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GREAT.GREATER (KEATEST BAKGA.1KS EVER OFFEREÜ 1859. JSLlHöi). In tlmCity, nreiiow beingoffered at the CIIEAP,CLOCK,WATCH. & J" o "vsr elry ö t O- UK Subscribo r wouldsny lo thecitlzenfol AnnAr bor. fn particular, and the rest of Wnbteuiiw Countv fn irftiionil, thnt huhiisjust IMPORTE!) ()IRECTLTf irom KUROPK.a Trcmendous Stock of Watchos! Ali of wfalch he bindahiniKfilfto Bel! CHE A PER than cnn be bought west of New York City. Open Face Cyliaoer Watches irom $0 to Sio do do Leer do do Ö to 21 Ilunting Case do do do 14 to 35 do do CyMndcr do do 9 to 28 Gold Watches from 20 to 150 1 have aluo tno CELÉBRATE!) AMERICAN WATCHES, which i wlll sen ttr .35. Every Yatch warranttd to lerforin well, or the inon.'y rei nnded. Clcokj, Jewrlry, I'ïatcd Vnr, Fancy Goode Gold rnS, Musicul Instruments anl .Siringa, (Jit!eryf cc.., ind In fact n varift.y of ovnrythini utiually kopt ay Jew elers cnn be bonghtfortbe next ninety 1 iv.-i ut x -: c O W N P 11 I C E S ! Persons buying niijthinjj nt tbt wil known net.iliiistime nt cnn retj upon potting goodf sxactl; ns repesontd, ortlwintincy refanded. Calícíirly and acure the best bnrgains eror olfefed In Uii' City. One word in regard to Repatnüg : We nrr. prrparr.d to mnlce nny repnlrs pnflne or comnon Watches, even to tnukincc er thft eb f 1 re watcli, í noceasary. Repair) ng of Clocta añd JéVelry J tsunl. Aipo the manofactaiins ol RINGS, BROOCHS ir aaythlng dealred, froniCjsilif -ruia Gold ousbortn Ice. En gravita in Bllits kraDchueexcented withncatce$s and cli3'nteh. J C. WATTS. Arm Arbor, Jan. S8tbl859. ?ÍJw Important National Works, PubUshfid by 1). APPLETOH te CO., 346 AND 343 BUOADWAYKEW YORK following Works are seqtto Subscriben ín anv parí of thj country, (upon, reeelpt of retail price,) by mail epaíd: THE WBW A3ÏFRIAIV (YCLOPEDIA : A pular Dictionary jf General ILnowledg. Edited by t;u. R.i'i.Kv and CiuRi ks a. li.s., fúded by i amofotia select corps oï writers in nll braneues ot ïJdences, Ar: and LittiraLure, Th is work is boing publi llnal ' 16 Uuve octavo rolumes.eacb oontainlng 750 1 nro-column agea Vols. L i!.f III., IV. V., VI. vil., VIH., k IX. are now rcaily, t'ivt-li cputaining ncar 2.600or!ginal aiti Vn additional rolume will bc pnbllshed once in about tbreo montbfl . Price,ln Clothf.$3; Slipf$8.60; Half Russïa, S4.50 euch. Tlie New American Cydopsdia La popular rlthont bcnj .sujj.1] ■:;. i:il. ;i;i i':i-.! vviihoUl beiug podaoUc, bpmprokcnfiiti balsnmciPnily (l&trflleïl, freefroin personal pique and pari y prejudlce, frosh and yol accurate. It is a complete stiktcineQt r j il that ï.s knowo ojpop every Unoit;int topic ithin tho scope of human tiitellfgence. - Srery Important article ia il haa beeij sppcialty wcitii-n for its pages by men who are auifaorllfes upon tbetopic on wiiich ihey speak. Thry arerequtreato bnng tii utJject up to Ihe present moment; to state just how it tanda o. Ai] the staiisticsi Information ia from the ■atest reports; ■' .1 aücotnitê keop pace ivith :he tatcKt explorations; nistorlcal matters include the "reshest jast views; tlie btoffrftpnioa] imtlccs odti ak not onlv of ttie dead but also of tho living. It is a bbrftrv of ett AUH1DOCBIJSNT OF THE DEBATES OP CONGRESS Belng á PoUtieal Hiatory of the United Staterf, from tho ürganlsation oftheflral Federal Con rrossiD 178 t 1850. Kdledand cysnpilet) bj Hod, "1jí'. Hakt rïii.vTox.Crom the OfllciaJ BaboVdB Öf Otiigress. The iV'Jii; wil! bo oonspïetod ia 10 royal octavo volumen of 750 pages eaeh, 11 of which "are now raad. Au :iïditional volume will be publlKbed once In three raonths. Cloth,9$8; Law Sheep, Half Mor., $i; Hall Cal f, L4.50 eaoh. AWAYOFPROCT RTXc Tili: cvci-OP.EIïIAOlïDKn.ATl'S Fpn a club of tuur, and remit price of fcmrbookR, and ÖTe copjés will b'j öt.'nï nt. tne remittfer'd expènnefor earrtage; or for ton subscribem, eieren copies will b sent ut our expense Tor earriage. To ismté. No othr work will su liberaUy rewardthc exertions of ygents. ás Agent wanted is tiusCovstt 'JVrms niiult' kuown mi a-pplicatloo to the Pablishftts. Aun Arbor, M.irch. 18W. 6902a .nt -C Hev. THtw. WüiuiiT, ntjeut at Kinnu k Sraiths Cook Store, Ypsttantl. B!ackwood's Magazine A NI) THE Brhish Reviews. . GBEAT ÏXDUCEUEXTSÜBSGBIBE! PREMIUMS and REDLTCTÏQlMS. L. SCOTT&CO., XKW VORK.coNiiniHi to publish Uit. fullowiiijr lcaüiují Iíiitiáh PerodicatSj viz: 1 THE LONTDOX QU.VKTïïRLY (ConsjrvAttvc), 2 THJB KDIXIïUROII EEVIEW (Whig), TïIKNOaTII BRlfTSÍI lU-.VlKW (FiveChurcb). THE WESTMI.XSIXU liLIt:V (Lihera!) 