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ISTew .Advertisements. PIANOS. PERSON'S wbo wish to buy a Plano of the best mkri will be tshrtwn how thoycansavea haod-somu mm the purchase if t'ic-y address Piano, care Jot, CmAf;, PublUhiV Agenta, Nmw York I'. 0. 801tf ' Dr. Wm. B. Hurd's DENTAL REMEDIES ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD, rasparas FINE TEET1I & A SWEET BREATB, Curing Toothache & Neuralgia. Do vmi wísh tobe blessed wit h rcnd adnrired forPi. LT WHITE and Sound TEkTH? Use Dr. V B HUItD'3 L'N'KIVaLXKPTíKiTIí POWDER, warrun-ed ffeo fa ;ickl,aïUali, or any injurious substance. Frice, 25 eeuw per box. ft3_ Beware of the ordïüary chcup Tooth Powdere. which whitcö but destroy. Do you wiah to be cortain that your Brbítií i pu Bweet] au! agreeable to huabnd er wifer lover or frienda? Usc Dr. HURD'á CEÍ..EBIÍATJLI Mot'XH VfASil. Price, 38 cents per bottle. ThU astringmt vrasli is afso the best remedy In thi world for C-i.NKKK, 1ad Bkkatu, tluxs, Sou KOTOH, etj. It bas cured buudreda. Do you, or your children snflor from TootftACBfif Gil Dr. HUKD'S MAGIC TOOTHACHE UKOPS. Pric, 1Í cents per bottle. Areyouafilicte.l with NEURALGIA? Get Dr. W. %. HUÜD'S NEURALGIA FL ASTERS, The most effectiw tind deüghtful rtiaedy known. They do aot adhere nor blitcr, bt soothe and chiita p:iin away. Try ihem. Frice, 18 auJ 37 ccqU.- Maiied on reectpt ut price. Do you wish a complete set of DENTAL REMEDIR) and a Tkkatisk or PftaaKBTiNO TefthV Get Dr. BÜRD'á DE-STAL TREAURY, ihe neatest and most valublt [..[■., sent one friend can make to another. Priee, 11 L-nt by mail oo reccipt of prir. Fot sale at all the best stores throughout th conatry.- Cxcnos. - As there are dealers who take advanUí oí our adrertiseraent to rapóse upon their cutttomari iofcrior preparations, it is uiíce.ssary to insist upon biTÍ8 what you cali for, and you will c;kt thb best, tliorouflj tested, and preparcd by an experienced and ciontifie Dentist, Treasurer cf the New York State Deatiafa isociation, and Yicv Pr&sident of tho Hew York CTitr Dtetal Society. Address WM. B. HÜRD & CO ., New YoA Ir. HurJ's Doma! Romedirs are for nal io on Arbur by J-'teumns A: Wilson, Ebbubaco Sc Ctr., ind Grk.nvillb k 860tf THK IIOUSEKBEFKU'S NEW FUMITURE POLISH Prepare'l from an iraprovert recipe by the prnpriffor of ths "Rrothkb Jonathan Polish," i ceTÜfied by all the Ieading N'ew York Furniture Dwfen srxl PianoForte Makers to be the best in the worM for Remorins Scratcbes, Mark, and Dirt, and restoring & high and lasting glosa to al kiuds of VarnUhed work, from Furolture to Leather. It is cheaper and btter thao Varoinh, dries iminediately,anl is casily applied. With a piect of Cantón Flannel and and a bottlo or two of tbïn N'iw Fi'RMTi'Hi 1'ousn, a Jíoufekeeper can work magie iothe furniture of a house a.aá keep t looking Iike oew. Now is the time to "ahineup" your TaWcj, Chaira, Deski, Pianos, l'ictuie Fraraes: Carriages,eïc,,anl rrnko th#m lonk 50 per belt er. Thin is true economj. For pale by Kurniture Dealers an 1 Storekeepert gcnerally.- Pricc 25 and 50 cents a bottie . Depot 1 Spruce St New York. Special Ageots Wanted. Adörui, Boi 1972, Xew York H. O. The Houekeeper'a New Furnitara Polish is for a at Ann Arbor by Great Books in Pree. THRILLING INCIDENTS OF THB GREAT REBELLION; OK TheHeroïsmofonrSoldiers&Sailors, 1 vol., large 12 mo. Price, $1.25. The critica and the public are rïght in prodicíínjthit ibis will urpass, in grapltic narrative, exciting interet ad extensive populantyall other histories of the War for the Union. Itn theaie wilt bo tho lieroic tlaring.plient Huflerings.anil bair-brearfth escapes of our soldwrJ ftud sailors, an! its incidents will ferm tbe tbeme of convcrs.i'.i; n al innumerable firesules for years to corae. K will contain, in addition to its stirrini? details, the phito soplncal Aimlysis of tbe Causes of tbe War, by Jo" Lothrop vtoTLXY, LU O , Author of "The Rise of (■ Dutch Rcpublic," etc, the dat of all the ïmporUot cvenls frointbe John lïrown raid, and an accurate w revised account of the principal battles, witb ogrk One tblrd the proceeds of all Stibcriptfon ent dirtet to U8 will be given for tbe Relief of lHsabled 9oldwr( and all persons who wish a copy of tbe work, and al" tobeuuOttbe stldiois.shouM send their name and d''.■■■s ;st onco. Also, any officer or private, or person in anv Fection of the coontry,bavinp knowledge of a heroic act or stirrinj incident, will oblige ua by tcndiiifí u an account of it. BookscUttM Postmaaters, and C.invassing Agent y " be furnÍNhodwithaSubscrÍptionsProspctut,on appl'C tion to the I'ublisLon;. ttt)u A liberal commispion siten to soldien Jojrfriof to actaa agents in takingüubscriptions, ir. THE HISTORY OF AMERICAN MA5UFACTURES, from 1608 tol86O. By I)r. J . I.eandkb Bunop. 2 Tols, 8 to. Yol I. now ieay, Vol II. nearly ready. Thi is probably the larftent and most important worX now in tho Aracrican presaWo havo alsn jolt publluliod new editions ot th Wlowing usefuland popular books: The Business Man's Legal Adviser ; Or. ITow (o Fave Money, by Condocting Buninís afC" dinjtto law as epounrtod by tlie Best and Latost Au' thorititi. 400 pp , Rhecp. Price $1. OPPORTUNITIES for INDUSTRYi or, A Thousand Ckanccs te Make Afoixjí. Cloth, íl This has boen ropubüshed o EnlaailEverv I.U'in-'Mmanand cletk ihould kn thêbo0'': Th.v rtll ,,:lv thf buT hundrod füld. F.Tory pirtnv sliould gct tbem for their nons. AU thefi books are mailed, posfpaid, on rcp' ' price. We pny particulnr nttpntion to mailinfr booi wrappig thfin carefully, and will procur-J and ""( postpaid', any book nnywhir-, on raceipt oí publisnw price. Address FREEULEY & CO.,


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