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Capture Of Hamilton N. C.

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Njw York, Jalj 22. A X.swbern le'.ter of tha toni sSy, Ilamiltou, N. C. wus capturad on tlu Otlj by tin-ja of o'ir gu ib;uts, tliu Cim. modoro 1:tv, üeres,' and Sliawahen and :i campan; of H.iwkins' Zmr under Captain Himmel, on o:ir sida. ' was delende I by a regiuiont ot ty cavalry, suj purtod by a strung forcé of infur.try and ariillory, :vd a. rebol fon wáiuli comma;dtid ihcrtver. Therewn, numerous ra:iskcd butteciealong therir. tT, niid a!so a rebel ftteamer fiíled ' sliarp sliooters, Wliilo the ganboats m. tackud and dispersad tlie mun in thu bat. torifs, t lic Z.iii.ivüs advanceJ on the towi aosofbpaoicd by dctacbments froai the guu.bp :ts. Tuu fort was taken by ub ir'o, and ubo the lown. The rebel stertiuer was oapturad by oar gunboats, whogo firo dove Ikt ocuupuitsovcrb.iarj. Vj riily had ono man killet bat quite :i Dttiubur wou'.idod This victory h of muob importancia, iuuainuch as it clean thu w.iy to Weldon. It is imponible to Oütimate tin? ioss o tlie enumy, who it siul lelt soiuo forty or üi'ty doaj ou tlie fi .ld.


Old News
Michigan Argus