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"attisíktion ï VáV rr i . ■ H tlio G.-neral Depot, ior tli' J ale öf Cio'.hiera Stock, Mae!iiuery O'1 ituffs &c. &c, No. 139. Jifforson Avtnue, Uotroi.1. t'ie folj-wig largo, weil ass"'teJ, uní. iurefully scltcied stock, viz: 10') b'Aa.'tíi. iawüiingj Loiíwood. . u'. 5 Tona -; -; iri Sllc!l' l.V.) hbls. Cabi Fu(ie, Cttt, 5 Toas :í - , MStttk, 53 bbU. Nic. Wood, Chijiped, &0 ' Lililí Vao.J, ■' o,) ' Roü Wood, " J2) ;' GrounJ Camwood, 10 ; Qiuporcitron Bark, SAO lí)9. Nutgnlb, 10 Cea Extract of L-)gwood, 30; lhs. Loo i)ycr '3 Caroons Spantah. Irjdigo 303 lls. Swütoc Sicily, 3 Caslis Madiier, j 3 Ceaks Blue Vitriol, 5 ska Aluin. 2 Barrels Red Tartar. 2 Birrcls Creum Tartar, 3 Carboys A'íjoá Fortis. 5 -' 0.1 Viirial, 3 :: Muriatic Acidf 50,) IVia. Vinlígri, 53 ' R!ock"TPk Teuso's. T.vino, Coppar Kettlca, alísiioé, J'.-jrajn's Shpariiig Mairhiiscs, Curt-.s' Scrcwa andPrcss Pintes, Cracks. Pcess Paper, Sinel Reeds, V.j;ste 1 rinrness.TeiUcr (Iooks, K nery, oil ífj'i, Olive Oí!. Cloíhicis' Jacks. Saitinett Warp, Clnhiers' Brtislics, Shat.tfes, Pieker, Card Gleaners. Ac '&o Tc iib ve. with :i vnricty of othfr ;irtic!es lelonig to ílie trade, have been purchnsed ihifBummw'by the subscribers f rom Maiuiacturerand Pirt ilandsin tliu New York, riiündelpliin. ar.J Bstoa Markets. amiovGiythiiig hyjiï Wí ceived h'ts personal inspeetion. he c;m wiih thuimostcoiifidence offer ihemto purchnsers as ik. best aiul m-si conpleíe stielein the country; and as it a his fixeri determination (ly :he low rntcf whicla lie will sell) to orevent the necessi'y oi o'ar Clothiers and Manuel-Miréis leaving the State to make their parchases, h wouid merel? Bny to the trade, O ALL, examine the goods anrl ascertain prico3 before you sayyou can buy cheapsr antj i' fiere ese. .,Dmvf, He ia -tlso própared to contract tor OA KUUO M .CIIINTE3 made in his Stnte or East. PIERRE TELLER, Sign ofthe Gulden Mortar, 189, Jeflcrson Avenue. - [I7-tf.] Dctnm.TO THE VÍCTOR BE LONG THF SPOILS" LTIIOUGIl inany preparaten in ilie firm A of 'POPULAR MEDICINES," Jiav. been before the public, claimini; to give reüel aadeven cure the most imeterate diseases, ver nnnehave so -welt answered the purpofe rs D. SHfiÍMAN'8 MED1CATJ-D LOZENGES Dr. Sher.nacnoauGn cure the mosi obstinate cases of Cough in n few heur8. They have u -cd a larce nuinber ot per sons who have been given up by their phfsictan and friends. and niany who have been ledtieeu to 'ihe verge of the grave by spining blooc! consumption and Ilcctic Fever. l'y tbnr nst haVe bad tbe rose of health restored to the hag gard ch-Jck. nnd now live to spcak forth tb( praisesafthis invaluable medicine. Dr. Slier" "WORM LQZE1SGE&' have been provedïn more than 4Ü('.0(!0 coses te be iiitullible. in fact. the only certain Worni de etroying medicine ever discovered. Children wi!l eat tbein when they cannor be íorced io tak any o-lier medicine, nnd the benefit derived fron tho adminislratton of ntedicine to them in thii forin.t3 gret beyond conception. Tfaej liav; never been k ïown to fai). Dr. Shermnn's "CAMPHOR LOZENGES," relieve Hendacbe, Nervoiis Sick-headuclie, Tal pitation of the Heart. and siekness in verj fow minutes. Dr. Shern-nn'sPOOR MAN'S PLASTER" is nek no wied ijed by ai] wlm have ever ser? it t be lbo bese sirengthening Plnster in the world. and a sove-eign remcdy for painsand ths hack, oms, side, breast. neok, Jimbs. joints, rheumansm, lumbago, &c. Be cnre.'u to procure the above and all other medicines o! MnynanTs, and you will be snrethcre will be ne mistake in quantity or charfre. W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann ArboA February 5, 1844. 41 TO Cloihïers, jflanufbcturers and Uïerchants. THE sul'seriber is now receiving ac his stores. 188 and 190 Jtffersn Avenue, Detroit, the following carefuüy and well selected stocK of Dve Wooris. Dyk Stvkfs end Mas OFACTÜKEK's MACniNERTC5 tons Fusiic, Cuba, Tobasen, Tampicp'ant' Carthngena. 10 toas Logwood, Campeach, St Domingo and Honduras, 6 tona Nicaragua. Bonair, Coro, Hache and Lima, 3 tons Camwood, very choice, JF-'O barrels Logwood, cut and ground, ]$) : Fustie, " " 100 " Red Woods, u '( 1Ü0 " Camwood. " {t 10 " Qnerecitron Bark, 45 il Allum, 42 " Coppems, 33 : Biue Vrtrio!, L■5 "■ Mndder. Ombre, and Datch erop. 3? " Crcarn Tarter, 2 ;t Nntgalls. 