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NI'iïEit'S SAMBÜC1 WINE, i PCEE, AND lüUK ÏKARS Ol.D, Of Clioii c Ojiorio jfiult, c TOR PHYPICIANS' USE, FOR FEMALES. WEAKLY PER3(ÏS8 & INVALID3. Everv family, at this season, Rhould use the SAMBUCI WINE, f'nlebrati '. in Europeforits medicinal pnd beneflcial quulit tcK as fi gentle Stimuknt, Tonic. Diurttic and Su d rific, highly esteemed ly eminent physicians, used in E ui overmand American Hospitals, andby ome of the ftr-t families of Euroie and America. a= a rosne, It Iirr no cqual, causing an appetite and building up of thuysttm being entirüy a Iiuro wine of a moat valuablc fruit. AS A PIUükTIC, It impartan healtliy action to the GlandsandKMneys, and L'rinary Organs, vcry beneOcialin Dropsy, Gout, and Rheumatic afivctious. SPEER'S WINE Is not a mixture nr manufaetured article, but is puro, fr(.m tlu; Juicc of the I'ortufral -"ambucus, cultívate! in NVw J. r-ey , recommeiKkrl by C nemtsts and Pliysicians h possi-KSing medical prnpertiís superior to anv other Wine in oe, nnd uu excellent article for all weak and netvlitn'eu prrsons, and the iiged and nfirm, improving Ihu ayut-tite, aud bonefUing tallas and children. A LAMES WISE, locause it lul not intoxícate as other vine, as it contains no nïixture of ppirils or liquors. and is adinired for its ricli, peculiar fiaTOr, and nutritive propertiea, imparting a liealthy tone to tbe digestive orgíins, and a blooming, soft and healtliy ikla nuil complexión. WE RKFEU TO A few well known gentlemen anti physician, rbo have tried tbe Wine:- Gen. WmSJ4Scott, U.S. A. Dr. Wilion, llth st .. N. Y. Gov. Morgan, N.Y. State Dr. Ward, Newark, N.J, Dr.J R. Chilton.N. Y.City. Dr. Doughcrty, " D. Parker, N Y. City. Dr. ParUh, Pbiladelpliia Dra Darcy and XichoU, Ni-wuik, X. ,1 And many othera too numcrfius to publiah. #ífXone genuirM uniese tht; gignature of "ALFHF.D 81'KKR, PaasaiC, N. J-," i. over 'hu cork of each UotLle. JO-MAKE ON'E TRIAL OF TflIS WIN'E. For Bale by Moyiiald, Stcbblus & Wllson, Anu Arbor. A. SPEER, Proprietor. VINl-.YARD. Passaic, New Jersey. OFFICE, 808 Broadwíj, N. Y. JOHNLAFOV, Paiia, 834mO Agent for Franceand Germany. RISDONÏÏÊN DERSO.X 13 XT O TSL 3E3 TZT El QHA1N DRILL, nnd Grass Seed Sower, Manufactured at Springfie'.d, Oliio. rpHE VEKY LATEST IMPROVEM1 NT, and botter than L all otbers; adapted to sow n Wheat, Byfc, (at, Barley ani Grass Seed. lst. It has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will 83w all kinds (f Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. JVever lunches the Grain 47. Never ireaJcs the Gmin. 5th. Sows Grass Seed hroadcast behindthe Drill. 6th. Hos high wheels and long Hoes. Ith. Has long and wide steel pointsi Sth. It has a land measur or Surveyor. 9tA, It has doublé and single rank drills. I 10A. It has a self adjusthig shut off elida. It is neatly and substantially made. There is hardly a Drill offored in the markt but can boaBt of more or lesa FJfiST PREMIUMS? ThRy are abont as incüricriminately bestowed as the title of " Profesor,'1 whtch is soraetimes 'nppliei to the '■Jiddler" or " bootblack." cease to cojivey the idea of merit. The BuclieyeD.ill bas been on Exbibition at quito a nurabyr of tít;ite añil Coiintj' Fairs, and without seeking favor at the hands of any Comraittee, has received ita f 11 share of Premiums, TESTIMONIALS : We givo the followlng Dames of a few Farmtrs in tlr'a vicinity wao have bought and used tlie BuckeyeDrill ; Godfrov Miller, Solo. Jacob Folheraus (t .latiobïremper, " ThiinniH White, Northfield, John liriikaw, " Chiistian Kapp, " Kdward Boydon, Webster. James Trcadwell, AnaArbor, Daniel O'Hara, " " John (x. Cook, loli. 10. A. Marshall, " L. EdmoDs, Saline. George Cropsey, Green Oak, Liv. Co. j Wo are