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O) g r w gg j Hl SÍ F fc ■ ïrflll 1 7 i L3 s y H II L ft ie-" A " H o g 8 B H . cc Jah liíg.Sj THE KEBELLION ON HIGH PRICES FOR OLOTHING, HASCOMMKNCEDATTHE f; OLO & RELIABLE CLOTHINCJ EMPOEIUM 1 No. 3 PHGENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. i T AM now opening a large and varied assorlmcnt of 1 Scnlu'andSumnierGood, and n view ut the rcbellon on high erices generalij-, wül offer them to my frijncl ndcMloimr at the very lowcst ligures for ton.Those in want of a superioi article of Cloths, Casalmtres. or Ready-Made Olothing, -will oall onWM. WAGIMER, who has just returned from the East, with a large assorlment of SPRING & SU MM ER GOODS which have been purcliaeed atthe late LOW PRICES! and can offer them at a lower figure than ever before. Amoiig my AHSortnieat :nay be found BROADCLOTHS, UASSIMEBES, DOESKTNS, , VESTINGS ( of all descriptions, togetliT with a superior sjortraent of Rtacly-Madc Ulodilng, Qj UMHRELI.A3, nd SffljGeiillcmcn's Furflishiug C3rOOI3íSí, with numeions other artit-ies usually found in similar establishment. As an EMPORIUil OF FASHION, the subunrlber flatters himself , that his long experience jndseinralBucces,willenablehimtoftivethe greatest , aaüsfaclion to all who ma y trust him iutiic waï ol E Manufacturing Garments to order. WM. WAGÍJER. Ann Arbor, A pi il 9th 1562. 84Stf QLOBIOtTS News from "Dixiel" The Rebellion about Crushed ! A. C. LOEB, OF THE CLEVELAND GL0THING HOUSE ReUru their sincere thanks to their nnraerous FRIENDS AND PATRÓN S, For the liberal manner in wliioh tlvy have herctotofore patronized them. and bog lcave to announce that they ai e AGAIN ON HAND With a Large and well selectöd Stock of SPRING &. SU MM ER CLOTHING! GENTS' FURNISIIING GOODS, Mats, Caps & Trunb, which they will sellat Astonishing Low Prices ! For furtlicr partïculara Oall tnca. JSoo for yourselves, and yoa will aot goaway 'lissatiafied, A. & C. LOEB, Ilnron Street, a few doors west of Cook's Hotel. Aon Arbor, May, 18G2. 3m651 Fruit and Ornamental T JEl EE S, JT LO-STT" PBIOES. mlIF. SUBSCRIBF.RS are now jirep.ired to receive or1 dcrs for all kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Planta, Floiter and Vines of every dcscription and variety. for theFall of 18'3 and Spring of 1803.- Wo have a large stock now growing, and intend to m:ike l:i rge importationB from tinie totimeaa the wants of the country dmand. We invite the people to müke themselvos acquainted with our faoilities for doingbuainesB, before purchasing elsewhore. We warrant all varietieB to bo tru to name, and to be vigorous and healtliy specimens. All communirationh will bc promptly responded to. Our ollice is in Rogéis' Agricultural Store, Dotroit it. , Ann Arbof, Mich. DdBOIS, CARE & CO. Ann Arbor, Juno 24, 1S6S. 858tf The Last Cali. A IX thOBoiodebted to the late flrm of WinCB & Knight are requested to pay the fiame before the firBt d.iy of July n(xt. aa all demanda Ithon ïcmaming unpaid will be lelt with an olficer foi collectio. W. W. WINEP, J.W.KNIUHT, Ann Arbor, Jnne 19, 1882. H58w3 Oval Picture Frames ALLSIZES.STYLES: ana PKICES juít receivíd and forsale chtopat CHOFF MILLER'S. 18S0.DiO.Sf', fWK


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Michigan Argus