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SPECIAL NOT1CES' TJie Donglas Memorial. iiplom "f m-mbcrshir. ofUw Doogl" Monument tion, beautifuüy engravecí on toe!, rtoot Di by tynUf indios n diniensions is now roady foi distributiont ttusirtueribtrïtott monument fuud. To aU penosa (brwwUlug to tho Association Ono Dollar or more will be tent ono of theae Diplomas, properly eiecuted. Toeontritutorsin tho sum of TWO Dollars or moro will bc furnished giahtuouily, bcsides the Diploma, a beauliful imperial size arm, EXGRAVINO OF JUDGE DODGLA8, 21 hy 17 inehca, p.iblisbcd Marsh, Rowe & Co. Coülributors in the sum of one doü.-vr will become lifc membirs of the Douglaa Mouuni'Dt Associstion ; in the aumof tn-enty dollars, honorary lifc meml ers ; and in the sum of onc hunJivcl dollars, honorary life ujembers of the Board of Trustees. gLocal receivers and solicitas Tor contributiousnre beInjauthorfwiln tUcloyil SUtM. PunpWsta n11 =;rculars containiDg the Orgamzation, CoiutituUoB, By I..W-, lind the Apil of the A.ociation, .11 bc. sent to aU who will forward thcir addross. Communications should be directüd to tbe 8WttlJ D. M. ijute. Chica Áll editcra who will buat this card in their daily, weekly or tri-wcekly issues tnonths, ritta an oecasional notice to 4nW tbe object in view, will havo for ■tvarded to them immedmtely Diplomas as Honorary Life Membera cf thij AsMciation, n'.so a copy of the aboTO Portrail, upon the recfipt by the society of a copy of their paper contuininj this announcemi'nt. WALTER B. SCATES, Presidrnt. Leohard W. Voik, Secretary. f5Cm3 í@- Seeawomun, n another column, picking Sfimbuei Gmpes for Spkee's Wine. It is nn admirable article, useil in hospitals and by first-clfiBS fnmiüos in Paris, London, nnd New York, in preferente to old poit wine. It il -svorth B triiil, as it gives grent satisfaclion. jy lf yon wish a good Toiñc, freo from alcoholic sUmulants.get HOPFLANDS GEBMAN BITTERS. Head tbe advertiseraent in auothcr column. A CARD TO THE SUFFEEiNG. The Riiv. Víluíu Cosoioti, while laborío as a MissColds an.l th debilita and ovcudpioJia bJ' uhich I have brought hSme witU me, to ,U1 wLo ull U fice of charge. Rev.WM. CO5GR0VE. 3V1 439 FuHon avenue, Brooklyn N. T. Important to Ladies. Br 7OHXHAKVEY, havinc for upvvards of twerty veirVdc-vrml 1 W prefMíioml t'me exoiushely lo the treataeni o) Female DiffUraltim. ■" hjjn aucceeded n thouaanda ol canes In restoring tneatmctea to sound health, has no entire couñdenec in oflcring '""■GREAT AMERICAN REMEDY," CHRONO-THERMAL FEMALE PILLS. Wuich bavcncveryct failcd (Vhcn tlio úircctions uve Ivcn stiletto tolloived,) in renioving iJílTir : ;r.'lll Obstruciion, or Stoppage of Nature, or In restoring the tem to perfect liealti.Whea suf ora Sit.-.m. 'aitix-iions, Prulafsus L'tkhi, TB irstbwvreato anua Okgaju. Also in olí cásea of DimiuiY o Xbbvoos í'kj.stk.itju.v, HysjBBKa Pauitati a, fec.i ;-. whlcb are (lie fnrcunnrs új mu,'-.. - ■-. These Pilis are periteÜ) harrnlcss on the coushiilio, and muy be taken by Ut viost delicate ftmíle without cansinir dlítrtsi; í.t tha sanie timo tlify ACl like a ciiakií lv .■ t-n-t . '.mi iug, nvigoiatin? and restiring tía syrtem to n hwlthy condit'on; aud bv bringiag 011 the mouthir poriod witll regulanty, no tiiiitter IfiOBl Kllt cause theobstructions may arise. They should, lioivcvcv, nol be taken during the Bral tbree or bar raonihs of pregnancj, thougli safe at any other tiiae, as misoarriwse would be the rusult Eachbaï oontain (30 PilU. l'rice One Dollar, and when desirod ivill bc sent by mail irenaid by any WTii' tiel Agent, nn leeeipi of the money. tíold'bv DrngEislsin Arm Arbor. "J. BR1TAN, liochester, N. Y-, General Agent. H & L. SLMONEAU, Detroit, Wholesale Agent fo Michigan. ' 806tf New Medical Discovery. For the and permanent cur.