also Agenta for the Ohio Reaper & M&wer, aclnowledged be the vcry best in use. We are just in receipt of 100 Grain Oradles Which we will sell Cheap, Also alargeassortment o Grrass AnJ the largest and beet selected stock of j I3EISTT STXJFF FOR CARRIAGES ever before offered in this market. We also keep a large and full s, ' NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, I'AINT, and IJNSEED OIL. 0 A complete assortment of STOYES, ÏINWAEE, i. ' AND EAVE TROUGUS !u1wjb on hand and pot up t th . shortest notico. II IÍISDOJJ & HENDEKSON. Ann Arbor, June 93tk, 18S2 _ _ 859tf A Card. " Mrs. H. O. HARVEY wnuM inform the cit izens of Ann Arbor that slie hsis taken roomi tt at tho residence of M"8. Kellogg, on Anr JJ Street, nnd will le prepared to give instnio t ion to pupile upou tiié Piano, ilolodeon. O' Guitar, afterFi-iday, June 27tb, It62. Ann Arbor, June 20th, 1863. 4w Strayed, T?R)M thenhfiMberabout four weeku ago & twp yea j4 f old redHEIFER. Ha a little white on belly, n long homR Areasonable rewardwill bs paid fwinfor tntion whTe uhe maj be found. JOH? GEORGE SCHrmniLK: Ace Arhor, Jane 12, II. ÍHirS BR. HOOFLAND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL, T, Fch tlic sptcdj ar of Jougks, Colds, Influenza, Croup, Hnarsene83 , Bronchitis, Pneumonía, Viseases of the q eli, arisivg from Cold, Voix a amplio n, and for the relief and .ij ai all posibie) cure cf Patienta in adcanced stages of th. latler distase, rpHE Balsamfc Cordinl is entiiely a Vegetable producJ. tion, combming the healing proporties ol the lïnlnam, with the invigorating qualities of a Cordial, producinga cumbinaton ko Tifll; adfipttd to Ibt puri o?.s intentied, tliat thnre are but Gnr casos of db8M vrhich wil] oot, at nn arly period, succumb to ts henliugant] tifo giving propwtita. Für ages, has trie troaiment nf pulmrjnrj dlseasea J occup'.cü the greater pwUua of 'he aUt-ntion g( the scientiüc of tilt; medical wtrld. bul a ne icquhed more etninenue in hil ttMtlUVt bof thfj?t eisende-, tbou the celébrate! Pm?si:iD, Dr. Hooflünd, iliQ enguato oí the Iïlanmic Coi'li;il. Hislife wnn deruted to tho prodnc y tion of remedies Ihat wuuld stand uurivalied. IIow y well lie has succeeded, the American propleare ablc to judge; and wo posiuvely assort, lhnt r.o preparationn I % that have ever been piaced before them, have coníerred the sume ROiuunt cf beufi'Hs on suttWring humjinïtv, or have elicittd 80 many commendatioug i rom all classes ?7 of society, as the remedies of Ir. Hoofland, prepared by ! Tl Dr. C. M-Jarkson & Co.t of Phibidelphia. 1J The Cordial is dRsigned for a class of diseaseH more w' genera) und more fatal tbaw aiiy other to which the 13 peopie of this country are subject - those spi inging from a "sligkt cold." That eminent authority, Dr. Bell, saya: "I wiil notsay that Colas are to our ! itunts what the Plaque and Ycllcno Fever are to thowo oí other countrits; but I can aver couflJently that thev usher in diseco of greaterjconjplicity and niorUlky '. than these latter." Entirely Vegetable. No AlcohoUc lreparation. i DR. HOOFLAND'S CELKBHATF-D GERMÁN BITTERS Preparod by DR. C M. JACKSON k Cu., ThiUdölpbla, Pa. Will erfectually cure LIVEK COMPLAIXT, DTtíPfiPSIA, JAÜNDICE(Chfoníc orKTOUi Debility, DUMMvfth j Kidneys, and all diseiisca urising iioin a disordered Liver or Storn.ich. Such as Conatipation, Inward Pilea. Fulness or Blood to the Hear, Ac'dity of the Stotnach, Nausea, Heart barn, Disgust ior Food, Fulness or wuight in tlie Stom D ack,eour Eructution,t-ii]king or Fiattering at the Fit W of theStomach, Swimming of the Head. llurried and '' Uifficult Uiniithing, Kluttering at the Heart, Choking s or Suffbenting sensations wheu in a lying posture, Dim r nesa ot Vision. Dots of webs beíoiethe