5 ÖLAt ÉCWOOÏTS ÉMXBÜRGH MACAZIN'K (tóry). The present ritical state of Enropati aflfáfra will render these pubUoationfl unusually Interesting during tlie f orth coming year. The will occupy a mlddle ground between ihe bastí ly writton iievs-it"ins, crulf spcc-uintinDs, a tul üyiiiií cujuors of. the tlnily Journal, and the pon'lerou Toniú ot the future historian , i ril teil after the Uring tntereai and exoJtement of tUe great politicul eveiita uf the time .shall hars passed iway. It is i to these Periodfcals that readers must lodk for iho utilv ir.illy intirlliible anl reliadle hlstory of curren) events. and as such In ftdditioa their welIestabUshed iiteniry, st-ier.titic, and theotoglcal charactor, we uigo ihem apon tbeconíideratwnof the reading public. Tlioreceipt of A dra nee Sluds ftrom the British pubüshera give additional Talue ti theso Beprlnts, ïuasmuchas Ihey cannow be placed In the hands of subscribers itbjut a.s .suon ha the original edil lons. TËRMS. (Regular Prices ) Per finn, Forany oneof the four ííeviews, - - - $-1 00 For any two of tho four Jieviews, - - - 5 00 For any three "f the four Iïeviewsf - - 7 00 Kor all four of the Kevicws, - - - 8 00 For Biackwóod'a Magazine', 3 00 For Blacfcwoodan'l one Review, - - 5 00 For Blackwood ánd lwo iU-views, - - - 7 00 Foï Black woüUjuwJ threo Beviews, - - - 9 00 For Ulackwood;iu;l the four Reviews, - - 10 00 Moneycurrmt in ihe Siale whtre issucd wilt be reccioed át par. PO STAG E. Thfï Post.uïk to anv part of tlie Unite! States will be but Twciity-four CeuU ,i year For llBla?kwoodlï and bat Foui-tecn Cents & year for each of the Reviews. At the above prices the Perlodlcals will bo furnÏHhed for 1862. AND Premium to New Subscribers, the Xoh of th .same IVviodic.ils for 18C0 willbefurni.shed OOWpletej without ödditionai ch'trge. l-'nlike tho mor i sphemeral HajnLsines oí the day, Üieae Pe IndicaU lose little by ago. Henee, a fuii year of the NOB. for 1860, may be regarded nearly ná valuuble as 1862, Subsertbers vlshtog also tho N'os. for I86Í, will be supplicd at tiie f olio w mg kxtkílmkly i.owkateü. Splendid Offers for 1860, '61, & '62 Together. For Blaehwood's tlagatiu, the Ihreo years, $5 00 For any oneRevIej - - " " 5 00 Forany tWoBeviews, - - " M 8 00 Frr mftetffOod iiml ono Review, ' " 8 b0 For Ulackwn-.d anl two KeviewB, " " 12 00 For threo Review. - - - 1( "110!) For Blackwoodand three Reviews, " il 15 00 For tho four Review, " 18 00 For Blaekwood and the tour Reviews, " 17 0Ü Anv of tlioabove.vorks viUalso be furnishcJ to New Subscribers for the y ar 1858-1 , 8, and í, At Oae Huif tho Regular Subscription Prices. ïhpt a XacS'ihscribrr i:i;iy obtaill the Reprints of the Four Reviews aml Black wood. Seveu Consecutive Year for $37 ! ! ! Which is but little more thin the price of the original irorks lofMH: yoar. As we shall never agaln bfl likely to olTer auch iiuluce DÓentfl as those hero presentefl, Now is the time to Subscribe ! ! 55P K'iivi t i:i-,s must, in all catH, bo made direct to iht Ptibh'.ihcrs, Tor at these prices no cominission ciin boallowodto agenta. % LRONARD SCOTT Í: O ). No. 54 Goldtitreet New Yoik Ann Arbor Marble Works. IOtt;olxolcaLox TT AS on haml a (iue iissoriiuont of Amoiican and 1TA L 1 A N MA R B L L whichheia propared to manufacture into TÍO NU A 3, MENTS, ii e a i) "v yijrjv' stoxks ') O BI I! VK7JK Ífe TABLES ckc ., ttc ., a _& Ac t Ac, Ihajltheil vAffétte, an.Hn a WOIÏKMATI.1KK manner lïftvin.? "insiilerable experifiirt in tho büSinesi hfl flAttera Iftirrftll tht he trfii b able to pleasc all whn mny favor rao with their oiVer?. Hts prices LOW AS TIIE L O WEST. thi;o vifihlnil .any tljin in my Une aro rospeotfuh in -Ier! to onll. 1). (J. (IATCUELDEB. ' Add .rlnir. May 20,1801. 80111 NOTIOE. TtlE ÜÑDERSIONEI) n receive mM proponls up i'.t Ju:.f -'.!, nt 10 A. M. for ttioront Of tboTnlr firnundi clurïnp Ihe coming Borne slmv anl siieep Shearfng Festival lor th eiictton ..f Rofreehtncnt Stalls. Tli? k;iIw of Alcuhulic litiuit wiil not be pfimltied. li. i;i:kkjj, .. 1!. S.'SMlTn, 5Lura


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