3 cases Indigo, Bengal, Manilla and Gua tímala, J Dye, 20 " ext. Logvood, 3 ' Grain Tin, 300 pounds Verdigris. lá Carboys Oil Viiriul. Spirits Sea-Salts anc! Nitric Acid. ÁLSO, Copper Ketiles and Clothiers' Screws, Tentei l'otiks, Jacks and Brusbes, Press Popers, Car: Cleaners, Weavers' Sliears. Nippers and Kik lin Irons, Pickers and Bobbins. Wiie. Worsted and Cotton Harnes3. Sieel and Cane Reeds, Broad Power. Hand Looms onfi Fly Shuttles, Siesl and Copper Mails, Einery. PasoTis' Shcaring MncJürus, 4t fi, aad Obïnaes Alicu's doublé and single Carding Machines Machine Cards, Leicesier. The above goods have been reeentiy purchas ed from ihe importers o ná manuf;iciurers, KXci.u&ivKMC rof. cash. and will be sold a the New York jobbers' prices, odding transport auon onty: and in consequence of the deeüne oi mürty of the American manufaetnred anieles wiH, in many case3, be sold at ïïeteks pki ?knt T.Ess-TH VN fonMER PKicKs. Thirieen yenr cx.ierfence ín the Dye Wond business embltf tb,e eubscriber to soy to his cuatomers ibac lie t prepared at nll times to yarrst Lis goods o) superior qualiiy. THEO. H. EATON. Dye Wond and Dye Stuff Worehóièe i'68 and 190 JefTerson Avenue. Detroit The Ann Arbor Journal, Tpsitnn:i Stniine' Pontiac Gnzette, Flint Democmi, Aihin-n Effpoitor, Marshal) Slatesman, Nifes Cuurier anr1 nepublican, Gnzeite, Michigan Ciry (la.) nn' Knqairer, Ijond'ia, (Canada.) wiil earh pub Sish :he above notice inside. to the ;mu!ni oL ir&e dollars, and 3êndcnpy of notice wiih hih 19 eubscribör for payment. 37-tf. JEROME M."TRÍÁDWELf7" ATTORKEY AN1 COUNSEL I.OR AT LAW, And General Land Agent, WILL attend to the sale ard exchrmge o' L-üida, payment of T-ixes. and reiieirp tion of Iinds Dld for Taxp in "fti;ksn aii ad jtnir5 coomies. esntninriiion of Tiitcf. Cwiveyaocing. and nll business e.rinnins to Re;rl Es tate. Ofrtcc in the Court Uouse. JocksonAïichigan. 17- tf. _ _CHARLES H. STEWART, TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT UYi ANC $3UWTÍNUN CHANCERY.ÖRrSMÏTH'S UNIVERSITIT ltl3Jp rnUFSF Pilis ave prrd hl Wm. M. piiïilh, M. D-., fa.e Troto of Mn-erin Mc-i.c, n:id I Ut.üfc i msaie v.npj.i j Stil ah woukl, Siiy 10 il.e;. fehjUi tS:SebíMiS?Í' Ke 5tó K or none feí?r bu! oñ ,hal is tóg Ie woul I sar ibtt h "" ggtó r0 yc.r, in .esc.reli a....l mvestignu.m. l,n cled to [he 1 a. .' èvla ,A t„ whi.l, Jsl. id lHir. As tlvö AOMIl ui ihc.e l,bo,,, !,e ,S now alle ... ;o nu ! i0„ „f üMtMl gifere èöhwnhccs Vv],ich i as m)r jylection . carej nssMWuaiop i& "- i uy in'i6n uh niny iiiut e ■'"' utt ii'y ' t.oir monèy rcfuudn'. ' .mi ■■iMimi-r- ' "' " TESTIMONIÁLS ! FAVOR OF DR. WM. M SMITH'S o ÜNIYEMSITY PiLLS. TESTIMONIAL OF DR. IAXDON. RIoNnoE, Micliignn. June 12, 1814. DR Smith- Denr S!r.- T tnfce tnnch plensure in giving my tet-timouy 'm favor of your ■valuableUNÏVKRSlTY PILLS. I most dieerfully reconimeiul them lo tlie juib'ic ao saiV, esv, un.i eöJaiem caHmrlic Tor most of the diñases mcuíenl lo this región of country. I have made . xtn.Mve use of tlicm f. r foür years in my practice, irnVi J beheve fhpfn to b t(ié ÖRfeT Anti-bilioub-Caihnrtic or Acrient medicine lnanÍJJed cral Use Vour?, &c. GLORGE LAlNDON, M. 1). TES! 1ÁIONIAL OF DR. TELLKR. Masillo.-, OhiorM(iy Ut, I.84Í, Dr S.m-th- Sir- I tí.ke mucli plcasure n benriiiff tesiimony to the efficney oi' yoiir Pilis in removinr hile from the stemacl., detergió the Livor an.l In all complniiKS em.inaimgfromthatsource. r C. 1 ELLEH, M.. I). TESTIMONIAL OF. F. L. WELLS. WATBr.Kon, Mich., Marcli 10, Ï3 44To Dr Smiti'- Sr,- For tipnrcls of sixmanths I was cruelly afficted with Fever ;nul Áauí" onddurinibaí lime "could -finii notflíñg'vbat ?ave me permanent reliof; ñt cnglh hovv ver your CJniVcmfv Pilis weie lecoinmeuded to me ,y one of the best Physiciyns m those and I am happy in being able to s:.y, hnt i'rc.'.n the u?e of one box I wna prmnncnlly cured' of my ogue: siuee ihcn a numher of n.y fairtTÍy have been as sign-Jly feímgted. - Y.iur?, Rp.-pedfuMy, F. L. W bLLh. TESTIMONIAL OF DANIEL G00DN0W. MoíNkor, Mich., June 1, 1844. I horol.y certify that Dr. Win. JVÍ. Smith bnsbeen my Fatnily Physician for four year? last "thathe'lK.s ösetl his Universify Pilis in his piüdice in my family wit!) nnporal . leled euccesb-: and I tbmk them prenible lo orv pil) for bjlioua offection ín liie -or.rt. DANIEL (ÍOODNOW. Innkeeper, Mucomb-St. Home. TESTIMONiAL OF D. S. PARSHALL. Flit, Mich., June S, 1344. Dr Smith- I nm hnppy (o pivp yon my cordial approvnl of your University Pilis. I am üb!e to keep oiï Fever ;.nd Signé, Knd Ferers to which all ofiis are subjecJ in ihis Western Country, by the timely ufe of your Universúy i'Üls, Send an Apent $&■?? w f aso s-ibJe" vve re nú út: Yours. &c. S. PARSHALL, asp slWe' to'TvJ,eSTrIMONIAL 0? messRS. NOBLE AND FVFIELD. Wecertifv tlint we are and have been peionnlly acquainted u-itii Wm. M. Smi"), M. I)., nifd tbat he isa man of eminenre in his professicji- and th'áí for four years he filled Ihe chair of Materia Medica and Pharmacy in the Willonghby university of Luk Erie wílíi honor to liimself and sattffaction to the Trustees and Facuity, as well as to the Stud. nls of i he above Üniversity. As fqr his ?üs, they are 'par e.vcH'oncP L. rl A ivxj .o ÍN wIjI.