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ÏSTEW CrOODtí. BACH fc PBERSON Have jast oponed 'lieir SECOND SPRING STOCK and eSer tv CHOICE SELECTION Of Seasonable Goods, including all The Newest Styles i LADIES'DRESSGOODS, Cloths, Domestics, Staples, QÏIOCEEIES, &C-3 ! We Bought for Cash and ■ 11 sell FOR CASH OR RE AD Y PA J", ;it very IjO-ct Figures) CALL A.:STD SEE ! ! BACH & PIERïON. i i Ann Arbor, May 15, If62. SCHOFJF & MIL LEU 4 RE STII.I. OXII.tNDaltlioiroMSt.itul, L No. 2, Franklin Block, i'.b themost complete assortiuont of 3ooks and Stationery, ERFUMEKIES, FÁNCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADE8, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNICES, CURTAINS, IIOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. 'Ever offored in tliis Marlcet ! and the)' wouUl suggept lothosoin pursuitcfanythingin SANTA CLA U8' LINE tliat they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchaslng from tliis sIoc'k, au oach purchaser gete ua additional present of Jewelry , ka. , Iïanghig invalue trom 50 ots. to $50. JJ3T Thtvtni-t that tlwiirlonsf oxperienco in solretir.s gouds forthis mark et, and strict atlcntion to tho vraAtfl of Cutomers, niay cntitle tiiun to a liberal shaic Öj Patronage. Ann Arbor. Dfe. 5. 18G0 777tf JL.1FK iftSUKANOE. Tho Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Coinpany. Accumulated Capital, - 3,500,000, WTTJ.TWftlTRR I.TVE8 fnr ;ny amount not exceodÏDg % -O..KK1 :c r the whoto term of Life or for a term of y OTB, on the most favorable terma. N.B The Corapaiiy is purely mutual and tlie polïcy boUlera get all the .surplus over the exact cost of insuranco It ac cómoda tes the insnre-1 in the sottlement of their premium ON I.IKK POUCIES, it" de.sireJ, by taking a note fr one half the ainouut, hearing interest at six percent, per anuuni. Dividends are Declared Annualhj! and sílice thoy aev amount to kjfty per cent on the prpiitium, casli and note, and are mcrcuiMiig they in:iy be applied to cancel theuotes. ÜfiT The rateiï of premiums arcas low as any other rcHpoiiHitleCompany andthelarge a.ccumulated fund of $3,.riOO,000 is st'ourely Invenéa, as may lie sflftn by reference to the statement made acconlingto law, on file in t,heofficeoitheCounty Ann Avb(ir.Hs% JAMES (jOODWIN, Prest. GutR. riiBT-PSjSecy. Forpartknlarnapply to JAMES C. WATSON, 76!ívl Agent at Ann Arbor, Mich. Great Reduction in the Price of SINGER & CO.'S Standard Machines . W'ell knoion to be the Best for Manufacturing Purposes. No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machino, formerly aold at $90, rediicecl to 70. No. 2, of samo kind of Machine, for merly sold at $100, reduced to $75. SINGER'S LETTER A MACIIINE U the best Machino In the irorld f;ir FltmUv Böfrlng and Light MiinufiicturiiiK lirposefl : (toith Hemmcr,) and beautifolly ornameoted $50. TbO Uo. 1 iiiicl il Machines are of greatenpacityand appilcation for manofactnrlng purpo&es. Uur No. :ï Uaeh&ea ave espettiall; tidapted to all kinds of litit aml bèavy Lo&tfaer (Vork, tn Carriage Trünmtog, Boot and Shoe Uaking, Harneas Making, etc, etc. Thty are of extra bIm( and tiith an arm long'enough to cake ander it. and stiteli the largest 'mn'v.e dashes. T here is Kcarcely any part of a Trimmers' sfitching tlmt cannot be b'etfar dont; with thoin thftji by tiand so, too, the jauving of time nd labor ís ovy great. Thetabïeof tbeao machine li 21 luchos Long, and the shutthi wit] bold ix timesllie visiuil quantityíol' í]irt';nJ. 