-of Gonnorhea, Gleet, Urethal Discharges Grit vel, Stricturc, and Affections of the Kidncys and Bladder, bieb has been used by upwarda of ONE ÏJÜNDRED PHYSIC1ANS, in their private practice, with ent i re suecess, supersedingCcBEBS, Coimiba, Cai'suliü, ov any compound luther 'bELL'S SPECIFIO PILLS, are speedv in action, oiten elïecting a cure in a fe days, and whena cut-e i-s erfecteü it is pcrrnanei:t. They are nropured from vegetable extract that are harmless on the sy stem, and never nauseate the ttomnch or imprégnate tlu brcath ; and leini suear-coated. all nasoous taste is avoitlcd. .Vo change of diet is nrcisairy toMlsl usir,g Ihem ; nor does their action interfe:e with busines.spuisuits Each box containfl six dozen l'ills. l'IUCE ONT. DOLLAR, andwill beseiit by mail posl-paid by any ailreitistd Agent, on reccipt óf the inoney. Sold by Druggists in Ann Arbor. None genuine without ray signature on the wrnpper. J BRYAN, BocbeUt, K. V.. Ocnerii) Agent. TT. fc I.. SLMONEAU, Detroit, Wbolesalc Agent or Michicn. S06(f TMPÖRTANtrFEMALI[S THE HEALTH ANU LlFliOFWOMA Iscontinually inperil f she il madenouih to neglect or tnaltreat those sexual inegularities to whlch twohir3s of her sex are mnro or less subject. IR. CHEKiEMAN'S PILLS, preparo I from the name formula which the inventor. CORVEUUS L. CHF.ESEMIN M. Di. of Nw-fork, has for twenty years usefl Ruceessfuüy in an extended pri va te prttctice - iramediately relieve without pain, all disturhance of the periodical disciiarire. whether ariHing from retaxïition or suppression. They act like a charm inrenioving the pains that accempany dlffleult or immoderate raerstruation, and are the on'ly pafeand reliabla reme'ly for Flushes, Sick Headache. Paiua ir. the Lolnt, i-i, kan, i Si, les, Pal)iitation of the H'Mrt Nwveu Tremors, Ilvsterics, Ppaurns, Broken Step and other unpleasa-nt and danfferous elTects of an unnatnral condition of the sexual functions In the worst cases of Fluor Jlbut or Whites, they ellect a speedy cure. To WIVES and MATRONSDR. CHEESEMAJÍ'S PILI.S are oSesed as the only safe menns of renewinintTrujed menstruation, but. LADIES MUST BRAR IN MIXD l'htre ie onecovdition of the ferrtnlc nyslem in which tht Pillit c.avnoibe laken wi'hotit prodnavq a PECULIAR lK.sül.T. Thtemêitltmnfmrrsito i PUEGANCY- the, MISCA HUI Ad E. Utich i the irresistible tendency of the medicine to rt&Lors the serual fwctlons to a iinrmal conrliiion. that even the reproductive power of iuit)'re cauTt.ct resitl it, " F.rfiliritdireaiaus stating when, and when they should vol be vsed, with each Hor.,- ths Price Olie Dollar each Bol, röntaitting SO Pilis. A valnaWe Pa upJi'.et. to be had free of the Agents VMssrntbymail promptly, by enclosing pnce to any Agent. Sold byl'n: il y. R. B. I1CTCH1JÍGS, Propretor. '20 Cedar-St., New York Por" PaU by MATNARD STEU15IXS & WILSON, and (JEKNVIIXE te IUL1.ER. jm. A siight cota, WWWSÈ or èfc-tc Dht-aat, XwRH BSr vShizh might be checked ÏUISir with a simple remedy, ifneglected, often terminales senoiLsly. Few are aware of the importance cf stopping a or êfLLghi rfclcL in its ftrst stage ; ihat which in ihe beginning would yield ío a müd remedí, if net atlended to, soon attacks ihe lungs. J3Lam.n'& iLarLchLa-L Lf taches. vaere ftrst mtroduced eleven 'years ago. It has been proosi that ihey are ihe best anide before the publio for fauaks, rfaLdn,, JLsthma, alcLtfik, th HackingCough in an.s.LLm.ÜLa.n., and n-imerous affections of the htcxit, giving immediate relief. Public Speakers X Singers VJÜl find them effectual f er clearing and strengthening Ihe voice. Bold by all (Druggists and (Dealers in JAedicine, at 25 cents per box. PRIZB POETRY. Let Chieftain boapt ( f deeds In ir, And inntrel 'une th-ir nweet guitar, A nobler thcmP m hcart r fi'lrd - In praise 01 Hkhkick's tratchteRpill. Thcir cures m-p fonnd in erery land - AraintnsHÍ;i't ftaova - nud Afric'fi sands ; The ivonAroiM irorlt! - Iho nnpprs I1II, Prod n-r-a Uy Hbraiok's m&tehleta PUI. IÏ0M AlMflM nfliiot yon f noverdiubt This hntting compnund villsRarch it out, An hpnHh aiain MMirBjrtem fill, If yoli üy at encela Heruick's I'ills. Thoy'rf safe tot all- 'mt'-l oM and young- Tl 'ir praiï-os nre on evenr tonpti ; nuuu, d3nJ(!--D"lo!Eekill■, Sincc we ro blonerd wlth HüRKlCK 8 Pllls. Tut iip n"tb English. SdidíeI:, Germán aod t'rmeli diretions Pnce 2; ceñís pr bix. Safo" CctUd. rea.i-rti,tninfii3 thlr'l p-ig . fOt


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