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MÏNTÏNG or ai.l ivixns Neatly Executed...

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MÏNTÏNG or ai.l ivixns Neatly Executed AT TUK ARGÜS OFFICE. I WE ARE PREPARED TO FII.L ALL ORDERS IN THE LINE OF PRINTING AT THK MOST REASONABLE RATES. We hnve recently purchased rRTTG-Q-ILES ROTARY CARD PRESS, aiul have acMed the lut-8t styles of Card Type, wliich enables us to print INVITATION CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, V1S1TING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. in the nenteat styli-s, and as clieap as any other house in the Stale. We are also pro pai'ed to print POSTERS, HANDBILLÖ, BLANKS, L1LL I1EADS,1 CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS &c, THE AJRa-TTS BOOK BINDERY s in charge of ft FIRST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufactured in best sttle at Ne-w York Prices, Feriodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Re-Boxand. All Work warranted to give entire satiefaction. E. B. POND, Prop'r. Office and Bindery, eor. Main & Harón Sts. Conway Flre Insurance Co., Of Conway, Mass. Capital pa!d np, - $150,000 00 Assets (Cash), - - 269,963 12 Liabilities. ... 16,440 03 D. O. Rogers, Jas. S Whitney, Secretary. President. DIRECTORS. i S.WHITNEV, h. BODMAN, W EI.LIOTT ARAHOWI.AND.D C. McOtl.VUA V, K D MORGAN WAIT BKMKNT, JOSIAH ALI.IS. A.H. BULI.KN W.H. D1CKINSON, W.T. CLAPP, D. C. ROGERS. Ann Arbor Refereneee: Dr, E. WELI.S, L. JAMKS. I.. DODGE, BNOCHJAMES. CAPT. C.S. OOODRICH J. W. KNIGHT, Agent. Ano Arbor, Michigan. New Remedies fok SPERMATORRHffiA HOWARD ASSOCIATIOX, I'HILADKI.PHIA. A lie ncvoUnl Jnstüulion establisked by special en doumcnt fitr the relief of the Stek and Dittretteed, affir.led wiih and Chronic Uiteaset, and especxally for the Cure ofViseaees of the Sexual Organ, , MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Sur. geon. VALUABI.E REPORTS on SpermatorrlKB, and other Diseases of the Sexual (írgans, and on the NKV ' EDIES cmployed in the IHspensary, ent in ealcd letter I envelopen, frei nfcliar(!'. Tiro or threi itanipa for 1 postageaoceptable. Addreus, Dr. J. SKNX1N IIOUfiHTON, Iloward Asociatlon, S'o 2 S, N'inth St., l'hilaJelplila.P. " iyst,6. í ■ JF B00K ST0RE M SU WE15STi11 ü insá SiL fj ÍLÉ OppositO the T ÍjtíSB5k "Fraiiklin House J --i vSBBttp j4 -Vn" "'"' A KE NOW OPENING, DíKECT l'KOM PUBIJ8HERS Ix AND Manufacturera, a New uid Complete stoek t IíAW & MEDICAL UüüKS, School Bonkt, Miscellaneous Boolss, t Blank Boolc, dan STATIOWERY! Wall.'iuil triodo Paper, Drawlag nnil HMlmaatleatlDBtrtiiimits, Mnsic, Juveuile Lbrarie, Kuvelopcs, Inka mul Cunls. [X)f - i .J j ■.-■ Vi-,. GOLD And all other Jcinds of Pens and Penáis Wmiii'W Coruice, Sílfidos anl Kixture, POCKET CÜTLEKY! Andererythtng pertfti&ing to tho trade. and more to whehtlny wmilil theattention of the country. In conductingour busim-ss, we phalldn all tliní caí he dbné,so tha1 n roasonabl man, woman or chiU sha! !iiil any fault. Wt possosB Dwflltíefl wlilob ivill enable us to .supjli our.stuuiurs at the Lowe8t Possiblo Figures. We propose íoscllfor RKAIY I'AY, ata smallailvauce W'v expecta prolit on our gootls, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. Wp liave ragaged the servicos n( JAMES F. SPALDIKO liert'fure uro prcpitrod to furnias Visili?ig, Wedding and all other Cards written to order, with ncatness and dirpatch, by mail or otherwise. The "Emi-irbBü'ik Stork," is mannect by a %wA 'crew,' ii '1 thcy will alwavn be foiind oo tli "fjiiarU'r tlcck,' ready and irfllhig attotidio all nrtth pleBsurevho wil favor tlieni with i culi. líemember the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. Arm Arbor, May, 1860. 7Jf ANOTHER A ARRIVAI. AT THE áNÉ ÉOLD AND RELIA BLE lirlll CL0THIWC EMPORIÜMü ai-Jli N" O . S ■L IÏ CE 3ST I 2C BLOCIC, MAIN STREET. "7Vxrx. "V7".A.C3l-KrJtiJJbt., has just returneJ from the En.-ítern Cities, witb a Iarg anl desirablc stock of F ALL AND WINTER u'kioli in1 i-i now ofTering at unusually Among hia Ansortment may be found BROADCLOTIIS, CASSIMERES, DOESKINS, & VESTINGS, ofaüdeaeriptloM, eupecially for FALL AND WINTER WEAR ! which he ís cutting and making to order, in thelatest and best style, together with a superior a.ssortment of READY MADE CL0TR1NQ! TRUNKS CARPET BAGS, UMBREIJAS, and Gentlemen's FurnisMng Goods, with numerous other articles u.-.ual!y found fn similar eRtablishnicnts. As ANEMPORIUM OFFASHION, the subscriber flattcrs himself, that hislong experlencö and general succeKs,will enablo ïiim to give the greatest atisfaction toall who may trust liimin the way of manufaeturing garmtjuts to order. 769tf WM. AVAGXER. Rifle FactoTy! A. J. SUTHERL,AN1 HASromovedhl Gun Shoptothe Nw Blockon Iluton treet, outh of the Conrt House .ontnesacond floor, wherehe is prepared to furnieh Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Pouthe Game Bags, and Everj other article in bis Line. Om the mostreasotmble terms.nud to do all kiodfi o n.ErAiniKr& i the ahortost notice.andln the best rnannei fullsortmentalway kep n hand, ond made to orrtor. BOOTS t SHOES MOüKE & I.OOMIS Are now receivlng a large assortment uf Bouls un Shoes and R TJ S JB E 1 S i WUdl Bly propose to scll 50 per cent below formar pricei for cash. M en8 good Kip Boots, from $1,50 to $3,00 Mn'a good Thick Boote, from 2,00 to 3,00 Mcn's good CU Boots, from 2,50 to 3,75 Boy' Calf, Kip and Thick Boots, 88 to 1,75 Ladies' Gaitera, from 44 to 1,25 ] t Ladiee' MoroccoBootees, from 75 to 1,25 i And an endlMS Tarietj of Smal Shocs from I Fancy Balmorals to Infants' Creeping Shoes. ■ V re nlso Manufac tnilng all kinds of i o WARRANTED BOOTS & SHOES. l i Mens Fine French Calf Boots " Pegged and Sewed. So Rive UB a cali before purchasinR elsf wherp. as wc are ...uii.l not to be undemold. BSKUPAIRLSG DOXE o ON SHORT NOTICE. JOS n MOORE &, LOOMIS Main St., Ann Arbor, Jfich. 820tf rOWHOMIT MAY CONCERN. oir3snBXTS fare. THf: UNDERSIfiNKD, Hotel Proprlntor In this city of J Ann Arbor, resriectfully nnnounce to the public, th&t n and after the firgt ilay of January, 182, Ai TEN CENTS FARE. vlll be charge! to each and every pfson carried tnaml 'rom the crs, to the respective Hotels, by tho Oinnir uu r ijne. " B.COOE.