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Revolutionary Patriots

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- Thcre nre nlv sixtv-two Ki;vilution:iry pat rints alivCj viï : n MnssuehoéóH? ï, M;iine ft, Vrmont 3, Cnñn 'ctfcint 2, New York 13, Pennsylvünin 1, Ohio -1, Miíríiígán 3, IIüdoíh 1, Indiana 2, Wise r.--'n 1, Kenfucliy 1, Tflftnoiseè G, ; Onfntinn 2, Georp.1:; 5, M: 1, Virginia S, r.Htriet of Culumbia l. Ark:ins::s 1. Thevo :'o none in the Statos "f Rhoe Iland, New ,T New Hampirhire, Xirtuisiana, Al abama, Florid.i. ?I? " :ppi, Cny" the boui, vhich s ulied witu mem - Frow tliso and o! her covt'rs in aiul l:bou'. the t'urt, u. d qq ;, i constant fire nf muskètty" was kepi u lbo cuciny, wb.o wero i) ooifsidui force. Tbo Second Brifsde of the eooud Divtioa was pn)i;i l.y poshed for w:nd to our support, aad Í!uii all i fiblu points the ciicuiy wcic vigorúUíi.v replied tQ. I Have uo - suf feicd a íev'éró loss of killed md vound j cd. From the ciicmy's floating ba or huik, to onr right :i:id fooilt, at Lest four sho'.s wci-u hen the order to retiro waj giej), I sent L ,n„ Acüng A;d, to ojiv estrome tó vecali the mort thore . oí tlie i'ort, aud diructqd tlium lo f ni I back, whieh was dune by moat of tic troops, b.ut aiíer tho rcgimcnts wer ■ the hedge. one Jiun. red or more the Eighth Michigan Btill reinainod ut tbfl íu;gle, and wen) by ificuteiiant Btlchcr, who rodo ovf r tho Cf.'ld to bring in 11 wlio wer nblo to mova. The íielJ oí' battle wd furiowed áorww nitli cotton iiigca, and many of tbc men lay Mere as deüboratelj ds tüough on thi'ir hunting grounds at borne. All the horsos coüiiectod with my coinrqsnd wcrc eilhcr killed or wcuudod, and all my Aids and orderlioa hit in bouA woy. During the engogemont l'no Eighili MicbigBu's colors wero carried on to the parrapet, and after tija men first withdrtw, weve unfurlcd to prc tect them fruui shutsof friends in the rvar, Wliilc tho Sro was hottest, and duriog I tho day.'s action, tlirough the effioicnt ao tion of Surgeon F-antis Bacon, aud Asj sistant Horaco Porter, of the Seventk ! Conuectiout, Sutgeoii Wilson, of tho EiahuS Michigan, ai,d Surgeon Conocll, 1 aiid A-si-tant Snow, of the Twcutycightli Massachusetts Yolucteers, with thtir re-pective corps, spetdy relief wa I afforded to the wounded who wore acccnI sib!e. Oidcrs baying bceu giien to that effect, about nine o'clock, A. M., tbia coinmand was withdrawD, ar.d joturued to camp ir goed order. The conduct of all the offioeia of tb eoijlnáuiid wlio come utider my notico, waa gnllant without excolion. 'J he meo behaved with admirable bravery and ooluess. I rcgret to report the heavy oss in this conmiand, wliich is not yot recisely aseertained, but aa last reportd amoun!3 to threö hundred and fortyne kiUed, wounded and missirg, of which one hundrud and eiglity two arJ eported in the Eighth Michigan Voluneers, eighty-five in the Scvouth Connocicut, aud sovcnty fuur in the TwentyMassachusotU. I vill tiansmit, at the earliest pfotitibio moment, a correct list of liamos,. &e., which is in prepavatioti. Lioutenant Bruckett. Aasistant Adjutnnt Genural, iieulenants UJchur md Fulton. vero active ar.d cfEc.ent. Lieutenant Betcber was wounded slightly, as bo upposod at tlio time, and ccutinued thruugh the eutiro üffair on duty, aUho' öu bis ïjiituru to4uarter8, be had a ball isjtraetcii iïura lus thoulder. Hia wouud, o'.vevcr, is nut dangerous. Ti;e forcea bngaged wcre as follow : "l'.iiu K Uiil I.lae Hink Offlotr. & File. 4 21 6ü9 ih Conmciicui, 7 18 573 tts,.. .18 62fc Total 17 57 1.0W i coui{ar.:es on fi.tigue duty Aecompan'ing this üre copies ui ratQtia of rcgUaeu-lal eom üunders, and %■ oiigb skeicb of the no of action, not ítaunod to ba entiroly correot, but as j : uiüiiefrovM tlio view iud iiffcteY f: ro uu thé field of batih. 1 ;:iï). vcry r6pcOtfutlv, ï'our oix-dití.it te. vaut, W.M. JU. FKiNTON, Colonfil Sth Michigan Voluuteer, C"Biíuaiidiuir Fr=t ïirigade.


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Michigan Argus