íIj. MnnrnP ATii-ll TllHP Ï 0, 1C44. &. F, Pi FIELD. Monroc, Muh., June 13, l RÍAL R CHAgETbis IcerlTv, M.atiii niouih oí" September last, I wns attacked ivith Billioiis Fever f-.víiile áwny fróm hume al Owasí-o to bm'ld a water wheel) and with one dos-e of Smiih'ssUniverity Pilis, I bruke ii up; nml as many utliers were stek al the time, I administered the.=c Pilis to Ihem, and in all case? it btoke up 'heir fevers. I have used them raany times since, and wilb great euccess. Tíiey are the best pills I ever sed. „TT t o_ ._.„ 0 RIAL B. CHASE, Mdlwnght. Shiawassee Tou-n, Mich. June lst. 1S44. TES TIMONIAL OF MRS. ABIGATL C. WRK3HT. This raay certify, that t bree vea rs jo I wa.s attacked with Liver Coraplaint so severely thai T rould fcarcely Un myself in bed; I ned mimy specifics and remedies, such as Brnmlrelh1?, RcFiirrf!Cti'-n, Or-Riiía!, and other píl!s, but witii liLlle or no ertect. One yeai tro myfrirnd fr. Sinith callod on me on bis way to Bostón, vvlien he gave mea box oí his University Pille, which perfectly restored me, and my health has not again FnrTered fr. m üke cau'-e. ABIGAIL C. WKIbH 1 . Rocl.estcr, N. Y., No. TS, Franklin Sirret. June L5, TS44. ' TESTIMONIAL OF JOHN W. MILLER. Deak Doctor- Juslice rpquire? me tostare, tlial I huve oíd yourUnivorsity Pilis for one nhd a hnlfyears lost ppt, nd tjfiaS. I can sell no otüers while 1 have them on hand. Thé} ia e snperseded tlie sule of all oihers- Uieir effect is iruly wonderful. v JOHN VV. MILLER, Drvggist. FoTsTleby J.' íl. LUND.. Lo-.ver Town, and WM. S. Si J. W. MAYNARD, Uppei rown, Ann Arb;r. Jy ffs S-s vT a ("J O g. ! ; I g las 2 1 fililí lq oNlS gjp lililí 1 ; fe ii 8Íkaá S." a ïtS'-'cr a í 3 S WW W &6K lSí!i g " m 'y o 2 =, r, w $T Beéx 3 = s s ë, 3 KS ? Rlfi I ft'ofice to Mcvcl'jaHls. rrjniÏE cncnumed ly tho patróni J_ ,ïge riiey lijve hnheito nveived m dit .viiu.esnW; depanincn; of tlu'ir business, il! Uw. im A:y ol ALiy n.oxt. open ihe atore now ucpuiiod ty ïc(). Grenvük. fröriitttg on Murun 3iroet, eontiecting wüh tin-w piesen stoit m ilio icar. cM'ii jivclv foi' a WHOLl 'SÁL2S EOOM, w.icie they uili keep ;ti il nmtsa lull uso iineul ui ' Gooch. liaols, .y Shoes Carpdiiig ifrrfü, Cnps, Havguigs, Bon tul?, Cracker ff bfj Ihe ( rti!e, ihintiiHire and Goceric., tipm Sf-c. kt. u-iiich will he sokion os good terms asni iiiy puiai ibis of New Yrrk Cuy. XI'. D. HILL & CO. Ann Arhor. IVTíu ;h 2o. tF4 1. 48tf. THE followingnidispensable toihily remedio m:iy be l'ouinf a; Mayvakis Diuggisi Store, in Ann Aibor, wliciu none wüi be soln nnioss ki wr. tü be oí ihe best kiniï ;ind ni countci leit inicie ever offeied. patent medicine nvari;illv pi ocurt tl ol the orig.n 1 inventor or !iis recular auccessor: O Xo fiiiaitj slioulil u icce'i iciü.out Ihcst rcincJüs.jTQ BALD.NESS. Bulm oí C'o'iLiahia. for the Huir, vlnch wil stop it if faüin otti. orrestoïe iton bnld places: and on children it gr'ow rnpidly, or o, tliiisc wlio hivfí lFt theliJii.r írotn nny cause. AI.L V'KRMIN ihai iniest fhc heads of chil.iren in schools. a:e pravenle ox külccl bv . m once. Find íl-.c' iinme of COMSTOCK on n 01 -liever ir y it. f'onm?ner t' is aliciiys. . PILES, &G. are wholly prevonted. or coyerjied iftlie nUack li;is cv)nifi on. il yon uso the ónhj true Hats' Lin iMi;.NT. froni Conistock & Co All SORES. md ëvcry thing relievd by it that nd mits ofan ontward .ipplicution. It nets like a chajm. Upt it. RHKÜMATISM AND LAMENESS positiv(;!y etired; :ill sluivelled imisolfs nnd liir.lif; nrcresïxtfo&, in [ie oMiVr'y'qu.ñp-j'By thelnffin Vcgtlnble Eliiir mu! Ncn ■ eund n;e Linimeiit - bul never without theiir.rae oí Comstock & Co. on it. KOr,MSTOCK'S VERMÍfUGE -.villeradiente all WORMS in children or ndults vvitli o certainty quite nstonishing. TOO'PH DROPS. Ki.iNKS- cures eflectually Ann Arbor. Fob. ."., lM. 41 ""wSíghtts tJ9lediratE(l P laster ) spread for Hntnediate use. PItICJE OXLY O.XE SintiLING, IX OKDF.R TO PLACE TIIC.M WITH1N TDK IEAN6 OF ALI,. IN slight flTlmeim, or heie. the paticnt pieler.s a less 'expensive nrtide thnn ihe i;Anti-inllimatory and Rhcmnotic Piaster," tiiose wil! be fpund hiühiy benedcial. Being aheady spread un iüiinedinte npplicavnn. tUvy will be íbund veiy convenienf for WEAK DACKS. Pain or WenUnees in the Side. Brenst. Stonmch. l.euveen ilie SIiouUíüs. or wherever tliere is Pnin, or where a Piaster is needt-d. They mny be ren dered more servieenble by pasiing n "pioce of cloth on ihe back of them before they are ipplifd. Muhitudes'havebeen relievedof pain and sulleriiiH by ;hose Chenp . For bale at Moiely's Rooksuire. and 1 y J. T. Stocking, T:-avellirtg Agent for Michigan. 16-] y ÏL-. B. WAtKISR'S PA7BWT SMUT MACHINE. TiüC ííuiiscn'bers i;:ke ihis mciliod of irifurrning rtll sueh ns aire extgng&d in ibe Miltíl business in the State of Michigan, that they are now miuiufnctu.