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The Bugle Calis I The War has Begua ! A War oi Esterralaation against Bad Teeth, Bud Breatii, ; Disep.sed Gums, Tootuache, ■ aolie, and Neuralgia. OUR ARTILLERY IS DR. WM. B. HURD'S DENTAL TKEASÜRY! 7 A COMPLETE SET Oï REMEDIES FOZX PRESERVING THE TEETII, PURIFVIAG TflE BUEATll & MOITH AKS Curing Toothache & Neuralgia. o OO1TT3SN-TS : Dr. Hurd'i CeUbrated MOUTII WASH, one ottlt. Dr. Hard's Unequaled TOOTH PO VVDER, ne box. Dr Hurd'e Magie TOO TH ACIJE DROPS, ne bottle. Dr. Hurd; UNRIVALLED NEURALGIA PLASTER. Dr. Hurd's MANUAL on the Beit Meansoj 'resrrving the Teeth, inrluding Dircclions for kil'roper Treatment oj Chüilren's Teeth. FLOSs SILKfor deanin} hetween the Tceüi TOOTH P1CKS, etc, etc. Prepured t Dr. Hurd's Dental Ofn:3, 77 ourth St , Brooklyn, (E. D.) Pi ice One Dollar or Sil fur $5 O" The Dental Tieasury mnkea a pnck ge eight nclics by five, and sont by expi-ess. UIT Full direction for use is on each árdele. The following articlea we can send eepnately, b}" mail, viz ; Th?Treatl3e en Pre?eivinn; Teeth sent, ost paid, on receipt of ïwkltï Cents, or our etairps. The Neuralgia Piaster, for Ncurtlf'ft In lic face, Ncrvous Heftdacha, nnd Earacho, ent, post paid, on reoeipt of Eiqhtiwm Cr.a. r six Btanips. The Neanralgia and Rheumatic Piaster, 'lavge size), for pains in the Chost, Shouklers, ack, or any part of the body, sent, postiiid on receipt of Thiutt Sevkn Cents. Adaress WM. B. HÜRÜ & CO., Tribuus Buildings, New York.ÜS Ir. HurJ's MUÜTH WA3H, TOOTH POWBKB, mi TOOTHACHK DROP8 cnnnot be sent by malí, but hey can probauly be obtained ot juut Dru(! or Periodi al Storu. If tkey cannot, send for llie DENTAL 'BEASURV, l'iice Oxk Dollab, whick contains tuem. 3STOW, Are Dr. Ilurd's Preparations Good ? The best evidonce that they are U, tliat tlioir flrmcsl rienda and bes+, patrons are tboüe who liuvc ustd ikem ongest ir. li. Hckd i an emineiu DcntiHt cf irooklyn,Tre:isurer of tbc No' Vork State Dcntists' Asaociation, and tlieqe preparations have been ufied in lis private practico furyuars, aDd no leadin;1; ciíizeu oí irouklvn or WilliamutuHxh tiieir excellence, fhito eminnt DontiiU of Nsw York recnraraoiid tiim &i the best kBOWn to tho profeision Without the aij u( dvortUhig, dvalori tmvn sold them by thegrosa. Thi Editor of the lirooklyn Daily Times says :- '' Wc arehapjjv tu know tliat our friend, Dr. IllBB, i suc ceedin 'boyond all ixppctKtio)n with his MUL1H TASh nd TOOTU pnwnEB. The crcat Kecret cf hw success rests witbtln factTUAT nu mnt1ES aue nu CWEI.Ï HAT IIII.T AI1K BKMKFIXTSB 10 LE, As 1VE C. TBSttn FBOM THEiB LOSO DáE." The wel! known P. T. Barnum writes :- "I found your TOOTH POWDBR so good that mv family have used it all up. We nxu !T tuk Hbst Powukr fck the Teeih that M-tEiKR l'iKD. I shxll feol obüed if you wlll BCüd me nnoUuT bupply at tbi Museum at your conveniente with bl." 1! li Ihcir cost is so suwll that fvory ona may test ibe matter for himstlf. 43, Beware of the ordicary Tooth ]owders. Dr EIcbd's Tooth 1'owdeb containa no ac d, nor alliah, nor charcoal, aiul pollshts without wtaiing the enamsl.