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SAMBUCI WJNE, b I'URE, AND KOl'It OO, Of CllOfae Opon' o "ruit, ö KOK PHYSICIANB' USE, TOR _MALES, WKAKLY PERSONS & IXVALID8. ÏCvery famüy, at fhlfi HCíiíon, hould uhe tlio BAMBUCi WJNF, (.YletirMed In EurOpe ftr it medicinal and beneficia] unlitieFt Ba gentle Stimnlunt, Toclc. lMmtftc and Su Urine, higlily eeteetneu by emiceni physicianfi, uscd in 'hiropeftn and Americfin llospiials. anti by scme oí the Irst fauiiüüs üf Europe and Amciica, AS A TUNIC, ■ It 1i_r ik pquftl, onuaiiijr an aj. petitt1 and building up jf lhe -y tem huiitg entirciy u ptixt wiue oi' a most raUiiible fruit. , AS A DtUftKTIC, j It impart a healthy action to the Olands and Kldneyn, Ki md Uriimry Organs, vary bencQcialiu Propsy, Gout, and Li iiheurnntic afïecÜouR. SPEER'S WINK [ Ia not a mixture or manufacturad artido, but ís pure, ac Trom the juic_ of the Tortuga! íarabucua, cultivated in uf Jtr-scy.rc-commended by CjMOUti and Physici.ina i ns possessiijfí medical ijr(iieiti a Hupuiior to anv otber or Winc in use, iind aa excellyut aiticle tor all weak and n( ilebilitaied por30iis, and tho a god and infiim, iniprovin ), the apptite, and beneüüng la lias and childrea. 0 A I.ADIES W"iSi:7 Cl Becauso it will not katoxieata fis othor vine, as It ccntains no mixture of spiriis or üq'.mrs. rtbi ii Mmired forttnrlrh, peculiar ílavnv, nnd nutritivo properties, Impartlnga hettlthjr toi.o ia iht digopiivu nrpjnfl,aud a c blooming, soft and healtl'y skin and complexión. cc Wt RLKLB TO io A twr wctllEtiown geuUemc-ti am3 phjstotana, wbo have tried the Wine:-- l Uen. Wmfieidcot C.S.A. Or. VTiHon, llih i -. B. Y. b. Gov. Morcan, X. Y. Mate Ik. Wni, Newark, N. J. ,; Dr.J R. rhüton.N. Dr. Dotigherty, " " pj D.Furkcr, N Y. Dr. Purih, PhUadclpkia in Drs. Darcy and Kiobo'l, [, XewarU, iV. .1 0 And mnny nthers loo niimerous to piibli&h. #1 íii'Ndii,1 goimirti iiutwn Lbc (i'finiil ure (tf "ALF.FD cc Si'h-i.i: T r.L-.-.;uc,N. J.," iscvpr tiiu cotk of ccb bottle. jOarAEE OKK OF THI3 WINK. ? For feile ty iloynjird, Stbblna & Wllscn. Ana Arlwv. A. SPEER, Propiietor. li VIVKYAliD. Prt.-aic, K Jersey. U OIFiCE, C03 Kroadwíiy, N. V. JOHN LA POV, Pa-ïB. &34mQ Agent t'or Franocand ei inaiiy. 01 RISDOfffc HEN DER80N 5 EÜOI5LETE V' rs ni CRAIN DRILL, G-rass Seed Boxer, ManufacUired ai pringfield, Ohio. '! THK VEilV L4TEBT IMPROVEMKNT. anrt hetter tl)an nll others; aüapïed to sown iVhtjit, r:c, ij.tla, Baik'j' aniürus SeeO. Lst. It has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will 9oio all kinds üf G.-ain and Grass Seed. 3d. Never the Graln i(h. Never Zreahs the Gfain. 5lh. Sows Grass Seed hroidcast hehindthe Drill. 6th. Has high wheels and long Hoes. Itli. Sas long and wide steel poinís. t SA. It has a l.ind measure or Survey-or. 9tA. It has douhle and single rank drills. lQth. Il has a aelf arfj iisiiag shut off ilide. It is neatly and substantially made. Thcre 'm hartlly a Drill offevofl in tho markut but can - boast of more or Iüsh F1RST PREMIUMS? They are nbout as iivliscriininntely bestowod a tho titlc of " Professor," whicli w nooietjineM iipplieci to the 'Jiddler" or " bootblack," Thoy cuase to convey the idea of merit. The Buckeye Drill his been on EchiMtioá ut quite a nuraber of iStatc and Coaaty Fairs, and without seel;ing favur at Lhe hands of any Cominittec, haa received lts full share of Premiums. TESTIMONIALS : We give tb o füUoing Damos of a few Farmers in th;s vicinity wao have bought aud used lhe DuckoyeOiilt Go-lfrey Mlller, Scio. Jacb Polbcraus " Jacob'fremper, ( Thomas White, Norïhfleld. John Brokaw, " Chiistian Kapp, " f Edwiird Boy dio, Webster. James Trc-adtvel!. Ann Arbor, Daniel Ü'IIara, ' " John (.. Cook, Lodi. O. A. Marshall, ' ( L. Kdmun R, Suline. George Cropsey, Green Oak, Liv.Co. ( i We are also Agents for the Ohio Reaper & Muwer, acknowledged to be the very best in use. "We are just in receipt of 100 Grain Oradles Wtilch we will sll clicap. Also alargeassortment of G-rass Scytlies. And the largest and best selccted stock of BEISTT STUFF FOR C ARRIACES ever before oOered in thïs market. We atso koep a Urge and fuïl NAILS, GLASP, PUTTT, PAINT, and LINSEFD OIL. A complete assor'msnt of SÏOVES, TIN WAKE, ASD EAVE TROUGHSalway on hand and put up at the Bhortefit Qjtice. KISDON Si [IENDKRSON. Ann Artor, June 2th,18fU 8591 f A Card. Mrs. H. O. HARVEY would inform the oitizen8 of Ann Ai'bor that alie has taken rooms a; the residence of Slis. Kellogg, on Ann Street, and will be prepared tu give instruotion to pupils upon tho Piano, Melodecn, or Guitar, alter Fnduy, June 27th, Itö2. Ann Arbor, June 2Uth, 1B62. 4w Strayod. F ROM thtFubscsibura-bout t.uir Beks a0 n iwa ypr oíd rodlIEIKEK. Has a linio wliite'on bcll.v.api longhoru A reahonable r -wurii vil) be paid for ! roation wbere ehe _i.y 1 fom') ÍOffNGEORGI SCHjmSRtB. i Anc ArV r.Jin'l ', lé'li.


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