-ing in Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County. Michigan, L. B. Wnlker's Patent Sanut üïachiiie, which they would reconiniend to t=ike ihe Smut otl' ai wheat .is wdl or better ihan nny oihei machine. This maciiine is a horizontal machine - ilrèlains all the fnction of the whe.U. and uni!!iiL siüiplicity wiih durribüity. it combines th beating, scoming, and blowinji principies, dis ehnrginjr tie Bvtét md smul ns fast as separa tejH lii.m the whent. This maciiine is perfectly seeuro froni fire, and runs idücIi lighier rhan any p her mach n ie in use. For fanher inform.ation. see Inrge bilis. Sliop f'ri Lower Town. tpcqi to agree v&th the times. All orders for Machines will bc p'oinpt'iv aticnded to. Address. E. O. & A. CRITTF.AOEN. . Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Co.. Mich Jaly 8.1844. ' !16.n The IBipiicy Portraits. THE Subsciibers have on hand a qunmity o' these large and splendid engraviügs.bcauti fully excented on steel -in excellent artisi. Coni -i )aiitmc by E. W. Goodvvin Esq..of Albany. N. Y. They are a striking likeness of thk Man, and make an elegant ornament for the parlur. For f'ie. wholesale and rctnil. at $8 per dozen. or.;l,00 ench. bv A. Mc-F.-iiron. Boofesbílér. Detroit, ahd by BECKLEY & FOSTER. Ann Arbor. Nov. ), 184-1. 23 tf WOOZi! WOOL! CLOTH! CLÖTHÜ nnHE Subscribers wotdd 'inform the Publi i iháj they will continue to manufacture gooci nt 'hcir Miinufactoiy. two nnd a hall' miles wesi A Ann Albor, on ihe Hu ron, on the fc-llowinjj TER MS. Until the Inst dny o November. A. D. 18.44. ■ he price will be '67 cents per yard. or Iialf iht cloth the ivool will makc. From the lst ol iSuv■Miil-cr ;o die löth of May. 1845. ihe prics wili bs 31 cents per yard. or nip.e iwoiuieihs of ih o ' o t i the woi'l will mnkc, that is. 45 yiinis out oi" 1 1 O manufactured. The woui will be manuiac ured in mm s it may come into the (aetory, a.c ne';r as may be with ri.fcrenee 'o the difieren! ualities. Any person who will furnish one oi more, pareéis of vt ol' from 80 lo 100 pounds o! oiie qunlity can have it mnp.ufnctnri'd by itself. 'iVool will be rece ved at Sein W'oul seni !iy Railroad wiil be nuemh-d to in fhe same nvn neras iftíieowner wcre to cnme with it - ii sho!i!d be careluliy marked. We have m;mnt'ac: ured cloth !nrin,' the past yen r lor a very lare nuiucr ',' custorneis. to whom we lx. hevr we have given very general satisfaetion Wnh ilicsi; facts nnd the advnntiigcs ofered by ihe Io pricent whieii we ollir to nian.ifnctnre eloth, w h ipefor o lare sliaie ot painni; ■&. SA.MUEX W. FOSTER & CO. Scio. Wiihhwnavv Co.. .Inly '?5. 1844. Sri New Hat Store. JMES Cc. CIlAMi would respectfuliy inform -he Public, (hnt he has opened a fint iiifch of Hals, Caps, Stocks, Cravas, Scarfs, Coflar.s, Umbrdlas and Gloves, ai No. JÓ5. Jeilerson Avenue, Detroit, nearl) oppositc the U. S. Cnurt toom nnd PosiOfTlce. whcro he wil! be lnppv io see hia iriends ninj su;:ily thoin wiili as good an article in his li:u is can be procured, ei'.hor heie or at theeasi; md fj! cieip. Gentlenioti in ihe interior, wisliirg a first rate fasbioiinblft article of liats or Cnp.s, snpyüed by sending ilieireize or have any style fiirnished to ordor in a lV;w hours. and u-arrmitcd to ruit. Cali and see- it nin'y fí::"ve vou a flollnr. JAMES G. CRANE. Detroit,. July 12 184-1. J3-6n DnABimOAD CLOTF.Í for carnnge trimming. Coidsand Tnsselsfor window nhades, iar pn!r by W. A. RAYMOND. 3-2 tf 143 Jefiereon Avenue. Detroit. WAx:TED, any qnnntitv of DEERSKINS by BRCKtEY &. niCKS. Ann Arbor, Nóy. UD; lë-li. tl"WRIOIIT'S POOR MAM'S PILLS, Au e,cel!cnt vegetable iiuily Medicine, 11 cuses ol Indigestión. Dyspcpsin. Liver Cun:pliiiins or Jnumlico, Ague mul Fcverj Ooated Tonglio. Sieknrss nt the Stomndi. Sick Headnohc. Roiniunnt and Í n'crniiUent Fevers.Coii! f, Cvlds. Catnirh, &c. &c. E rui re ty vegetable, tliev are gthplimioojly jr&TiRWS FRiEJÏ'p,' condiicmg o honlih Vlffil c-iuntcraeting riïseneë liy puiil'ying the blood, elennsing ilic syéiom of vitiated huiuors. removing cLsuuruoii's. stimu:iting -tlie organs 'of secretion, mingling With'frSê mo.d and acüug every way in harniony with tljC aysïem". For Inilmnnto-y distases tised in conneenon willi the Rheumniio Plasta" thcy willbe (buml i'eïiuy to lid in me ieméval of for whicli llie Piaster is nhove rrcoum eiuled", and pariicuiarrly arj .hey calcuiated for all derangr'.vciusunb.e Dip,? vc ntl( B'diim, Oreans, the primnry ongjn of a uü Ui tildé of dWcos. Pru-e- 25 cems and, 50 cents n Box. For sale nt Moedy's Booksiore. nnd by .1. T. Stockmg,. Travelling Agent for Michigan. "l(!