - PEKSONS wantingfartns.or realdonceflüornft Ann Arbor, cnn by callingonme electfroni a Hit ofover 1OO Farms Kor Salel Ofvarioueslzos t rom :i, to ISCacreenacb (tome as goodaianyi nlhisT?onnty.) .Mor ft han SO DwcIIiiï lïountbUCity.f roratwó hundrud to íourthouan (dolaneftch:and ovar 3 O O ÜÜILDíNC; LOTS! Atnonpthcfarme hit thfi l'.JRhcp einrin , 1300 tcrt tho Púttftr tnrm, in f;roenOik, toPlacrfarni, í 43) acrps.theltlindonnnfl Jenk f;;rui . i n Wbfer ; tb'" Stubbs, Michael Clancy, Nowton Bflecun. and Faïliih;! Tnrinn. Ín A ni' rbor : .1 . Kir.sloy'J fapm InPittaüeid-thr fLitrh and Tlirkfarmí tn I.odl:the PatricUClayufarm tn Frecáowi; W, rt, TaYt.nn. Jn . G. Baker e nrd BucUV farms inSylvan. Moit'M thr-to una msny otbors can bn dlrldodto mi 1 1 purcbhieri ArnSrhí.j.J; o 3B IWI i.i ï. ky&t1 Agne Cura,


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