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I .AYEE'S""" Sarsaparilla TOR PURIFYI1ÍG THE ELOOD. A tul fot tlie epeedy curo ot' thc fullowlifg amiptttintfti Bcrofula a mi SrrofuJ us A í lons,s iich us Tumors, lilrt'iJí, Ñores, 81rnytlonB Pimples, Pástale, ííIokIhh, i:ollnf Minias, anti itlL .sikin Dlsaj". Intl., Gtli June, 1659. J. O. Atj:h S Cr. i.-nr : I feöl il ::iy duty tr nekDOwledge nlint youc fttrwimrilln lm-- duua me. Having iulD'i'iU'd u Scrol'nluii.'i iiitucLiuii, í I tuve aiiflervd from ít iu viirlous ways fui' yvars. Smiielliuea it Lmrat out in Ulcere on niy haiuH aud kiius; soniotíniM it tuniek inw ;tt 1 tml iü-.iv-n jhü nt Iho alviniuh. 'i'wo yeais ugo it. bi'oke out on tin licad euhI cuvtrcil iny scalp illi-t cm s W'Ifli 0110 SOl'í'. wIiÍlIi WRf [MÍuli:! :iihI lOAtlMOtlIO ! beyond tlffcriptiou. J UU-á many ni.-li. ium umI ñvvnil I phjrulcittiis, lint wlUioui uiucu relief fran aiiy tlilug. Jn faut, thu -.■it-w wurae Atleiígth I ivna rejoicti] t read tu thy UoHpvi ftluwoiiger tliál foo iKkd pi i}iaivd au altci;itivf (Bnrtupnrinn), Un I kitev frooi yotir i. imint ton [hat iiny tljitig vuil muflu lunst good. 1 HUtl lo GlnchiiíatlmiOgut Ir, au1 uswl it tiil It cured me. 1 took it. as yo mlvLfOi in ñnnll dueetot n teaapoouful nmníli. and une-i nbláOSt Ihiuo holllus. New aml h::illhy skin Buiiii begnu ti- forra u'iidur (he naib. whlcli ufter u wbtle fell off. My file íi t ís uow cli'iir. :ii 1 1 ICQOW by iny frellúgfi tlüit tiv lin.-,ts.; boa K""; froui ín v .mmi.-hi. Yon con mil bello ihtUi foei Lat i uní aayhig wlmi i tell JftM, tliat 1 huid yuu lo be ony of the uuot)(M oí Llic agt, aud reiualu eter gratvfully. Voari, ALKKKD lï. TAM.KV. St. Aníliony's Flro. Roso or Kryxitxlas, Tt-ttvr niil Salt ÜUfriUUU Siivia Ileud, Hingu orín, note luyes ütopuy. Dr. Itobart M. Prtti1o wiitcs from Sult-m, N. V., lítli Sypt., 18Ö0, Hiat lio Iinx cun-d :m liivt-lerftte a f Dropfjf, wlii'li llireut'iK1! tu li-rmiuitc liitally, ly lliy pcrserering na; oftiur fejanatyitfjlltt, umi iíImi u duogoroui Mali'jnaut Erysipdas Iy Iñrge doses of tiro santo; bnys ho cures tlio conimou Brupttntts hy it coustnntly. liiom :hoi -l ■, Cioitre or SwclUd IVcck. Ztlmlon siokii of 1'nptct, Texas, wrlíM : "Thréw botUea r.f jour Bfixapnritlfl cured uiti rrojii n bWn - r bidI eoiiH BwelUng ou tho neck, wlücli I bad Buffored from over two years." J.-tir rvlní:t oí "VIi ií es, í) vni-lnii Tumor, Utcrliiu ClcciatUní, lámale Oi.senscH. Dr. J. 1Ï. ClianiíhiLí. nf Xmv Vnk City, w rites ; "I most ulH'cifnlly fonifly uíili Uto raqueat ofyonr ngvnt in SiiyiiiK I hiive (buiíu your Sarnipurílln ;i mout oxcellont iterativo in tlio nnnioroiia coitillnts for wlildi vo imploy siicli a remetlyi fcut -s' ■■■i.illy in fííMaU Ditcases of tliy ücioruloua J bavo curod umuy itivcterií(u cuses ff I-vM'-i -i rlfoea y it, mu) küihc whero Ihe complriint STfll CttnWfl I'.V ''■'-'■'■ ti-m oí lln itfrrirt. nlcOTntion üs.i-11' wnssoon cnitol. Nolliiug wUliln iny i cilt! equals it for Un-se runulo JerAiieuranla' Edward S. Marrow, of Ntulnn v. Ala., v. riles, "A dnnKcrtms ovarían tumor o ono ut' the fenialw in iny fctmíly, which luid defíed all (lie remwliea vo cotiM omploy, lias Rt lunth beftn cinnpU-tely curetl ly yonr Extract of SurBnparlll;i. Onr pliysictati thoiiglit Dothlng bnl extirpatlon coulil níTonl rolief. Imt lie udvtsoj the trial i your ' Sareapni illa us tho last nort bufóte entting, and it proved círecttinl. A flor takinff your remeOy tiglit wecks no fymptom of the dtBeOm raratast1 S; nhilis aitfl Itlcrciirlni Dlscns. Ori.kans, 2,'jLIi Angust, 1P59. Dr. J. C. Ayer: Sir, I choerfully coinply wUli ilio roquest of your agent, aml report to yuu socuo oí tbu t-Hccts I have rcallzed wiíb yonr Sarflapariltai I hitvo íuri:d with it, iti niy practica, most of tlio coniplaínts for wblcli it i.