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The Late Battles

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The details ofttie ate cight days battle bcfore Richmond are too voluminous för our columns, and wo havo aa 3"ct been unable to gct a condensed sketcb tiiat is satisfuctory. The battle bogan on Wetlnesday, June 25th, and was contirmed daily- pírhaps excepting Saturi'ay, - utitil.and iucludi ig Tüeiday, July lit. In our issuo of the 27th uit. we gave Ihe telegcaphio report of the battle fif June 25(h - the first of tlie series, and in our last issue quite a full telegraphio report oí' the battles of Tbursday aud FriJay, June, L'Cih and 27th. In to diy's paper v? givo. a áetailej descrip(on of the grcat batilu of Fiiday, Ju::e iTt! iit Gaines' HiM, nnd telegraphic bJietelios of tlie ciig-igomonts of Sunday ;i.d Mi;uiluy, J-itu? ;;i)ih and SOtb, nnd Tuesday Ju!y l.-;t, witli suisejueiit ílíinn'táliings. Tdere is no longer room to1 doubt tLat fíen. sucüeedvd in conipüsiimg a pre-aetennuied' moveinent, i cluingc of his buso of operatioiis to iljo Jumcá llivtr. that his falling baok waa not a dofoat Tliis cluinge of posi(on, in the face of a largely Superior torco, is pi-onotinccd by all military critics a wonder! ui feal, and even Gen. Mc Gi-ei.lan's most ditennined slandertr8 ;ire forced to appluud. It was uot done, liowever, without heavy !o, not yet dcfinitcly determined, but csiiinated at from 15,000 to 20,000. The rebel loss is put still higher, - as not less than 30,000, and as high as 75,009, - an evidencc that our artiHery did terrible executino. The rebel foroe engnged is put at full '200,000 and our own at uot to exeeed 95.000. Hereaftcr we shall give brief (ftrétches of the most important of these series of cng&gcments. - Seven Michigan Regiraauts participated in the recent er.gngeinents before Ktchmond, t!ie lst, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 7th, and 16th. The lst, 4th and löthwerein the heavy engageniïnts of Thursday, Friday, Sunday, and Tuesday, and suffered severely. - In the First, Col. Roberts, reported killed in our last, was but sligbtly wounded in the hand, aud has beeu con tiuually on duty. Capt. Comstock, - a grand-son of the venerable Dr. O. G. Comstock, fonnerly of tbis city - was killed, and Capts. Alcott, Hoppkr, Grumíokd, Thkoop, and Wendell - ice captains - wounded, one or two of thetn soverely. Lieut. Ecoleüton was sovenly wounded, with a large list fff non c'iuiinissioiied officers and privates, which shows that the noble First was in the thickest of the fray aud fought like licroes. - The losscs of tlio Second, Third, ITifth, and Seventli are not reportod as large. -The Fourth did soine brave fighting and was a heavy suffcrer. The gallant Col. Woodbury was. killed in the fight of July lst. Gapt. De Puy, of Co. K, was ehot in thü hcad in tho engagement at Gaines' Uil!, June 27th. Oapt. Rose, Co. A, Inte Principal of an aeaderay for boys, at Monroe, was killed, and eleven of his pupila are reported dead and wouoded. Gapt. waswounded; Lieuts. J. W. Bxess aud S. JJ. Preston were woundcd and taken prisoueis ; Lieut. Josepli S.HITII lost a leg ; and Lieut. Thos. Junks is reported mortally wounded. Adjutant Eau:, was also vrpuoded. Cnpt. Randolpii writes to R. J. BaRRT, Ksij., of tliia city - see letter n another column - that the Regi luent lost, killed, wouuded, and missiug 22-i. Coinpany D, raised in tuis city, reports 7 killed, 11 wouuded, and one missing. Company K, raised at Dexter, was a heavy suffcrer. - The 16th Regiment - Col. Stockto5)'s - was in nearly all tho beacy cngagernents, and its loss is reported at oOO. Col. Stockton was sick, but took tho field with his regiment, and is Feported woundud aud a prisoucr. The date of his capture is not given. Lieut. Col. Riïuhle was sick, and Maj. Wei.cii, of our city, commsndcd the regiment aftcr the loss of Col. Stockton. He s coniplimented vory hirhly by the various New York reporters. Ainorig the offioers reported killed are Capts Cark, and FiSïiKR, and Licut. Williams. - (.'apts. JfxxsBS, Maiïïin and Mott - the lattor a graduóte of the Uuiversity - wore woundcd, also Ueuts. McGraw, CBashlsr, Lon! and Eddy. Licut Hübv was taken prisoner. The wounds of somc of the otïïcers are reported a severo, ïho aotion of thu rogimsnb is eomnicnded in all (juartevs. - Since the nhovc v:is in type k'ttcs have been publisiied in Ihc Ietroit Ai. vcrtitcr and Tribun: from Chnplains i w.vrps, nf the First, and Bkolkway, of' the lGth. Gbapluin Kdwarps puls tho loss of the Ptrst iu the engagement of Juno 27th, at killud, 2o ; wouruled, 93 ; and missing, 28. Subsequeut lusscs 3 killcil, and 30 wounded ; luakiug a tota! loss of 172 Chaplaiu Bkockway gives the loss of the lGth tu the battlc of June "27lh as, killed, 24 ; wounded, 119; and missing) 81. Loases in subseijuont engiigemonts to July 2d, 2 killed, 34 wounded. Totnl loss, 273. Chnplain BeoCKWAT was himself woundod in the Ie ft arm by a spent balL Assistant surgeou Seeley is mfsji'ng.


Old News
Michigan Argus