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Gen Toombs' Cotton Crop

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bouio et uur outempornnes in ooulhwesturu Georgia h:,ve been complaining Ihat Gen, Toombs hits plaoted u largor cotton erop thun usual, uliile iiutny farmers had pluubed nono, and all (u.cept a very fowj had greully rudueed tlits nuinber of aeres usually plunted by ihairi. Tbia evidencu of patrioüsm ón the part of iho cotton plu n tem iaóneof llu most encouriigiiig gl]sol the times. A people who will uuike .such riicriüne eau neve'r busuudued. Gen. Toombn, f'or soine reason unknown to us, has du clinad to obawve thi rulo so rijíh universal itud it hus given n good deal of di.ssaiisíuciion. The pupeia havo nuticud it, and coudemiiod it. vory extentiively - it uiay l;e hastilv, we ciai)'tsiy: and Uio Cormnittee of' Publio Sufely ih Cnllibert hi vo takun thü folíov.iiig ac lion : IVtereas, Authentiu informal ion has buen received (hat General Robort Toombs, oi'ihe 0. S. A., Ool. A. P. Rood, und others, owning large planta lions on t'nu Ghuttahooctiua líivr - infliiüiiced, na we beüeve, mort; by ivurioe than patriotisrn, .Iiiivh plantad unusuallv lut'gcí crops of oottocj thcrcby curtailing to that extent tho provisión crop nouessary for the support ot' (Hlf suffwing (íountry ; thereíore, RttehedVbtkt Gun. Rubert Toombs. A. P. Kood, und Ml others vvho have tollowed their pei'iiioious exampi, bo ruquested to withdraw all tiieir uvtiiluble negró labor froin the emkivaHoa of their cotton erop?, and ptaoa it in charge oí' tho committee ip ointed to superintend the defenco óf the river. Hoto eed, rl' hut ultbough'it may not bo regurded as pertinent to bjocts ftftr ■biuli tliis mt'eting luis asembleil, vet we oftúñot uilhold tho expression o!' our unquulitied itidignfttion towards thagü whu havo rm;kU:s.-ly disregarded the ivunts and necesities of our anny bv phintirig more aottoo tliuii iá autfi i'iüiit tor ijomesiic. use. 'i huir purses may bu better filled, but we trust they wil' unl fa.l to receivu the rewanj due their unputriotio conduít. Ahiuiihir eoiiiiiiitiee tt Eufaula, Ala., have adoptad the fxiregoing. public noiicu which.Gen. Too!1j!)s btis laken ia thi.s ipmtter is the Culhiwing (Esputoti, wliioh wc tai;c from the C;luii)lú:i Time, and which nppeai'r) tJ be i;i nnswer to :i deinand lrom thu uoiüMiiilee i'or his h.mds io R'orkon thu dt'iuncös oí the river. Kiclnnond, Jnne 11. : ■■ GeargBSU. i: T. Newson aad Tm. Outor, c .ni'iiJUec . GiS.NTd - Your telegraai boea reeeived. I rofu-e u single hand. My property, si) long as I livo, shall never be bubjutit to thu order ei ttiose cowardly mlscreitatSi tho Commfttüe of Public öafely, of Kaïidolph county üüd Eiifaula. You IBUV rob uie o iny absence, but you ofnnit Uitiuiidata ino (Sigued; KOHEliT TOüMBS. ' Tho truih about rhs Whiís H0U39, A htiitoHjcnt Dus beun telagruphod JVoiu Washington thut tho White House, on the Pamunky River, has ugt bouu i;si3(l Imspit:!! p'ji'pi)ïi.;s, beuailfco l, bölontis tu a suri 1' Ucn. Lue, üeiis. Lai nd McCluliari hiiviuy .soine ycars sgo muJu ;; brt-rguin with euch othar Ukil ii' there sliuukl be a war bütweou the Nortb and Soutli tho_v wouii] iroteot each other'a properly. - Ut' cour.sü tliis i,-' tin ui tei ly foolih nijd inuüoioi.s lio. ïhcj house is riot, at nny rale, riuitüblo iui1 a hospital, au it only contains tix rooms Gen. McDoweil fyr monllis vorv cau'.ioiisly ï-efiaincti iVoni dtstui'bittg tliu Ai liiigton Liouse, becausu it belonged to tria pursontij friend, (ren. Let). Why was not McDowull Iniulud at J Mr. Duim, of In4nna, Ikih tli'jH Htatud iu thü Ilouso the caü au to tlia White House, ou the Pain unk y; " He ri;ppened to be with Gen. Mo Clellaii siliüii ho tonk poiscssion ot U)u Wiiitu H"U.-e. This Whito Houso is poken f' by newspapfew as uiongh il were a larga house, somewhat of ihe proportion of tho Presidential muil sion. It iri a very smtill house coru pared vvith the Whilu House in Ihid èitv. Il oontuins only sij rooms, and Üu:v uru !f' mudenito siza. It is in :i liuauliful Incusl gnive, on tha bank óf tho Pamutiky Rivör. It is tha pJaoe wheio Washington first mot hif wife, heve ho ooui'tcd and inai'iie'i her. - The property it Dow owned, hé (Duim) buüeved, by a grandsoii of iMrs. Washington, n son tf ü-en. Loe. Out oi u delicate regard for the moinory oí Washington; whicb l)t'(Di)nn) was sure tb country vvould ' appreciate, General MuOltlJun plaoe'i a guaní around the house to proteot it and tho yard froo injury."


Old News
Michigan Argus