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( tiíc.igo liiH'k 'fni'c. Thi I 'lace to Bey Sehovl JBel$. WHOLfXAI.E RocV &. Siatloiiery llouse. S. C. GRIGGS & CO. pusum Sanders Prcgreesive Readers, V ■■■-y EwtrstyjwO, :, rw nr.J orieinr.l 'lisutrntlciu, !re tne moai. bc.mcifu) as oll ai iIm be boju tuut I Pnr' iUplubt Caros, 6 la taM $ M H. SaiiJtrsM-':c.iir.v Scli'i Chíiris. 8 0 1 eu4a 1 O III bunders' -rinruy ï-pe'.ü B.jr'.k, ' jj IV ífaDflers1 .fïï ípUér nu lftntr,..,#..„J V_ Enrule s' AOftirftltof Kiplili Y,,ji-7(' ''. 5ü VI. Sn,i,:r'.-, i'lctwinl Primar, ( .'.". ' uy; Til. Síindcr' (iermnn snd tnghsli 1 r;in íi VIH. fanden' Nw Flmt Rnd.. ."".'!.'.' i" IX. Sanders' Xw SeSiutd Rtwdcl , .' ai X. &AD4ernfXew Thlri fUNlEr. to SI. Sijders' Nw Fourth e XII. Snteï' Xtw 'ifth. Kesícr, ., T XIII. gande' Btgi 8eht! Redtr, H &t XIV. Stmiero' Vousg ! k.'Cí' líca'Jer, ....,..., i XV. Saader' School Speaker,., . 1 i5 XVI. Budcm' Qoeatíomrj CI11.1Í, ..,- 5 ID These readers or. iUUngnMMd for th..Ir l-'t!r ptrrrM&M nuil prnc-licHln-laptation Vi) li n yuuDff . fliey have been rteetñd w:ti. unjin-oetíauU-d Lv.,l r&i iy no clns Tn,re favoiably iban by Practic! TfnhM tfbo httTo tudteii their merita in the schooi room. Robinson's Course of Mathematica. BV HORATIO N. ROBIXfc'ON, LL. V. Late FrdMHOt of Matheinaticí In the U. S. Km I Robinaon's I'rugrcssive rrimriry Arith)t1i# II. Rublaaon't Hrogrentirt lntlhctuaj Arltb. III. Hobiudon'.s l'.udimnt of writtín Atith. ' i IV. Hobiuvm' Progmilre Practical Arllh. V. KobiLscuV. Kcy to Prficticil Aiit};nn-lio, 69 VI. Uubiii.iuu-! Ir grejílva Higlier Arilhuutlo, li VII. Rbmson Ky to Higbfx Arrtbraftlie, 7# VIH. Robiníoh'j Hw Bltmontarj Algrta, 7 IX. H,.buisr,a:s K(jr to SlemcuUry .ligaUn, Tí X. RobinKnn's Unv(?is"y Algebra, 1 Pí XI. Rnbinsnti's Key to ünlreriity Algebrt, lro XII Rob'.ns'.n' s (icouiGUy tid 1 ríiu.clnülrf . 1 ' XIII Boblnson'sSurveyinganil Navigation 1 w XV Ruijnion's Aualytlcal Ueometry nd Conio toetten, j XV r.oWnaon'ilüíTeren'iai :nd nt(grnl Culculn I 0 XVI Rebitwonl i:!t uiL-niary -AjUrorjomy, 1J X'U KobiDlun'l Univcrwitj Asi;oD(,my', 1 li ÏVm RohhiHon's MüttHiiiutiuü Ojicratiuns, til SIX Rob n.,i.r.'3 Kuy :u Algtbra, Utoaielry, Sur. vejmg, &0 , 1 50 Forming a FUI.I. MATHEMATICA rOU?.SE, ft, bracilis Arthm;tic oud Text I3ork In the Ilighoi Jlathroatlca. For extent of resiarcli, fácil:: iwl aptness ol illuntration, and practical llMlulBMa, tli'c autijor of th'í series iisurpanavd by no matht-rraticftl writCT In tíü country. Tl.ia lerin Las bwn rvooauptRlM ly tim te Mathcmaticians ic ali sectiondoí tbe couíi(ív. Gray's Series of Botaniea, sis bookg. Hituhcock's School Anatomy aud Phjsiology, $1. Hitchcbük's Gcology, ono book. Well's Graimnars. two books Well'a Soientiüo Gerief, including Cliomistry, Philosophj, eto Tbree books. Wilson's Series of Historica, fivo books. Fasquelle's Frcnóh Series, eigbt books. Woodbury's Germnn Series, se'ven books. Bry:nt & Stratton's Series of Book-keoping, tbree