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To foe issued Sept. 15, 188a. STATE GAZETTEER, AND Business Direotovv, FUK Tat VEARi lcO2-'8. THE WORK W'.IX CONTAlN Historie and Descrijptive Skitches CITIES, TOWNS & VILLAGE3 Throughout tho3íaí; Classiñed Lists of bU Profesóions, Tradtirï and Pur-iuiis, gjArrjngd alptiiibetiolly for each Tofrn,thni xhiblliug at ;; &lancc, the full addrpss and riicula: bj ;- :AjT, iUtfCFCTlïtUU AND PftOFttLio.Ai, M.iw is tiu tstjira. At the cnrnefit ."ollcüfon oí míinr of tbc pr:neipalmorchautsand busiceiis men of IJt-u-nt, tnd In Comphaiiw wiUi thegeuirally exprtífgeá -'i-i-li -f th puMic.iL lui'. t fur sachu work, ti e pubHhfT of 'tbt Deikoit City Li , ■KtnrOBThMdeterminecl (u uu lertftLi 'ïe pubticatioa of , a tboroayb, complete anl relia ble G.sriKSPa ad j N-ESB UlSKCrOBT OfTDS ÖXATK er HlCBïQAM. Po as be aa he dCHM, uuusual facilities fOf übwiuing th; ! neces.cary informaUon, ilieivcrk rill be ia tvery rpet.t a cúmplete aml ryliable one, wt-M wjtÜIJ tlie oafldeac ; and patrouagu oí tbe uublie It w 11 b; npreM); uUp i tedio the Wnta of íartnc-rí and Men o' líusioíst uá i e-cciall.y ínLeiiüed as a source of ÍJistruction and güld ■ an'cc to ihe tliousinOs of síranger, travele ra niH , migrantü who aro n?cl:iug uew bomM Mf bGOiaws qu;untanc in Uie West, where tha currantfl ;f Trade j are vparlv iwetliil tu m.tgnit.,f!o, n-J wber3 the rlch sos! knuws n'j txbftusties; taá tomake tlie wurk Ffillv suQghi after, ít i determioed to Inm tt ' r;;tc that will mnkc ií a liook fur the l'tiople- usefúi ;inú ctj"!iv. - unJ ibis irf done by the liberal Tíbcrtptioiw of ■ , Lamí owners, Mftrebnnta, and atbera ttttereitcd intbevaríoas Counties, Cilii i an-J To#na. TUi-'i #orll : m oí the State at urge niid by Comtiei : bef agricultura 1 und mierBlog)cal roBources; her advantwgi 4 u &d agricultura] and maun■ iig; Staíc; hei -nninera.s dñued and lócate-!; b watt-r eouraes, tiaibw lan!;. imate tbfl va rious K. pompjeted, bcíng built, Röd ihube ■■: ; number of chttrcl md bftnerolect i i i-.. ;ii county; nnmbor o! merclu i ch:in;cs and BUtnufaetuHng MtablíabBicnt Btturnvys and pbysicians ii; ecb town la thn Btate ; iniorn;;it ou for Utfiimmigaot ai to the best loeaü&o í'or liis purtMíular buiiD'S9. A üst of irasntered lanas ín tbe Otate, witb theirloofttkm, 6barftter and pilca: a eora 1 of the Fust Offices in the &t&U ; taames and locatloa of nll newspspersand periodieals; a fu li list vt tin State and County offieer% lth the Constitotíon of the State; taHeof distanees on all linos of travel llirough the State, fith by railroad, stenmboat or stage-coacliUïn aldO a complete'tradê-liat, the advnutoges oF whi'i to merchants and bttslaua men generally, will b immeniC. As a Medium for Advertising This bonk nffrrg uncqualod iniucmncnt, an ït wilj Ijp oircttlated In evcry ïown and villaje tbroughont tl;c .State, and will go direclly to that elass of cinnumers u'ith wliom it isgreatly fcp Lhe interest ut all advert'sers lo be knowji. Advertifiémeiits will he tnl.-n 1 raoging frtrt Fits I omtlUt, épwárds, aceordïng to epace an i lt'ciíii,u. tiuii briaging the valuadle privilege within the rendí of%n. The vork will bc cosipiled and ar vi'ii great eire, ani will be prinlori and h jnnrl in me nor Bad substantlal ihuijuct, it being (be ia teution t') matee the wwrk one oi' iatratft'nd real valué, well vji- .