sight, í'tver and Dull Pain in the fiead, Deficiency of Herspiraïion, Yellowness of tb o rikin kán Eyes, ï'ain in the Si Ie, Back Chest, Limbs, itc. Bnddm Fluehesof Heat, Burningin ( tlie (Flesh, Constant iinaginings of evi)t and groat t pretaioca of Spifits, and will positively prevent YLLLOW FEVlilï, BILLHU3 FEVER, &c. The Propriel or in c:ilhng the attention of the public - to this preparation, doefl so with a feeling e f the utmoat confideuce In its v;rtuea nA &dautation to the dlatami for which it il recor::r;iended ., Itianonew and nntried article, "but on3 that has slood the test of a twelve ye;ir.s' trial before the American peoplc, ;md its reputation and saie are unrivalled by Rny similar preparatioas extant. The testimuny in its hivor given by the most prominent and well-knuwn "1 l'hysicians and individuáis in all parte of the country is immense, f.nd a car ful perusal of the Almanac, Üshed annually by the Proprietors, and to be had gmtis i ofanyoftheir Agen is. cannot out satisfy tha most - pkepticr.l that this reioedy U really de.serviug the great celebi'ity it basobtained. Rcatl the EvlcIeni-5 Irom J. Neictün Broten 1). D. , Editor of the Encydopedia of Rel tg i 'o un K-nowUdgt. Althougli notdispospd to farcr or recommend Patent Medicines in general, through distrust of their inpredients and afttrcfi)! vet know ol no suflïcient rcason why a ncanmay not tedtiiy to the benefit he believes hiin.self to have recetved frora any simple preparatíon, in the hope that hfl may thus coutnbute to the benefit of y others. Ido this tlie more readily in regard to í:IIoofland's x Germán Bitters," prepnred byDr C. M. Jackson, ot tliïa city, becaue I was prejudieed against tbem for years, under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholie mixture. 1 am lsdebted to my friesd Robert Shoemaker, Esq..for the remo val of this prjudice by proper tests, iind for encourapementto try them, when KiilTerïng from fïreat and long continued debility, The use of three bottlea of Ihose Bitters, at ihe begianing of the present ypr, was followed by erident lelief, aad reitoration tui dtgreecf bodily and mental vipor which I had not feit for six months before,and bad almost de-ïpaired of reaininj. I therefore thank Godandmy trie nd for dirictingmeto the use of them. J.XEWTON BKUWN. Read what the eminent Glass Manufacturer, JOHN H. WHITALL, saya of the BALSAMIC CORDIAL. Dr. C. M. Jacrson- Respected Friend: Haring for a long time beenacqainted with tlie virtuea of thy BalRamic Cordial in Cou_hs. Colds, Infiammation of the Lungs, i'c I thus freely bear testimony to tta eflicacy. For several yearí I havenever been without it in my famtly It alsogives me pleasure to state that I have used it withentire success in the treatment of Sowel Complaint. Thy friend truly. JOHN II. "WHITALL, i Fifth Mo. :7,1S53, Race Street, abo ve 4th, PJiila. These medicines are for sale by all repoctable Druggifit-i and dealers in inedlcinea in the United States, British Trovince.s, and West Indies, at 75 cents per bottle - Ge tureandget the prn'inc, witli thesignature of C. M. Jac-kson on the wrnpper of emeta buttle; all others are eouvterftit. PrincqKilotilco and Mauufactorv, AH Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 830jrl Ó. BLISS Is now recüiviug a largo and well selected asaortaicnt OJccks, "WTatches, JEWELEY, Silver and Plated Ware, TABLE AND POCKET mZX "Mij TT 3K-í "BH3 JKK. TK" RAZORS axd SHEARS, C3-OL3D IE3SrS3 lMtusical Instruments, Strings êf Booki for Imtrumenls, i : Sitï-EET MTJSIO, COMBS, ana a great varlety of "S-A-lSnCEE 3STOTIONTS, &O. lie would cali particular attentíou to his large stock of SPEOTACLBS, of Gold, Silver, Steel, and Plalcd, Kith PERISCOPE GLASS, a superior article. Also