'llifhirgo machinR worlts au fasta smiill om. We vrouW ;ink lor OUT i-eitti Machines, the -spocial aitontlon of Vost Makers and DrwM Blakers, and all tlifise who want MaeliinfK foi Hght niamtfacturaig mr}oscf. Tht'y embody the prtöciplei of the standard ni.'Lcliiti'-s, uakilkflE like thi'iu . theintovloekod sitch, and ; iMtined to Uu aftoelebrate1 for Kamily Svwinq ar.d lig kt man ufuctu ring pir poses afl [ouï lts odard iiiaciiim's are fw manuiaoturing parjoaea in general. Wc have alw;iys mi band, iikm.hím; OAUGK8,S1LK IWIst 1.1.K ANI' COTTOa XHRBAD, OH 8POOU, BEST il.VCHJNK 011 LO bot t les, etc, etc. We manufacture our own Keddlesapd wouldwarn all persons Uftittg ouriuachiuc.H notto buj anj nthers. We Ecnoi tbiit there are nedlea aold of the. most inferior fptalitij at higher price-s than w chanta for the best. The iK-edlen fiold bvna are ooaDufactured sjiccially tof oor ma blBH Á bad nccdle may rendtr tht best inacliine almost useless. Our customers nmy rest atsuKdthataliOUr Eranch Offices ure fui-nisliei! Mithtlie' genuino actiila' In case of imall purohases, the moucy may be sent in posta sfe stam ps, or hmik nftit'.-j, otnsponiMatfl wül pleast irrite their ñames dfatloet )y. It irf all Inportauï that we sfaould, ineachcase, know the I'ost Oflice, County, and State, fíjS A'.I ptTSom rf!rurinp informaron a hout Sewing Machine, t hoi " si', pncdfi, iirorklng oapaciÜW, and the baat uethodfl ol purclnuiingj oan obialp it by scndicg to us, or nny of our Brancli (Jtlices for a copy of I. M. Singer & Co.'s Gazette, ) Wblob is a boautifut I'iciorial l'aper eiltirely devoted to tlie subject- It wili besentgrati. &$ Wa b&To nade the abor REDUCTION TN PRICK? with the two-fnld view tot bene&ttag the iublicandourselves. The public liavebeen swimllcil by parfoiu mar chines made in nniUtinn of OUTS. The mt-tal inthem, from the ron eattlng to the smal lest peice, is i pOOX (ju.iüty. Tlicir maken bav aot tbo nuaana to do tueir wort wcii. 'IIk-v arohfd away In seoretilacoa,where it would be ImpOBsible to have at their command the prop fr mecha nioal applianccs. It is only by doing a great iNisiin-ss.atul harTng'oxtenAtT manufaoturing establisht menta, that eood machines can be ntadeatmoderatprlees, The best dealgoed nuotafees, BADLY MADE, aro alwaja llable to gei out of order, and afosare tri oost j oonmderable troublc nnd monej to keap them in repali The qtinlitif's to be LoojEcd tur in i Maühinare : certainty of correct actión at all rates of speed, simplicity Of ennstruction, great durahility, ndrapiditv of oporatlon, with the least labor. Machines to combine these B pssfntial qualitics, tniii-t he nuuleof thebest metal and ,. Qnlflhi 1 to perfection. We havo the way and means, on a. 'r.tinl BOale, to 'lo th8. The purctaasere of maoliinos, whosclaily bread it may concern, will find ïhat thnso lmving tho aboVequaUttafl not only work wel! at. rap ld as wcll ns bÏöw ratCflof peed,but last lonjr-r in Hm Onesi possible workinffinler. Oiip tnaehlnes, as nwda by us, will earn more mom with U'üh labor tlia any othfrs wlietlnr in Imltation of ouraor not. Infact, theyarecheaoerthan any otboi ïnachinesasagift. I. M . SfflOER A CO., 4ö8 Broadway Now SForlr. ïïtT Detroit Ofiice. 5& Woodward Avenue, i'Merrill , Block.) sil t f f M. IL GOODRICH, Aont, Ann Arbor. ü M O K G A N , Agent ior MiitunlI.ifelnsurancí'Coniíiaiij, New York. AccuinuhitedAssetrf, .... Sü ,350,000, the leadingLife Insurance Company in the U. S. Knickerbocker hife Insurance Compan'y, Xew Yurk, - a firstclass $afc IU. - fermfl reasjtiHbie. i HiiinltohU Pïre Fnsurance Convbany, Xiiw York. . Capital, with alarm surplus, - - $200,000. Peorta Marino & KirO lnsurnncf1 Ca. , Pofirin Ili. - hiitfc . o. 1 Kircliifluran'.i' Jo f. 70Ttf Oapitai, .... 9600000;


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