-ly Ceriifieates. Wikjj SitCK. Lk.n vVl.K Co. . ) Aug. 20. f4$. (, For twejye ynrs I hnvt heen uouhlcd with n rhe nmtic nfleetinn in my hack. go that 1 hnve lian, ly ever Ix-ci, Iree Ironi pnin during the whole mm ond wiibui iwHvf. hours nfter I had npiHcc some . Wiigln's RlieiiMiaiic Plupier. ] yvae peri( :tly et-sy, and have htfd no pnin tincè STEP! JEN CARY. JaCKSON Co.. CoiUMHIA, Aug. 9), r-U. ' $ l'his mny certily thnt 1 kave used Wright's Pilis in my fiuijtly in viulcnt attneks of chilfnnd ihilions fevor. and have found theni to bc rhe best Pilis tliiit Í ever u.std. nnd would recommend eveiy ianiiiy tofserp ifrèrn on hand. JAMES AVVARTOUT. Tcm son. Gr.AtKv Co.. Omo. ? April 28tli. 18 '4. ' Thia may cprtify tlinr J have usd Wrights' Poor Man's Pilis aml Rluumntic Piaster n my practice. and would say io the public tnnf tliey can rely unon their recommendaiion wtli the inmost confidence; in short, tliey only nced trying to recommend thcniselvef. 11EV. R. R. SCOTT, M. D. LoR.vr.vK Co., Gukkv. Mny 16. 1843. This niay cenify th;it 1 have -utcd Wright'? Poor Man's Pilis in my prflclice, and find theni lo one of. ii not niirely. the hest pi t Is now in use; nrïd would recomhiond every fainily to keep thein on hand, eppecially those who live near low, inarshy hir.d, or niii] ponds, or in an unheahhy clininte. JOSHUA BASCOMB. M. D. Without adding moie testimony of the efiicaey of die above mentioned medicine, we do not hesitnte to say that we are not afraid to have its virlues tested by the sido of any other of the kind that ever has been oflered to an American public, and we will let ii. stand upon its own merits. For saie at Mosley's Bookstore. Ann Arbor. By Kellogg & Hiotliers. White Pigeon. R. Willian s, Jr. &. Co., Sn-rges Prairie Simeón Gnget, Quincy, Brnnchcuuney. A. K. Mali, M W. A. IïlitrS, Jame6town, Jnd. Elisha Steer, Angola. ' Chester Moss. Albion. Michigan. A. P. M.inn & R. Sibley, Marshall. Mich. A. Caliender. " . E. Pncker, Battle Creek, " C. W. Vining. Galesburgh, " Gapt. Brown, Pr.iineville, " D. ÍI. Medwood. Adrián, ' Quackenboss. & More. Tecumseh " S. A. llowlcy, Jonesvillr, " H. Oilbert. Manchester. " W. H, Patierson. Saline, " Harmon Jt. Cook, Brooklj-n, " Pierre Teller. Whoiesale Agent íor Detroit. Geo. P. Wright & Co.. sul? proprietors foi t!)R United State?, and Upper nnd Lnwer Ci nada. A !! orders and b:tsine3s jeitcrs for the present, mny be direc'.ed to Geo. P. Wright, Cohunbia P. O., Jackson Co., Mich. It is for sale also at Monroe. Mt. Clemens. Uiica. PoniKic. nnd by DubóÍ8& Wright. JeiFerBon. Agents for ihe State of Michigan. Kn.GcKK. Cnirol Co.. O., Jan. 25. 1841. Ttn years since, I was taken with LlieScroiuin. so that I had no relief dny or night, jny limbs !eing nmch swelled and covercd witli Ülcess. my breast and back in grent pain. ond nerves much shaltered. I appliedjo difieren t Physicians, all of whom said iliere was no help for me, aird all the remedies I tried proved unavaiüng until ] mide use of Wriglit's Anti Inflam. and Rheum. Piaster, which rerluced the inflamntion, bea'ted the ulcers. brought the skin to it= natural color, nnd lelieved the pnin. I would recommend it lo all similarly afrlicted, and am sure they will be saiisfïen nfter giving it n fair rial. CATHARTNE ALLENSWORTH. Thosiison. Geauga Co , Ohio. ) April 20, J843. S f certify that my üttle boy pul hls arms info boiling water, nenrly to the elbo.w. so that when the drfcss was taken oñ' the skin carne with it: after appfySn s.e,vej:nl remedies to no purposn - the arm bcconiing much swollen and the child irt rent pain. I npplied -Wright'$ Anti Inflammatory and Rheunialic Piaster," and within two hpurs hc was perfectlv easy, and. went to sltep. After to or tnreè diys I removed the piaster, and -ipplie:! anothcr. antï when ;liai was removed th Tim vvnshealed except a place the s;ze of a shil ling which wns soon well. 1 believe it to be thr ')i et article Tora burn that cun be pronuced. nnd would recommond all to keep it on hand in case ofaccident3. ELIZABETH BROUGHTON. NERVOUS DISEASESare greatly benefit ted by the use of these pi lis; - nsNérvons Hend ache, Tic Doloroux, St. Vitns' Dnnce. &.c. thcir tendency heilig to soothe the irriti.bility of the system, alluy pain. and induce quiet and re pjsc. Those afflicted with ' Coughs, Colcis, Inllvenza, &c, wül iiiid relief from the use of :hes puls. Exposure to cld cloues the pores of th( the skin, checks perspiiation, retards the circu Intion. and produces varions inflammaiory dis ease,s. Does any one pereetve n cold comine upon him? Let hitn on going lo bed, take sufn cient to opérate smnrtly, and then every take cnoiigh to produce a mild operation till the disease abates. In ense of Worms let a tea o' Pink be aken fre: ty for 12 hours. and then ndminister Pilis suffiiiünt to produce a brisk cathar(ie operation. 