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Capture Of Murfreesboro

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Tho Chicago Tribune publisheH n full account ol thé captnre ol Jturlret; boro, trom '.v.iicli uu oxtrnet all thul p rtion reluting to the Michigan men: THE SCÈNE OF THE BATTLE. ifurfreesboro is a villagè of abo ut 800 or I,üt0 inhabitants, sitimtod Uiirty milos ionihwa-t of Nash pille, upon and noar tlio headwaters of Stone's Creck. It in ot;u of tlio niot iipportunt . stations cm the N;:shvi!!c and Cli:UU(iio'ga R'nilrnnd, and was held on account of its being un' u main tnoroughfure t Nanhville. It is an important point on tlio lino lield ns deforoiveby our troops, -the Üne parallel and oppoaed to ihe rebel line, - extouding f rom Sparta thro' McMmnvilla to Cbultunooga. The country H rolling; ncd rich. The peo]}'} uva etrnngl} tinctured with secost(rinnirtin, and givo all thu aid and comfort tbay can to thu rebels. It is net a poMtioü easily made defendible, but with timo and lubor the eastern apprna:lios - the point of the re! iel attuck - would have boen randered defuDsibla by Hpp.-opriuta worfcs, TUK LXIO.N THOOPS EXOACKD. Tho forc it Mmfrcesboro at the timo of t fie attack, aml which stibsequenily surrendored, I am enabled i giveiu l'nli, hiWtlig oblaiced it frriril renubh) gentlemen who huveanived herj), eseapiog drom tho plací. tj. S. FOaCpS AT MUKFREK3DORO. BrigndieT General T. T. Critteoden, eoniomnd ng gmAr TicenUj-tlni d lingade - Army of the Ohia.- Uoionel Du'm'old, Nimh Micltigau, cointuumJiog; Ninth Miishigua in Eaqtry - ix cumpauies; Third .Mumeso ín nfuntiy, nine oimif naie, OoioHel Lesler; Fouith K-ntucky Cavalry, company A, Cupt. Chülson ; Fourih Kantucky Cavalry, company C, Gapt Ünlhank; First Kuntucky Artillery, Gapt. Heuitt, four guní. 'i'he w hule toren numbered n?out 1,200 men atul four gun, the cavulry nút being engagtd, nud it io reported honing the white feather, as is usual w'.tb our cavulry wlwo attacked. THE UEBKL FOr.CE Fl'K THOÜSAXD. The rebel fnreo consfs'.od of the following regtinenti, but how comrnanded I am tinuile to stato. Tiioso bringiflfc' the inform.ttion I have gathered did bit remain to havo an intorviotv with tho rebe! commandant : REBEL rOUCi AT MUCFRBBíBORO. Kitst Georgia C.ivaky; Seound Georgia Ca val iy, Uolonel Vanier; Fuurth Goorgiu CavaJry; First Kentueky (rebel) Cavalry; Seooud Texun lian gcr.', üolonel Forresti This foros s variously estimated ;it f rom 3,000 to G,009. My informant thinks that it wil! reuch 5,000. TIn-v bad rendezvoused at Spart, in Whltu oounty, and Hppronelied MuiJroeibri froin tho East. It is not to be nndei8load ihat tliay al! fongUt as cavalry. - Ou tbu eonirury, ihey; marehed upon tho place :h infiintry, nol mure than 300 act'mg as cavalry. TUK ATTACK wss made at da) liglit ón Sund-iy morning, and is a completo Hurprise. - Tho rebels knéw tha posiiion of o::itrooprj and tho statu l iffiira Ikorou''hly. They ndvaru;ed n overwhelming forco, dnvinr thu picküt- liefore tliein, and émoring thé alrn:st ciinul'anefMisly. Tüc jiickut di.l nal tiro until thoy had fallen bñckime di tanco, thua not rourfíng tho Ninth Michigan until thu enaiDV was ilmost upon tliem Tho cavülry - Conipany A, Capt. Oiiillr.Hi - was ö -st attncked, and Bcuttered o every direct on, the main force f..!lirig i"U lliu hands ii the rebels. Nearer ihe of tho town the rui'! of tho cavalry - oompany C, Capt. Uothmik - was attauked and capturcd. Muur tho depot and commiü sarv b'iildinijs, abotrt t!iu heart ot' the town, the Ninth Miciiigan waa attcjinpting to get int.) position, bnt failed to form a line, and bogan to i ill back on the Nasbvilla pike, tighting a it retreated. My ini.iriii int stiltes thut the citizens early uppe'ured in tho streets, dressed and tnned as f ready ior the i'rav, and po'fecily aw;.ro that tho at tack wns to be mftdo. Tho running fight was kopt i;p by thu Ninth under evcry disadvanlago lor BOtne time, the regiment bying enabied at orie time to miikrf a stand, bilt the uverwhelmtig iorci: of the cvieiny at last compelled thuin to surrender. Tlieir eattiidge Ixises weie sooii emptied, and, hoving no u,u:iü tor ftiriher supply, they weru CornpeH'jd to si; in; n dor. TUECAPTUIU: Ot' DUFFIULT) AND CRITTRN'DKN. Colonel DuiFielJ anfl Genei;il Ciittenden, weary wi'.li tho labora of thu past day a:id not BUfcpeotUig any attack, reposed in confidenco mul wjppoHad se curity in the Ültle hotel wliich faces the depot in the town, Thoy ero captured whilo dresninov The rebels ent to ithuir rooms as direct'y as f lhy had known their pos'uions for day, and littlo duiibt i entertaioed that the oitizens wero tho gnides. It was mpossible to offer ro-istance. Tlio offi cers immodiatoly saw the sttüattnn of aSaira, and surrendered. Colonel Duftíold is reported iwortally wounded, hut if he was my Informant cannot imagine how, unloss by somo wanton tot of crueity, on the par', of tho Confedérate Bcoundrels. This ho doos not believe was done, for tho rebel nfficera - "rrest and Warner - look pains to show their dislinguished consideration for ihe men, and ovordiii the tbiag by Iheir politenasa. At tho ant accounts Crittenden and Duffieid were doing wtll, and were on their .vuv to Sparta. - Crittenden i from Indiana, and was Cülonel o( tl'ia Sixth lodiaim. He was nominated a Briarudier General a lew mouths bince. Ho is i' nepheu-, irul not a pon, of J.ihn J. Ciittenden. Ül Duffieid, of Michigan, you are peihaps bitter ucqiuuiited titan i ain THE pkisoni:!:? BOT iu;r.n.SED. Tho NuebviHe Utiun f thj I7ih iiays: Wo wero rnisiformoi] as to the private Federal soldier being paroïed at Murf.-eesboro. Only a few of the sick and wounded were parolad. The th ers wore e.rried to McMinnvillf, and, it 9 reported, wero to be paroled there, but this is doabtftil.


Old News
Michigan Argus