- U-fc lio othcr. What will Dr. Hurd's Remedies Effect ? Dr. Hurd's MOUTU WASI1 AND TOOTH POWDER will givw yoinig ladiei that finest charm in Tioraan - a weet broatli and pearly U-eth. Try ihem, ladieu. Dr. Hjrd's M0UTI1 WASH AND TOOTH I'OWEER will ck-aiise themouth irom all foul exhalatioi-s, and f used in tho morning. will make the breakfast taste weeter and the day boiu inoee pleasantly. Hundreds of persons can testify tothis. Ti-y them, gentlemen. Dr. IIurd'3 Mol'TU WasB and Toorn 1'owder aro tht bpst preparation in tho world for curing bad hreath and giviug fumness and health to tl e gunip. Hundreds of cases of diseased UlKIOI.vo GfMS, Soke JIoctb, Cankfr, etc, have been eured by Dr Hurd's astringent wash. Dr. Huns 's Mociii Wasu and Toora Powdbx give an additiunal charra lo courtship, nnd mako luisbandt more agrt-eable to their ives and wiveü to tbeir hutb Mis. Ther sbüuld bo used by every person having Artificial Teeth wliich areliabletoimpart a taint to the mouth. Dr. Hurd's ïooniACHE drops cure Toothache arising from exponed nerves, and are tho best frionds thatparents eau have in the house to save their children tïora torture and thcmsclves from loss of sleep aud sympathetic lufforioc. „ _ FARMEttSand Mkcuanics ! you cannot well afford to nelect vour teoth. For a trifling urn, you can now get preservativo! than whlch Ratbeliild or stor can get Oothmg better. P.emi mber that DYS PEPSIA Hlid CON SUlll'íiuN OF TUKLU.N'liS often origínate in Neglect of Teeth. Send for t7ie Treatise on Teeth, and rejii Dr. Fitch's obscrrnlior. on this subject. If too late to arrest decay in your ovrn teeth, save lour chi;dren'ii teeth. NEURALGIA PIASTERS. Dr. Hurd's Neuralgia N'on-Adhesive rinstcra are the most. pli'nsant and succossful reine'lii- ever prnerlbed for tlus [);tiii!ul dieise. The patiënt applK#oatt, ROOD beoomes Jroirjy, falls 3 sleep, and awaks (nu . rom fn.n, and uo blister or other unplea.sant or iiijurious eoQMquencca ensuc. For Earaohe and Nervous Hcidache, apply to Airect!ona,and reliei will 'sun-ly follow. Nolliin can be obtained cqual to Dr Hurd'a Uon press for Neuralgia, Iry thora. Thry are entirely a iinvc-1, curmuv, andorTginatprepaintfoo, and wmáttíully They aieof two sizei, one sm;;il, for t!ic face, pnen 15 cent, and tlie othor large, for applicatinn to the body, price 37 cents. Will beinailcd on mcipt of price and one stamp. Whal are the Peüple Doing ? The American people are intelligent enough to apprñciate prepantiosa that ccmtriliute so mach to the hapliinefis of thow usingthem, and they want thein. Eviry mailbnngana letters, some ordering the Treittlje o Teeth mm' llic NiMiral(;ia Plai-tcrs, and Dot u few fa87 cenU for the Mouth Wash to be 9an1 bj mail bat tu th so M ut compeüed 10 repiy that it e impoB:.ible m senda haif pint bottle by mail. The people waut these remedias. WHO WILL SUPPLY THEM 1 Now is the CHANCE EOR AGEINTS. Piit-eïvd agents can mahe a small fortuno in earrying thrso articles around to families. The Dental Trrak. ry is the neatest artirle thal a man or woman eau carCT around íendlnr one, or. better, a dozen, whicb we wilUrll, as samples, for 7 Agents supplied liberally with Circulara. Now i the time to go into Biisinee ! to do gond, and mxV a profit. Wb ere spendln? thousands for the beneBl of agents. New Kn;land m"n or women ! here is omothíng uice, and a chanco to lake thetide at its flood. Addrore Wm. B. Hurd fic Oo. Tribune Buildings, Kew York. Tbat rm!it!nr! may N tode wifb confidenc. W, B H ft Co. refrr 'o 'ha Mayor 'f Bronklyn ; to (3. If Garmr PrWnt Firmers' Ad Cititecs' Dank, Brooklvn ■ tn Joy, Coe & C. , New York ; to P. T. Ba' nvji, Esq., Now York, eK.,to. aif fT}ffi:r-RH'!!vG J'TíT.l' 6KV rtlJU ttniW. f: Í ■" r. ACD Arbor )ii-h.


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