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In D i ii f no Ittttifitt """CARDSTCARDST! CARDE!!! s Crds, etc., ote. Call,gt f" orders and See how tiJ ■ All Losses promptly acljiisted. MERCHANTS' INSURANCE CO., OF HAETFOED, CONN. Cash Capital, " $200,000. LiabUities, MARK HOWAKD, Preeident. E. Thos. Lobdbll, Scry. The nv D nn.rÍMlc.1 í' fI . bove peliab USlJBt loraej by re at reaoiiablraeí r0ND_ Ann Artor,.Ittnc2, 2. W. N. STRONG KALL, DÜNCKLEE & Co., TTTHOLS ■ L.Car w,„ ada„'. i. '■ Kl)UV,:i,JuJid. WrofLarnecUt., - - - IWHMHÍ, eb. .Oraers solicitedan.l promptly athmded to-g I W EAYMOND'8 Pliotograpliic and Fine Art UALLERY Nos M5 and 207 JriTerson ATenae, DETROIT. toni. ' : "TTöTöTf. rTTASnTEXAVV LODGE No. 9. "f the Independent W order of Odd 1 %l fuoir LuCg Room, rerv V nit, at 7)á o'i L RICIIAUteON, N. G. -S. SONmm.M, ST. " lTstübbsT" tTTaotüSiLK :x B 'tail Dealer in Tobao,a#arS fcc., inn Arb'ir, - - - ' 37GSÜTnËÏÏÏ."ANÜ &Tí "fTHOLESALE xn RETÁI1 8_tbc ■ T HecchntB, East sida Mam StfTOt Ana Arbor. -J.-M.-SCOTT. VMBItOTTPK & PnO '' tlic r110'11' formorly oceupied by ' lofdlJ ,OTi I Sparrj k Moure Perfeel fnSDON & HENDEBSON, DEAI.FRPin Hrdwr,Stoves,hoii6furnialnnggooat, Tin Wro fco. fce, Se Block.Main Street. - A.P. MILJA Dear in 8taple Dry Goofl, Srobertcn, Bootí ana Sta and BeadJ M fi H"rn LtIV lrbort ■ , 13EAKE5 & ABEL, 1 rroKNKYS ; ' i IT, an.1 goWcitorí ir. flLChaneerj. Office in City Hall Block, over Webster jCo's Boos Store. Arm Vri'or KÍÑGSLEY & UORGAN, A TTOnxicvH Couniiellors-, Solioitora, and Notarles Pub Ho, have !: it saow'mg tilles of all landt l the joirntr ani incinj? and colli jmandB.andtopay:.. 1 interest in auj rtof the State. OfflccTMstaiiei I the Sqnare. Ano WmIEWITT, M. D., Phtïictan ft Scrkiox. Office .; liis ei ide ofHur. División Itreet, Aun Arbor. O. COLLIER, lMyCFACTCRERanJ dealer in Boots and Shoes. 1 I.V1 door West uf the 1'ost ' ffice. urn Aiboi, Mich. MOORE & LÜÖMiS. yf iN'UFACTUKKTïS aad dealer iu Boot? :ind Sboes, Vl Phoenix Bloeit, Main Streel, oue door North ol VabinRtm. ""mTgüitekman & ca, XTjotai lb and Retell dealer pd manuOtcturerB of VV Uuady Made Clothing, Importer of Clotlia, Císsioerei, Ooeükinu, &c. Ho. 5, New Bloek, tam Arbor. O. B. TORTER, Mwfc S:kckon Pentist. Office corner of Main ÊE2 & and I! ■ "ver 1'. Bacli's store, ZJHBHU Ann Albor, Michigan. a-U_LXJ April, 1869, Wm. WAGNER, DttLERin Eeaay Made Clothing I aeres ïnd ;, Hat,Caps,Trunk8,CarpetBagB, fce. Main li , Inn Avbor. BACH & riEHSON. D kalere ín Dry Guods, Croccrks. Uiiitlware, Boots k LAWBO & GEEE, 1 rockrs, Paovisio t Connaision MerchautSjand dca - 3T trsiii Watbr Lime. Lasb . 1 PLastsb or Ris,one door Ea tel. c. BLisa, Dkaletï inCiock,", . ' Fancy Goods, at thesen of thê Bif STatcb , X". 27, 1'Ihxmi' J. O. WATTS. ■ DE.'.iRRin Clocks, Wtehe . ffwt lry ind Zilver Ware ko 22, New BI lor. T.; B. ÍJtEEMAN. Barbkr and Fa ' ' StroM , Ann Arbor, Mich. H:iir Fronts and Curli kep1 HKistaiiüy un iiaml, 1 1 0 PP & MILLE lt . DBÁLK oka Sta tionory, r;i , .c, .M:iin Bt'reet Ann Arbor. D. DkFOREST. ITHOLSSiie aud Ri ai) Deal Ig Lm Ijith. Rhin'T glcs, Sanh, ! rliHtpr, l'lastfer I and pirfeot a-mortmenl of tjie abo i!nds ol bui , , ti,,, lowest pnssililc ,-i(-, i.;. ■ .. . Crom the Batlroad Depot. Patent t'emoni Rooínjj. WASIITEMAW CfiÜSTY liTlïLE SOCliff. Depositorv of BlWea :■ ml Testamenta at the prices at W. C. Vnnrheis'. chapín, wöod & coBj SÜCPSsflRS TO MANUI'ACT"HF.I!Por aPrxxvt, Boob., AND- ' COLORED MEDIUMS, Wrapping Papor,fco. ASIS ARBOK MUII. SPECIAL NOTICE TO CUSTOMBRS. ALI,accounts ovrr mx monthS must be sel onci. Cal'. the A well selecteJt stock of New l'.oodn f'hoan foi Cash. S21tf MAYN4BD,STKEEINS V I1ON. THE PEORÍA MAEINE &TIEE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEOMA, ILLINOIS. Capita!, - - - 8500,000 one of the HÉA'PIËST, SAFEST nd BBSHniraranct Co'b. n the r . fl. [unur88 on r$(tiwnabl( Leri aft pay prompt) Tbtre fl (ti bfttr Pif Ccmparijr


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Michigan Argus