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! -A á v ïrtLsenaenfc WanJed. AGIRLTO DO IIOUSEWORk -J oro wil rcivt a itra.iy plu e nA goui „ Nou otters neoí apply. lui.aireiit tl s' Eoal Eatateíor Salo. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WMbteuw In the mal tor of the Estáte uf John J"oíuy f Michitl Kolicy. V:vu] Fohey, Jama FoHev, ]fo p lu-y ai.d Sama FoUfy, miuors,ol tbc Cou&tj Of y tenaw, la the statu of ttchignn. ffotic ín LfrbT JI en, ï!i::t in ]uiáuiincíf of an order grauted to h iliri :nt'l, TituMi.ia Km), guardián ol the Estatt of nvitrn. by tlte Hon. Jurtge of Probate for tb Count? Wiutlttcnaw, on ibt; secoud day of May, a.1). igg ( will b volJ ;it pul:ic %-euJue, to tho hiht Udd the ííotitJí 'Itiur cf theComt noae in the Cilyof V, Aibor, 10 the (ïoofrty of Wmthfenaw, ín (ji,j g' on Suturday, the tivcnty-igiuh Jay of junc í). ÍS92j ut 1 i.'clock u tli tiernoon nf that dy n ■ all encumbrancta by mortgage or otberwi , iiti jg at the timo of tho salo.) the fullowiue deacr I Real Kslaíe to wit : AU that cerUfn ficce ur pMcl' ];uil Bituafe Ij ing and being in he Xovnship o( NOr Hetd.ooanty ut V;;liten;iw, iüchigan, and Win m, lrticularlr knvwn and dcsvribud as the South-n quartcr yf the Kortfa west quarter of ection txt UtWOthip cao South of range ni Ksit. THOMAS EARL, Guurdüa I'atc-t, May 2, 1862. MïW Tlio aboVeiú is heicy postpuned until Satunli July l"th at one'clock, 1. H., :it Ihesnmc place Datcd. June d&tli, 18C2. l Próvido for Yo r Family, K:isriODE2:EK.BOc:EK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANï Western offleü, Kingsb-jry Ulock, Unndolph St., Chic Asscts Jan. let, 1S62, $276,223.4,1 Folíeles aro iasue! upon the lives of debtora, aoif, all buMaeu purposes, either for life or for a tem . yearj. on a favorable torm as by any othor Cotajun. lifarrittd ladies may Iiuure tlio lives of tiieir hubn accordïng to a lw of lije State, securing the amouatf tbíí in ju ca nee to themselvea r tbeir children, free fm the claims of tltcir liusbands' crcdltors ; also, mtr ladica c;in nsure their own lives for the benefit of 'i cbildren or trusteea. Polieled on lives are issucd for any sum not exeoedii $10,(T0. Jïy the t(;rtnHof the charter, this Company is prohrt ro.-e than 7 per cent. nnnually in dtrMtu capital to stockholdere ; an 1 it receiveü thut is in interest the use of i's cspit&l, the surplut bi[ '. among the Mutual Tasurers; henee it will pi'ar that it combines the advantages of a Mutuil wil ' :i Stock CoiDpnnf. Vi hen Ibe premium amounts to $40 or orer a w may be given for four tentbfl of tbc am;unt. Kati low as any oihcr good company, iNiï'-v i the timo of sócure a competeney for yen faroiiy fthould doath fturt your homestead encumbtri and buitess iavolved. ElUSrUS LVMAX, President. Gko. F. SMFFFN,i?fy. [t. F. Johusn. 