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Noble Men

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-Tlio Assistent Surgcoii of the 4ih Miebigaa Iufuntiy, Dr. Ciiam BEitLAix, and the aeting Assistant Surgeon of the lGth Michigan, Dr. Seülky botli reraaited on the fild after tho late butilos, iu ciro nf their wounded, anc were trken prisoners. Snob. dueds art worthy of being chroniclcd. JL3f Fifiy-tliroo memhers of the Third Michigan Cavalry woro capturec by tho rebels near Booneville, Mississippi on Saturd;iy last. - Sixtv Iudiann cavalry aro also re ported as having been captured neai Ficdericksburg, aud Forty of Hatch's cavalry ut Ora.ige Court House. L Ex-G-. Udutwelc, of Massaoliiietts, hos boon appoiiiioü Cmmiosionoi' of Intern 'il Iïuvenue, and lias entered ttpon tho discliargo of his du lies. jf GbrdönavHla has mil boen capturad !y our trortpa but s in poseasinn of a stróng rebjl iuroe. - Thi; ri'portud routing of Slorgftn in K'.'iitUfky W ilso contradicted, but u tttrge firce is aftér l.iin. f Gov. G:imble, "f Missouri, has ofdered oiit tho entire militia of the State, and mcans to clear out all the rebol guerrilla band.". Tuendrty, July 1, saw tlio inaug:ir:iti"ii of the butilo ol' Matrera lliüs tlio' last and most terrible of tlio sceni'S of earnage whieh had for whole wees dftlUü;ud the plains ot' Viririnia wiili blood. It was pnrcly au urtillery duel of the most, tci rifio eharactcr, t lui nlanlry and c:iv;ilrv beiüK kopt in rosorve and ni' tnentaiily lor action. It ís stitod tliat wc. had 110 fewer thau eigli'v caimon pla ing iircssaiitly upmi thu ciiemy, fór lioms n RUCCeSíion, and w i til sueli rup'.d ty tl) at ono and olten two discharges uiilit buen oasily eou itcJ for eac!i beat of omc's pulso. It is goiiorally capposcd ihat our gunboa is turnod tlio tid ; of' bittle on this eveiitful day; bat thso whn tonica prominent prt in tlic :iction assure nio that it was eulirely owing to uno important inovemeut whioli General MnClellao diroctod in person. Tho ppsitig furccs had boon (aeo to face fur liours, dring upoti eacl) otlier with mutual dtístructioo, wlicn Mcülellun made i flank innvement wi th o heavy battery, and, rar.ging it up on a oominonding licirht, comoieneed en filad ing tlio enetny This was obout 5 o'olock. Tho efFeot of this last attaek on tho rebtili is describid au somerbin pcrft'Ctly terrino : tboy wore niowed down like grasa by the BOythe, and fiiidinji it iiupossiblo to ivithstand SucH (tostruction, wilhdrew - thougli fightiilg dcsperatcly to tho last. It is well that tb ia should bc uuderstood, for whilst tht-re is no denving thutour ganboals rendoixd us vcry efficiënt aid, (althougb, on this occasion tbeir aid was moro moral than material,) j it is oiily fair that (ïor.. MeClellau should rot tin; ful credit of icsults duo to bis ÍWD tact sud bravcry.


Old News
Michigan Argus