ÜooVjBotel. II.BAI(8T0V,Fntukliii Bdm. 'Z Aan Arbor, Dec. 2Jtb, 1861 . 839tf " ÑEW éOOBS. BACH PIERSQIM Iliive just opened '.huir SECONDSPHING STOCK nnd oflVr a CHOIÜI5 S.KLECTION ' Gf Seasonable Goods, inoluding all The Newesí Styles oí r LADIES'DRESS GOODS, Cloths, Domestics, Staples, QROCERIES, &O-, We Bought for Cash and will solí FOR CASII OR READ Y PA T, at very OALL A-STD SEE! BACH 4 PIERSON. Ann Arbor, May 15, lf 62. SCHOFF & MIL LEK ARE 8TII.I. ON HA ND at tlicir oíd Stand , No. 2, Franklin Block, witb themost complete aasortmont of Books and Stationery, PERFUMERIES, FANCT GOODS, WALL aND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNIOES, CURTAIN8, IÍOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever oiïerod in tliis Market ! nd they woald snggest tothose in ptirsuit cf anythingin OLA US' LINE tliat they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by piirchasing front thi stock, as each purchaser gets an additional pfeMOt vt Jewttlry, &c, Ranging invalue trom 50 ets. to $aO. tfíg" They trust that theirlong experience 'm selecting goods forthis marke and strict attention to the wants of Cu turners, may entitle them to a liberal sharc of Patronage. Ann Arbor, Dec. 6. 1860 77Ttf JLIFJU INSUKaNCE. The Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company. Accumulated Capital, - $3,500,000. WILL INSURKLI VES for any amount not exceeding SlO.OtJO r the hole term of Lifo or for a term of years, on ihc most favorable terms. N. B. Til1 ('-unpany Ifl purely mutual and the poïicy holders get all the surplus uver theexactcost of insurance It accomodates the insured in the settlcment of their premiums ONT LIFE POLICIES, if desired, by takïng a note for one half the amount, bearing interest at six percent, per annum. Dividend are Declared Annuállyí and since they now amount to fifty per cent on the premium, cash and note, and are increasing they may bc applíed to cancel the notes. jjg Th rates of premiums (oeaalow as any otlier reRponsiblo Company and the large accumulateVl fund of $3,500,000 i sítcurely invested, as may be seen by rctVronce to the statement made accordingto law-, on file in theoOict1 of the County CIerk,at Ann Arbor ."ft JAMES GOODWIN, Prest. Crv R. l'iiEi.i'socy. Porpartlwlsritapply to .iaMES C. WATSON, 763yl AgPiit at Ann Arbor, Mich. Great Reduction in the Price of SINGER & COS Standard Machines . WM knoum to be the Best for Manufacluring Purposes. No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, formerly sold at $90, reduced to $70. No. 2, of same kind of Machine, for mcrly sold at 100, reduced to $75. SINGER'S LETTER A MACHINE s the bost Machine in the world for Family Sewing and jight Ma n ti fac turing Purposes : (tcith Hcmmer,) and eautifully ornamentad $50. , lbo Nos. 1 aad 3 Uaohioea are of ffreatcapacityand app[ic&tion for inanufacturing purpOBOB. Our No. 3 Machines are especially adapted to all kinds of light and heavy Iieather Work, in Carruige Trimalng, lioot anl Shoe Maklng, Haraeu Muking,c-tc.,eto. 'hey are of extra sizt, and ïth an artn long enough to J ake nader it and siltcfa the Largest 'wizc dasnes. Therc s acarcely any part oía Trimmers1 sntohing that cannt be botter dooe irlth thcm than bj hánd ; so, too, tho saving of time and labor is vwy great. Thetableof Uuse m.'iclunes is 24 inches long, and theshuttlr will hold si lin.isthf usuiil qiiantitylof thread. Thehwge ' machine rorka as fastas siruill mi'H. We woulil asU for our 1j;Kit A. í;icliin(is( ilio special attent ion Of '-st Makers ninl I'ii-s UakdlTS, nii'l :ill tbOM irino want Machines for light manu ftieliirtttg I poses. They cmbody tne OÍ standard inachines, mfikifig like them. thdfntorlookod sitcli, and are destined to be aècelefir&ted fot 1'amii.y Skwino ard i light manufacttiring porppafifl aafonr standard machines are for manufacturing purpose in general. We have alway.son hand, aBMlUHQ (íaií;es,sii.k twist , UNKV AN CWTiiS TI1KUAI, OM SPOOLS, BKST MA(-itlNK OU U 1, bottles, etc, etc. We manufacture our own Needles, and wouli] wam all ptrsuns QjlOg our miichincs nottobuy anyothers. Wc kiniu' that thore are needies sold of thé most inferior fualtirj nt higlier prices than wechargft for the btst. X The needies boM by us are manufacturedaspeciftlly for our machine. A bad nceUlc may reuder ttt best machine almost ustlcsê. Oor oortomowniay rest a=fmred that ali our Branch f Oflicesarefurnisljpd wiihthe1' gonuineuctijJa." Id caso of smal! purchasos, the money may be sent in pOHtage -staitips, or bank notes. Correspondent; will pleasowrite their namet distlpctly. It ís all ín portan t that we shonld,, know the Pont Ofilce, County, and State fl All persons rcunrinj; informatíon about Sewing Machines, thotrsizo, pnods, working civpacitie#,andthe bent methode of purobaíBfng. canobtain it by sondingto uu, or any of our Branch Offices for a copy of I. KI. Singer & Co. 's Gazette, Wliicli wabcautiful Pictorial Paper eñtirely devoted to the subject- ït will bc sent gratis. 4ES We have made the abuve RKDUCTION IN PRICK5 ivitli the two-fold view of beneflting the m seWen. The public have been fiwindledby spurious J ïhinc made in ímítation of ours. Tho metal in them, rrom the iron casting to the smallestpeice, iöot poor [iiality. Their makers have not the mcans to do their rorb wei!. They art'hid away in secret places, where it ivould be impofisible to have at thcir command the T ■r mt'chanicnl applianccs. It is only by doing a great mainess,:iii'l havuigjextcnNive manufacturing ostablishnonts, Ihitt (tood machines can be mado ut moilorat)ricew, best designa] macliinetí, BADLY MADE, aro ,' ilwnys liable to get out of order, and an ure to COil ai lonsfderable tronble and money to keep them ín repnire Cy The (jualiticK to be looked for ín a Machine are : y ainty of correct action at all rates of speed, flrtupllolty Tl if construction, great durability, nndrapi'lii ol i„ ation, with the U:ast labor. Itaonineito combüia these w, ssential qualitit's, [must be made of the best metal and ,,1 inished to perffctlon. We have the way and raeans, on 01 . grand scaïe, to do tlifs. The'porchuenof machines, whosodaily brend itmay oncern, will Önd that those Iiavlngthe nbovequnlitifs ,r iot only work well at rapid as well as slow ratos of m peed.but