books. Speneerian System of Pemnanship. nin boqks, othrr VuluaSjXc Baoks, Wholesale Dealers and Ik-tail Purcha5or3 Wül tod t our store over Four ThouMad OiTorcnt ar:clcs oi BUtlontry. and Thrw Hutuired Thouuad Vi4üraes of bonkï, fren wh.icb l i.:.,kc tLsir ítltclI.HJ, oomprnln? tn astoHmett act tiraivd l.r auj otLtr book hi.tt5u u tue L'ni'cd Stal). S. C. GRIGGS & CO. Aro Special Jjmitj fer Mcssrs Ilarjjer & Hio's Publioations. ". D. Appkton & Co"d " Ticknor & Fiold's ■ " Gould & Lincoln's " J. B. Lijjpincott & Cu'a " Aad runv:;h al: thelr Buokn at IX-leru prices for oaMi. Note Papers, Letter Papers and Cup Papers, Blank Books, Pass Books, lod uil k'riJi of STAÏION'ERy, at tbc lownst pricM . fcMTKS by the dozinor case. r?_S!rngersnn] travilcrs rlntag ChiMt will flnd t lkteretiog ta Knger for u liouf mij tbo iuKrnntuihl yiluti of Jiterature atSy and 41 l.ake Sfrttt. S. C. GRIGGS & Co. A'gents Wauted. Fr.r ]' c=tly anl nloMa Sf.broriptlon fvAs, or auv noble irurk upun Keligiun.T.iteratur. Scirno. r Art, VdOrom d. C'. OUIüüS s f.Ö. n.EAE rqoibts h:.'. t'rfc ia uo bookstorc ín thisoountry kc-pln WV tw or mora tsteasjr ssortmDt thu U :yua4 jt S9 and 41 Ijiie itrect. KLMKMÜLK l'hat Put, lic or Trivst Librarles can be KuppUd irhk ñist class ütaodard Works by S. C.C & Co. upon bttltvr terma than to sentí IÍH3t anc pay IriKnt fiJL-Wfitern I.iterary and Prnfmiiillli llll Tiifci. Scholars in all d.-partm-r.ti of of the world oí lolterí. are in itad to makt] ; 9 an i 41 Late street th(dr plat af rsort in niuraentsof Joisure. S. C. GRIGGS & CO., Wholosale and Retail üookiellers and Stntioner, ■O & 41 Laks Street, Chicago. s. c. cuines S19m3 E. !■ jiKStJ. DO YOU WANT WHlSKERSf DO yoUWANTA MOUSTACHRl If ia, parchase one bottle of E. E. Champion'! EXCELSIOP IN VIGOR ATOR J lh vorM renowned toilet.- the oclj artielf or the kind ever ollVred the pcoole of the Umted States. Tic abor Mticle t.i tlie only one used y the Freuch ; in J.un.jua nnd Paris it is in universal use. THE EXCELSIOR WlilSKER INVIGORATOR ! 1 Isa'Beautiful,, Soothing. jet PtiiDu'atln Compc-und, r.eting ut. if by migic upou 'the roots, catu ing a beautiful gronrth ot Luxuriant Dean', If li4 to the will Baldxess, and if applied" aceardtag to directions, it wül causs to spring up iu bald spoti a fiue growth of soit TKÊta a.nR The Ceh'brated EXCELSI0 R IN VIG O Ha TOR U an indiipensable Artiole in every Gentlpman'j Toilt' and after oue week's uso tbey wou'ld not, an y cimííeration, be without it. The above artide will, in frum Four to Kight VVeeks,bnngouta tliick wt of Wbiikiu or N'ou.STAniF. ïh subscriben are tlio only Agents for the aboTc at. lick in the United States. They would also anuouuce to the public that Hte aireageatifot Napoleones Hair Toilet! The only artidc over offered o theFiench people tha would cuhl KTUreBTKAKI the Rbove Toilet beiog mannfact.iredfcir the solo betii-fit o Lnuii Napoleon I which article s now intlisfenabie iu his 'l ie rw ra. Tho Rubseribers leeiing