20-ly. DR. OSGÏÏÖDs" INBIA CKGZ,A60aUE. AAiOiNG the most vahiable qüafiti's ol thit medicine, is its restoring mjlucncc upi n constitutions imp.iired and njuitd by prcvttue attacks ol billicus fever, or fever and ngue; ó) by a long residence iu those elimates which profluce t!iem. There are niany constititlions which beconic gradu.illy undermined by a miasmal infiuuncc. wiihom even u day's actual confinemeM. ín such cases, the Cholagugue acts like a cliarn; - thesallow complexión, loss of appetitc, languor, weariness and depres?sion of spirits, wit. oliier unplc.'isiint sympioms whit-h render líe i burelen, n 1 ' yiold to this remedy when faithlull} tised aecordifig to the directions of thencoompanying pnmphlet. Il is emirely a vegetable piep nratinn, and niay be taken wuii perfect stfety uuder all círctiiñsinnces oï the 6ysiem. For su Ie by 36 W.'S. St J. W. MAYNARD. sole Agent, fur Ann Albor and vicinity. SINCLAIR &CH ASE, slTTOIÏJYEYX A.YD COUJVSELLOIití AT LA IV, (OFFICE LOWER TOWN, ANN' ARBORj) Will ttend 0 uil business in tljeir professioi. wiih alidelity and dcs)aich. Paricular ottention will be given to coüecting. ROBEKTP. 81XCI-AIR, KKV1AKI) R. CHSÏ Mnroh 20. H4t. ly. MRS C. BUFFINGTON would respectfully itiforni tbc Lndiesof Ann Aibor and ijl vicinity th:it she has received the fall and winter fasïiions. MRS. C. BUFFINGTON. Nov. 14. 1844. 3tf. YaSÖÖ lls. eeísc Featlici! OF fir8t rale qunlity for sale by the pound oi hundred weight in (nantities to snit puiebaeers, may bc found at UAYMÖND'S CASH STORE. 32- tf 149 Jeiïerson, Ave. Detroit.TUK MJSSES CIilKS' j Young Ladies Semïiiary, ANK AR 150 R, WICHiyAN. MARY ÍT. CLARK. Principa). CHLOE A. CLARKVice Principal. M. L. WALTt'.R, Teacher oí Músico ilu Piano. m i ., EMMY MLURMaTnN, Têdcïier of Gennan n'nd ■ the Cuitar. S RHOHY E. CLARK, Teacher of Juvcnilc l pnnmont. i F. MARSH, .Teacher of Mathematica and Vocal j Musi'c. IJ. F. SCHOFF, Teacher of Frencli and Clas. eica. TUIS lnetitii'inn luis leen in opérnüon since November 18, Jfcsíí). Thcscholastic year cmhiacinu forty-cight weeks, two icrn s. J s'ng tvó quarters èncli - iwelve wcceks ín a quaiter - a geneial examinatii n nt the close of cneh term - in Fcbiuaiy ai d Augist. ''"hé last (juaner of the present term cnm nienced November 25. Tri. ms of Tt'rrtON - For the F.nnlish bnmch ra. S',50 to $5 per quaricr. No rednetion mare for nisenee, excepi in case ofsickness, and no pupil t.-ken foc lese than a qunrter. Extra' char grs are made for music on the Piano, wit li the use o' ihe instrument, $!, O O Frcnch, 3,00 Laiin, 3,étG Drawins and Paii.ting, 5,0(1 F:mcv Work, l.ort Board, including washing. !gll.. &c. , $1.75 per week if jaid in advance. er $5,00 per week ifpnicl nt the close w ilie quarter. Porents and gnardians are invited to visit the ' school every Friday, when the studies of the week are reviewed - a'so Bemi-rnonthly on ( nesday afie'noon; at readingof the weckly compositions. Ilaving purchaseda heahhy and commodious building in a pleasant and convenient part of ihe villago, no pains or expense shall be spared to i facilítate the studies and renrjet ihe situation o( the voung ladies profitub'e and agreeable. Youngladies desirbus of entering the school and pursuin'g ihe regular course of siudy, would do well to commence at the begining of the qnarter. Belonging to the school are n Library of herween three and four hundred volumes, and Pliiosophieul Appaiatus, EIcctrical Macliino, Globes, &c Scicntific Icctines are delivered before tin school at proper interva's. The Misses Clark will endeavor. nol on!y to promote the ntellcctu! culture of their pupila Dut will attrnd strictly to their moral deportnient. Wilh a deepsense of religious ippponsbili;y. thev would give such a tone to characier, as sliall renderit praciicnlly fitted for every station - yielding toduty but firm to principio; Among ihe books used in the school are, Abeicrombio ;u Ue Iritullect ual una Mon.l Pvtr;- Kane'e Elen.ents of Cri:icisn:-'iMornl Science - Newman's Rljeiorie - Heilge'f Logic - Pnlcy's Natural Theology and Evïdences of CJiristiamty - Comstock's Chcivistry and iVatural Philosophy - Combe," s PSivsiolo:y - Mrs. Linctiin's Botany - Fat(Mi's Manual of BotanyBurritt's Geography of the Heavens- First. Src ond and Thnd Books of Histoiy - Mrs. Wil liard"s Repuhlic of America - Phutps' Legal Classics - Playfair's Euclid. and Davie's Algebra and Arithmetic- Pntker's Natural 'Inlopophy. The Misses Clark have tauuht a Young Lndies School for several'yeais in the Ci y of New York. and are fnrnishe.ri with tCRtinu'ni&ls fioiv llt. Rov. Bunjannn Oiideidiiiik. f). D . and Johr M. Gri.