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State Legislature

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A consideroble por ion of the time of each Legislature is nece&sarily occupied with local matters - such os divuling townships, legnlizng township highways, deferring the timf í'or collecting laxes in particular towns, examining claims of individuáis, laying out roads, mpowering iidmmUtralors to sell real eetate, cltering the ñames of persona, towus, vtllages, &,c. Stc. A bricf record úf these would li 1 íevcral columns of our paper every week, and would be of Hule interest to tiie reader. - We therefore confine our report to matters ■of general interest. Pebitinn have been presented for referring fhe gran'.iug of licenses to tovvns íroni seven or eight-counties. Severa] petitions for diápensing with mililia nuisters have boen received. 3ne uf these, from Wasli enaw, had 209 gnatures. A proposition was introduced into the Sen cte to auihorize the board of Interna! Irhprovement to enter into 6uch armngements wtli a fete of Steamboats on theLakc as tlie} inay deern best for the interesls of ihe ötnte. and most product ve of revenue to : lie ruilroads, The resolutioñ was refèrred to cuni. ( f the whole. In our opinión, ílte Lcgielature should beslow in ntithorizing nny arntngenertt f the kwiá. The projirietois of the ♦line of sleamboíits" who may enter into any nrröTigeinetit of i he kind will do it to guia noncyhy rt; utid rf they cannot íleece tiie Stalesufficierrtly, tliey will make tlie balance from travel !ers. Mr. Pratt obtaincd leavc to introduce o bil 1 to prevent betting and gambling on elections. He introduce the bill in good fuith. I Ie had been for watchinr the progress of betting and jambliflgjn dections, and he thotight it tendd to the corruption of the comniunity. He feit thnt jf the American people had a deep and abiding interest in anything, it was in the fAirily of elections. The bill wa& introduced and read twice.- Il provides that nny person convicted of betting on the resultof an electionshall bc deemcd guilty of a misdemennor, and eubjoct to n fine of $500, or imprisonment for CO days in the county jail. It likewise provides that any perso büying or 6elling, on promise of paying or being paid on the e'cction of acertain person, shall also be r'eemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and subjected to a like punishtnent.


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