last loDgar in tho önostpossible working order. )ur machines, as made by us, will earn more money rlth less labor than any othert) Whether in tmltatlon Í oursornot. lufact, theyarecheaiirtlian any oiher lachint'sasagift. I. M. SÍKGEE & CO., V 458 llrfíuhviiy New York. jS Detroit Office, 58 Woodwurd Avenue, (Merrill 'luck.) siltf wi M. H; GOODRICH, th Agent, Ann Arbor. Fo Lp W.MORÖAN, Agent for MutualI.ift'TnsuranceCompany, New York. . ' ccumulatf.lAnsets, .... $5,350,000. ie leadingLife Insurance Company in the U. S. -Í KiiH:k(-rln)cktT Life Insurance Company, New York, ■a first cUsh safe Co. - terma reasonable. Humboldi Firft Insurance Company, New York. m ipital.with a large surplus, - - $200,000. Peoría Marine A Fire lnuurance Co., Peoría Jli. he hai ♦ No. 1 Flre Insurance Co'u. 707tf F'' .... $500,000; IIORACE WATERS A & jfe N T 3 3 3 H i1 o a d w a y , N e w Y o r k Fitbllshcr of Miulc mm'l Muslc IJooUs AVV DKAUJR IN Pianos, Melodeons, Alexaudre Orgai Organ Accordeons, Sfartio'e celebratëd and other Guitars, Violins, Ttjnpr Viols, Yiolincellus, Accordeons, Flutinas, Flutes, Fifes, Triangles, Clari Dnette, Tuning Forka, Pip andllarrvmorft, Violin Bows, bostltalian Strings Baas Instrumento for Bands, Piano Otoolsj and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. ' JS lx o o t 3VE xx O i o, froa all tho pubhshers in til.' X'. S., li.-r tini's Runtin' and Modem School, and all kinds of featrnctlon Bool Cor tho nhnve instrumenta; Chnrch Musio Bookfi; Mus t'Iegantly bouiidj Alusic paper, and all Unida of Mus Merchattdise, A t t heLowest Priecs New Planos, At $176$ 20ff $285, WW", una tip to SSOO. Secom Hand Piunos tïnn $25 up to $100; New Melodeons, S-I5 $t0. $75, $100, and up to $200; Seconjl Hand Melndeon from $30 to SSO; AlexamlrcOrgans, with fire stops, 9164 nlne BtoMi, $185 and $225; thirteen stops, $250, $'275 an $300; fifteeu stops, $": and s:7; A liberal discour to CliTgyim-ii, Charcheg, Sabbafh StthooU, Semioarfc and 'JVadnis. The Trade supplied at the usual trad dtecount Testimoniáis of tlic IJornce Waters Plnno rikI Meloleons. John Hevelt, of Cartílago, Vew York, whn h&a ba one of the HoraccWaters ñuños, wri tesan foUows;- "A friend of mine wishes me to purchase a pianore her. Shfl likes the one you sotó me in December. 185 My piano i-s bccoming popular in thia plac, and I think introduce one or two moro; they will be more popu Inr than an-f other make." 'ïïo have two of "Waters' Planos in use in oor Sein nary, one 'f whkh has been severely tested for thn vi'ar.-. and n e can testify to their pond qualíty and dura bLUty."- Wooa k Gregor.7, Mount Carroll, III. "H, Watera. Bb4. - 1'kak Sik: Having nsed oneof yoi Piano Fortes for two years I havo foand I I rw superior Instrument. Ar,o.vzo ÍJkay, Principal Hrooklyn Kcightg Sr.minanj. "The Pinno I recetyed from you continuos to oive sa isfaction. 1 regard i tas one of the best instrumenta in th place." JamksTm Clabkr, Charleston, Va. wXc. Uelodeon has afL-ly arrivad. I feel oblJged to yo fory our liberal dipcount." Kev. J, II. JicCoitMick YarqnesnillcS, C. "Tlio pinno was luly receivcd. Itcamft in excellen condition, and is vc-ry much admlred Vyvay nnmerou famlly Accept my tli;mkn for your proinptnews."- ROBSKT ( 'imii'kb, tVdrrrnkfimy lïratfjoetf Co. Pa. "Vuur piano pleasea ua weu. It ia the 1---I rine in ou eounty.",- TsOXas A. Latham, Campbelho-n, Ga. "We are yery much objigetl to you for having "-■! - uil a Rae instrument for $260. "-Bïu.vk, Held Co. Buffalo Democrat. "Thf Horacc Waters Piannsarcknown asanionjf th very best We aro enabled to sp-;iU of these instn meiits with confidence, from personal knowledge of the excellent tono and durable quality.'1 - N. Y. Eoatigtlii "Wecnn sjtciik of tlif mcrits of the lloracy Waters p anoflfrom personal knowtedgöj aa-bdfng tlie very fine.-, nvaüty." - Chriettan lntcili?cnccr. Th B are ouïlt of the be( an most tho We haTe no doal ti, ai lm-. ■ . - 1 ■ wcllperliaps better, at tbistban a any other!iouse in the Union." - Advocate and Jonma Waters' pianos and naelodoons challenge comparia with tht tinoril made anywhere in the country."1 - Wow Journal ''Horaoe Waters Piano Fortes are of fulï, rich an even lne, an-l pinvcrful - N. Y. Musical Rcoicw. "Our f rienda will lind at Mr. Waters' store the rer bes1 s-snrtincnt of Music. asd of Pin nos to be fotind ï the United States.and we uro our southerp and weyter friends to give him a cali whenever they go to New York." - Graham's Magazine. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y SabbathSchool Bell j O 0,000 issced in ten IWonths. Tlte nnprecedented .ale of thigbookhas inducedth pubifsherto addmme 0 new taneflandhjmDstoití preí pnt si?, without extra öharge, excejit on tho cheap ed! tinrr Among Uw tnany beautiful tunes and hymna addei may be foand: - "I Ought to love my nin'.m -v." l(Oï'l be a goo-l ohild, indeed I wilL" These and oten other from the Bell, veere eung at the Sunday School Anniver sary of the M. K. CKqrcE at the Academy f Uuaic, wiil great applause. The Bell 60mahu neariy 200 tanea ani li vtiMig, and is one of the best collections ever isKiied Price lile; $10 per hundred, postado E3egantly bound einbossed gilt, 'bc, $20 per 100 It has been íntroducec into many of the Public Scl i)l8. The BOJ ís publishedin small numbers entitled Anni f and Sondaj School Muslc Bookst Nos. 1,2, 3, JL 4, in order to accommodate tlio million; price 32 & $3 per hundred No. 5 will soonbe issued- ommencement o another book. Also, Revival Matte Books, No, 1 & 2 pricfl $1 & $2 per 100, postage lc. More thau 300,00( copies of the above books have been issucd the pas eighteen aiontii, and the demand is rapidly increasing Published bjr HORACE WATERS. Agent, 33 lïroadway, N. V. 3VC-UGIÍO Publised by Horace Watei's No. 333 Broadway, New York. VocaV'Kiml Word s can neverdie;1' "Tlie Angels tol: me so;" "Wilds of tho West;" "Thoughts of God;" 'Giv3meback my ííountain Home;" "JJay Dreama;" t(Dandy Cock Robín;'1 'Tm with thee BtiU;4Petnamea;" 'Then'ano darilng like mine;" "Sarah Jane I-ee;" "Ever of thee;" t:I'm leaving theo in Sorrow;" "Bird ol Beauty ;!f "Home of our birth;" "Grave of Roaabel,'' and 'Wake, lady, wake,,1 price 25c each. 1 I.vsriti'MKNTAT., - l Palacc Garden, or Singing Biri Polka,' 