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■MPORTANTtoFEMáLES THE HEALTH AND LÍFE OFWOMAN IsconttnnnUv m p;rl !f tbs h nal onoutrh to noloct nt maltrent thom MKiwl iruvuliiritU's W which } thinla o!' liyr sfix are more or lc uhjoci. DI!. CHKRSKMA.Vri H1U.S, prannrel V"" th MIM ''rumia which tlif iiiTontur. f'ORN'EUÜS L. I Bill, M. !).,:' New -l'ork, bu fur twonly vunrs u.sel ! WeWftllhr i" ancxtomled pi-h-.atr'nructice - imm-lately rUT vitiiiiut inin, r.ll dlutarbalMM of th periódica) ! liscimreo. whpther arising fivm lelaxaliuti or supproion. They act lik-c a oharni in rpinoving thc ]nins that ' loci.inpany dnlicult or immodernt nieiHtriiiilinn, aiM . iré thn only saft;anil ntllftUa rt'mciy fot Kluslifi--, Ki' k ( ITt'adnclie, Pains in tho L.iine. tíack and Sifk-s, I'alpit:tT' n , "r thc lleavt Ntrv(;u Tremors, Hysterics, Fpasnn, ' BhrokMl ÍSU"li aiul unplraHHnl tvnd danorous ctrects j f :in utmaturnl conilit on of tbe sexual functitjns Ín the worst c:itsa oí Fluor Albín ur VVUitcn, they eifect a ipeedy curo. To WIVIES and MATROXSDK. CHKIÍSKMVN'S I'II.I.S ro oflWd ss tlio only safe Lneaus oí riiiiewing interrupted menutruation, but . I LIDIES MUST IIK1K I JIIM) Thcrt i$ ont cojulítioji of thc femnle tnjtcvi in tphich tht Pilh rnjinul be taken uti'hoiit producivtr a VECULTAR TIESULT. rhecimdithn rr.fcrrcd lo ritEGNANCY- '■he rttult, MISCMtRIAOK. Sucli is ihe rrrsitlible '■rndcncy of tlic mnllcinc lorcsíor Ihr. serval fnnctiotis to a normal conütion. that ecen the rtproductivc power of ii ature eaiiïint reeíst ü. dircctions tativg Wirn, ani ichen they hoiild nol be ueect, wilh cacli Box,- Iho Price Ove Dollar each Box, cdntaMng 50 Pilli. A raluablc Pa nplilct. to be liad frt?e of the Aüonte. Piils cnt bi) mail proaplly, by cnolosin.i; pnce to nny Atrcnt. Sold ly DruggiitR Eoneral y. R. U. HDTCH1NG8, ?ropr:otor. 20 Crdar-St., New York. ForFaloby MAYN'ARD STLBBIKS k W1LSOH , and ciRENVILI.É k lULUnt. #A SHght Cold, or ëfate ZHit-aat, whiah mig-ht be checked with. a simple remedy, ifnegleoted, oflen terminales senously. Few are aware of the importanae of a jZau.Q;h. or éfLQii faid. in, its jftrst siage , ihat whidi in Ihe Tvould yield ío a múd remedy, if not attended to, soon attaaks Ihe lungs. ivere first inlrodiiced eleven years ago. It has buen pro'jei that they are ihe hest artiole befare the pabilo for auaks., aLds., .arLch.UL&, í&íAma, ,@aa.f-tli., th. Hacking Cough in, féan.&umifan, and n-imerous affections of ihe j3th.aait giving immediate relief. Public Speakers tt Singers will Jind ihem, ejfeotual for clearing and strengthening ihe voice. Sold by all (Druggistz ani (Dealers in Jtftdicine, at 25 cents per box. PRIZB POETRY. Let Cliieftnins boast f deeds in war, And Minstrf Ís 'uno their pweet gu'tar, A nubler thonif my hcart is li' led - la praifie ol IíekkiCK' iralclilesspills. Their cures are fttnnd ín every land - Amid snoivs - and Afric's sandfi ; The wondrous works - the papo rs fill, Produced by Hkkrick's matchless Pilis. Does diseape affiict yoti ? never doubt ïhib charm n compound willaearch it out( And hoalth a?ain yciur sytí-m fill, If yon fly at onceto Hkrrick's Pilis. They're safe for all - both oíd ond young - Their praiaes are on every tonque ; Diaease. disarmed - no longer kills, Sincc we are blessf d wlth Herrick s Pili. Put up with Knglish. ypanisli, Germán and Krench dire:tioní. Price 26 cents ptr box. SilgaCoaled BSee advert'áement on thín! page . 804 "1862 "18627" - OF NEW - 8PEING AND SUmíVIER GOODS ! AT C H. MILLEN & CO'3. We ire now receiving a splenclid stock of DRESS GOODS, SKIRTS, SHAWLS, MANTILLAS, &c, JPor t,lXG LadiesFine French Cassimeres, and Coatings, For tlie Q-entlemen. CARPETS, DOMESTIC GuODS, FINE NEW TEAS Andother Clioice Family Groceries, For Everybody. AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. Oall and Seo. C H. MILLEW h CQ. May, 1862. S54tt The Last Cali. Al.h tboseindobtcl tn the Hte firm of Wines fe Knig] fire requested to pay the samo before th first a, of July ntxt, as ft!l íleroands tlion remaming utijiaid wi be lfft witb a-n ofliccr foi collecíio. J. W, KVTGHT, nn Arbor. Jun 19, IHl. f- r3


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