-con, IVI. D.. of New Ycrk, Rev. J L. Blake, of Brooklyn, and Mis. Eirnm Willnrd. o' Troy. N. Y. : aiso, rc-ference is made, by j-ern-.ission. to the following gentlonn n : Rt. Rev. S. A. McCoskry.. D. D.. Roliert Run:soj' ano L. B. Misner. F.sqrs , Rev. Isaac S. Ketcham. Centreville ; Rev. .1. IJudson. Wlïiti Pigeon , Rev. J. P. Cffvelnnd. and f en. -Ketc-lr urn. Marshall ; Hen Wm. R. Delrmd. Jackson Paul B. Ring. Michigan 'Centie: E. IL Winan. Adrián: Daniel Fiixson. Clinton: Gartfine. Wheder. M. D.. Howell; Rev. F. l. Cnmintr. Grand Rapids: Rev. IL Cojolnzer.. Rev. A. M. Fuch. S. Donton. M. D . P. BngUm. M. D.. Hon. Wm. A. Fletchcr. Mon. Wm. R. Thompson, E. Mundy. Esq.T JJin Allen, Ef-q.. Geo. W. Jcwett. Esq., Col. Thomas Moselv, Qapi. J. Perkins. Thomas M. LndH, F. S:iwyer. fr., Fsq , late Superintendent of Public Instruction. Professors Whitinir. Williams and o( ihe Univeisity of Michigan. Ann Ailor : .Tanier Hirdsall and Rev. Jnhn Beach, Flint; Arno;Mead, Esq., Farmíngtun. The following gextlemen. R( t IL Colelazfti ' Rev. O. C. Comstocfc. Revi A. M. Fitch. Rev Mr. Curtiss, Professors 'Whiting nnd WíII'ímiks of the University of Michigan, and F. Sawyer. .Ir., late Superintendent oí Public Instniction. have consenied toact as a visiting cominiitop o' the school to oe present when the wcekiy p'udiff are reviewed; lut especiiify to altend during th seini-anrual exaniinations. August 9, 1844. 3ltf WRICJHT'S ANTI-1NFLAMMAT0RY AND RFÏEU MAT1C PLASTER, AN efficiënt remedy for Rheumatism. Feve1 Sores, White Swellings. Flohis': Pain o weakness in the Back, Breast. Side or Linibs Burns. Bruises, Cramps. Chilblains. iiver anc Lung affcctions, Indolent Tumors. Ppinal afTecliosn. Infiamed Eycs, Sec. &.. Tl is nsnspassei" in all Inflammatory diseases. either Chionic oi Acute, as it operates by covnieract'ivg and redvr. 'mg lnflamation, allaying Pain. Sweaiing tr. paris ollected, and by its strenjr hening and Ano dyne proporties givingspeedy relief. AIso invaluableasan anti-mercurial piaster. Price ?5 cents per B"X.- For further particularís, éee circulating Pamphlet.). For sale ' Museley's Bookstore, Ann Aihor, and J. T. Stocking, travelling agent for Michigcn. 1 T y THE TRUE PAIN EXTRACTOR SÜX.VS TTÍ7HÍCH. cures like-a churm all Bb'RNS b) W fire or water, and every externa! SORI , PA'JjSr. INFLAMMATION, ACHE or ITCJ1ING ever yet fotind upon the human faniüy. to whichit has been applieo', must alwaysbc sougl t genuinefrom Comstock and Co., of New Yoil , or iheir authonzed agents. All are cautioi ed againsf-nny spuriaus articles, which may alw; ys bc avoided by knowing the one you huy con es from Comstock & Co , who are nnw' the o.ily proprietors and manufiicnuers. J.nquirc for Con-, nel's. which is warranied to do all it ever voul' whcncalled byany othcr name. or the prictshal be refundcd in any case if it does not ph-ase. To place it wiiliin reach of all. the price ha been reduced more tnh'n foür folï, and is rrow sold for 25 cents, the foimerprice being tob exorbitant. The 50 cent size now comains fou timos ns much as the former, and the $1 size nearten times as mucii. No family that has any title to hamanity, wil fail to have Conkkl's Pain Extractor Ointmen always at hand, to snve lile, nllscirs, and rec!uc all agony from any biun in rive iniimles, pruvi ded they have seen il used. or wül btlieve thost whc liave used it. COMSTOCK & CO., 2f. Coiiriland Stree'. UT? Besure, thereforf. and ask l'oi Connkl'.', as ourphte with Daüey's nameen ti has be. n stolen, and the spurious may appenr wnh th t name on it. Know, fherefore, that it comes c - eciTv from Coinstock & Co., or ehnn il. WM. S. & J. W. MAYNARD, 36 Acpnt for Ann Arhor. Estray. TAKEN up by 'he subscriber, on the 25th of September last, in the towu. of Northiield. a small chesnut colorcd mare, of the pone breed, with a star in the forehead, suppoticd w be aljout 3 or 9 yeais oíd, hranded A. G, on th shoulder. The owner is requested io prove property. pay cliaTges and tnkf her away. PP y. py g NATIIANIELSMITIL Northfield. Nov. I, I.Q44. S9-8w Black Salts, WANTED by MECKLEY&HICKS. Ann Arbor, Lower Town. 2G WOOB! WOCDÜ WE want some from subscriben immcdiatcly Oct 12. ie 14.NTew Goods ! New G oods ! ! TH 10 ndprsigned lias jnst reccivcd hi8 siiDnlv of Fall Goods from N. Y. City. BE niet rnte asoortment of Sbeetmgs, Coiton Yarn Fullcd Cloihs. Broud Cloths. rm.l oiher Sinpla Goods. he is jtist opening a splendid lot of Rich, WoosiedDamask Shawls, lst qnality, Brocho, d do Kabyl, do do Cnshmen, du Fashionable Cravais. Rich Bonnet Ribhons. Fashionable licad trinnnings, Velvet M ALSO. v iikautu'ü!. assörtMèkt ox bitKss sTurrs uvcu. ut Cnèhmeré D'Ecossc, Muslin DeLaine Pnrissenncs, Robroy Plaid, Prints of evcry description, Plain, block AlnpccH, figurerf, black Alopacn, Plain. coloied Alapaca, figured, col'd Alapacn Plaid, and Chnngeable Alapncn. The undersigned has in ddiiion to a first rale nssorthicht of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods a chojee lot of Teas ana Coflee, for family use! Also, a large lot of Gee&e Feathers, Paper Hangings and Travelling Baskets. His Stock is weü suued io boih city and.coui ♦ f-y tradc. Country people are invited to cail ai d look and sntisfy tl:emselves ihr.t his stock will 3ear comparison eitlier in qunliiy or price wi b any other in the western ei untiy. W. A. RAYMOND. 