-.At'.ait as a beolt of rfference for 'hc i aflen1 , the Merchant and the Frorpwu-nal man. - Th price of thboA basboa fixed at $3, on Hip re. ceipi of whicli it wil! bo sent toanypart of ihe Luteátute:- , frte of postaK& AnCon]mun:catiföabotil'3 be ad-1rr= CHAELES F. CLARK, Puhiwher Nu. 41 Gpiswold Sirett, Detroit Michigao DE. HOüFLAND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL, Tor the specdy cure of Cougkq, ColJs, Injlacnza, (tovp, Hoarsencss, Bronchitis, Pneumonía, Diseases of the Üowels, uriaing f mm Cold, Incipient Consuinpiion, and for the relitf and if at allpossibte) cure of Putierds in adainced stages of ths lader diseasr. rpHÉEBaUamtc Cordial iá cntri.!v a Vegetable f roducJ. tion, combiiiing tlie bealiug properties o) the Eals;ua, witb the invigoratlng qaaKtíeí of a Cordial, jrodueínga oombiaat-OR w lisdnpttd to tb yan,oná intended, th&t thora art bui (few eMM4 of dfawttsB wbleh will nut, al au uarly permüj ucoumb tu Ufl licidin :t ná Ufe giving (.roperties. i'or iiguS; has tiiö trealment of pulnrinary diseases oecupieti tba greuter portlea of iLe attcution ui the scifnülic; of the medic:i.l world, but none atttirw) raore cniiiionte in hi.s 1 1 eatment Lol thesu diseaíWfl, ílum the ctlebrateclPrufsian. Dr. Hooflana, the prlgOJitoi oi the Balsamic Cordial. Hia voted tu lbo : tion of remedies Uiat would stand unrii-allod. How well he bas acceeded, the American pettplc re ab!c to judge: an-i we posiüvuly as.sert, thát no preparations have ever been placed b?fore thom, bavo conferred . amouiit of beaeÜt3 on iuft'ering hunviniiy, or have elicitíd so many cjouaetKitticDS Irom all fki.s-es ol' societv, as tböMKediea of Dr. Hoofland, prepared bv Dr. C. M.Jack.son &Co., of Phlludelphia. The Corlia! i.1, ilcsíiie.l for a ciñan of dUcaua raore general nnd moic fat&J tibaq auy other to which the peopie of this countrj are subject - ihose Kjninging :'rom a '■'slight cold." Tbat eminent authoritr, iJr. Htíl,sftys: "I will notsay that Colos are to our inbab itaotl wbftt the Vlaue and Ytllow Fevcr are lo thoae of üther countrit; but I can avar confidently that they ushor in qiscs-e of gwitoffutpÜaUy mm mottallty than thüselattoi-." Entirely Vegetable. lio Alcunolio Prcparation. DE. HJ0FLAND"3 CELÉBRATE!) aSBMikN BITTEBS Preparad by DR. C M. JACKSON k Cü., PhiUdslphia, Pa. W'ill efTectually cure LIVEK COMPLAIN'T, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNIICE,Cbroaifi or N'eivous Debiüty , Diseases oí the Kidneys, and all distases arising lrom a disordred Uv6i or Stoiïiach. Sacb fis Conátipation,Inward Piles, Fulness or Blood to vhe Heac, Ac'dity of ftie Stotbácn, Nausea, lieart burn, L'isgust fur lood, Fulaess ut vnjght in the Stom acht&aur Eraetationi , öinkirig or Fiattering ut tho Fit of the Storaach, ftwhnmiog of the Head, Hurried and Difiicult Hntathing. Fiattering aj the Hca:t, Chokmg orSuffocating senati'-ns wüon in a posture, Dim ncB6 t Vision, Dota of web.-i beforetho Btghf, ttver ami l'ull PainintheHead, Üetlcienoy oi' PernpiritioD, Yollowiitiss of therikia and Kyes, l'a.u in th tírle, Back, Cbcst. Lirab.s, &c. Hudiien Ptuoheaoi II'.Mt, Uurningin the [Fish, Coii.staut imagiomga of evil, aud gieat Ikprfssiots of Spnñts, and will poiitiveU rveiit VKLJLOVV FEVER, BILLlOÜá FKVKR, .c. llie Projrieior in calling the attention of the public to tl:i prepara-tiOD, doeá .so with a fcelmg cf th utmost confuiencc in its virtues au-i adaDtatiou to the diseases for wbich it is reco"niended Itianunew and untried ariicle, but ons tliat has stoiid the test of a twelve years' trial before the American peoplü, and itd reputation and saio are univalled by any similar preparatioms extant. The testimony iniis iavorgiven by the most