40c; "Swinging Schottische;" "Mirabel íchottisch;" 'Thomas Baker 's Schottische;" "Piccolomini IVlka, 35 cents each. The above piecea have beautiful Vigncttee. "Weimer Polka;1' "Arabian Wai cryMarch," the verv last; " Doniells Mazurka; "Rea-1: íns Polka:'1 "Crinoline Wattz," and "Ijincers Qua ilrillo.'1 25c each. "The Empire of Reich's Quadrille;'1 a Dow dance, and "The Uil rnian Quadrille," S&ceach. Uaay of Hiese plecea are piayed by Baker fs oelebrated oichest ra with great applruse.4 Mailed free. A large lot of Forclgn Music at half price. Pianos, Hlelodeons and Orgaiis. Tlie Horace Waters Pianos and Melmlrons, for depth, purity of tone and durability, are unsurpasst-il. Price very low St-cond Hand Pianos and Melodeons from $25 to $150. Music and Musical Instructions of all kinds, atthe lowest prloes. HORACE WATERS, Agent, No. ZöZ Broadway, N'. Y. TmQK(nnAt8; - "The Horace Waters Pianos are known as among the very best.' - Evangelist. "We can speak of theïr merits from personal knowledge." - Christian InteiHgcncer. "Nothlngat the Fair displayed greater excellence "- Churckman. Waters' Pianos and Melodeons challengeconiparison with tbo inest made anywhere in the country.'' - Home Journal. TIQtf LOOMIS & TRIPP, Succoásors to Chapín fe Loomis,andChapin, Tripp A Loomis ■ i O ■■■■-■■ HpHE above firm of Loomis & Tripp having purchaset X the entire interest of the former companies wil' continue the business at the old Ktajidü, where they wil! be ready, on the shortent notice, to fill all orders in tht line ot Castings and Machiuery, tn the mout workmanlike manner, and on as libera terma aa any other shop in the State. Among' the vari 'iub articlesmanufacturcd by us, we would enumérate STEAMENGINES f alt kimls; Mili Gearing and Fixtures, wroughtanil ïast; all the various aaaiJogsfor making and repafrlog IlorsePowcrs &Threshing Machines mch as aro at present, or have forinerly been in use in hls part of the State, s weU as all tho rarlous kinds of nstinga and machine work calletl for by farmers 'and nechanics intíiis stetinn of the country. ►f all the various pattorns, up in sizes and prices, will be :i ,t ooi)st:i üM y i'ti liaml, got the must modem and im roved styles. Thankfiil for former patronage to the old firms, we rould solicit a contínuance from old friends, an-'t a trial iy all wishiog for anything in our lineo! bosuiem. LOOMIS & TRIPP. AnaArbor.May 18th, 1850. 697tf CHRËSHING MACHINËSi PATKN'TED AND MAXLTACTURFJ) BY ÍJichols & Sheppard, Battie Creek, Micli, inprovedfor the Season of 1862 ín tïits Separator tho grain bSBepajated from tho stmw ,r means uf iií'tingílngers, that t'ss tbe straw up atad wn with asudden motion from the time it leave tho iiniJer until it passes to thestacker, and tlie graJÜD i;ills irough a bottom made of slutw, clear from the .traw. ie parts containicg these dogen and tho Ueht grain (ttomaro made to víbrate ir swing backward anl Iitard, which workK thé straw to the stacker and tliain to the sicves. The superiority of this machine or all othen consista in its Perfect serntiontion of Crain from Straw, Great ftÜDpltoltv, having no pickers or boaters to clop , and Iqah machinery than uny other machine now adè. (irert capacity, ns it will not waste when crowded. lerfect c'eaner, baving larger seives than any other. Easy dralt, better constructed, simple and durable. 'ennsylvania Iron Horse Power. Warranted to be the best Horse Power ín uso. Hade th wood 01 iron frame as prelcricl Karmers and Threshers of Michigan I We offer you e BEST MACHINE I.V USE. Better than PItta, Ball1! wlerville, or any machine built on tlioir principies, [f you mtend buying a machine of any kind get a rr.pblet of uh or our Agent, and fsntisfy yourielf.- inphlet sent fite. Ca II and nee, or addreas NICHOLS &PHEPPAIÏI), Ji:itric Creék,"Michigafl. M. R0GER3, or MYRON RASli, Agent, Ann bor;or I. V.' Wakkman, agent, Dexter. 850iu3 HSTotiooHF undt-rsigned hereby forbids all porsons trustinff any one on hin account without a written order, shall pay no sueh debts. MIGHAEL TAUBKNGAIER. nn Arbor, May 29th, J862. ; G REAT. GREATER, ORE ATES BARG&INS EVER OFFERE 1859. JSIHSD I n tl) i 3 City, are uow being ofTered at tl CIIEAr,CLOCK,WATCH, & e J" g -w & 1 ry Store THESnbacribor wouldaay to thecitizensol Ann t bor. ti) particular, and the rest ot Wnilitem Cnuntv in cener.'il. that hehnsjust ÏMPOIU'KD I RECTI,Y Irom KUUOPE.a Tremendous Stock of Watclies! All ofwbichhfl bindBhiniRnlftooHl CHKAPEB th can be boucht west of New Vork City. Open Face Cytinder Wiitches trom $6 to $ ',S( do do Lever do do L to gg IluntingCage do do do 14 to iic do do Cylindur do do 9 to iic Gold WatefaeB trom 20 to 1 I havo also the i. CEJLEBRATED AMERÏCAN WATCHE5 y , which I wil] seYi ttr $33. Every Watch warranted ' per tbr in well, or the money refunded. Clocka, Jewelry, l'iated Ware, n Fancy flooefs. Gold Pent, es Musical Instruments and Strinj 3e Cutlery, Slc, and in fact a variety of evrryihinir uaunlly knpt ey Jei elers can be boughtforthe next ninety 's days nt your O W N TRICES! L' Persons Iniying aything at thie well knonn -t;i Hshmc nt cfin rely upon getting good exuct'y as re resent'-d, orthemoney refunded. Callearly and s cure tho best bargaine ever ofte red in thif City. One word in regard to Repairing : We nrc prepared to mnke nny repairs onfine or coi inoti Watchcs, even to mtiklnpoer the entlre wntc il' n'eesnry. Iiepnirïng of Clocks and Jewelry i usunl. Also the rminufacturing of RINGS, RROOCH or nuythintf doe tred, from California Gold on short n tice. Knfrrvina in allftsbranchesexeented withncn neas and dispatch. J c. watt: Anu Arbor, Jnn. 2PthlP59. 7L4w Important National Works, Publishod by D. AITLETON & CO-, 346 AND 348 BROADWAYKEW YOR] The following works are sentto Subscribers in any pa of th ! country, (upon receipt of ntail ticv}) bv ma or expreéH, propala: THE NKWAMF.RIA1V CYCLOPDIA; Popular Dictionary of General Kuowledge. Kdited l Gko. and Charles a. DÁna, aided by a nummu si-lt-ct í;orjs nf wrift-rs n all branches of Scm-ih. Ai and LiliT.'iture. ïhis work is bcinjf pabUfthedin aboi 15 lart' i'ct:ivc vdlinius.f.