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Indiana Invaded

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IiidisQapolis July '20. The oewsoftbe rebel raid on Newburg has caused con.-iide'rable exoiteineat in ;ill paris of the State, Tbe Goveruor li.s been tendered more (lian 10,000 men to olear úut (hese rebela on tho Kontuuky border. 'Ibero were butfortj of tho batid at Newbnrg. Tliey stole all tho anus and oqnipmuota to lie fouud; a lot of pro visions, paroled all tlio Union soldier in tlio hospital, stulc a wagen uud two horsen, and then skmiaddled. Two residonts of Nmvburg, who were sospe&ted óf disloyalty to tlieir govenimeiik, and caino over tlie river witii tho ix'buls and reuiained after tlio lattor had roturued, wero sliot and killdtj by u Un ion oitizjn of NWburg. Tliuir Lames were C.uny and Mltford, Six cou)pamoá of [lofflB Guarda noiv oCoupy Newburg No re-ist'anoo wintever was otl'jred to iliu ' iü:ols by tr.o ïi'izuns of tiiu t.iwn. Tiie sildiei's wero uriDod, and des' red to du t' the tmvn, bat wero ordoivd to av dotvn theii' anus by tlie Sürgeou, who is doubtlcH n triit ir, and ban bceuarreated by order if (iüveruor Marton, A liúMibor of eitize s iro suid to ba nnder ar rost tor aiding liiti reb.:s. 'J lio sleainor Courier fnund t e bout on which the róbela recroíNd the liver, at tlio maUi ot (roei. ]iivrr, and took powesub U of lor. it is s.ild thu Oiiio lliver is bluckadud at lltíiidorsoM, Ky,, as no boats havo arrivod siuoo Fridaj A supper was prepared and waiting tot Johiison's forco at tho IlaiiCuck House, in tliat placo. On thc-ir arrival the oitizens aro said to havo boen delighted. Prompt nieasures liavc been taken for tho iapprefsioq of tlie bands on tho Ohio UivtT; which t is notrfleenii'd prudent to niiiko public at tliis timo. Johnscii issued a proclaniation on Lis irrival at Jiendorson.


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Michigan Argus