paromiooat tnd well-known Physiciaus and individuals in all parta of the country is immense, und a car fut perunul oí' Ute Almanac, pub(ished annually by tbo ProprictoiK, and to be had gratis ofanyoftheir Agent, cannot hut atisfy the most pkepti'c&l thnttlrs retnedy is vtally cieserviug the great celebrily it hasobtained lïiüfl tlie Evlclenr T rom J. Newton Broten P. , Ed'or of the Encydoptd'a of Rcligious Kncwleiïgt. ATtüougn'not ftispnsell to fat er or rcnmrnfjid Pa+pnt Medicines in general through distrust of their fagredienta and ewct,] yet know oí do sufficient reason why a ican may not testify to tho benefit he believes hjmwlt to have rvceived iioni my lfiinpl preparaticn. in tinhoj.e Uiat hu m:iy thus contfjfcat to the ben;üt of Oth(T3. Idothislbe more readily in regard to "Hoofland's Germán Bitters," prepared by Dr C. U. Jackson, ol thia citv, beoauM I w;i= prcjiiflicnl ftgatavt mom for years, ander the Unpresfcion that tliey m i alcoholie, mixture. 1 au iiKÏebled to my friend Hooert SUoemaker, Esq.,for the r&movttl or f.p-jn'lite by proper tests, and lor encouragenu-nt to try thesa, wben sulïering früin greai aod ■■■'■■ debilïty, Tha QJh i ( bottlo of theae Bitters, at ttie bezinning of tho prei ent vear, was foILowftd I ■ ration tña ekRr f bodílj and mental vr_ not feit forsixra ntha béfore.and : deRpnired of rcsitiiti"-. I thersfore thaok Godsndmy friend for dirtctingmeto tbo iweoÊthe. J.XEWÏON BKOWN. Read what the eminent Glass Manufacturcr, JOHN II. VI[lïAU,f saya of Lho 3ALSAMIC CORDIAL Dn. C. M. J '■' Harviug for a irteü ivith ibe vlrtaoa of tuy B;i'. amic Cordial id Couha, Coids, foflammatlon of the Lungs, &C. I thus fret'ly bear teatimony to its i Foriwveralyean (haTonever been without t In my faniiiji li iwiv me pieavtL loti fchat I havo ■ u-itli entire suoteas ín the tratment C omüLaint. Thy friend truly, p ÍN M. WHITALL, Fifth Mo. Ï7, 1SB8, Hace 8tTfettaboTe #th, Phila. Thest medicinen are for sa;] Ie Dnip-tjists flnidealez in med!ciDea In taeümtea StateR, Brit' . est 1d dies, at 76 con t a per bottle - si thegwwlne.witfe thesignature of C. M. jokbohou Uu i! each bottlei all otiers are. mmnerjtdt Principal O.iiee aud Uaiau:"ctópy,41fl ATeh Street, l'hiiftdeTphia, fa. 830yl D1SS0LÜTI0N. THE Co-pMtnerBhlp berotoiore txistirg botwMn Iko unieraigped unijer the mm an4 slyle of 5] Tho--.]istm waaaissöJveaijy bj nataal consent on the lSth day ot May, nat. 'lhel Bimwill iiy John W. Tfccmfon, and thu business continucd bv C. Spoor. n,A„. PP0OR. JOHN W. T1IUMPSON. Patcd, tanAior,Mv8, 1S02. Notke. A LI, pcMoni fndfbtei ti tho laf (lrm ir Pnnnr aml Thompson are rrquwtad to cali at tho old stand aud ma, prompt ■..U.Mt o! tl.o.o. jg, A Card, THE buln of Fndllc nnd fíarnMrs miYí wil] ba t-.-iv:-ii-i :ittlie old pUce of butii-a i Spoor ThomtRon bv the unrtrisned , n'no soiicts tbe cooimued patronage of Hu okl cwitomeri oí tli' Bn, mad hnppsbv prompt atUnlion m husinr-ss to gaio new pairons. 'A s-noi-:.l iii-'T'mcii'. nf Harnea and Safldlerj al.vyjnhaml All persona tomo líber bj !o.ik account are rcqnfpted '.o settle tho sanio wioutaelay. Ann Arbnr, May 53, 1S53. Siv6 JXotlce. TTflIFnE S my irifn Pholi A . k in thf liahH ff "dinr VV aboat th cmntrv nnd running me: in flM r.thoot my consent BT kn'.wl1co; tbwefm all f" cautionert agaist tiuatinihor onsiy account, as 1 soai] "T0' bCM'trlClln qA„TFY ASVABIL. fiaron, 5íy21,lS8 Special Nolfce! All nK'on inrtehted to mi ■ bv" Note or Mmrt " m b" r-iying tb ml oc .-r btforo Ui f "


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