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New -A.dvertisem.ents. Wanted. AGIRLTO DO HOUSEW0KK. A good one will reeeive asteady pla'e and goud mgti. N'oue othera neod apply. Inquire at the argl's omcir. July 2d, 1862 NotioePTIEBE A. AN'N'ABLE bcfis le,ivo lo nrorm the p'ibli that sho has dunntho Jast four vears tradod to tb erormous notint of !it'ivvi'n 40 and 50 dollar o th' iitüii on htr husband'-i account. WIKK OF HARVY A.N-.NAHIJÍ. Shi ron. Juno 4th, 1863. 6nrM8 Howard Association, rilILADELPHIA. Forthe relief of the Sldt and DUtressce-d, ajjlïctedviil V-riilf.nt and C'ironic Diseases, and cspf.cially fat dl Cure ofDiecnsfsoftheSezual, MW.HCA1. ADV1CK giveo gratis, by the Actinj Surgeon. VALUAUI.E RErORTS on Spcrmal orrhoea, and othrr of the Sexual irgaus,Hnd on tb NKW BOÏ' i;iIKS cmploycl in the Dispcoaary, sent in Bcalcd lett r envelónos, freo of charge. Two or thre stamp' f" postageaccoptable. Addrcss, Dr. J. SKIU.IN I10UGHTON", Howard Association, Xo 2 S. Nmth St., Pbildelphia.Pa. HWT Mortgage Sale. DKl'AUI.T liaving been nvirtc in the coniition of a Mr' tiiin mortgíiiíe. uted by Ai-.ibella H. Clark aoJ Charle G. Clark. Jr , her husband of the City of Am Arbor, Wiuhlebaw Couotj an-1 Stn:. of Michigan, t David Hennlng of the City of Tpsitanti, County m Stilte aforesaid, dated Ihe tweuty third day of itpfw hvr, inthe year ciïhtccn humlred and sixty-ooi ■"' ■ 1 on the tweDty-elehth day or tfeptcmbet, 1861, in Office of tbe Register f Tirria lor thci4 Comity of Washtfnaw, in l.ibor twentyelght of Mortg.igea, on page 874, a'.i.l the said mortgago, togetbir Vvi?h the note secnred thorebr, Imvlng iiMome th proiicrtvof lomstook F. HiK, Jr , as assignec, by n I nt executedan 1 deiivercd to said wigoM. byiiid Havi.l Hnmint. lated the ninetccmh day of Oc-tub.T, a. 1). itíiU, :iq 1 recordad in the oüieo of aw liegistr of DeodB Oll the ay last nieniicned in Liber ifUortgogejii on page v75, upon which murtjage thert is eliimei lo bo due at tho date of tin noticts the sum of fonrteon hundred ani tcnty-fonr dollars aod fifly cents; and no suit or proccedinjs t 1 nxvins been in'-tituto t ncovcr the debt Mcarra by saM mortgttgo or any prt iherccT: Notice is tbof..n-1-.i-ri-bv 'irivrn that, by of the power of !il cmilainwi'in said raorlgage, now bccour operst'veby said default, on Mon lay the sixlh dny uf Oclober n'p at ten of the ciock in the foren ion, I. the aid assigne'i willsellat public vendue to the hlghest bidder, at tb suuth door o: the Court Hons?, in said city of Ann Arbor, (said Court House beint; the place of holdins tb Circuit Conrt withnsaid County of Washlonatr), " l.ivnii-inortgage.oriomiieh ihercihali be suffici.-nt to atiilj the amouot due ca sucli mortgage with legl cusís nt Intereat it ten p ent perannum.together with twcnty-Cre dollar u uAttorne] iVfts proriaed in sai: mort-ngr: whic said pri-niiscs ave d(scribeds lollows, to wil: All tlist cervain piece or parcvl of Innl in the Cuunty ol Washtcnaw and Siato aforesaid, ad l;nnvn and ■ ■eribed : toUow, namely : The east half of the nort west quarter of section number thirtyilve (35). towosl'ip number one south of raiige number pve (5) ew') agrc-cably to the government surve-y thcreof. Dated at Ann Arbor, thi8th d:iy oí July, A. D. 186CUilSTUCK F. lid.L, Jr., Assignce. A., Attornoy for Assignee. - ■ MANHOOD ; HOW LOST, HOW RESTOEED. Juêt Fublished, in a Sealed Envchpt. Pr" : Six Cents. vumms os tuk katorb, treatment aw RADICAL CURE OF SI'KRUATORRHOSA oi . S" V,.l;r.,-s, Involuntiry Emissioni, Sexual Debility." Imnedimcnts taMurteg gonetally, Nerrowaen. W sump.ion. KPilpSy .nJ Fiu .; Mntl and "f''UlKj paoity rMaltinz from Self-Abuse, Í;.-. Vy ■ fcrjLVERWKLL, M. I)., Author of tho Onrn Book,K&The world r.nonned author, i this admirable K ture, cli-.irly proTS fiom his on experiennce tliai an-ful conseqnences of Self abuse may bc clfcct'i nj removed without medicine and witliou dangemm gical opwation. bougie, iostmments.riogii.or coro ■■ - out a mode of cure nt. oncecertüinnnlcuici ■ by irhiob evory sulTcrer. n matter his ■ , imv 1 e, may core himneíf chenplypHately, nd raiir }?.' This leêture nüt prove a boon to thousant. Sent an'er scal, in a plain envolopo, to any '""i'' on the rct-eiptof six cents, or two postage tmp5,vj 127 Dowery , New York, Tost Office Box , & Ayer's Ague Cur.


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Michigan Argus