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Our National Anniversary

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Lighty-six veara ago to-day tho Oontinenta] Congies?, eonvened in Philadelpniü, adopted tlie Deeluration oí IndepeodeDce, and gavo birth to the United Stutea oí America. Tliat Dealarution was maiutained by the sword throiigh a sevea yoars' war, and until G.ront Eiitaiu aoknowlodged her best colonies free and indepecdent States, Sinee that our career as a nation bas bien ono of un&xampled prospority, and, save brief interruptions, of oontimied peaee. Wo need not rehear?( tht! liiátory, neither neod we attempt to pfttBfl tho clouds which now onshroud our beloved country and darken the horizon. But we may eshorf every American ci'.izen to retnernber on this day the example of the rcvoliitionary héroes ; to remember that thoy enduved a long and bloody contest to establish our nationality ; to remember that trflitors aro banded together to ruptiire tho governmont, tear in piceos the Conslitution.nulliiy thpvrork ofonr gloi'ious fore-fathers, aiid destroy tho significance of tho name " United States ov Ambbicá." And, remembering this, let every ci;izcn renew his vo'tr's, and BWear on this sacred anniversary that troason .hall be put down, tri itors puiiished, and the Union rosforéd to it3 original oneness under the Constitution. It ia the work oí this day to kindie anew tho fires óf. patriotisrn.


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Michigan Argus