-H-l) rnntaiiiiri 7-"iO t vi-ciluni pages VoK. J.j II., III., IV. V., VI., VII.. VIII. ,k TJ are now réafly, caen cóntáinlng oear 2.600orivlna] ucii-. An u'idiiionnl volume will be published onecí abont tlirt-c iii'nith-S. PHcOjin Cloth,_So; Sheep, S3.50; Haïf Kussia,$4.5 euch. The New American Cycloptedia s popular without lx ing superficial, learned iUiout boiug pcdantic, compr hensivi tuit sulTicicntiy detsAed, tree from perftmal piqu and partv predudfo6, ftnsfa and y;t accurate. It is complet P statement OfftU t h;it is knnwn upon overv in portaal topic vttbJn the scope of human inlelligence.Every im portent art iele init has boen Bpeciallv trrrtte fop its ragesby moa whoareaathortttei upon thetopl on which they spt'ak. They are requireil to bring til subject up to the present mument; to state just how i nmo. All tlie statistical information s from th latest reports; thegeogitiphiciil accounts keep pace wit the latest explorations; hbtoricaJ matters include tli fresbest just views; the biographical notices ;tUs ik BC only ('i thedead bualaoqf Ui' Uviag. It is u librar of terff AtiRïDGEMEKT OF THE DEBATES Oí CONGRKSS Being a Poüticíil Hlatory of the Dnlte States, Erona the organizabon of the Brst Fedoral Ctm irn-ss in 1780 to 18Ö6. EdÜ$daDd compiled by Hoïi, Tho Hakt BENTON.from the Official Records of Congtenn, Tlie work will becoinpleted in 15 ruyal octavo volume of 750 pagos eoch, II of which "aro now reaily. An ad dlttonal volóme will be publishyd once in threemonihs CIotb,qS8; Law Sheep, Half Mor.. $4; Bal Calf, S4.60 ftfleh. A WAY OF PBOGURINQ THK C YCLOPjEDÏA OHDKBATK; Form u club of four, aml remit thepriceof fourbooks and five copies will be sviit at theremïtter's expensefoi oarrlogo; or tor ten subseribers, eleven copies will bi .itnt at uur L-xt BU le for cítrriajje. To Agrnts. No othor work will so libentlly reward the exertioni of rgents. A.v A;kt waxthd i.v this County Term: DDM9 knowD on application to the Publishers. Ann Albur, March, T859. 6902aint -Stk Bev. Thos. Wxiuht, agent at Kinne & Smithf Book Store, Ypsilanti. Blackwood's Magazine AND THE Brilish Reviews. GREAT INDLCEMENT-SUBSCRIBE! PREMIUMS and REDUCTIONS. L. SCOTT & CO., NEW YORK, continue to publlsh the foUowiog leading PerodicaJs, viz; 1 THE L0ND0N QÜARTERLY (Conservativo), THE EDIXI5URGH REVIEW" (Whig), 3 THENOIITU BRITISH REVIEW (KreeChurch). THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal) 5 BLACKWOOD'S EOIXBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory). Tlie ]resent riticnl state of F'uropean affair. will rendw these pnblieatioïu unusually Intererth 0 uring the forthcomïog year. They will occupy a uiiddle ground bet ween the hastily written news-items, crmlf fpeculationa, and tiying rumora of the daily Journal, and the ponderoua Tome of the future historian, written arter the living interest anl excitcment of tlt great political evento of the time shall have passed away. It [g t these I'eriodicals that readers must look for the only really inU-Higiblo and reliable history of currvnl events, and as such in addition to their well-established literary, sciectific, and theologieal character, we uige ihem upon theconsiderationof the reading public. reeefpt of Ailvance Sheets frum the BritiHli pablishers gíves additíosal valué to tliese Reprints, inamuchas they can now be placed in tho tiands of subscribers nbo ut as tjoon as the original edilions. TËKMS. (Regular Prices.) Per ann. Foranyoneof the four Reviews, - - - 93 00 For tiny two of the four Keviews, - - - 5 00 For any Utree of the four Reviews, - - - 1 ('0 Forall'four of the Reviews, .... 8 00 Kr Blackwood 's Magazine, . - 3 00 For lïlackwtHn] ainl one Review, - - - 5 0l For Black wood and two Review), - - 7 00 For Black woodaad three Reviews, 0 00 For Black wood and the four Reviews, - 10 00 Money currtnt in the State whcre issued jcill be received ut par. POSTAliE. The Postaoe tn any part of the United State will be but Twenty-four Ceuta a year for " BIa?kwood," nn hut Fourteen Cents a year for each of the Ruviews. At the above pricen the Periodicals will bc furniahed for 1862. AND AS A Premium to New Subscribers, the Xos oftlM saine Priodïcals for 1860 willbefurnislied complete, without ádditionat chnrgt. L'iililie the moro epbemeral Magazines of the day, thosu l'eiiudicals lose little by age. Henee, a full year of the Kon. for 1860, may bereganled nearlv as valuable as for 1862. Subscribers wishing also the Noa. for 1861, will be supplied ut the tollowiii extkkmüi.y iwraïi-.-i. Splendid Offers for 1860, '61, & '62 Together. For Blackwood's Magazine, the three yoars, $5 00 For any one Review, - - t( " 5 00 Foraaj two Reviews, -. " w 8 00 Kor Blackwood and oneReview, ' M 8 00 For Blackwooil and two Reviews, " " 1' 00 For three Keviews, - - - ' " 1100 Pot Hl.ickwoixi and three Reviews, " i4 15 00 For tho four Keview?, - - " 13 00 For Iïlackwood and the f uur Reviews, 17 00 Any of tho above worfes will alo be furuished to New Subscribers for the y r 185fi-1 , 8, and 9, At One Half the Regular Subscription Prices. Thufl a Neto Subscribir may obtaia the Reprints of the FourReviewiJ and Blackwood. Seven Consecutivo Year for $37 ! ! ! Wbieh i.s bat little more tháa the price of tlie original works for one year. As we ahall never again bo likely to offer auch inducements aB those here preseoted, Now is the time to Subscribe ! ! jiy Rcmittances must, in all castrt, be in&de direct u the Publiskers, for at these prices no comniisaioo can bc allo wedt o agents. LEONARI) SCOTT & CO. No . 54 Gold street New Vork Ann Arbor Marble Works. IQatolxolc3Loi? I I I AS on hand a tino assorimcnt of American and TA L 1 A N MA. li B L L n-hichheis prepared to manufacture Into IIEAD 03gjF___jffiKpS STONKS r O M B -S flftb TABLES kc„ Ac, SL&?i&' Ac- AcM a ( nalltheir varieties,andin a WOIÏKMAX-LIKE manner fl Having had couHiderablc experience in the businenr e flatteru himself that he will be able to p!ear6 II trho may favor me with their orders. His pricea LÖW AS THELOWEST. iosO wishing any thing ín my line ftre respectfnlj r I7ited to csll. D. C. BATCHELDER. Ann Arbor. May 20,1861. 