148 Jefterson Avenue. Detroit. Oct. J4? 1844. 24 if ALWAYS OT% HAND. JJ T I Mi E stibsenber hns reè „ X moved his Shop to Main O Street opposite H. Beek'Jfböf jr's Brick Store, wher ]líra lie niny be found ready ti vMërH wa'1 pon all iat mi.y giv IÈSS3h"n a.cnM 1 - stsHaving jtist reeeivad ieet Irom New York an elegant stock of JEWELRY, nd Fiincy Articles, wlnch he imends to cl oicnr tnnn has ever been sold weat of BuiTnl (r Rcaily Ptnj Onlij. Among . wlfeh nmy he bund a good assortincni ol Gold nnd Coninio va,cu Sfiyp., Gold Finger Rings and Bosotu 'ine.' Guaid Cltiiins, Silvcr Têa nnd T;ibl Spoons, Silgar Tongs. Buiier Knives, Silver Penfil coses. Siler and Comnion ThimDes, SiU er Spectnck-s. Gei:rian. do. Steel, do. Hair ïnishfs, Clnihes. do. Tooih. do. Lnther. do. 'ine R.zors and Poi-liet Knivcs, Fine Sheara nnd Scissors, L'iiher Boxes. R;zor Strop?, Waletts. Purses. Violins nnd Bows. Flutee. Violin ind Bass Viol St ings. Glriröne't Reeds. Percussion Caps.. PocIum Pisiols. Brittinnin Gaiidlcticks. W'auhp.-i. Letitr Sinnps. Sicul Perro nntl Fweizers. Smill' an.l Tobáceo Boxrs Fine Conrhs. Dressittg. do. í?ide, do. Back. do, Slu-II, Io. Needies nnd Casts, V;m;r faiati, Toy VVatclies. Kid Dolfs. a great varietv af Toys oo amerons to meniion. Bead, Neckiacfs, Fnncy 3oxt's. Ac. At. Ci.ocks and Wít-hks of everv dt-scriptioH epnin.'d and warranted; al&o. Jewtlry repniredön stioit nutiee. CAr.VINBI.fSS. B. Cash taid dr OLD GOLD AM) Si L VER. C. B. Ann Aibor, Öet. 24. 1344. 28-!'". JYEW BOOT, SROEA.YD LEATHRR STORE, Ann Arbor, Lower Tovm. Q' FELCM haa removol k!5 e his establishment frum t.lïe Upper to the Lowcr VitInge. No. 4, Ilnron Block, Jfcsëg wlice he holds himsdl in wLíg réadiness io 'drtss the '?; (hr:&nuthigs" ofevery Man, . Woman and Child wlio will & give hiin a cali. in the nenies!, and bost mannerthat enn lie done in Michigan, LEATMER and F1ND1NGS of all k.nd consiantly on hnnd. WANTKD, Ca.Aand H'u'ti, in nny quantilies. for which !he highe.-t pi ices will Ge givcn. H?Let none pinchase uhíil ihey hare colltii at Felch's. No. 4. flnron Block. Ann Arbor. May 4, 1S44. 3-1y Beady IKEado Clothingü! TIJK LARGi.ST and best iiüsoritnent ol rendy innde clüthing 2 er before offeied in this öiaïe now opening, and for rale, r Retail, at tlie Cliihing Einporinin ' of tlie siiKscribers, consisiing in prt of plain and l'nncy Beaver. Piioi, Broad Cloihs and oiher siylcs of Ovt-r Coais. Tweed Cassitncre, Eeaver, Pilot, Domesiic Cloih. Union Cassimere und öatiuctt Frock and Business Conts. Fine, l'tain and Fancy Cassimere, Blue and Black Broad Cloih, Tweeds and oiher styles of Pantaloons. Plain and fnncy Silk nnd Silk Vtflvet, Woolen Velvet Merino, Sntin and Cassimere Vests, &.e. &c. tVc. logeiher with a very large 6tock of comnion Iow priced Over Coats, Business Coat, Pantaloons and Vcs:s. snch as blue and black Flushin, Saiinet, Kentucky Jeans, Comnion Tweeds, &?. &c. Also, an extenaive assortment ol Hosiery. Stocks. Scr.rfs, Hnndkerehiefe, C.'ollüis. Lanib's Wool and Merino Drnwers and Shiris, Comíoriei-9. GLiveg. &c. &c. nll of wbich will be sold very lovv for Cash. Thcy voutd respcctinlly invite all in want of realy risde gannents to cali nnd examine their stock before puichnsing elscwhere, is t has been selected wit't greal care in the Lasiern markeis, nnd manufae Ulied in ihe lbtest styles nnd most durable mnnncr. UALLOCK &, RAYMOND, Corner oí Jefierson and Avenues Detroit. Oct. ÍC. 1$4& :tn'j_ KriTÏ. li. AVIDSOIV, TT AVE now on hand a complete assortment of FALL JiJYD WINTER DRY GOODS GR OCER1ES, UABD warè,$'C. #cr which ihey will scll ihonp for ready pay. J he highcsl market price paid at all tunee lor 1 oxk and alfother kinds of produce. Ann Arlr, Lower Town, Nov. 20. 1844. .?ï Ashes, Ashes! TO any nniount wunted by BECKLEY & HICKS. Ann Arbo, Lower Town. S Grass Seeil! WANTED by BECK LEY & HICKS. Ann Afbor. Lower Town. 26 ANN ARBOR OïITmÏLC " TFE subscribeis would give notice hi ibey nre engaged in manufacturing LlfïSEEP OJfj. and are prepared io furn:sh oil of the besJ quality to mercliunts and painiers, chenp as t án be obtaned from the Eost, Oil chonged for Flax seed at the rate oía gnflon of oütor a bushei of Flax seed. Cash at all times paid lor Flax seed. ir PULCIPHER & JUDSON Ann Arbor, (Lower Village,) Sept. , .c1 ""axSratïjs, WHOLESALE AND HETAJL by BECKLEY & HICKS. Ann Arbor. Lower Town, Dcc 30, 1844;__f lYcícyaii Boots! THE Subscribers have just received o good snpply oí Wesleyan Books from Uie vepository at New York. Those wishinp to porchase yH pkwe cali and exnmmc , for themeeSvcs BECKLEY & HICKSAní Arbor,Lowcr Town, Pee. 0, 1844. 23 w


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