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Severe Fighting At Richmond

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"We givc place to-day to a condensed account f the fighting before Ri;h mond on Thursday and Friday ol last week. Tlio attuck was made upon üei. MuClella.n's right wing by ihe rubels in full force and reinforced by Gen. Jackson. ■ Porter's corps held ita own on Thursduy, but was compellod to fall back On Friday, whioh il did in the best of order, The result of the buttlo was an important change of Gen. McCLEr.LA.N's posiUon, tho evacu atinn of the line of tho Chickuhominy, tho swinging around of the right wing, and its concentration on the centre, vvith tho advance of the left wittff Tho James Kiver is now liis baso of operations, and his auppliea will all come up that river. Besides. in future operationa against liichmond he wiil have the co-operation of tho gnnboat fleet. Corresponden'. writing beforo the battlo more than hint at this change of front, whiuh, taken in connection with the successful removal of all the sick, wounded, public storos, &c, f'rom the Whito LIouso, inakes it certain that McCi.ellw was not defeated, and that he succeeded n accompHshing what he was arranging to do had he not been attaeked. Our los.s is not known, but is put at 1,200 for the two days. Filcy-four Federal Regirnents were engaged, as follows: From Pcnnsylvania, 16 ; New York, 15; Regulara 11; New Jersey and Michigan, each 3 ; Massachusotts and Maiae, each 2 ; and Illinois and Iovva, each 1. - ïho Michigan Regiments engaged were tho lst Col. Líoiierts, n Martin - dale's Brigade ; the 4th, Col. WoodBciti', in Col, McQuadb's Brigade; and tho lGth, Col. Stockton, in JBottkrfield's Brigade. Col. Roberts, of the lst, and Gapt. Cark, oí the I6th, oro reported killed ; and Lieuts. Eogi-estos, of tho lst and Eddy, of the 16th, vvounded. We do not recogniso in the list of non-commissioned officers or privates the names of any killed or wotinded in Cornpanies hailing from this county. - Yesterday morning's dailins brought no news from Ricbmond ; and Wudnosday evening's papera setting suro the statement that McCr.Ki.i.AN wí's sectire in hi:s new position ; a rumor via Mempbis that lïichmond was evaouated ; and an exaggerated estímate of our losses in the late battles as 10.000. We go to press ïhursday noon. - The arrival of Burusido and his investment of Fort Darling is not confirmed. L=X Gapt. S. C. Guiu, of Co. A. Eigbth Michigan Infantry, reportad killed in the recent engagement on James I.iland, near Charleston, gradnated at the University n 18C0, aDd is well known k many of our citizens. - Gapt. Nyb, of the Ninth Michigan Infantry, upon whom the Faculty and Itegents of the UüiveiRity last weok conferred the degroo of A. B., diod recentiy in the hospital at Murfreesboro, Tenn. Soe class resolutions iu another column. jL-LT At the recent session of the Board of Regen ts, a resolution was passed authorizinj; tho sale of tho übservatory and grounds, and the eroetion of a new Observatory building in tho University square. This is a good move, aud we hope that it may be accomplished at au eariy day. - The construction of a room was also authorized for the receptiou of Nydia. - Wü believe that an octagonal projection fiom Ihe north end of the south building is contcmplated. w:3T" Kx-Fresideut Van Buren i áangorously il). JCT" I?kkmo.vtVi espocjjjl frienda aud [Mitro aro in di!p trnublq aain The u J Seóratary of Y:ir Iiaviug thought pn.per to placa Mg, Gen. Popü n oonimand of iliu V.:lK'y of Virginia, over Fikmoxt, Banks, nud JïcDovvbll, ; the fi'i'nicr requested leavc of ibsonce f'or U-u dny, tliat be might remjuitrate : wirh tho authorities at Wusiimgton j and ihai buing denicd, be askcd d be : lioved fnun liis command, whicli ruquest was Tiraedi&tely grnnted. Thla is ! gardi'd rui a great indignity to [''kkmoxt, : anil the wuiünqfl ttlei'OKt nro Irthg a(id 'oud. IudiroctT) tho l'residunt U.abused Bouudly, nnd tho bla.iue iu chargud . wlicrj elsc save upon the sole responsiblc persoii ; upoti Gen. Scorr, upon political intrigues, and upon everybody save tho L'residcut aud Bccretary of War. We cure not to copy all these comjilaints, ia it our proviuco to prove them groundless. Of one tlnng, however, we are quito certain. ïlie three departraeuts operating in the Slienandoah Valley needod unitirg under one hcad ; Fremo.nt was uot tho proper houd Banks nor McDoweij, could not bc placed over liim - nor perhaps either over tho othcr - without involving tlie samo brcach of military etiquette ; and, henee we thiuk the President did well to cali in Poi'K wlio has showu abundaut competeüco lor just suoh a command, a coimnacd dt-manding military skill, judgment, and energy; combined. - Wo understand that Gen. Baxks concurred in the arraugament in advanco, and have lieard of uo complaiut froui McDowjji.l. - Gen. Ktxo, lato editor of tho Mil waukee Scníi'nel, and who rcsigncd bis mission to Romo to tako a placo n tho ariny, has becn given the corps of Fkemont. --Later dispatches say thnt Kinc ha? tleclined t.he po.Mtion, and requested th:it the command bu given to S and that his request has been gran tod.


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Michigan Argus