80H1 si KTOTIOE. THE UNHEBSIONKD wil] rfceive sealed proposals up o Jone 2d, nt 10 A. M. for the rent of the Fair (ironnds _ ïrinc; thé coming Horse Show and Sheep Shearing csliïal lor tli eieotion of Refreshment Stalls. The tle of Aluoholic Uuuorf) will not be permitted. ƒ B.GRBBN, ,„„ t R. S.SMITH-, S May 221, 1808 Ti MMMk AiER'S :1) V CATHARTIO '(fjf'W Are you 8ic fteljlo finï -- c?1 PPJ CfHiii'l.nnirj;:? Are you outoí ,--.j, T. '-'s' order, with yonr Hyshm de[ y ' 1 -TOnl nwgetl, '"' your íl-elings uui ' l J-Rlcr Sftffiftl cunlortíiblo? These symp. - r'MLVVAUKiF íWv' rn s ;nv oftvll hv pivlude tc 1 ' ' "W ttTW ■""l"11 Sumo fit of Le fWÊ'Sr' I ■-i'llt"--ss ' crwrtng opon you, i y. --r jjDf'S a n i-l shoulü lo iivcrtcd ! a L VÍlBBiJ tinitly use of the rigiit rem vxvv'lflir clv:ttiso out the disordered lin5- I CbÑÁ Bh mors - purit'y tho blood, uuü ' Ís. bWHnBIBHil Ict tI)0 I1""'1 'oto on unob"w A VQft. ' ■WfflMtliaMy Tln-y Miinnlatü lunctiuiw i í .■■ ■ '■'■' ' ; fl B üf tfie bojy (nfo vjgorous acI K;BBIfii tivity, puiify tho Bystem from "- tïio' obstructions wliit-h make diíieaso. A cold aettl9 somewliero iu the body, and obian structs i(s naturnl functioun. These, ff uot rtlioved, rtact upon themaelves and tlie siirronniling órgano, proi() ducing general aggravation, stifTering, and discase. n M'hilo Ín this conditíon, oppressod by the deraDgcnivnta, Z take Ayer's Pilis, and see how dircctly tliey rcatoro tho óp natural nctlon of tho syHtcm, and with it tito buoynnt - ,. feellug of hoalth agafn. Whnt is truc and so npparent in this trivial and common complaint, is altio true in many of the deep-Routed and dangerous dititempers. Tho samu purgativo efTtíct espels tlient. Caused by eimilar obstruc; tions and dcrangemcnts of the natural functions of tho J body, they are rapidly, and many of thom aurely, curwl 3) by the ame means. None who know the Tirtues of these to rnis. will neglect to omploy them wlien sullbring from the disorders they cure. Statements from leading physidnnF) fn somo of tito principal cities, aud from otber wull knowu public per ! sons. ?■ IYm a Sbrwarúing Merchant rfSt. Louis, Ikb. 4, 1856. Dr. Ater: Yoor Pilis aro tlio parngon of all tliat is great in medicine. They hnve cnred my littlo daughtor of ulceroua ñores uponlwr hamls and feot tbat had proved incurable for yoars. Hor motbor liaa boen long grievously afílicted with blotches and pimples on lior kin and ; In her hair. After our chttd was cured, sho al&o tricd your Pilis, and they Lave cured her. rpASA. MORGKIDGE. e' As a Fnmlty Physlo. JR-ont Dr. E. W, Qxrtwright, iew Orleans. Your Pilis aro tho princo of pnrgos. Theír excellent n. qualities surpass any cathartic wo posaeas. Thoy are ',, mild, but very certain nud efTt'Cttml in their nction on tbe H ' bowcls, which mnkes th'.-in invaluablo to ua in the duily g treatmcnt of disease. IIcnc1ucIie,SirUHcn1n lie,Foul Stomacti. From Dr. Edward Iíojdt Baltimcre. DüarRro. Ayer: Icannot answer you vjftat complaínts Bt I havo cural with yonr Pilis bettcr than to say allthat we ever treat with apurgaltvi: metlidnt, I place grcat dependcnce ou an effectual catlmrtic In niy daily contcBt with . diseaso, and believing as I do that your PilU ;iftord US tlie best we hare, I of courso valué tliem liighly. PiTTSDcno, Pa., May 1, 1855. K Dr. J. C. Ater. Slr: I bave been repeatedly cured of the worst fieatlacfm any body can liave by a doso or two of your Pilis. It s&ems to ariso fioin a foul stumacb, rt whicb thoy cleanne at once. iil Youra with great respect, ED. W. PRETiLR, CUrJc of Steamtr Clarion 1 Blllous Disorders - lilver Complaínts. % From Dr. Tïieodore IJdl, nf Ntw York City. rt Not only are your Pilis admirably adnptc-d to tbeir pnrit poso ns an aperient, but I ti mi thcir bencfíclnl effcctü pon in the Liver veiy marked Indeed. They have Ín my prat C . tice proved moro efTectual fur the cure of bilinus cantt plainls tlian ay one remudy I can mention. I sincerely iu rejoice thut wd bavo at longtli a ttirgiitivo wliich is wur thy the coufidence of the professiou and thc people. Department of the Interior, "I , ■Washington, D. C, 7tb Feb., 3856. ƒ SiR : I bave uaed your Pilis in my general and hospital e' practico ever since you made them, and canuot faesitato to aay they are tho best cathartic we employ. Their regu8 lating action on tho liver is quick and decided, conste quontly tbey are an adinintblu remedy for dorangementa of that orgau. Indeed, I bavo scldotn found a case of n bitious disease ao obstiuato tbat it did not readily yield to le them. Ji'ratyrDally yours, ALONZO HALL, M. D., A r v. ..-- . il . i - - _ ■ - i xnysiciun oj me juarme noijuat Dysentcry, Dimrlicea, Relax, Woniis. t'mm Dr. J. G. Gretn, nf Chicago. Your Pili have liad a long trial in my practico, and 1 li"]'t them íd esteem as one of tho best aperients I bav ever fuund. 'X'beir alterativo effect upon tho livcr makel tlu-m au excellent remedy, when given in small doses foi bilious dytenUry and diarrtéara. Tlieir sugar-coating makes them very acceptablo aud couvcnieot for tlio ust of wonien aud children. Dyuii. psln, Impurlty of the Blood. From ltev. J. I. lima, J'ustor of Advent Churcli, Holton, Dr. Ayer: I imveuBed your Pilis with extraordinary succees in my fimiily and among those I am called to visif in distress. To regúlate the organs of digestión and purify tho blood, they are the very best remedy I hav erer known, and I can coufidontly recommend them to my friends. ïours, J. V. IIIMES. Wausaw, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 24, 1855. Deah Pm : I am using your Calbartic Pilis in my prao tice, and iind tlicm an excellent purgativo to ckanse thö eyntem aud purtfy Uit founlami of Oir. blond, JOHN 6. MEACHAM, M. D. Constlpntlon, Cost (ventas, Suppresslon Rlieumatlsm, Gout, Neuralgia, Drop }', Paralysis, Fits, etc. From Dr. J. P. Yaugtm, ilontrettl, Canada. Too much rannot be said of yonr Filis for the cure of costivenas. If othen of our fraternlty have fout.d them efücaclous as I bave, tbey should join me in proclaim ing it for the benefit of the multitudes who sulfer from that complaint, wliicli, although bad enougb In itseir, i the progenitor of otbers that Are worse. I cot tívenat to origínate in the liver, but your Filis affect tha organ and cure the diseaae. From ilrs. E. Suart, Fhysidan and Wdwifi, Boston. I find one or two large doses of your Pilis, taken at the nier time, are excellent promotives of the natural teae wben wholly or partially suppressed, and also very eflectnal to deanst tho tlomach and expel wormt. The; are bo much the best physic we have that I recommem no other to my patients. From the Bev. Dr. Hawka,ofthe Mdhoiitt Epü. Church. PoLáSEl Hocse, Savannab, Ga., Jan. 6, 1856. Hoïoke Sm : I sliould be ungrateful for the relief yonr skill has brought me if I did not report my case to you. A cold settled in mv limbs and brought on excruciating ncuraïaic pains, which ended in chronic rheumalitm. Notwitbstanding I had the best of physicians, tho disease grew worse and worse, until by the advice of your excellent agent ín Baltimore, Sr. MacKenzie, I tried your Pilis. Their eftects were slow, bnt sure. By porseverlu j ia the uso of them, I am now entircly well. Sf.nate CnAMBKB, Eaton Rouge, La., 5 Sec. 1SS5. Slï. Aveu : T have been entirely cured, by your Pilis, ol Rhiumidk Gout- a painfül disease that had affiicted me foryears. VINCENT SLIBELL. 