- racomiuendad. and li.ivo íiiim] its effeets tiuly wonderful in tho curo of Ven&cal tmt Mercurial Distase. One of iny ]aürn!s luul Syi'lnlitic lucera in bia thioat, wbich wen couamuittg bU patata aud the top of bis monfli. Vuur Sarsaporilük, atoadH; taken, curad bim tu Uve treafca. iQooUicr was ottackwl I y ft-condory syuptouis in lm nosa, nud tho utcernUon hud eatt'u aiiy :i considu rublo uart of í(,íü tlmt 1 belfova Ilio diaordoL' wuuld soou reocii bis bnilu muf klll kim. Hut it yÍL'ldcil to niy adnsijiintraliou of yuur Saxsapurlllai lbo ulcera liéolad, ftiíd s nrell njfoiu, imt of courao w [tbout uoiii'j dlstiguratlop to liis f:icy. A woinau yvbo bad boon treiited lor thu Hamo álBOridar )y uiereitry mus buflering from lilis nuibou iu licr bonffí. Tlit-y had bucoiuo i=o .sensitivy to tho weatber tlmt on damp úny nho huITl-icU exeruchvtlDK ímin in ber.joluta and bonas. übc, too, was curtid eiiUroly by your .-.iMijaiilh in a íéw woelú. I kiiow ft-oiu its formula, (vJi)ch your agent gftvo me, íhat this Preparation froñl your hiburatory mu.t be :i great reniedy; consequeutly, tbeso truly ícmaikablo resulta witb it have not surprJwd me 'lutcriially youra, G. Y. I-Ar.TMr.K, 31. D. RUeiinatism, Gout, Li ver Coniplaint. fZTDEPejfDKKCK, l'rc-stun Co., Va.. Clh .lulv, 1859. Dn. J. C. Ater: Sir, I Imve been afilictad vlLfa a pallH ful clirmtlc WicliBiatism fora long Uuie,TbIc1i baffled tho skill of [byiciuis, aud stuck tu mo in ipfte ofall tbo remedied I conld Qcd, uutil I trled your at:.iiilla. Ono i bottle eured mo Iu two weeks, aud u-.-t m-d niy geoanl liealth so nuirii [}i;it I ara far Injtter lltau UsibrQ I was attaeked. 1 thiuk ita vowterfttl owdldüe. J. VJUCAil. Jules Y. Getchell, of Et. I.ctiïs. wrltea: " I lavo been nñlicU'd for years witü an offidUni ■}' tk-. tfver, vrhlcb dt'stroyvd iny héaltli. I Irted every tliing, nud trrerj Ibiog fuilyd lo relieve me ; and I bare been a Droken-dowu man for aouia years from no ulbt-r causé tbaú dewmgtmtnt f Vte Liter. My beloved pastor, the Rev, &Ir. Kpy, adi bed ino to try your ËwSDpmiHo, because aald Ite I;im:w yon, aud any tblu{ yon tundo was worth tryin'. Itv biaaS" ing of Ood it lias curfO nía, and bes so pin Illed my blwnl as to make u new nmn of me. 1 fiel yoang agaia TUo btst thnt can be said vi yuu U uoí, lialf goud tnougli.'1 Bclilrrufl) Cáncer 7'tintors, Enlm-ffcnunt, Ulceratioi, Cuiicy uitd Kvtoiiutiuii of tlie Uones. A grent varlety of cases have been reportad to uswlicro cures of tlu-sü furniithiblu coflopluiuts liave resitlted from tho uso of iliin reíuedy, Lut uur space btre wUI not adtnit tlit-m. Souie oí tlieui uiay m round in our Amorlran Ahnanac, whicli the ageuts bolow unuied arepleaaed tü fuinish gratis to ull who CaJI for them. Dyspepsin, Ilenrt Dl.