Huntington ta Platt's celebrated CALENDAR CLOCK! Kuitable for Oflïces, Countrng Rooms, Halls or DvelliogS. These oloeki are rliablc tini' keepers and Calendar coiubined,and requiic the winding of the time movemi'iiU only,to Beoure alt Lhe requiied chauges at míd niglit, sliowing ihe day of the weck the month and da} of the month, including the 29 th of Fchruary ot Loap 3'ear. IIïs goods are inostly of recent purchase from p New York and the manufacturas, and will be sold to snit the timos. Persons haring difllcult watches to fit with glansen can bu accomodated, as my stock is largfl and complete, P S. Particular atteution to the RBPAI HIKT C3of all kind of fine Watches, such as , Making and Setting new Jewels, ' Pinions, Sfrtjf, and Cylinders. Also tieatly repaived and 'wavranted, at hifl ld stand east slde of Main Street. G. BLISS. Ann 4rbor, Not. 15, 1801 826tf 5ÏSSOLÜTION. THE Co-paHuorship )i'T"tuf.)ro txístirff betwoen fbt1 undentlgncd under the namo and atyie of Spoor & ■ Thon-.pson was dissnlverf 'v by mutual oonsent on _th 15th day of May, inst. 'lhe business oí tho late lirni wiil bo settled hy John W. Thompson, and the busmess oontinued by C, Spoor, CHAS. SPOOR, JOHN W. THOMPSON'. Dated, nn Arbor, May28Ui, 1862. Notiee. ALTi persons indebtcd tn tb e Inte firra of Spoor and Thompson are requested to cali at tho old stand and mako prompt settlrmeut oí this pame. JÓHN #. THOMPSON. A Gard. THE business of Saddle and Harncsa making will be carried on at tho old placo of bnsïness ot Spoor & Thompson by the unersined, who solicita the continued patronage of the old cuwtomers of tb1 firm, and 9 hopes by prompt ntteniion 10 business to npj, pa- trons. A pencral assoytnient of RftffiMfl and S&uatarj alwnys on hau'l. AU persons indt'bted to me either by noto or hook account are requested to settlo the same . without delay. CHAS. SPOOR. 8 Aon Arbor, May 28, 1862. 854 w 6 n „„, „ j JNotice. WHKREAS my ivifo Phebo Á ■ in in the hnbit of riding abont thi country nn running rae in (iebt. wiihout my consent or knowicdcrc; tht'yefore all perRn ar? c.iutinnpfl naint trusting lirr on my account, as I sball pav no drhts of hercontracting. SSIm3 HARVEY AN'VABIL. ir fharon, May 20. 1M9 ,d . , - - - Ayer's Cathartic Pilis, Li iiim --ai i. "ii ti arom=aMj Chicago liook Trade, lm l'lacc tn Buy Schnd Jiooks. VVHOI.ESAI.K Book 6í Stationery House. 9. C. GR1GGS & CO. PtBLISU Sanders Progressive Readers, iirlylltttiTrtypfld.irftliffnrmöd origlnnl i.lcitmt.iMi r the most b-autif-,i. as well as the beat booki nUal I. Sanders1 Alpbabet Carda, 6 int set, .$ 1% II. Sanders' I'rimary Bühi Charts, 8 on 4 card. 1 fö III Sanders' I'rfaary Spelling Bonk y IV. Salidera' Nu tpftUr and Ueflner 4 V. Saade.s' Analygjs of KnUan Wurtls, L0 VI. SamJer'3 Pictcnal Primer, (bound).. .. ... L2)C Vil. Sanders' Germnn nnl Knglish Primer ij VIII. Kftadtn' NV.v First Kender jj IX. Snndeis Xtw iStcc.nd Keft dei ,.,.... ..... b X. Fauders'New Tliird Reader, 4 XI. Smder.;1 Kt Fourtb Reader, cL XII. Panders' New tifth Rctickr , ?$ XIII. Sanders' High-Schcol Reader, ( XIV. Sanlei-3' Yoang Ladics' Reader, tJB XV. Sanders' School Speaker,., .... t W XVI. Sanders' Klocutionary Chhrt, 1 (% These readei -s are distinguishec! for thoir strictty r frcs$roe characler and practical tuiaptation to tlie youuf ['Uey hare been received with unprecedentod ttvr( aa4 y no class mure favorably tlian by Practical Toachca Tho have tested their merits in the school room. Robinson!3 Course of Mathematica. BY .UORATIO N. P.OHIXSON', LL. D. Late Professor of Mathematica la the U. S. Nt j I. Robinson'sProgrossivePrimurT, II. Robinson's Progressive Intelectual Arith. III. Robinson's Rudiment of writlen Aiith. è IV. Robinsou'3 Progressive Practical Arith. t V. Mtam'l