03 Most of the Pilla la market contaÏD Mercury, which, although a Taluable remedy ra skilfui hands, ia dangeroua in a public pil!, from the dreadfol cn-cquences that freqnently follow its incautioos me. These contáis no mercnry or mineral aubstance whatever. Frice, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Bozes for $1. frewrad bp Br. J. C. AYJgl & CO., Lovell. Wau. Aad foi snle by Maynard, Stebbins &. Wilson, FARRAND, SHELEY & CO., Detroit 809yl J H. BURlilIX, Travelling Agent. RISDON & IIENDERSOFS Sfaa THE GENUINE Kr SÍ7EWÜlRT'S S T O "V ESWo wieh to cal] the ottenlion of the public to thia celebrated COOKING STOVE! Whisli isjlhe only perfect stove made. It will do more business with one third lesa fuel than any other STOVE made. From tostimony given by the persons referred to below, on account of its dutability and Fuel Saving Qualities, it lias proved a saving rota Twelve To Twenty Dollars per year. We would reter you to the ' following list of PERSOAS WHO HAVE THEM IN USE: ( Prof. Tappan Add Arbor. John F. Miiler, Ann Arbor Etof. Wood, " J. Gilbert Smith " l'rnf. TVinrhell, " }. T. Aall, " Prof. I'uiiglasa, " Joseph Watts, " Alphcu Felch, " T. Wilkinnon, " Wm. R. Martin, " Mre. 8. Dentón, " Rioh'd lloopcr, " O. Hawkins, " Hcm.B.F.Grunger, " C. A.Chapin, ' J. W. Maynard, Charles Thayer, " i L. Stebbin. " Martin Clark, U. B.Wilson, " S. BotHford, AA.,Towo. rs. O. Wclili, " Tboma Wooa, yittsfield. rtrs, E. T.Williaiaa,'' Alvernton Drury, " , V. Cliltin, ' Jacob I'olhemud, Scio. 3. H. Wood, " N.f. Güodale, " Fosejih V. WooJ, " Mr.Fellers, Shnron. We have on hand a largo assortraent of the jest kinds of Oooking, Parlor and PLATE STOVES, snd a general assortment of a HARDWARE AND TIN WARE, md Bent stuff for Carriage work. Particular ittention paid to fitting up Eavetrougli and Jonduetors, and all kinds of Job work dono o] ,t the Shortest ïiotice. RISDON á HENDERSON. Ann Arbor. 1861. TO LET. pHE BRICK HOUSE andBarn now occupied by Olney - I Hawkins, Esq., on Detroit street, Aun Arbor, pos:s-sion gïven the lst of April. AJsoseveral ntoies and rooras in Buchoz's Blork to t togooJ stoady tnaats at a vcry low rentjinnuetliate ssesKion giveu. Inquirr of "C L. R. BUCHOZ. -E Anu Arbor. March 28, 1861. 845tf In 1 Lyer's Cherry Pectoral. [ I EB Mortgage Sale. TNKFAri.T having ten mado in 1 1 n --,-,, .a (1 . r 1 U mortgïgc !.y Willin,,, W. ,n ,ii, „,.,, .''"'' J Anmn lu Vlinrlu -Muuro 1 I Sl,,,-, ■,„, ,,, I tna-fanwnn, dated rVhmaiy Uth,A. li ■' t 11 Uk .Ni I RvgUti i ..! llf Aa :j ...' ':. WafditeBaw, Michigan, f'ebruary ilt a i ,,1 n-clvck ín '" ljl""' : ■■; m', . i' ■'.,''■"' tf 350. anti whicli moi-taiiyo, by wr.ln..e. ijst. 18O2, was nssignwl ny -ii'1 ui.., j. Clark, underalgncd: m'l the .ii ! .,, ... .',? p. recordedon the raM ibv of lt x n-cluck in tli aftcrnoi.n, in Hu ." V '," ' ;f in as. „f morlgngespatl.' TX: I ., ,], ., 1, X'.'i;11 llltTl' i claillicO due :tni] ill;]ifijii ;T (In . a notíce um r nint' liundreil ninvty 1 1, . . andtlrrtythree cents, uil the fiirtlir-r ;,,,- d l.üii. !.■■! e-lily -:jir-f i. ii.l J3-100 ilnlli teret froni rVbrunry Iftli, last pan, ;. '., ,., „ J " d ycjir Iri'i rii'. ]:ii nMmeU ilntc, atitt ituiior 'c ae ing tl ;iv li:iv li,r:i ili.-Ut II li-tl to rCcovtr tiij'""' I. lïou-s:iil i:liiilii".l du(ï 'r :iiiv .;trt Uli'Tei'l: m.''1:ti i thorefure bereby t;ivi" lliat by lirtiie r.i ,' ci saW morfgnge con:Aii:e1tin orrttr to rcjilj?,. . n ' claiiiicl (is aruresai'! dueim sH ..,.,■ ,. e orwitli interest accruinx Trom Ilin " tliccnslnul iüi i.nrf prorblcl l..r in ,„„i ,„.,'', '" 't I -IiüIIsi-II.iI public auclion i tl' liíti,..R ► tbr frunt duur of the Crturt House (tlic J..,ct. , ' the Circuit Coart for Washtensw Counly) in iiit. , ' Ann Arbor, iu saiii ci'unt v, m lltc "JMt, '!iv „ f'J' ? n.xt.attwoocluckmthe nflernw.a, tlip , .' ai'l mortgage fleecril-elt aituat in IVabtraaw r ' lu-wit: Allll,atciTt;.intr:ielUrir-l ,..' ,... ' an.l (!fcribi'l uil: Tlip ni.rlli . ter "! wetion nomber ttnit c.Oj in lunliip BJSL ' four Hmiih or range N.v. four (4) cast McfpliniJS! j scrviiiL'alK'arsiri in ieraiun of H,i .„" s abontforty ene and a half acrw from ih? „„..i " ? thereof heretofore conreyed by Ephralm GUbní S Zenah Jcnkins oy deed dated Muy Tih. [SM (i.,r ,., J a ti il" u-liicli seo sniil iltcl.: Alto xct-j,tin n 1 ' .. MrriDg bout tbree icrea of mM qnanct wïtlonvJï deeded t JameH Crámpton: Als tr.Tmiin resorvin linrii-iti (191 ml tliree-tenthx (310) v of said qua ter sectioo herctofore Uf-lpfi to [ï i2? 3 BrowneU: Alao excepting and mvrriag al.ul u -i : acri'jt of tlienorth eaM curncrof eaid Urtw íIí." I heretofore sold and detded to Mills, miE' ii'.iving tbu nroouiit of Ind hereby CnnvexH i [ nin.'ty IVmr (!H ntrea be the' iñw ir íf. V" I jrantlng and conveying berebytn the ni.l parti(,'(lljj' secoml part, theii lieirx 01 awignii.all Oto riuhu ,„ privilegca whieh naid partí of the Brstparl majittr: iüscs.s of raisin,' ïraUTHiid flowing {. r pnrposes of propelling inaohincry for i::il] or lm „ iillit-r . J l . AU)NZ0 GLARK, A , E B Wood, Att'y fr AiVlgnee ) Dated, March 20,1562. ' Mortgage Sale. DEFAUI.T having beer m;ide in the con.lítioií, i morlgage made by Williara W. ,nnn an. Fik I , Aanin to B. Iï:irtlt-tl udüit tlie name and , . of William Rartlctt, dated August 23.1, A. D ' i cordecl .nvi-ribt-r rnii, A. Iï. 18aö,at oneo'cluck l'ï , in the office uf Register of Decds, for Washtcna tv, Michigan, in Liber '.'3 uf mortgages, page lK'ui ass-Kned by aid mo-tgagfe to the undersigued, Z Clark, by wriiing, dated December ISth, A. D Vel IBj { record.