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Jornal flofe, TJie Donólas Mi moriul. The diploma of member.-íhíp uf the D-uglis Monument Asociatin, beaatifuftjr enraveJ i n tvel. abuut niño by íuv inclies in dimeqtticju is ntw ready for distnbutu n to lliu aub-criber t ' the monament fuud. Tu all paraum forw-rd.nj; to the A.sauciatit n Une Dollar or mure wi!J te scut cn'3 of iíiüjC DipUma.3, propt-rly executej. Td conírltiitora in the snm of TWO Dollars or more will bi furuJHhü'J grautuou-sly, besides the Diploma, a beauiiful imperial size STKKL KXÜKAVING OF JUDOS EOÜGLAS, 21 l'y 17 :n.-hcs, p_ibüshtd hy Marsh, Rowe k Co. Cúntribuíors' in tlie sosa of one dullar witt become Ufe m-mb-rs of !he Dongl&s Slooum n' Asaoclatíon ; in the urn uf tventy dullar.s, honurary liTe mt-nil era ani in he íuu! of one hundrdd ílulíjirs, hünorary lifc members jf the Board of Trusteen. Lucal feceivers and aulicitors for cuntribulions are be ngauthorized in the Inyal States. I';imphlels aud circulara contiiining the Organization, Coii.ititutiou, ByLaw-, and tbApps1 of thy Association, will be seat to ill whu will firwurd their addresa. Cummuncaton.-, houkl be directed to the Seirutary D. M. ÁBa'n, Chica 'O,I!1." .11 editen ho will in-crt tbii card in thcir daily, veekly or tri-weekly issues three month;, with an occa 'onal ootice to mlvanci' the object in view, will have for wui'dfl tö tlu-ni immedifvfelv Diploniüi as Ilnnorary Life ierabers cf thi.s Aabeoiatíon, also a copy of the kbove 'ortrait, up n recipt by the society of a copy of tieir paper cxn!ain!n ;; thli anniuucrment. WALT8R ií. SCATE?, President. Leonard W. Volk, Pecretary. P56m3 eféar" See a worruin, n nnother ooliimn, icking Sambuci Grupea for Ppeer's Wine. It h an admirable artiole, ub'(1 in hospitals ftnd iy first-class finnilies in Pnria, London, nnii íew York, in pivfercnce to oíd port wino. It ip worth a trial, as it gives great satisfaction. L5 If 3'0U Wb a good Toi.ic, free from aleoholic BtimulaaU, get IIOOFLAND:S GERMÁN BITTERS, llead the advertisement in another column. PRIZB POETBY. Let Cliicl't:iins boast i f derilb In war, And Mui-1, relt rheír fweet quitar, A nobli-r tlicuie in y hrart is JiHcd - In praise oí Hskjuck' naichU)efl pilla, IMu-ir cures .are fnund fn évery land - Ariiiil Kuftsia naovr - and Ifric'a ands ; Tb o "'i leus wortrt - the paper fïil, Froduced by Ujskricx's matékless i'üls. tXMH d i soase iffiici yov ? nrvor doubt Tiiis clianninii eompnuad irill search it out, And taealth aftin yeurty+iem fill, If you fly at once to HtiKKiCK't. l'illa. They'reJMtfe tot all - imtb "11 and young - Thf ir praKt'-í ure on everr tnaffsc ; iHiteaxe, iliiarnied - ii" tnnger kltls, Since we are bte.-;sf d w!th Hkiirick h Pilis. Pt 'in witli Inli.-li . w pn 11 ïsl. , Gorman and Fivneh dtrestinan. i'ricc 26 cents ptr box. Saga Coated ff#e mÏTertÏKement on tbiril page. 804 Important to Ladies. Dr. .TOIIX HAiiVKV. liaving for npwp1 c.f twerty venrn dev. tofl h- prfe)R:on(! t inr exclusivelv to tlie treatmtmof Femnle Uiilioulties, anrt haring ■ I il] IllOUéHBllB Ol CHL'.S 111 rt'tlTi 11 t ] 1 L' l 11 ic'l (■] to s'Himl lir-altli, h.i., nüw entire couüüfjiL-e in ollenng puljlicly !)is "GRBAT AWfSRrCATI REMEDT," CHRONO-ÏHERMAL FEMALE PILLS. Wiiicli ha'e nsvf r y et la i lol f wlicn tin1 direct lons liave hwn B'rkltj leilowifdti in reaaovisc diAcaltlf! :ui.-::i:; &TOD1 Obstruction, or Stoppage of Nature, r la reátorifií the yteai to [letfeet licalil., u-lnen nuf 'eiiiiff froto n'iv.m, ATTi.crir.s. I'rulai'siv I'iüki, íhí Viiiiks, iir other ol the Utkrixk ('bcaw AL-o n all ca-if DkbiutyokNehvodh ['kusthaii iv, Hys'KtiiCs, lULPiTATioxfl. Sec,, &c#, iirhicfa forerunnen if more Sfrions disen, fl. 77ri.v P2Z orr pe.rft.rtlt arñt!fí9 nu the. Cf'Vntf'ftiotit oud mm br tahen by tl t vwst de'ïcfitr. frmdle wiLk)"i causing di jrrtu; At tb kudo ime thy act LftCR a cíi.'hh ly -t eugtheniufr, iuvigt-ining. ana rwt 'ria the sy&tem ta a bealtlty coodiUnn, and by brinjiflg n the monthly poriod with r'gularitv, nn matter from whmt c.ui-jo tiionb-tructions n,iiy aviso Thfy shoul'l. howevsr, 7oi bc iaken durfag ilie first tliree nr tour ilion1 hs nf iri'nnncy , though safe at any othPi tim'% as mUearrlnflre would be ih result. EftChboii (iontans 60 l'ills. Prics Ohr Dollar, and rhen desirc'l sV be sent by muil propftkl by any auver tised Ajient. on (c'ipt of ilii mnncy tolt by in Ann Arbor J. (mr Rochetr, X. Y , Oenera 1 Aprnt II. ft L SIMUNKAÜ, Detroit, Wholesale Apent fo Michigan, SOCtf New Mecical Discovery. For iho toMéy and permanent en re of Gonnorhea, Gleet, Urethal Discharges Cj'ayel, S(rcluif( aiicl AJfecttO7i8 of the lüdneyg and Bladder wbich luis been uscd by, uwmd jf ' ONE IIÜNOIiED PHYölClANS, in thtr private piMctico, with entire success, Bupcrsni w, CoFdU. CaVsülbíí, or any compouDdhithe BELL'S SPBOIFIO PILbS, are specdy in action, oflm effeclinpa cure in a fwd.yiï. aod wht-ti .-tcuitï i-i olTcctod it is ífTManert. Thry are prepared from vegetable extract. s thut arr Iiflyulfus on the systfein, and oever aauM&le the stomnch or imprégnate the breath ; and rf-inj ear-orta ted. all naPoiiK tMteUawiAed. 'o r.kartsre of dut is rtfCeenary whilst uñhitrthem. ; nor noes iheir aetion interfe f with busiaestipurjd-ts. E.teh boxonntatni %% duzen Filis l'IÏICK OXE noiI.AH, aodwill bespnt by m iil po-1-paid by any advertised Agant, on eeceif t of the mouey. Sold by Druggists in Ann Arbor. Ncmegpnnine without m.v siBrnnture on the wrappr. J. BRYAN, Rocliester, .V, Y., iieneral Apent. H. í: T,. HHOSf.XÜt Detroit, Wholesale Agent fnT Michiffi.n, 8O6tf Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,


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