Key to Practical Arithmrtic, K VI. RoWüiion'p Prf;ressive Higher Arithmttlo, 7 VII. Ribinson s K(y to Highor Arithmetic, T$ VIII. Robinson's New Elementary Algebiu, f4 IX. R-.binson'a Key to Elementary Algebra, 11 X. Robinson's University Algebra, 1 gg XI. Robinson's Key to Unirersity Algebra, 1 t XII Robinson'í Geometry and Trigonoiufctry. X 6g XIII Robinson'a Surveying and Navigation l b XIV Rub.nson's ualytical Uvomotry and Conl íections, f XV Robinson'I ifferential and Integral Calguluí I Í- XVI Robiiibon's Klenientary Astrontmy, 71 XVII Robinson's UniVcralt) Astronomy, 1 TJ XV1H Iiol)inson's Mathemfltical OperatioDs, i % XIX Rob.nson's Key tu Algebra, Geomctry, Survtjing, itc, 1 fa Forminga FUI.L MATHKMATICAI. TOURSE, nabraciiy AriUimetic and Texi B k in the Highei Mthematics. For extent of research, facüity and aptnui X illustration. and practical usefulness, tlie autbor of thU series is surpnssed by no niathcir.atical writer in tM country. This series has be'ín recommended by 1he bMt Mathematicians in all MOtluni of the country! Gray's Series of Botanles, six books. Hitchcock's School Anatomy aud Pbysiology, %. Hitcheook's Geology, ono book. Well's Gratnmars, two books. Well's Soientifio Series, including Chomstry, Philosophy, etc. Three book. Wilson's Series of Histories, five book. Fasijuelle's French Series, eigbt books. Woodbury'B Germán Series, seven book. Brynt & Stratton's Series of Book-keeping, three booka. Spencerian System of Penmanship, nin books. And Many other ValuabXe Dook. Wholesale Dealers and Eetail Purcbasers Will find at our store over Four Thousand different articles of Stationery, and Three Hundred Thousand ViJ. umes of books, frora which to make their Felectiot Cümprisinii nn assorlraent not rivaled by any othi bout house in the United States. S. C. GRIGGS & CO. Are Special Agenta for Messrs. Harper & Bro's Publioatiom. " D. Appleton & Co's " " Tieknor & Field's " " Gould & Lincoln's " " J. B. Lippincott & Co's " And furnish all their Books at Buten prices for o. Note Papers, Letter Papers, and Gap Papers, Blank Books, Pass Books, And all kinds of STATIONERY, at the lowoat prieM SLATES by the dozen or caise. flíSírangers and travelers visiting Chicago wlll Sn4 it intresting to lingor for an houramid the intermmaW pilwa of iiterature at 39 and 41 I.ake Street. S. C. GR1GGS & Co. Agenta Wanted. 3 For all cnstly and valnable Subscription forkj, or auy oobk' work tinon Religión, Liteiutur, .Scinnot, x Ait, Wdress S. C, GRIliUS & CO. PLKASE REfMBER That t'iere ís no bookatore in this country ketping Wtter or more extensivo assortment ümü is ilvruya funi at 89 and 1 Lake ttrect. REMKMUKR. That Public or Private Libraries can bo upplied whk first class Standard Works by S. C, G. & Co. upoa bvttrr terms tban to aend Kast anc pay ireight TiS-Western I,terary and Professional men. Teacher!, Minian in all departments of of the World óf loltpri, are invited to make 9 and 41 LaVe street thuir place uf moet in momeutsof leisure. S. C. GRIOGS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Buoksellers and Statiunoi. 39 k 41 Lake Street, Chicago, e. c. amous 842ra3 k. l jí.vsiw. DO YOU WANT WHISKERS ! DO HOU WANT A MOUSTACHK i Ií so, p.