-d March 24th , A. 11. IS13, at eiglit o'clocl 0' n! fore noon in Rud Rogister' office in Líber 23 of mn gages; page 117, uponnliich mortgage there I, dueand unpaid at the date of this tl one hnndred an'J fifty ne dollars and stxt eenu.asj do .-iuit .r proceeding at law harring been instilóte fot the recovery of sai.i dt-ht securt-ii lv --li" inurteawM I any pnrt N tice therefore is herety ginniint on the 28th dny of June next, at two e'clock in íit,l. ternoon by virtue of a jiower contained in sai] mojt. gage in onk-r to realize Rum of moiu-y mi due as afort-ai'! cm s;iil mortgago together vith i interest accruing and costs of loreclosure .p.i,ei for in said mortgage, 1 símil sU at pubüc luc-éh to thehtghest bidder at the front door of t Coa House(the place of holding the Circuit Court lor Wh tenaw County) n the city of ADn Arbor in said comtr, the pi emises in said mortgage describí!, viz.: AUtUt I c rtiin tract or parcel of land known and described u follows, te-wit, fituated in the townslnp ol i. ti-r. in tliccoiinty of Washtt-naw m-l of Miehfai ! known ns bt-ing a part of the north east quarter .f"! tion nuniber twvnty, in t'.'iir snutliií I range numlx-r foor eat : bezinning uouth one Ofgrft ind tlii"ty minutes east tt-n cbains and itixty link frr i 'liiarter "'si in north line of said section, twentrít i certain yeliow oak tree, running thence nUmg tjuww section line -south one degree and tliirty minutt-s tti; nineteen cliains and thirty-eight links' to a stait ii Highway from which a yellow oak tree bears nü i thirty-three aml oue half degrees east filty Hvolinh. thence north nerenty nine degrees and thirtj east tive chains and filty links to a yellow oftk tm marke!, thence north ten degrees, west ninety-firelfil to a stake, thence north sixty nine degrees east mm chains and eixty-two links to a stako, thence north fiftwn degrees west seven chaina and fifty lioks toar. ■ tain thorn tree or bush standing on the soofb honk tí Renssaleer Mills mili pond,tbence along Uink '; shore of said p, nd, at high water mark, to place of t ginning, containing nineteeu acres and taree tcutlij ti ■ an acre of land. The above described Cttarnesare timated from true meridian allowance bt-ing maiU-of tiv degrees tor variation of needie June, A. D.K51. A 1 ,( (NZO CLARK , As3i{t. K.B Woo,Att'y for Asgignee. Dated, ilarch 24, 1862. S+M Notice ftereby giren thatapplicnrinn vil! bemifrto the Circuit Court for the county of Washteaa Henry K k George A. Peters, toobtainan order from aai) Court vacating Warren S. Hutchinson's addittaa w ths Village of i?c.ot Washtenaw County, as recorded n Uta J, on page 26 of Deed.-, in the Registers office for s:-l Coanty ; and also to vacate the ailriition of Kubet; Giles to said Village of Scio, n reconled io Uber L, t page 14, in the KegMers's .ifice fop U'uUf naw county, TWITCHELL k FRAZEB. Att'ys íor Henry K. (Jeu.A, Pi Dated, May 19, 1862, SSStf Commissïoners Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wsihiw, The undersigneü haring been iipiiymtt-d bj tJjePwbate Court for ?uid Cenulj, Comminmonm to reemi, examine and adjtistft.ll claims and demanda oí al l7' ons anJnat th.: ost.ite of Josfali X. öoat,Ati of ui Township of Sharon, in said County, (Jece.%sed,hertb7 ive notíoe that tAx DOOtb0 fton dato, are, bj order of tüe said Probate Court, allowed for crciitcrMo present their claims against said deceased, snd tlut they will mof-t ut tht ri'sidence of Mra. Mary Jmi Sloat, widftw of ?aid deeeased, in tli1 township ei iSharon,in the said county, tin 9turday, th oinotetitk day of July, and Saturday r the eighteenth iIrv'oÍ Oetohernext, at one o'clock l'. M., of each day to recetT, examiueand fijnst said claims. HULL GOODYEAR, -_ Dated, April 18, 1862. 8J9w4 Keal Estáte íor Sale. STATK OF MICHIGAN, Connty oí Washtonaw, . In the matter of the Estáte of John Fobej . Michael Fohey. David Kuhey, James Fnhey, Klim Fohey and Sarah Kolicy, min-Ts, of the County "f ffidh tenaw, in the State DÍ Michigan. Notice is hcreby giren, tliat in pursuance if an order graoted to tht uuilrr.sirned, Thomas Earl, guardián oi the Estáte of satí mtnrjrs, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the CountJ ■ Washtenawt on the second day of May, A.l). 38fi. tlierf will be soldat pulliu venene, to the hígbest bidder, H the South door of the Comt House in the City of Am t Arbor, in the Couaty of Wachtenaw, in said State, ' oïi Saturday, tho tweuty-eighth day of June, A. 3. 1862, at 1 O'cloek in the nfternoon o"f that daj, (ob eet to all encuinbrftnets by mortgare orotherwlw ■ stiDg at tJie timo of the ulc,) the followíng describí! teal Estáte wit: AM f liat cerUin iece or parcelci and sitúate Ijingandfbeing in ihe Towmhlp nt Kortheid, county of Wa si tenaw, Michigim, and Tifiny wr wirticularly known and described as the Souih-e uarter of the Northwest tuarter of section sixtert ownship one South of range six Fht. THOMAS EARL, Guardian. Datedt May 2, 1862. &51td NEW COODS For the Spring, 1862. O MACK & SCHUB Wonld respectfully announc the CHizens of Waslitenaw and adjoining Connties that we are now rceivÏDg Direct Jrom the Eastern Markei, A full and complete supply of Staple A.3EXC3. XLtxi.o3r DRY QOOI3S, Ladies' & CMldrens' Shoes, 3E0CERIES, CEOCKERY, &c Purchaaeclby one of our firm for casb,and notwitl tAnding thO bard times weball continue xu Add Weekly Additions To our stock in order To Accommodate our Citstomers! -tb every thing tliey may neei to nik Cal. Aai n wilt farlher plcJge ouriclves to sell s chP AS TIMES WILL PEEMIT aá which i always as A,s Ijow as tiie Lowest. At the samo time wehopesour friends awl custos ïvil! Ukt in mind that the times compel us to lJ ar goods For Cash or Eeady Pay. Min Arbor, Mnrch 28, 1861. S45tf X7 B JE3 SARATOGA MPIRE WATER FOR gestión or Dispepsia, Conttipstiu, 5'-'"'. Vbüity, Lom of'Appetitc, Common CoHi dlsfV' f the I.uogs, Headaehe, aml Kireri)) 'Br íl.l "by MAYNAKP, RTKnBIN liM0Ltr KKHACH J! CO., AnBArbor. ''


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Michigan Argus