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The Fight Near Charleston

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Ileauquimsin First Brigftde. aecotiu ) División, Jnnu'8 lal ai: il , June 17. 5 Captain Hazard Stevens, Assistaut Ad jutant General, Secoijd División. !Sir : - I have to report for the inforuiutipn of the Brigadier (jeueral commnnding Second División, the part luki-n by this brigade in the attack'of yester day 011 the cncir.y's batteries. Agrecably to orders the brigade in readinesj to move at one o'clock, A M., lGth, aid at two o'clock in line, moved to the two houses, Ai'ter &po;ific orders were receired from Brigadier General Stevens, who adv au eed with u3, at tbc bead of tho line, the brigade was put in motion by tho right flar.k in perfect quiet aud siletvce, Lieuteimnt Lyon. Aid to Gooial Sievens, in advanee with guide. First, two companies, O, Captain Ely. and H, Dojle, of the ICigiith Alitliignn Vpfiintpers, ibr tho advanee skirmishers a:id ültackini; [j:rty ; eècbnó, the eompai.ies of the Ltghth .Michigan under eOwraaftd of Lieutcntmt Col. Graves; tl.ird, Scveuth Qouneclicut Volantceis, Libutehhnt Oolouel Huwley, fóïlbwed hy s sèttTÖri of the Contieöticuï Battery ; fourth, Twenty cigliüi MassaohttKtM Voluuteera, Lu'uteiiaut V Mooie. On asiing liie house bujtnid the inarsl), the ndvaiice was fircd on by tlitj cnemy'á pièkets, and two at, loust of couipany'll, Eíigíi'tfS Mel]ig:in, wouudod. Silcüce Was still prcscrvcd, 110 shots retuniíid, but the four men oí' the eoniy's pickets were captured and sent to the r-tar. The two advaöc.e o'ohipanies were doployed uto line bcjoüd tlio luidas, uid n !ir'hc] tuwavus tin, f;Il)ved by the Ëigbib Michigan, whieh c..r.:a up 11I9 Iweoy the niarc'n. A I v.iili tliis reci. au t'ucy fu:-:-ie.i mlo li:.e in open lieid, in view oí' the cue.ny.'a ïforks, ai.d pi-ucjicablo li is posi tion, I deemed it desirsbla to :}.:t grovind tq the riglit, for the parpe flaiikin lils left in the nsafllfs, and dvaneiiig the o tu, n tuf effüative uïc o:i Lis iafajitrji bupportitig tjicn orJerud ui obiuiuo jiiarcli wliich vas esecuted promptty aiid in good cvdi-r. L diSpittcbed Llëufeifiiut Delétli r, üctnig Aid,Ao bfftia !'.p the Scvcu'.ii cut, to iuiiii oa tlic lel't ui' ti.e ]:. MieLigan, and Lioutnaivi Brackett, auti.' A.Ta's;:iut AJjuf:.;jt, ö'fciial, io bri:;g ut; the TwiíBÍty [assacliusBtfS tü the Support ut' t!.o to furmtT, laliiüi uiy prbiüou in the frei:t and (.intro, t. none ;,nJ diivet the olher regiaienU as they ailvrujiccd. The oiMér nut to B i tlie bay onot, was obey-J. and thB u!v;u:ec eo:n.1 i of tin' works tuiglü o pur "iht and i;i ironi, nomy at the poiut oí biijoiicl. 'J'iity were closeïv fui. bv th ■ ',' mies of the üjicned u] litkta nu t lie regiment pi bh ;s veterans, divuiod ouly tró the . aud luft bj a wVèéViig toMent fro:n ih . s man gUn in iruirt. Thia brougiit a ioitiüu of thö regi:ueuC to lbo lcit, uear the towér or look-out, and u brisk of muskètiy was openecl on both sides. Tlie eniiny's fire provud so galling and dcstiuüMve, Hiat uur üocps on tho parapet were obliged to retire U!:der its, imi tliat oí '.Lo dit eb a:id siopé on our right at Üie marsK aud s!o).c aiu! iïïbé on our left. They mum tauird their pWitlon jnrtially eovered, duing good exeeution aa süaip-slooters. Further del ai Is and honoiabln mentiou of gallant ufficers wiíl be foand iu Lieuteuaut Graves' report. The Sevtnth Cuuuoeticut Vulunlccrs, Lieuteuant Oolonei llawley, fonned iuto liuo as tllvj advanced, reaching a pomt in the open field, in iVont of tlie towcr with tho left restiiig in the bushos skirt inr the laiib, when I ordered their mareh by thenght üauk üctgss tho field, and up to the support of tho tro ps on the rigbt. I pers.iuully direoted the movenient whieh 'as exeouted in good order under a continucd shöwcr of grape and eani&'.er, as Well as nmsketry, on ne-.uii;g the work. In tlie nieantinie, one seetiou of the ConutctiQftt Battery had opeqed on the eneiny froiü our lefi, and the mareh of this regiment at first was between two tires. ï refer for furthor partieulars of tho aotion of thia regiment, and honorable mcutiou of uauics lo the report of Lieutcnaut CeloBel tiuwley coiBtnauuing. The ïvrenty eighth Maésacbusetts Voluuteers filéd tïronh the iirst hedge, ai:d eame rapiJly up, afier the advance of artülery whioh preeeded theni, form ing ccluuin üt' cuiupauies, and trien coming- uto line, und f.rnving ncar the Seven'.h Connccticut, tiled up to the left by the flanV. Fu' 'l s!ll)lt tili10 tlle '8ft of the two respmeuts were clastercd to gether in the b-uabes, hut the march of the Seventh Connectieut eleared thera, The Tweuty-eighth then liled up to the obstruptioca a siiort distsmee i'roni the enetny's inti-ei;chinents, neiif the tower, opening firo upon theni. Lieutenant el Moore's report embraces further pui tituláis oí the aetiuu of ihis regtuient, to whioh I reepeotfolly rtfer, AH tjiq rciiücnts behaved WH, subjected as tiiey wore to the most galling and rakiny tire until thcy rctiicd. The s'orm of grapn and cunistcr, M well hs musketiy, coutir.uinL', and many uf ciur offioer iaid mon b.cing diableil, a v.ere veceivcd to witlidraw the tri'ops. My C'i'niiuufrd was ttieñ with drau and ■re-ionncd li.'liind the hedge, Frora vhich ;ir. dvtrnw was ágain made to lbo eover of a Uitch or seeond liedge, in support of a field buttiry whiuh waspuslied torwnrd. In thewood on riglit, iicar the ngle of the fort were posted some of the eïiêmy's s'aaip shooters. Thcy were Wso in rifle pit?, and under cover in tha rc UB WoH as in


Old News
Michigan Argus