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Chances To Enlist

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Five recruiting offices are opon in our city, and tlic patrio! ie noed not hold back for lack of opportunity. Capt. Duane Doty has an offiee in Itoot's [lat Store, Franklin Biock. Capt. W. D Wiltsie has ono in tho Excliangc Black. Capt. R. P. CAnPENTEB has one in Cook's Hotel. Capt. Kavdall has one in Slawson & Geer's Store. These are all good oíEopis, and are recruiting for the Twentiefb lnfantry. Capt. Wit H. BzsDiER is recruiting a Cavalry eompany, and witli good suecess jL3T We have carefuily wfttiJied tlie publishtd lists of prisonërs Iio'J at Riehmond, Lut is vet hcar noliiing of our Broilier, Sergeunt J. Pona, A Jet ter fiom Col Welcii, dated tlio 15th ost , and one from Capt. Barry, givo u no deficito informa tion. Tliev expn 8 the opiuion tliat lic is a prisoiit-r. W hope for some intellgeuce tl:at will roliev our suspense. BF Kev. J. M. Ghegokv will preacl discourse iu memory of Gkorgr D Cowles, who reccntly died in the U. S General Hospital at Portsnmuth, Va., 01 Sabbath next, at 4 o'clock, P. M. iu the Baptist Cliurch. iyWe see it atinounced that Andrew DfForest, of this city, has been rocouimendcd by the Cor.gregsional delegation from this State, for Collector for the Tbird Congressional District, under the iutertial reveuuc luw Mr. DkPhsbk is o man of thorouh business habits, umiring perseverance, and will make au efficiënt officcr. Make ready for big visits. JC3J" Orderly joreunt SsTKOOB Shipman, of Co. ü, Third Michigan Cavalry, haa returned homo to recruit a few fighting incn for his regiment. He brought home over 1003, noaily all for men belonging to the company of Capt. QfACKENBusn, ruised uear Whitmore LaLe. L3f Our farmers are now in the midst of harvest. Tfce weuther ia fine, the wlient i being rapidlv cut, and we think bids fuir to be well oured. We learn that tho erop in full above the rerage in yield, and that thö beny was never of better quality. JCS" Dr. DwiaiiT D. Stebbixs, of Detroit, died at Cairo on Friday epening last. He had beeu at Coiinth, ministering to the wants of our eick soldiers. - His disease was typhoid fever wit h bloody flux. Dr. S. gruduated at tho University here, married a diughter of our fellow citizen Col. Snto.vo, and was well knowa and highly estecmed by most of our citizens. Ilis body was brought to Detroit for nterment, and the funeral obsequies took place on Tuesday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. L3C" Our áoldiers in the field are in want of pickles, ota, containing acid?, and must have thetn to save them from Bcurvy. If the farmers ia the county have cueurnbers to spare, eithor pat down in fait or already in vitiegar, they can send them to the soldiers in Vir. ginia or the Southwest by bringing them in to thSoidiers' Aid Socutv. - The SocietjjjHl see tbat salted cucumbera anpropcr]y:soakud out and piekled. Bring in your stock on hand and put up a new lot for yonrself. Green pickled beans will also be viü-y ncceptiible; also currantf, er otlier acid fruits, dried without sugar. Jell for tha siuk ore ef-pecially desired. Givo fiboruUy of your ab;:ndiineo. - In thi.s connection we sugge#t Ihnt especial care should be uíed in fendiiiLr forward suppüeo, as it is absolutelv eertuin thüt largo quantities never reach their detination - tho wek, soldiers, or even the Michigan regiment.


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