confUent that this Toilet muit naoessarüj tike the plací' üf all otilen er-r tn the public, tl. iv tako plf.isure in oxpiessinu' their conlllftnce ia the ;i:t;c!e, gaining t from practical use THE NAPOLEON HAIR TOILET Will Ccm, "TJUIOBT HAiniti Soft, Silken.Flowirif: Curl. .hat wilt rem:iin iu shape fur one day or one vvtek if (iosir.d, or iny longer penod, if tho dinetlons are stricUy follfweil, wnieh are very simple and easy . Tbis li.iir Toilet does not in ;mv nannermttlftr vrith tho Xotural Sjftness o the Huir. It neither acorche nor ilyi-s it ; butgiraa ih hair a soft, thriftv appearanee. It also prevents the hair frern fallirig oü and tuminggr. THE NAPOLEON HAIR TOILET Ilns Ven bcforethe publc bnta sh.rttimc. and hiis aK reany been tetted by over one thousand persona] and. they testify thm the Napoleon Huir Toilet is the greatc't Beautiöer everofftred to the Araeriean 7,enj]e. To prevent thU Toilet 'rum beiiig coonterfeited or imltate.1 by unprincipled persona, ve do nut i.t.vr .t for sala at sdj Urugjfiiti intli" [FnJted stic3. Tberefore any Lady or linnlleman who i'iesires Soft, Luxuriuut Hair ancJCurls, and Lonj, S„ft Wliiikers or Mousudi'. en procure the Inviiorator er Toilet, tithar ene, lot on dollar onclosed in a lutíer, with their addres. Address, O. F. SI'EN'Y kCO. Boïta.rollinsville. Hartford Co., Conn" And It ivillbe earefully sent by return mail. 'Pi-ovide for Yo r Family." is:3sriai?:L3K,Boci5:Eï?, LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Western office, Kinjsbiry Iilock, Candolph St, Chicat-". Assets Jan. lst, 1862, $270,223.44. Policio are isRued upon the lives of dcbri, ani ter all business pur} o ';m( cither fer Hfc or fir a tvrm of years. i n as favorable ikWa as by any otbf r Comp-iny, M;u r ei tadies mav instirp tlio Urea of tliftir htmband'11, accnrdinfej to a law of the State, securintt the animitit of the insurance to thexnielrea or their cbiMnm, frt frm the claims i their husb.-iiiis' ci-edit-ns ; alsn, marri'd hi'lifs c;m insure their om n livcs fór the beurfit uf thclf cbildrfn or tttistew. PoMeteu on lives are ïssued for anr sum ivi exfociiittff $10,0. 0. By the terms of. the charter, this Company y prohiMted rving mo.e than 7 per cent, anmi;illv UI fliviitt"ii on its capital To stockhoMers nnl it rcwives Ihat snm in interest fdr the use of its capital, (he surplus hvinx rijvirted atnong the Mr.tu:d ímnrMM iiPne ii wit) apprar that it combines the advantageK of a Mutual with the security of a Stook ComfMiiT, W'hcn ihe iiremium RmountB to $40 or over nnt m-y hú ffiven for four tnths of the aniJUDt Kata ai low as. any other good toropany. Now is the tims of Nown cmpeteDcy fr yrur faraily shiuld dcüth üd. your h'''rü'?í-í'a.d eocinibra-i and busioestf invoived. IR kSTDS LVMAN, Frldnt. Güo F. S.viFnsN.S-fy B. F. Johnson, t'ice FrPFÏdcni aDd Manager of W?9 ern Branch offlo, QbiCMO E. B. POND, Agen. WM. T., Medical EaamiDer. Ayer's Cherry Pectorai.


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