'ice President, and Managr of Wm era Uriinch office, Chicago. E. B. POND, Agent. Wr. I.KWITT, M. I). , Mcücal Eiamincr. MANH00D; HOW LOST, EOW RESTOREI Jast Puhlkhcd, in a Sealed Envelope. Pru Six Certs. A LECTÜRE ON IHE NATURE, TREATKEUT AX RADICAL CURE OF SPKRMATORRHffiA or hernia, tuToIuntiry Eminsion", Sexual Debility,j Impedimenta to M arriare geneíaily, Xerrout-ness. Ci líen, Kpitepsy uní Fita Mentil andPliyricilIan paeity, n: hum Self-Abaae, kc. Hv ROBT , CÜLVKRWKLL, M. D., Auth.orof the Ornen Bok,íx. The worlrl rrnowned authr, in this admirable Lu ture, clenrly ; rovw hum his own cxpeiiennc tbattt awful coutteqacoeefl of Seifaburt may be eiTuctuall rwnOTed without medicine and without fhmgeioui iu; gical operaiionfl bougies, instrunn.'nt.s.ring8.or cordfil po'nUng out .i mode of cure at oncecerta n anle.Tectu by which every suflVrvr, n nnitter wliat hia cmlitn may tef may cure bimulf cheaply prtrately# and raöiei iy. Ihid Iccture will provo a boua to thowuinii ie thoufi.i thU. Sent -j l;ctal, in a pl&ín enveïopo, to any addnu an the iflNift of bíx ceats,or tvro postigo stmpi,b aíldrosb', DR. CÍÍA3. J. C KLINK, 127 Bowrry.New York, Post Office Bo%,4WÍ RISDON&HEiYDERSM IXavo tlio 33 TT O TSL E3 TT 33 CRAIN DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufactured al Springfield, Ohio. rpiIE VEKY LVTEST IMPROVEMENT, nd botttr lbn 1 all others; .adapted to sowing Vhet, Rj, OaU, Baiiey andürass Seed. lst. It has a Rotary Feeder. 2I. Will 8010 all kiiid8 of O-rain and Grass Seed. 3d. liever b linches the Orain éih. Never breaks the Orain. öth. Sows Grass Seed broadcast hhindthe Drill. 6th. Has high wheels and long Hott. Ith. lias long and wide steel pointt. Sth. 1 i has a land tneasurt or Surveyor. 9tA. It htê doublé and single rank drills. lOths It has a self arfjustwg shut of slide. It is neatly and substantially made. There is hardly a Prul ofiored o the m&rkut but eil boast of mure or lesa FIRST PREMIUMS:' Thcj nro nbut as in'lÏKCrlmin.itely bestowed a tli tlÜi nf " Professor,'' whicti is sniuettmen applioi lo tb# 'fiddirr" or ' bootbladt." Tbey cease to coarej1 th# Idea nf mtrit, The lincjïc-yo DcíU has been cm Exhibition at qufte of Stato and Cocnty Faïrs, nd without jee'".? favor at Ihe hands of anj Committec, has roceí ' full share of Premiums, TESTIMONIALS : We gfrè to foHowinp name of a few Fartmrn in th; vicinity havo bought and used the Buckeje Drill ; ::rroy Killer, Scio. Jacob Pt'lhoraua Jaoob T romper, " 4 Th.m:is ,. NorthGcLJ. John lírntí.iw, lt (.'lirisli.-ui K;ipp, " l n .i i-i Boj i on, Wel.itr. Jamo- Trt'a'lwell, AnoArbor, John ti.Cook, Ixx3i. 0. A. narstaUj " L. Ëdmori b, Saline. Goorgu Cropsoy, (ïrecn Oak, Lír. Co. "W: ueaiao Agenta for tbo Ohio Reaper & Mcwer, acknowloilged t bo llio vcry best in une. We are just in receipt of 100 Grain Oradles Wiiich wc will sell Clieap. Also a large assortment of G-rass -:il the Inroest and bost selcctcd stock of BENT STUFF FOR CARIÏIACKS over before offcro-1 in tbis marlt We nisn kocp íx Inre and f uil NAIM, GLAS9, 1TTTV, PAINT, an 1 UNfiEED OIL, A complete assortment nf STOYES, TINWAKE, AND ÊAtE nROÜGBSthrtj- on hnd ind put up ( M shortest nitice. niSDON k UEXDERFOH. Ann Arboy.Junai'i.l8M _j8óLlL__ Ayer's Ague Cum.


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