-.rchase ono bottle of E. E. Champion' EXCELSIOP, INVIGORATOK ! The ivorM renowned the only article of tho kind everoffored the pcoplo uf the United Sr.ites. The abor rtiele; i the onlv one used by the French ; in Liodon and l'ariü II is in universal use. THE EXCELSIOR WHISKER INVIGORATOR ! ! Isa Beautiful, Economical, Soothing, vet Stimulalinj Compound, acting as if by magie upon the root, cau ing a beautiTul Rrowth ot Luxuriant Beard. If apilieÁ to the wil] cure Baldness, and if applied acording to directions, it will canse to apring up In btU sputs a fiuo growth of SOFT FilKSn iuik . The Celebrated EXCELSIOR INVIGORATOR Is an indispensable Article in everv Gentlf-man'a ToiUL and alter ono week'a use they fou"ld not. lor any ennaideratinn, be without it. Tbe above article will. in from Four to Eight Weeks, briug out a thick set of Waliliu Or -VfOCSTACHE. Tlie suhucribers are tho only Agent fur tho abure w ticlein the United State!. Thcv would also announce to tho publie tha the# are agentsfor Napoleon's Hair Toilet! The only iiitiele over ofTered to theFieneh people tha woulilcLHL btkaigbt hair the abore Toilet beinff nmnnfttqtured for the itoje benefit o1 L(uis Napoleon ! which article is uow indispensable in hln Toilet ronm. The Bobscribers fveling confilentthiit this Toilet must neccssnrilv tke the place of all otlur-s ever ofTered to the public,they talce pleasure in expressing their conHdence in the article, gaining it from practical use. THE NAPOLEON HAIR TOILET Will Ccai =m.MGHT IlAiain Soft, Silken.Flowing Curta, ih:i1 mü renntin In shape for one ña,r or one wi-ek ifdsireil.orany longvr pertod, if the directions are strictlr followed, which nevery simple and easy. This Hair Toilet does not in nnv mannerinterfere with the Natural Soflnrs.i of the Ilaïr. It neither sooreb nor dycs it : but givts iht hair a soft, thriftr appaitranee. It also prevents the hair frojn faljing off t.ui tuniiuggray . THE NAPOLEON HAIR TOILET Has been bcforethe public buta shirttime, and hal 1reaiy been tested by over ouc Ihousand personal an4 thov testify thal tho NapoJeon Hair Toilet is the greituat Beautiflir everoffered to the Amerie peoplo. To prevent thie Toilet (rum being counterfeited or initatci b.v unprincipled persnns, we do not offer t for ml at any Druggists in the Unito'l States. Therefore an Lady or Gentleman who desires Soft, Luxuriant Hakand Curls, and Long, Soft Whiskers or Mouatache, cm procure the Invigorator or Toilet, either one, for oe dollar enclosud in a letter, with their d4cest, 4, dress, G. F. SPKXY k CO., Box 1B3, Collinsvillf , H-irtford Co., Coa? And it will be earcfully sent by return mail. "Provïde for Yo r Family." KKTICKEBBOCKEB LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Western ofTti'o.Kingsb'iry Block. Randolph St., Chicago, Assets Jan. let, 1862, $276,223.44. Policios are iasued upon the lives of ilebtors, and for all business parposes, either for life cir ter n term of ymra, on ;ls farorable tarma u by any nther Cornpany, Municil l;i'ii.?s ma insura the livos of thoir husbánií, i vccording to alaw of tbe Stte,securtng tho nraouot of , tbe Insunooa to thasal?ea 01 tlieir chilflren, free from the claims of their linsban't.-i' preditoM : ali", mrried ladies enn inure thoif onn ive.n for the beiiefit of their children or trustees. l'dlieies ou lives are issued for anj sum noi exeecdinj $10,000. lly the terms of the charter, this Corapnny is prohtM) ted pay ing mocc ihan 7 per cent. annually in fhvidends : on its capital to stoclíholciers ; an-l it receivcs that um ■ in interest for the use ot' its capital, the surplus bio( 1 divided Mnong the Mutmil Tnsurers ; henc it will ppear that. it omobínM thr ndrantages of a Mutual with f the security of a Btook Com]any. ' When the prerniuin amounts to ?40 or ovrr a n# ï nafty he given for four fcenths of tho amount. Rate ai low b aoy otUer gaod conipauy. SpNf-w is the firoo of locura a fompí'teDcy for jour fiimily fihoulrï dafttb finr1. your hnmestead enrumbVzd and busineB.0 iuvolvod. yfi umTS I TOAft, Tresident. ï Geo. F. Sntffkv, Pry. B. F. Johnson, Vice President, ind Manager of Wt! ern Branoh office, Cbicngo E B. POND, Agent. WM. LEWITT.M. P, Modiral FNamincr. kyefs Cben7


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Michigan Argus