-irnso, Fits, Kilcísy, ÍIclancHoly, IVviii-alglu, Many reoiarkable curas of tlieae affectioiis havo been mnde by I lie alterativo power of tbia maillcfne. It stimulates tlie vital fuuctions Into vigorons BCtion, and thu.i ! oTercomea disorders wbftb woulu be luppomd bvyond lts i roaeb, BocTi a relaady lúu? loiig been reqnired by tho ne' cesbíties of tlte people, and we are couftdcut tliut thid do for them all tlmt medicine caá do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, POR THE IÏ.UMD CURE OF Couglïs, Coltïs, In fïïïcii.n. IlonrsenesSj Croup, BroucliltlSf Euclplent Consuni pi ion, ii in! for Itt-licf of Coii.siimpt ive Pntlents i il ad v nuce cl Stngctf Of tllv'. Tbifi Is a retnedy so universally kBOWB to Kiirpans any otber for tho cure of throat imd lung compialtots, that it in Ufii-Icys liere to publib tho cvidence of its virtucu. lts unrivalled exctllence for coughü ami colda, and its tmly wondert'nl cures of pulnionary discust', liavo niado it known throtighotit tlm civilizad nalionH of th earth. Few aro tho couimunities, or even fatuiUoa, Etmoog tin-ra who liave not some personal ocperience esf ita mets - Bonie living trophy in Utelr mfdst oí its victory over tbo subtle and daugcrous diordors of tbc thront and luits. Au all know the dreadful (atality of thesn disorders, and aa they hnow, too, tho effects of this remedy, we neod nut do moto than to assure them that it hns now all tho virtues tlmt it did have wheii making the euros wlilch havo won so stronly upon tho cosfideQce of itninkiinl. Prpared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, 3ttas3. Au'l foi sale hy Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson, FARKANp, SIIELF-Y & CO., Detroit SOOyl J H. BURKII.L, Travelling Agent. RISDON & HENDEBSON'S P&aa THE GENUINE fldF SÏEWfi HT'S Srp gr y -J3-" -IL %JP JtLa ■ We wish to cali the attenüon of the public to this eelobrated COOKiiVG STOVE! Wliijh is'the only perfect ?tovo mude. It will do more business with one tliird loss fucl than .iny other STOVE made. From tfstimony given by the persons referred tobelow.on uccount of its duiabihty and Fuel Saving Qualities, it has proved a saviiig from Twelve To Twenty Dollars per jear. We would rcler you to the following list of PERSONS WHO HAVE THEM IN USE: Prof. Tappan Ann Arbor. ', John K. Miller, Ann Arbor Prof. Wood, " J. Gilbort t'mith " Prof. WlDoheli, " 1, T. . n r.s, Prof. Douff'ftWi ' Jo.spph w.ittft, " Alpheus Falob, " T. Wilkinsun, " ffm. R. Martin, " -Mrs. P. lVntnn, " Iïich'd Hooper, " O. Hawkin?, l UiHi.l!. F.wanger,-'1 O. A. thapíi]. (í 3.VT. Sliiynaril, " CJlrl 1 haver, " !■'. L. Sïfl.'bins; " Martin Claik, 't U. B.WIlson, " 8. Botsford, A A,Tnwn. Mis. O. Wolch, " Thomas Won.], ?lUSId. Mr-. i:.T.Williaa," Alventon Drury, ' V. Chapín, " Jacob Pollxemus, Scio. r. il. Woed, " N.C.aoodle, Jowph W.'Woodj ll M.. FellerS] tíhtrou. We have on linml alarga assortiment of the best kinds of Cooking, Parlor and PLATE S T O V E S , and a general assortment of HARDWARE AND TIN WARE, and Bent stuff for Carringe vork. Particular attention paid to fiitinj; np Krivetrouijh anil Conductor, nnd all kinds of Job woric dono at the Shortest Not ice. RISDON fe HEXDERSON'. Ann Arbor, 1861. TO LET. TUV. BRICK HOUSE and Barn ocoupled by Otncy SavUnaj Bwi ..rui DotroU atreaifk]ka Arbor ( poafiossron ja:ivrn the (f April. . l-ii -,.-i r )1 ItotW mui r'M'iii in Buoho' Hlork to let togood sti-üil v ti n uta al ;i vuiy Uw reut, inmediato poase&sfon ariTes. iniuircof L. Iï. BUOHOZ. Ann Arbor, Murch 2fi, 1861. 8J5lf Ayer's Cherry Pecfwal I


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